Driving FAQ

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Driving FAQ

Post by MickBrett »

Well, I had nothing better to do so....

Driving FAQ

Why do we have speed limits?

Speed limits are put in place to keep the majority of traffic at a reasonable speed.
These limits can be ignored if:
1. You are in a hurry or are late for your destination.
2. The person in front of you is annoying and you are sick of looking at the back of their vehicle.
3. You know the person in front and you want to show them your superior driving skills and power.
4. You dislike the make of car in front of you.

What are unbroken double lines for in the middle of the road?

Unbroken double lines are an indicator that extra caution should be taken when passing the vehicle in front of you.
They are also there as a warning to the person you are passing that they should be prepared to brake violently if and when you cut them off.

Why is there a "high beam" setting for headlights?

The "High Beam" setting allows you to see any approaching vehicle clearer and makes the interior of the car you are following more visible.
It is also useful as a warning to vehicles in front to increase their speed to your desired level.

What are "turn signals" ?

Turn signals can, if the mood takes you, be used to indicate that you are, or may be, about to make a maneuver.
When searching for a turnoff and you are unsure of the location, leave the turn signal on (either of them) to alert other drivers.
The use of turn signals is completely discretionary.
Remember the golden rules.
1. Maneuver
2. Adjust speed of approach
3. Glance in the mirror
4. Signal if you remember to.

What's the correct procedure when approaching traffic signals?

This really depends on how experienced a driver you are.
Often, novice drivers will be seen slowing down and preparing to stop when the green light changes to amber.
This is simply inexperience and should be actively discouraged by the flashing of headlights, sounding of the horn and pulling up as close to the the rear end of the car in front to show them how they almost caused an accident.
More mature drivers know that the green to amber change is a warning to increase your speed, even more so if the red signal lights up.
Remember! The broad white line across the road at traffic signals is there for a purpose. Never stop less than 2 car lengths past this line.

How should I drive in parking lots?

Parking lots are "neutral ground" so motorists are free to drive as and where they please.
Keep a look out for other drivers who may be driving in designated lanes.
These people have been known to collide with vehicles randomly crossing the parking lot.
When parking, aim to get the white line as near to the center of your vehicle as possible.

What about designated parking areas for disabled people.

This depends how long you believe you will be away from your vehicle once parked.
If, however, the driver will remain in the vehicle for the duration of the stop, disabled parking signs can be ignored.

What about stop signs?

The rules on stop signs are clear.
You MUST stop at them if a collision with an oncoming car is inevitable. If not procede as normal, accelerating quickly as you enter traffic.
As with traffic signals, the "2 car length" rule applies to the broad line marking at the junction.

Yield signs are for inexperienced, nervous and/or elderly drivers. Veteran drivers can ignore them completely, especially those driving SUV's and high market vehicles.

A final note.

Remember, very few drivers indeed are as good a driver as yourself.
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Re: Driving FAQ

Post by Stanley »

Unfortunately so many people on the road seem to follow those rules 100% of the time Mick. It's why I gave up driving after more miles than you can poke a stick at. :biggrin2:
Stanley Challenger Graham
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scg1936 at talktalk.net

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