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I don't think we had one hour yesterday free from cold rain. At 20:00 last night it was still cold, wet and nasty. During the night we have had a strong blustery wind and this morning first thing it was windy but dry under a mainly clear sky. I've just looked outside and we still have the wind but it has clouded over and we have light rain. The glass is down with a bump on 988mb. The forecast is for the rain to turn to snow and persist all day. The stiff breeze with gusts will back into the NW and stay there all day giving a high of 1C and a low of -2C with a wind chill that will at times exceed 7C. I think we are looking at a very cold, nasty winter's day! If this forecast is correct Wendy as going to be snowed in! We all know how the Met Office likes to cry wolf and I hope that this forecast is an exaggeration. We'll see.....
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Post by Marilyn »

Might have to leave your pyjamas on under your clothes!
Hot toddies all round.
I feel a bit sorry for you all because we have just got back from the beach and have enjoyed an icy cold Ginger Beer...
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Post by Stanley »

I can't Maz, I don't own any. Pyjamas are a garment newly weds leave on the bottom of the bed in case of fire. It's been bed-socks for two nights.... Don't feel guilty about having good weather, just enjoy it.

The Shipping Forecast was like yesterday, gales and wintry showers in all areas except Biscay, Fitzroy and one other in the far south. It was dry when we went out for our walk so I wore my Crombie, warmer than the waterproofs. The west wind had eased and as we walked round backed into the NW and started to strengthen. By the time we were back home it was blowing harder, very cold and snowing. So far the forecast is accurate.... Deep Joy!
But, looking on the bright side, the house is warm and I can afford the bill, just. There are many who can't have this luxury and will wake to a cold house. Let's not forget them.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Post by Wendyf »

Just a light covering so far up here, but it's settling more above the 1000ft level. I'm just pondering whether to put the boys out, they stayed inside yesterday and would appreciate a leg stretch even if it's just for an hour or so.
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Post by Stanley »

If you do, the sooner the better perhaps. But I think you might get away with it, the Met Office almost always exaggerate! (Famous last words?)
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Post by Wendyf »

We've taken them out and been for a dog walk round the fields without getting too soaked, but it is bitter cold! Just noticed the boys chasing each other around at high speed, churning up the mud but warming themselves up. I'll get my stables mucked out after warming myself up with a mug of coffee, then they can come back in if it gets worse. Sunshine just now!
(I have to admit that it's not concern for my ponies...they are tough little beggars and would survive OK living permanently outside, it's more the state of the field and my own comfort that worries me! )
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Post by Stanley »

Not bad criteria to follow Wendy! I like the idea of them racing round......
We had no significant snow yesterday, just occasional flurries but hardly any stuck. First thing this morning it was calm and dry with broken cloud, a frost and a light covering of fluffy snow. The glass is is up on 1005mb. The forecast is for a dry, overcast but bright day with some glimpses of the sun, but there could be an occasional light flurry of snow/rain at any time. The wind is moderate and from the SW mainly. A high of 3C and a low of 0C with a wind chill that varies with the wind but could be as much as 6C at times. Still a winter's day but a touch kinder than yesterday.
06:10. Back in after a pleasant walk. The snow is crunching underfoot as it is frosty so with care walking is OK. The broken cloud is letting a few stars peep through and it's almost calm, the wind hasn't got up yet. So, cold and bracing, Jack enjoyed it, snow not thick enough to stop him running and he had a whale of a time!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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The snow gradually thawed and we had a bright afternoon. At 20:00 the sky was clear, it was dry and there was a light breeze. This morning first thing there was a lot more wind but it was dry and cold. I've just looked outside and it is the same, I can't see any stars so assume it is overcast. The glass is down to 989mb. The Shipping Forecast gives gales in most sea areas. The forecast is for rain/snow to come in around 7AM and persist until early afternoon when it will clear and brighten up for the rest of the day. The wind is Southerly at first, strong with gusts but later in the afternoon starts to ease a bit and become a westerly. The high is 3C and the low -2C with a 3 or 4C wind chill all day. Once again wrap up warm if you are outside!
06:15. No cobwebs on this man and dog! A blustery cold wind but dry and the cloud is broken. There is a lot of grit about, even in the town centre and the Pioneer Car Park, does someone know something we don't? Are they expecting the rain in the forecast to be snow? Time will tell......
Stanley Challenger Graham
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The snow never happened, the rain washed the salt away and it brightened up in the afternoon. At 20:00 last night it was almost calm, dry, overcast and cold. First thing this morning it was calm, clear, and a very hard frost, it's the same now. The glass is up at 997mb. Some very strong winds in the Shipping forecast. The land forecast is for it to be dry until mid-morning and then snow/rain for the rest of the day. The strong south wind will be constant, the high is 4C and the low 3C but the wind chill will be as much as 6C for much of the day so it will feel very cold. The outlook is for slightly warmer weather but not much! Wrap up warm again.
06:10. It's dry, the sky is largely clear, the wind is bitter and we have a hard frost. The ground on the Green is frozen hard and any wet surfaces are icing up including some parts of the main road exposed to the wind. I suspect a lot of the salt was washed off yesterday. Just the morning for a slippy patch to catch out the Clarkson tendency. Surprising how many of them are about early in the morning, late up and hurrying to work?
For the last few days a bilious green taxi (Delta) has been parked half on the pavement outside Osborne Terrace, this morning its rear window has been smashed.
Not a bad walk for mid February, I have had a lot worse!
10:00. Just had our late walk and done a bit of shopping on the town. Dry but that wind cuts straight through you! I think the 6C wind chill could be about right!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Yesterday was dry and cold until early afternoon, then it turned wet and cold. It was the same at 20:00 last night. First thing this morning it was still the same, serous rain and a wind driving it but not as strong as yesterday. I've just popped me head out and it's calm and the rain has ceased. The glass dropped last night to about 985mb but it's rising now and is on 992mb. The forecast is for a relatively dry day but with occasional showers and glimpses of the sun. The wind is constant, moderate and SW. It's a shade warmer with a high of 4C and a low of 1C but once again that wind chill will get to 6C at times so it will still feel cold if you are exposed to it. The Shipping Forecast is still giving winds but not as stormy as yesterday.
06:10. We had a good walk. The SW wind hasn't got into its stride, the clouds are breaking and it's dry. That's a good start to the day!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Post by Stanley »

Not a bad day yesterday. At 20:00 it was breezy, overcast but dry and cold. This morning first thing it was dry and cold with a breeze but as far as I can tell, no frost. Just popped me head out and we have light rain. The glass is up with a bang at 1014mb. The forecast is for a dry day with good sunshine. The constant SW moderate wind gives us a high of 6C and a low of 2C with a wind chill of up to 5C. This warmer trend will take us into mid week after which it will get colder, the Met Office is making vague statements about it possibly being a severe cold spell.
We were back home at 06:35 after a mainly dry walk. There was some light rain on the wind when we left the house but that soon ceased. I was surprised to find that the Pioneer car park and the pavements down to Gisburn Road were shot ice, I think this is mainly due to the moderate wind.
Other than that a pleasant surprise was the realisation that as the cloud cleared, it was definitely coming daylight before 06:30. Lovely! It doesn't matter what the weather is like, the return of daylight always cheers me up!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Post by Stanley »

Yesterday was a very pleasant day for mid February. At 20:00 it was calm, clear and dry. First thing this morning it was still clear and dry with a light breeze and no frost. Since then it has clouded over and we have rain. The glass is rock steady on 1014mb. The forecast is for rain until mid-morning and brightening up after that with some sun. The wind is in the south and will be moderate at first but dropping to light for the rest of the day. The high will be 6C and the low 2C, during the morning there could be a 6C wind chill but as the wind drops that reduces to 3C. The outlook is for this spell of milder weather to last another couple of days and then start to cool down again.
06:05. Back after an OK walk in my Crombie even though we have very light rain. They were right about the wind chill, even though the wind hasn't really got up yet it's very cold!
One good thing, one of the lights in Butts, a quite important one on the outside path past the playground, has been out for 4 months even though I have reported it twice. I had another go at it a few days ago and it was third time lucky! We have a new LED bulb in it and the whole of the path is now lit. Persistence pays. It wasn't a big hindrance for me but I can see how anyone of a nervous disposition will be delighted.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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The second half of the day was mainly dry. At 21:00 last night there was a light SW wind, it was dry and the cloud was breaking. First thing this morning we had a clear sky, light wind and no frost. It was dry but the flags were damp, there has been a light shower in the night. It's still clear and dry now. The glass is up a shade at just over 1015mb, hardly any movement. The forecast is for a quiet dry day with a uniform overcast. The wind is light and southerly giving a high of 7C and a low of 6C. There will be a slight wind chill of 2 or 3C all day. The outlook is for little change over the next few days.
Could be a good day for Dennis and Sparky if the ground is firm enough......
06:15. A quiet walk on a dry, calm morning under a clearing sky, a few stars are visible. This is a gift when we are more than half way through February. All is quiet, there was only one other person about, my mate Mark the street sweeper. Wonderful what a difference that new light bulb has made in Butts......
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Post by Marilyn »

You make it sound like my kind of holiday destination, Staanley...I love the quiet and deserted.
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Post by Wendyf »

Dennis and Sparky have gone out without their rugs this morning. For a moment they looked very naked with their pure white coats, but a good roll in the muddiest part of the field soon fixed that! Its going to take a long period of decent weather to dry the fields out.
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Post by Stanley »

Maz. it's the main reason why I like early mornings. It used to be the same when I was driving, very relaxing and conducive to deep thought!
You're right Wendy, the slightest shower gives standing water on the grass. I think the aquifers must be full!
Yesterday deteriorated into rain later on. At 21:00 last night it was calm but we had light rain. First thing this morning it was calm, mild and dry after light rain. We have gentle rain now but the funny thing is that the sky is very light. The glass is down slightly at 1011mb. The forecast is for a murky damp day with a constant light SW wind backing to west later tonight. It's mild, a high of 9C and a low of 4C with a very slight wind chill. Quiet weather and very welcome. The outlook is for it to get cooler but brighter over the next few days.
06:30. The rain soon ceased after we set off. It's overcast and misty but despite that the sky is getting light and daylight is dawning and making a difference. The sun is coming back! A quiet and uneventful walk apart from Jack going AWOL for a few minutes when he caught the scent of one of his girlfriends. Hope springs eternal in his tiny breast! No problems, he acted like a perfect gentleman.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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We had some light showers yesterday but nothing serious. At 21:00 last night it was overcast, calm, dry and mild. This morning first thing it was calm and we had steady rain. I've just looked outside and it has stopped raining. The glass is up slightly at 1015mb. The forecast is for a dry, bright, sunny day. The wind is light to moderate and NW or N giving a high of 8C and a low of 3C with up to 4C wind chill depending on the strength of the wind. So, a change but still a good day for February! I think an early walk is indicated.
05:50. A quiet pleasant walk. It's mild but the wind is cold and when you are in the firing line it can make your eyes and nose run! The sky is clearing, stars visible. Is the bright star I see at about 30 degrees inclination in the south Venus? I am serenaded every morning by a brave bird in Butts and unfortunately bird song identification is not one of my skills but this morning I saw it clearly under a street light in a tree near the steps at the side of Carlson's and it's a Robin. Such a big song for such a small bird!
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Post by Sunray10 »

Looking like we're in for bitterly cold weather next week with easterly winds, and maybe some snow too. Temps not getting above freezing according to the people at the met office. :surprised:
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Post by Stanley »

They've been giving out vague hints for a week. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
Reasonable day yesterday. At 21:00 it was clear, mild and dry with a light wind and a lovely crescent moon. This morning it is mild and dry with well broken cloud and a light breeze. The glass is up on 1024mb. The forecast is for a similar day to yesterday, dry with broken overcast and some sun. The wind will be light all day swinging from NW at the moment into NE and later E. High of 6C and a low of 0C with a 2C wind chill. could be a lot worse and the ground is drying slowly.
06:15. Calm dry mild and a clearing sky with stars visible and the sky lightening in the east. That says it all. Bugger what the scare-monger papers are telling us about what is coming down the road. One day at a time and this one looks OK.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Post by Wendyf »

Lapwings, curlews, lambs....hints of spring!
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Post by Stanley »

Do you know Wendy, I thought the same when Jack and I went out for our late walk yesterday. There was a spring feeling in the air. Wishful thinking of course, a bit too early yet but it was, as you say, a hint!
Another good day yesterday and at 21:00 it was calm, mild and dry with good clear patches and a brilliant crescent moon. This morning it's calm, mild and dry but clouded over. The glass is down a shade at 1021mb. The forecast is a cooler re-run of yesterday, bright overcast and dry. The wind is a constant light easterly giving a high of 4C and a low of -2C. The wind chill starts at 2C but later in the day is 4C. Cooler and the trend is set to continue but nothing earth-shaking!
05:55. A cooler morning and overcast but calm and dry. I have had worse walks than this in February!
Have you noticed how powerful some of the new LED security lights are? There are a couple on the hillside either side of Valley Garden and when they fire up they light the whole of the valley.....
10:00. Our second walk was in sunshine, lovely day!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Post by Stanley »

Another nice day yesterday, at 21:00 it was cold, calm clear and a brilliant half moon. I have had my walk this morning.... Actually that's not quite right, we had our usual walk and it was good, calm, a hard frost, dry and clear. The ground on the Green was hard underfoot. Only one thing wrong, I realised as I neared home that I had forgotten this is butcher's day! So we set off again and had another good walk with the added benefit that as we were walking back at 06:45 dawn was breaking and it was light. I love the return of the sun!
The glass is down slightly at 1019mb. The forecast is for a colder dry day with plenty of sun. The wind well soon strengthen to a moderate SE breeze and this will give us a high of 3C and a low of -1C with a wind that will give an increasing wind chill during the day of as much as 6C. The Met Office are openly forecasting very cold weather next week but I wish they would stop making such a big deal about it, they have forecast the coldest February for years. The outlook is colder but let's wait and see.....
10:15. We've just come in from our late walk and a bit of shopping. Very cold in the wind but there is a lot of heat in that sun especially when it's come though glass.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Post by Stanley »

Another very acceptable day yesterday. At 21:00 it was calm, cold, dry and clear with a good moon. First thing this morning it was the same but with broken cloud, a frost was developing. It's the same now but the wind has risen slightly and it's very cold. The glass is down slightly at 1017mb. The forecast is for a dry and eventually clear day with full sun. The constant moderate wind is easterly and very cold giving us a wind chill of 6C lowering the high of 4C in the full sun. The low tonight is -1C. Looks like a good day as long as you are wrapped up warm!
06:05. Back from a cold, dry walk in a rising SE wind. The cloud id breaking and it's getting light in the East. Normally a south wind means warmth but only when it's coming out of the South Atlantic or Southern Europe on the anticlockwise winds that always accompany the Atlantic Lows. We are in the grip of a massive high pressure system over Northern Europe and the winds are in a clockwise direction coming down on the far side from the Arctic then through Siberia and Northern Europe and the only place they can warm up a bit is over the North Sea which isn't much! That's why this wind is so bitter and as long as the high pressure persists we shall have to put up with it!
There is no white frost, the air is too dry for dew but the ground on the Green gives the game away, it's rock hard so don't be fooled, we have a sharp frost!
10:00. We've just had our late morning walk and the sun is just starting to show itself. The forecast was correct, that wind is cold! Nice to be back in a warm house.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Post by Stanley »

Another good day yesterday, dry, sunny and cold. At 21:00 it was almost calm, dry, very cold and broken cloud. This morning it was cold, breezy and dry with some breaks in the cloud. The glass is up to 1025mb. The forecast is for the overcast to carry on breaking up and by mid morning we will have full sun again which will last all day. The wind is a constant easterly giving us a high of 2C and a low of -2C. There will be a wind chill of 5 to 6C all day so once more wrap up warm! The outlook is for the cold to strengthen and the chance of an occasional shower of snow will increase as we get into the week.
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Post by Marilyn »

Sounds bloody miserable!
We are noticing a change of light in the mornings and evenings...getting light later...getting dark a bit earlier. We change Daylight Savings on April Fools Day.
February is generally our hottest month, so likely we won't need bedding until May. So I can still admire my hubby's naked white bum gleaming in the moonlight until then!
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