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Post by Stanley »


John Wilkinson of Barnoldswick married Janet Hartley of Colne at Barnoldswick in 1613.

John Wilkinson is noted on the 1717 map of Bracewell as tenant of Yarlside Farm, Bracewell.

John Wilkinson paid land tax for Brigholme [Earby?] of 4/- In 1756 and 1757 he paid 8/- for the same property.

Thomas Wilkinson paid land tax: 1753, Earby Lane, 2/6. 1756, Earby Lane, 5/0. 1756another tax of 6/0 and ‘Late Richard Lancaster’, 5/0. 1757 and 1760: Earby Lane, 5/0; Edmondsons, 8/0; Anton’s [Ansons?], 6-0. Also…. 1753, 4/0, no location. 1756, ‘Late Hartley’s, 8/0. 1760, Walbanks, 2/0.

Thomas Wilkinson paid land tax for Barnsey Farm in 1757/1760, 1770, Paid LT for ‘Hartley’s Land’ in 1757/1760 and 1770. Also paid LT for ‘Walbanks’ in 1770.

Moses Wilkinson paid land tax of £2-0-0. No location given.

Thomas Wilkinson Senior paid land tax [In Earby?] for four properties: Earby Lane, 3/9. Edmondson’s, 9/-. Antons [Anson’s?], 4/6. No name, 6/-.

Benjamin Wilkinson pays land tax of £1-16-0 in Barnoldswick. No address specified.

Thomas Wilkinson Junior pays land tax of 10/9. No location.

Executors of John Wilkinson of Thornton are mentioned in a list of shareholders in the Leeds and Liverpool Canal Company. They had ten shares. [It sticks in my mind that these were £100 shares…..]

Edmund Wilkinson mentioned as farmer of Barnoldswick in an electoral roll. Baines directory for 1822 reports him as Gent. of Salterforth.

Thomas Wilkinson mentioned as farmer of Salterforth(?) in an electoral roll of 1807. There is also a mention of a Thomas Wilkinson in an electoral roll of Barnoldswick for the same year. Described as ‘yeoman’.

Thomas Wilkinson of Earby farmed at Higher Varges and was superintendent at the Methodist Chapel in Stoneybank Lane where his brother John was organist. He removed to Gisburn and farmed there for about 40 years.

Craven Herald, 12/08/1932. Article about the Diamond Jubilee of the Wesleyan Sunday School in Earby mentions that Richard, George and Mary Wilkinson (Mary O’ Gabriel’s) were amongst the first teachers.

First Pastor at Earby Baptist church and the man who started a day school in the vestry of the chapel was William Wilkinson. The chapel was built in 1821 with funds largely earned by William from collections after sermons he preached in Bloomsbury Chapel. He was a native of Earby and a hand loom weaver. At the time when 12 members of the Barlick Baptist chapel left to found a church in Earby in 1819 there were five Wilkinsons in the number and William was appointed pastor at a salary of £10 per annum.

John Wilkinson was mentioned as a wood turner of Thornton in Craven in Baines’ directory of 1822. In the same directory William Wilkinson is also noted as a wood turner of Earby. Also mentioned is William Wilkinson, Baptist minister.

1834 Piggott directory
Notes Henry Wilkinson as bobbin Turner of Thornton in Craven.

John Wilkinson mentioned as an elector of Salterforth in rolls of 1835, 1837 and 1841. Address given as Higher Greenhill Farm.

Thomas Wilkinson mentioned in electoral rolls: 1835 and 1837 no address given. 1837 Barnoldswick address given as Huncoat, Lancs. 1837 Salterforth address given as Lothersdale. 1841, Salterforth address is Salterforth. [confusing I know. Two Thomas Wilkinsons?]

1841 census
Booth Bridge, Thornton in Craven. Henry Wilkinson, 45, timber merchant. Margaret, 40. Elijah, 20. John, 20. Mary, 20. George, 15. Sagar, 15. Henry, 15. Vandaleur, 7 years.

1851 census
Jepp Hill, Barnoldswick. Henry Wilkinson, 65, HLW wool. Wife Hannah, 62, bread baker. Daughter Sarah, 20, PLW. Richard Collins, grandson, 2 years.

1851 census
Hartley Wilkinson of Townhead, 59, grocer. Hartley, son, PLW cotton. Martha, daughter, 18. Mary, 15, PLW.

1851 census
Benjamin Wilkinson, 44, HLW (wool) at 31 Barnoldswick Lane. Wife Grace, 54, HLW (wool). Daughter Grace, 12, bobbin winder (wool). Son Benjamin, 7.

1851 census
Booth Bridge Thornton in Craven, Henry Wilkinson, 55, master wood turner employing 6 men and 4 apprentices.

1851 census
Robert Wilkinson of Booth Bridge, 37, wood turner.

1861 census
David C Wilkinson, 36, of Ball Grove, Colne. Cotton spinner and manufacturer.

1861 census
Booth Bridge, Thornton In Craven. Henry Wilkinson, 65, bobbin tuner and farmer. Margaret, wife, 60. Henry, 35, bobbin turner. Vandaleur, 26, Bobbin Turner.
[3 apprentices and two turners living at or near Booth Bridge and two turners in Earby.]

John Wilkinson was conductor of Kelbrook Band and in a contest at Salterforth on 9th May 1868 Earby won the contest but John got the prize for the best cornet solo.

History of the Baptists in Barnoldswick, page 68. Discussing the Schism of 1868 when the church split into two factions, the history states that James Wilkinson was appointed pastor by the group which moved back into the old chapel on Walmsgate in opposition to Bennett the pastor who had caused the trouble. The Walmsgate faction were supported by arbitration by the Baptist Association but Bennett held the deeds to both chapels and forced them out. Eventually they built the North Street chapel in 1879. In between they worshipped at New Laithe on Rainhall Road [where the telephone exchange is now] In the 1871 census James is noted as being 35 and Baptist minister of ‘New Laithe Meeting House’.

1871 census
Henry Wilkinson of Booth Bridge, Thornton in Craven, 76, timber merchant and farmer of 48 acres. Margaret, wife, 74. Henry C., son, 45 bobbin turner.

1871 census
Greenwood Wilkinson of Wellhouse Cottages, Barnoldswick, 47, book-keeper. Born in Earby.

John Wilkinson mentioned as one of the tacklers at Nutter Brothers Old Shed on New Road in Earby. [CH 19/05/1935] He was a prominent member of the Wesleyan Chapel and School which he managed for many years. He was the chapel organist and his wife (Mary Ann Harrison of Kelbrook) was a leading singer. When they died they left a legacy to the Wesleyan Chapel which is the only endowment it has. In same report Richard Wilkinson (Dick O’ Bowes) is mentioned as the mill engineer in charge of the engine.

Going up the street (Red Lion Street?), in the second house of a row of four lived Vandeleur Wilkinson with a family of about ten children, mostly sons. As a businessman he was known over a large radius, as he and his brother Henry ran the bobbin mill at Booth Bridge between Earby and Thornton, and his sons were engaged with them in the business. After the death of the senior partners the family removed to Heysham, where a modern sawmill was erected for their business. The eldest son, Harry, was a pupil teacher in the Wesleyan Day School, and as a young man became H. M. Inspector, and has had a very honourable career. Vandeleur, the father, was an enthusiastic player on the violin. and the father's passion was inherited by Herbert one of the younger sons. As a youth he was a brilliant player and often appeared at local concerts to the great delight of his admirers. He later went to Germany to improve his musical culture, and he has since been engaged at Morecambe during the summer seasons, Jack, Alfred and Charlie were band musicians in the palmy days of the Earby Brass Band. (CH 26/04/1929)

1881 census
Vandaleur Wilkinson mentioned as farmer of 50 acres in Red Lion Street, Earby.

LTP/ 84/SP/01. Page 15. Stephen Pickles talks about what happened when Billycock Bracewell died. His daughter Ada got the estate but Henry Bracewell of Thornton contested the will and threw it into Chancery. Ada was penniless while the case was heard and she was taken in by Mrs Mary Wilkinson, the wife of a coloured goods manufacturer of Nelson.

Greenwood Wilkinson was a member of the Barnoldswick Local Board from 1890 to 1893. Barrett directory for 1896 records him as shopkeeper at 31 Rainhall Road. Same address in Local Board election 1890, described as gent.

CHSC minutes for 9/04/1890 record that 12/- was paid to H&V Wilkinson for a new barrow. [Henry and Vandaleur at Booth Bridge]

Calf Hall Shed Company minutes record that the old joiner’s shop at Wellhouse was to be let to Wilkinson and Barrett for £27 per annum for use as a steam laundry. No power or steam supplied except for heating, tenant to do all repairs.

Barrett directory reports Henry Wilkinson, foreman dyer of Kelbrook.

Berry Wilkinson reported as grocer and draper in Kelbrook in Barrett directory.

In 1900 Salterforth boatyard was owned by Holgate Marsden. Tom Wilkinson worked there as wheelwright and sign-writer and eventually became the owner up to the closure of the yard in the 1950s. He and his son Herbert then went to work for Briggs and Duxbury in Barnoldswick. Another son James was at one time lock-keeper at Greenberfield, Barnoldswick.

Barrett directory reports Wilkinson and Barrett at steam laundry, Wellhouse.

Eastwood Wilkinson reported in Barrett directory as grocer and draper of 33 Church Street. In Barrett for 1896 he was grocer at Townhead, Barnoldswick.

The Rev. J H Wilkinson reported as Wesleyan minister at The Manse, Barnoldswick in Barrett directory of 1902.

Ellis Wilkinson mentioned in a letter from Barnoldswick Urban District Council to Charles Blakey, Bank of Liverpool, Barnoldswick as receiving £65 per annum wage. (looks like a labourer)

CHSC minute books. 04/07/1906. Resolved that Mr Wilkinson of Nelson be permitted to make a trial to dissolve the scale in the boiler at Butts Mill.

LTP. 78/AH/06. p. 8. Fred Inman talks about first car in Earby and says that Pratt’s petrol could be bought in tins at a shop on Water Street run by Frank Wilkinson and Son who sold cycles.

Manchester Royal Exchange Directory records H G Wilkinson as representative on the ‘change for R Nutter and Co. at Grove and Albion Sheds Earby. In LTP. 78/AH/09, Harold Wilkinson is mentioned as the Manchester Man who worked with Percy Lowe, the manager for R Nutter and Co. Later Fred Inman says that Harold was the man who trained Percy Lowe at Nutters and he was Manchester Man when Nutters were weaving at Sough Bridge Mill. Article in the Craven Herald of 24/05/1935 says that Harold G Wilkinson was son in law of Rupert Nutter of R Nutter and Co. for whom he worked.

LTP. 82/HD/05. p. 19. Harold Duxbury talks about Booth Bridge at Thornton as a bobbin mill. They moved the business to Heysham in the 1920s (this was when hard woods started to be used for bobbins). He says there were three sons, can’t remember the name of the eldest but the next two were Cecil and Bevis. Cecil died in 1981 and Bevis was still alive in 1982. He doesn’t think that these Wilkinsons are directly related to the Wilkinsons at Booth Bridge in 1982 (Still there in 2002).

From OGFB. Article in Craven Herald 1944) “Old Bobbin Mill.
Close to Booth House, a little below is Booth Bridge Farm and cottages, and, the ruins of the old bobbin mill, Which 50 years ago was quite a hive of industry. The farm and the mill were in the possession of two brothers, Vandeluer[sic] and James Wilkinson, and the mill was run by their families, assisted by a few workers from Earby, usually "Top o't town-ers," where Mr. Vandeluer lived. The family was a large one, and of exceptional culture. The eldest boy, Henry, after a short career as a schoolmaster, became H.M. Inspector, under the Board of Education. The father and his son, Herbert, were accomplished violinists, and Herbert often, appeared on the concert platform in his earlier years. Jack and Charlie belonged to the Village Brass Band in its palmy days and Jack was a vocalist of repute. Owing to changing commercial conditions, the business was transferred to Heysham, where it has continued to prosper, and it is now in the charge of the younger members of the family and their children. Mr. Henry Wilkinson, is living in retirement at Didsbury, near Manchester. Mr. Henry Wilkinson, senr., lived at Booth Bridge House. His son, Henry, resides at Southport.

Charles Wilkinson mentioned in the conveyance of the White Lion Inn, Earby to Dutton’s Brewery dated 24 April 1929. Described as Bobbin Manufacturer of Dendronville, Heysham.

LTP. 78/AG/03. P. 6. Newton Pickles talks about mill closures in Barnoldswick. He says that New Coates Mill was the first to stop when Wilkinsons went out of weaving. (tenants?) A Later note in same transcript says that Wilkinson’s wove out in 1919. Walter Wilkinson was one of the bosses according to Billy Brooks. In LTP 82/JM/01 John Metcalfe says that Walter Wilkinson was manager of the Co-op in Earby at one time.

Jack Wilkinson from Nelson was a welder at Henry Brown Sons and Pickles and lived in Nelson. Travelled to work by train.

CH 10/01/1930. Reported in BUDC meeting that Walter Wilkinson had offered his house, Bank House at Coates [formerly Chris Bracewell house] as a hospital for Barlick. Banks Hill isolation hospital had been open since 1900, this was as a general hospital for the town.

CH 24/01/1930. Report of the death of William Wilkinson (70) builder of 32 Skipton Road, Earby. He was educated at Elslack school and for 40 years he was associated with the Earby Shed Company which he helped found.

CH 30/01/1931. Reporting on the More Looms dispute H Wilkinson Ltd of Sackville Mill Skipton are noted as not being members of the Skipton Manufacturer’s Association.

CH 20/04/1931. Report of a court case against Ben Lee of the Foster’s Arms in Barnoldswick for allowing after hours drinking on Sunday February 22nd. Closing time was 9pm and at 9:25 they were still drinking. One of the drinkers was John B Wilkinson a gardener of Coates, Lee fined £5 and drinkers £2 each.

CH 07/10/1932. In a report on the hanging of Albert Hoggarth, 38, of 2 James Street Salterforth at Dotcliffe Mill John William Wilkinson is mentioned as the manager.

LTP. 78/AA/03. Russell Wilkinson mentioned as the man who ran the Barber Coleman knotting machine at Bancroft Shed in 1935.

Craven Herald, 1944. Mention that Richard Wilkinson occupied the farm called Fiddling Clough at Earby at the time of the article.

Wilkinson’s Garage Earby was on Skipton Road opposite what used to be Dodgon’s smithy but at that time was another garage run by Stanley Whittaker.

Newton Pickles said that Harold Wilkinson was blacksmith for Henry Brown Sons and Pickles from 1951 until 1991 when he retired. Lived in Nelson and biked to work every day. Good smith and Johnny Pickles offered to buy him a house in Barnoldswick but he refused.

SCG/02 February 2007
Stanley Challenger Graham
Stanley's View
scg1936 at talktalk.net

"Beware of certitude" (Jimmy Reid)
The floggings will continue until morale improves!
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