Today I shall be Mainly...

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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Marilyn »

T-shirt weather here today! Finished trimming the bushes in the front garden while hubby mowed the lawns (then a rest on the bed because the spasms were back). Had our walk, in full sunshine after a socially distanced chat with our neighbour, who was full of gossip. Made a pizza for tea. Sewed elastic to another half a dozen masks - only another dozen to go now.
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Sue »


I had a real down day yesterday, its not like me to sink but I did. It was cold, wet, we had no water for several hours and then there was the farce of not lifting our local restrictions despite there being next to no cases of Covid in our area ( 0-2 are the official figures). I could not do Dance Exercise because I could not have a shower. I was feeling really trapped in a steadily deepening hole.

We tootled off to wet Hebden Bridge for lunch out when our cleaner arrived. Eating out gave us a flushable toilet. As it happens our water came back on just as we left, which meant I could do the washing on our return. I could not settle to anything so eventually set too on my Genealogy Diploma and managed two assessments. Its two weeks before I hear if I passed them. I see no problem really. I cheat. I just do the assessment online whilst referring to the written notes in the booklet ,and doing a little extra research at the same time, as so far there has been little I do not know. It does help focus my mind though.

Today is Bacup market, then back home for croissants and coffee , then prepare a picnic, for meeting Claire in the park at lunchtime. With the weather turning to autumn I don’t think there will be many more of those so unless our restrictions change meeting up with anyone will have to stop . Far too cold to meet outside.

I have tomatoes coming but the rest of my veg are a total failure. Like me they are screaming for some sun and warmth. Even the central heating came on automatically yesterday. Enough of gloom, I will try to be more cheerful today

Have a good day everyone.
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Wendyf »

Disappointing that the extra measures aren't being lifted here either Sue. My veggies both inside the polytunnel and outside have been a bit of a failure. The onions have done well but I left them in the ground too long and I have a massive drying out operation to organise. My bean plants inside have died back before the beans have matured, peas outside have done nothing, but I do have fennel bulbs outside doing well. Brassicas all looking good but the caterpillars and slugs have had ample time to feast during all the bad weather. I just want to get it all cleared up and put away for the winter!
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Stanley »

The weather is a bit depressing I admit, I class it as an extreme weather event. My heating season has started as well but thank god unlike Sue we have water.
I am, as usual, sat down having a breather after over two hours in the shed. For reasons that will be clear later it has been very stressful! But it's over now and I have reached this morning's goal.


Here's what it was all about. It involved tiny little 7BA bolts and broken taps. Thank god I am on bigger stuff tomorrow!
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Sue »

They say food is going to be expensive because of the bad weather. Picnic made, flask pf soup included this week and lovely door stop butties, plus french patisseries from our friend on the market, all cut into bite size pieces. I am not a great dessert fan but do like lemon and lime dessers as included here.
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Stanley »

I like your idea of a picnic Sue!
I shall be keeping warm and exercised, eating good grub and doing useful things in the shed. Thank God I can do a bit of normal size plain turning today. I get weary of watchmaking, I have to be so slow and careful! It would be nice if I had undistorted vision...
One of my mates suggested I should give up engine making and get a 2,000 piece jigsaw puzzle. As if! I told him that would be giving up and the start of a slippery slope to oblivion.
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Sue »


Nice picnic. The sun was shining, it was 16 degrees. We ate our food then had a walk round the park. It had a huge busy playground so Erin had a good go and many things. As well as the usual there was a fancy slide, a bit like at a swimming pool with tunnels, and a zip wire. There were a few groups of people on chairs having picnics and the children playing. They were probably much closer than they will be in school next week. We then wandered some of the paths, had a chat to a couple of dog walkers, and Erin and I pretended to be birds ( or was it planes) with flappy arms(wings) . I got some amused looks but Erin enjoyed it. Picnics seem to bring out the child in me. I have to say running with your arms flapping is quite tiring stuff. We left after a couple of hours and as we drove home there was a noticeable change in the weather, 13 degrees, cloudy and drizzly at home.

After a brew and things put away we decided to do a bit of garden tidying. We lifted three big hosta plants and split them. I replanted a portion of each in a large pot and gave the rest to neighbours, and a bag full promised to my friend Wendy

This morning is cool but sunny. I think we are planning on a walk. Later I shall do a bit of tidying of the front garden, and sometime fit in the ironing. I have no yoga today as Mandy is ‘doing Bank Holiday type things’. I shall start the day with a bath, a pedicure and a manicure

Have a good day everyone
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Stanley »

Glad the picnic was a success Sue. Your day sounds reasonably relaxing.... You were up in good time, lots of bedroom curtains will remain drawn in Barlick until late morning!
As Usual, I an having a breather after a spell in the shed. I shall post later. Now for a walk, breakfast posting and Broadcasting House on R4, a programme I always enjoy.
I noticed that it's the Belgian GP today. I shall watch quali on catch up and then the race at 06:30 when C4 broadcast the highlights.


Another small step forwards!
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Big Kev »

Hung the nameplates on the wall today. Stanley gave me these 'test' mouldings, they're from Elland Road. They've been in a box, since moving house, waiting for a suitable location. On the lookout now for some other small 'industrial' bits to hang with them :-)
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Stanley »

Nice to be reminded of a past good deed! Seeing as you have mentioned that Kev, I need two 1/2" thick, 14" X 8" hardwood bases, nicely varnished and polished and with an Ogee moulding round the edges. Any time in the next six weeks will do..... Any chance you could fit me up? :biggrin2:
Today I shall be looking after myself and quietly moving forwards in the shed. 2BA drilling and tapping today which is a size I can live with!
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Sue »


Yesterday we managed a 4.7 mile walk. It was so nice to get out. We didn’t rush, just took our time as Bob was taking photographs. The theme for the U3A photography group at the moment is DECAY . There was plenty of that around. We found some wonderful examples of building decay and industrial decay as well as plant decay. It was more than a bit wet in places and my boots started letting in water again. I shall have to attack them with dubbin again around the edge of the sole. In the afternoon I did some clearing in the back and the front garden so that the flowers that are remaining can actually be seen at their best. It got quite cool by about 4.30-5.00 pm . Its certainly gone very autumnal

Today promises to be an OK day its 6 degrees and sunny At the moment We hope to go out but have no planned destination as yet. Perhaps inspiration will come whilst we are sitting with our post breakfast coffee. I have no pilates today. Tomorrow the new programme starts with most classes being online and in the studio, I will stick to the latter for the moment.

Have a good day everyone.
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Stanley »

Almost five miles would put my lights out Sue. My version of exercise is three 15 minute walks very close to home.
Another part of my exercise regime is being on my feet in the shed for two hours each day.


Here's the result of my shed exercise today. The bars for the parallel motion and the beam are permanently fixed and will not need to be touched again, they are finished. That's nice....
The Design Committee will meet before tomorrow morning and instruct me what to do next...
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Big Kev »

Stanley wrote: 31 Aug 2020, 03:39 Nice to be reminded of a past good deed! Seeing as you have mentioned that Kev, I need two 1/2" thick, 14" X 8" hardwood bases, nicely varnished and polished and with an Ogee moulding round the edges. Any time in the next six weeks will do..... Any chance you could fit me up? :biggrin2:
Today I shall be looking after myself and quietly moving forwards in the shed. 2BA drilling and tapping today which is a size I can live with!
I'll keep my eyes open for some, don't have anything at the moment as I had a clear out when we moved house...

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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Stanley »

Thanks Kev. If anyone else cares to weigh in with some close grain mahogany I'm sure Kev would be glad to hear from you!
The design committee hasn't reported for work yet but I think connecting rods might be in the air.
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Sue »


Nice day again today I think. Yesterday was a beautiful day . We did go for a walk , and much further than intended. We drove over to Hurstwood reservoir and walked over to lower Gorple reservoir and back . It was 7.3 mikes. The views were incredible. We didn’t intend walking that far and only had a bottle of water and some wine gums😊 to keep us going. We were ravenous when we got back home at 2.30 pm . A long sit down was required afterwards, and then I did a little sewing.
I have been having a quiet chuckle to myself whilst writing that first paragraph. I had to stop several times to answer questions from a cousin in California . She has started teaching Sociology on ZOOM and wanted help describing in laymans terms what goes on the X and Y axis of a chart. She kept saying TEST ME, now she is chatting to me so this is taking time to write, but its good to keep in touch.

So as for today, no plans as such at the moment. One of my legs aches rather from yesterdays walking, so we will not be doing a 7 mile walk. We need to pack as we are going to Filey tomorrow and staying till Friday.

Have a good day everyone
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Stanley »

"We did go for a walk , and much further than intended"
Did the map reader fail? 7 miles wouldn't do for me Sue, I'd have more than one dodgy leg!
As usual I am having a sit down to recover before going on my second walk, less then a mile and at a very leisurely pace. I don't do brisk these days! I've had over two hours in the shed and will post later.
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Wendyf »

I'm happy with walks around 5 or 6 miles, any further and I don't want to do anything else that day! Strangely, I find flat walks more tiring than hilly ones. Our favourite walk at the moment is an almost 6 mile road walk round Lothersdale in a clockwise direction with a brisk, heart pumping climb up Sidegate Lane and then it's level or downhill all the way home.....which is nice. :smile:
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by PanBiker »

I can go uphill better than down because my toes not working on the right has a negative impact, seems a minor thing but it does make a big difference. First time out for some new boots yesterday. My KSB's have failed on a top seam on one boot so will no longer turn water. Got some lightweight waterproof boots from Go Outdoors. OEX, which is an in house brand from the supplier. Vibram soles which I prefer over all other compounds. Just did a 3 mile circular up around Hollins and they are quite comfortable and will be even more so when they have a few more miles on them. We are planning a few walks on our camping trip. :smile:
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Stanley »


Two hours in the shed turning a piece of scrap into a connecting rod. I like making silk purses out of sow's ears!
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Sue »

Bob had planned a circuit of 6 miles, the top end of our comfort zone . Our map showed a path down to Lower Gorple reservoir then back up on to the main path cutting a huge corner off. We found the path but it disappeared so we had to retrace our steps adding mileage on . Later when we reached where the path should have come out we could see the same. The path went so far then disappeared into a muddy mess. The next corner cutting route could also not be found. It looked very overgrown although we did see two runners who seemed to be on it. The last loop to the reservoir next to Hurstwood was clear but very narrow rough walking. So our walk was longer than expected because paths had either disappeared or were too wet to . Surprisingly we weren’t particularly tired till we stopped, but we were hungry.
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Marilyn »

The new mattress arrives this afternoon ( yippee! Can’t wait!) so we have taken the old one off in preparation. Our sheepskin under blanket is outside in the sunshine ( I can’t wash the darn thing because it is just too heavy). A day in the sun will do it the world of good though and it is quite windy today so that will help freshen too.
Next thing may be new pillows, but I just want to appreciate the mattress first.
Dave lifted our bed base and it has all been hoovered and washed underneath.
They take the old mattress away of course, and it actually looks brand new still. It is a shame it “gave” in all the wrong spots for me.
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Stanley »

Ignoring my tummy which is grumbling. Can't for the life of me think why. It will pass. :biggrin2:
Shed obviously. Look in your coal sheds for a bit of good wood!
Later, as happens at times, domestic matters override my desire to get in the shed. I have had to bow to the pressure to do some cooking. I have decided that a mutton stew is in order and have started one off in the slow cooker with mutton, onions and tomatoes with the usual condiments. As I am in domestic mode the next move is to vacuum. The necessities of life can't be ignored!
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Sue »


A beautiful morning. Yesterday was a nice day too. In the morning I did some washing, and finished my tracksuit, which actually has turned out more like a casual lounging around in the evening item of clothing. Later in the day Bob and I went over to his deceased friends workshop and took out some of the last remaining items. They are now in the model engineers hut with a voluntary money box next to them. So far these little items have raised £55 from casual sales. Not bad for screws, old tools, bits of metal. I am derogatory, everyone seems delighted with the treasure trove and as we left items were being sorted through. We then delivered our dug up hosta plants to our friends. On returning home we packed for our trip away, and I tidied my sewing room, putting away the ironing board and sweeping the floor.

In the evening I chatted to Eve and Briony on whats app with a promise to phone them tonight from Filey after their first day back at school. Eve seemed a little apprehensive, but excited with her first day at high school.

Its the dentist for me this morning to discuss this returning blister in my mouth and to ask WHEN they will do something about the painful tooth that brought us back from France. We are leaving for Filey straight after the dentist.

Have a good day everyone
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Stanley »

In days gone by there would have been no argument Sue, an extraction would have been the most likely solution. From what they told me tha last time I was at the dentists, it needs two dentists to agree before a tooth can be pulled today. Being a cynic, I have a feeling that dentists see a tooth pulled as a source if income lost. I could be wrong of course but that has certainly been the case since I had all mine out when I was 23, my top set is 61 years old and still serving me well. Question as far as you are concerned is are they turning a blind eye to your pain until they are forced to act? Whatever, I wish you all the best and a resolution
I have vacuumed and mopped the vinyl in the kitchen with stable disinfectant, I love the smell! As an indication of how serious this spell of domesticity has been I ditched my old Vileda mop head and fitted the new one I had in the drawer. It was time!
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Marilyn »

Last time I had a tooth pulled was about 8 years ago when I split a tooth in half eating a cracker biscuit. Polish lass, quite a big lass actually, put her knee on my chest and pulled and pulled until she exhausted herself. I had to go home and come back two days later for her to have another go, which was just as aggressive, but successful. With my dread of dentists and my slight OCD, it was a stressful time, but I felt the relief instantly once she got it out, and my first words were a heartfelt “thank you”!
I would hate to think what my blood pressure reading was when I turned up the second time...I cannot stand visiting a dentist or doctor. It really stresses me.
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