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Post by plaques »

In my above post (Nearer Home) I mentioned that the population of Pendle was stagnant and against all logic the Conservative council chose to offer an increase of 8% for the Pendle plan. Charts published by the LCC show the mid year population estimates for Pendle Link on the chart below it shows the range of population movement over the years starting at 2004 with a population reduction of 1,139 on the previous year it then increased to a maximum in in 2011. Since then its been in decline to the present day falling below the lowest point in 2004. All this information has been available to Pendle council but from the choice of +8% its doubtful if they ever read it.

Population 3.jpg
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I just watched the last couple of hours of the Pendle Council Annual meeting.

Interesting - but not so to many in Pendle I suspect. The world wide audience was just 96 views. I didn't catch it all, but heard no mention of Plaque's concerns about housing. I came in as they were discussing Palestine for some reason, and of course Ukraine.

Councillor David Whipp called a Tory a 'panjandrum' in a less than complimentary way. I think it's visceral. :smile: Some dramatic personal anecdotal evidence from Councillors' recent personal experience, about the current overloaded local NHS, which sounded quite bad.

Some of the ussues were (in my opinion) more suited to national debate rather than local - proportional representation for instance.

The new Mayor of Pendle is one Councillor Yasser Iqbal, an impressive figure and speaker, who I see is a barrister, who has pomised to represent (pro bono) anyone who has had their car damaged by the pothole crisiswhich the Council has failed to repair. That should keep him busy, and Clr Whipp happy. :smile:

You can watch it over again here.
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Post by Stanley »

You lead an exciting life David, watching Pendle Council meetings......
Ken, your point about increased burden on the poor because they only buy the essentials which have gone up most is well made. It is shameful how the sharp increase in poverty is being ignored.....
Re. Pendle Housing, I was talking to a farmer who is affected by the housing application for Barnsey Shed site and she says they are still pressing forward with the 200+ houses on the site.
Later.... News that Johnson is rearranging the deck chairs at Downing Street in response to the news that the Met have finished their investigations of Partygate. We are also told that Sue Gray's report will be published next week. We wait and see how much Johnson has dared to edit it (if not him, via intermediaries). I predict he will simply brush it off as usual and nobody will drag him to the bar of public opinion. Meanwhile, workers at Downing Street who have been fined say that excluding Johnson from more fines is a joke and obviously shows that they have been 'influenced'.
However, I have news for him, it will all come back to bite him in the end..... These things always do.
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Over the past weeks a number of MPs have made suggestions of how to cope with the cost of living crisis. Many of these are now well known and have been in the media for some time. just ruing through them we get...

Get a better job or work more hours.> Conservative MP for Redditch in Worcestershire Rachel Maclean
Learn to cook. > Lee Anderson: Tory MP.
Buy value food. > George Eustice, Environment Secretary.
Rent out your granny flat. Tory MP Jackie Doyle-Price,

The latest is Buffoon Johnson with. Eat less and lose weight.

These pearls of wisdom are set against ruling out of a windfall tax on energy companies because its note part of the Conservative ideology So there you have its better to let people fall into poverty than tax companies who are making £Billions through making them poor in the first place.

When are people going to wake up to the fact that this government doesn't care about ordinary people.
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I'm 'woke' thanks Ken! I note more and more Tories are talking about whether actions are 'The Conservative Way'. They seem to think they are being good for the country and kind to the poor even if it takes ;tough love'.
Well, I have news for them, they are still the Nasty Party and prove it by their actions every day. Look at your list of helpful tips above if you want evidence.
See THIS BBC article which suggests Sue Gray wants to name names in the cases of major rule breakers in Number 10. There will be much muttering behind the arras this weekend! See THIS
latest news about Sue Gray wanting to meet the PM about publishing photos..... LINK.
On the NI question, this is an interesting interjection from the US. Nancy Pelosi has added her voice to warnings about changing the protocol and weakening the Good Friday Agreement. Again we get the threat, of no trade deal if Johnson goes forward with action on the protocol and gets flak from the EU.
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Stanley wrote: 21 May 2022, 02:43 On the NI question, this is an interesting interjection from the US. Nancy Pelosi has added her voice to warnings about changing the protocol and weakening the Good Friday Agreement. Again we get the threat, of no trade deal if Johnson goes forward with action on the protocol and gets flak from the EU.
In terms of a trade war the EU has two options ...

1) To withdraw from the current agreement completely on a 12 months notice which would affect their own trade but not as badly as our but allow the media to paint them as villains bent on taking unjustified revenge on the UK.
2) Targeted action on specific items on a 6 months notice which would probably minimise the damage to themselves but cause maximum affect in the Tory heartlands.

The EU has shown that when it comes to trade they establish long term plans and follow them to the letter. Contrast this with Johnson's approach of winging it as he goes along with no forward planning but just aspirational promises. The money is on the targeted approach which is quicker and of a time scale where people can remember what its all about.

The whole outcome of Johnson's threats can only lead to higher prices and a reduction in GPD making any economic growth impossible. So much for
'the party of business and safe it their hands'.
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There is a third option of course which would be to ask if we could rejoin. They won't admit that the advisory referendum vote has failed though will they?
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Post by Stanley »

No way they'll ever do anything practical like that.....
"Contrast this with Johnson's approach of winging it as he goes along with no forward planning but just aspirational promises."
As usual Ken, that hits the nail squarely on the head. Forward planning would require hard work and cooperation with others, Johnson doesn't do either of those. The Oxford Union mode of debate only needs outrageous rhetoric, Latin quotations and bad jokes. He can pump all of those out ad lib with no hard work needed.
He is beyond a bad joke, he's actually a subversive influence on society and the economy at large.
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Post by Tripps »

Stanley wrote: 21 May 2022, 02:43 There will be much muttering behind the arras this weekend!
I thought at first this meant Arris which I knew was somehow connected with a building, and seemed to make sense - however a quick Google shows that Arras is a thing and is quite different.

Another brick in the wall of knowledge. You don't get this sort of thing on Facebook. :smile:
Late PS from the night shift.

Reports that Boris will throw Simon Case (Cabinet Secretary, and head of the Civil Service), under the proverbial bus to escape sanctions on Partygate. Would that be the Simon Case who was replaced by Sue Gray as the chief investigator into the matter when it was 'whistle blown' that he had attended parties himself? He must have been aware of that at the time, so what does it say about his integrity that he took on the job knowing that he himself had been involved ? :smile:
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See THIS David. The scene in Hamlet where Polonius was stabbed behind the arras and the source of the quotation that triggered my usage.

See THIS for an account in the Guardian of how the Gray Report has already put the cat amongst the pigeons even before it's published. There are other accounts of Johnson and Gray differing about the report and the origin of their meeting. Her office says it wasn't her who initiated it.
There will be much use of the phrase 'damage limitation' in Downing Street over the next few days.
Will this topple Johnson? I don't think so he has inured the public to hearing unpleasant news about their leaders, the backbenchers only have one thought, job security and Starmer isn't strong enough to grasp this weapon and pin Johnson down with it. Johnson will canter into the future chortling and convinced he can act even more outrageously. It reminds me of a Beano story about Lord Snooty..... but this is not funny.
Later.... Sunak to impose a windfall tax? Surely not.... Could this be a U Turn?
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Stanley wrote: 22 May 2022, 02:52 See THIS for an account in the Guardian of how the Gray Report has already put the cat amongst the pigeons even before it's published.
The big thing is whether the photos will be published in full or will some be redacted as pictures take in private surroundings. For those in the know the pictures would identify individuals without publishing names. No10 will be pondering whether it is better to publish them themselves in full or wait until some disgruntled bottom feeder sees it as being unfair and publish the themselves in which case it could rumble on for months.
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Post by Stanley »

That's a good point Ken..... :biggrin2:
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See THIS. What is it with Crispin Blunt, every time we hear his name it's because he is rowing upstream.... He must have a very boring home life.
I heard a commentator describe Johnson's way of counteracting criticism as being 'The Long Grass' strategy. Lovely use of language, says it all in three words.
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The words poverty and fuel poverty are hitting the headlines. Here's a quick resume of there meanings...

Poverty.. The exact meaning of poverty has been debated for over 150 years. Time and living styles are constantly changing and set values are always changing but amongst most western developed countries the general meaning is... Where household income falls below a level that the individual or family cannot enjoy many of the accepted features available to the general population.
There are many factors which alter the poverty level. Different people have different demands so we have to accept there is no exact definition

Fuel poverty. This is a more closely defined standard with the current definition reading...

This new definition states that a household is said to be in fuel poverty if:
They have required fuel costs that are above average (the national median level), and.
Were they to spend that amount they would be left with a residual income below the official poverty line.

Fuel poverty in England is measured using the Low Income Low Energy Efficiency ( LILEE ) indicator. Under this indicator, a household is considered to be fuel poor if: they are living in a property with a fuel poverty energy efficiency rating of band D or below.

Not an easy concept to grasp but basically saying if the household was to maintain normal acceptable heating conditions then their remaining disposable income would take them below that of a normal standard of living.

As always nothing is ever simple in this bureaucratic world.
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Post by Stanley »

One of my most trusted sources is the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and if you go HERE you'll find their latest definitions set out very briefly and clearly. Here's the headline.
"More than one in five of the UK population (22%) are in poverty– 14.5 million people. Of these, 8.1 million are working-age adults, 4.3 million are children and 2.1 million are pensioners."
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Post by Tripps »

Everything is relative isn't it? My pay when I first joined the army was £30 per month plus bed and board.
Less 6d a week for 'barack room damages'. :smile:

I think nearly everyone shown here Lend With Carewould change places with someone in 'poverty' in this country.

We take a lot for granted - even those in 'poverty' get free primary education and health care - not so everywhere, that's why the dinghys are full. For example from Vietnam.

"Mrs. Thanh is requesting a loan to buy school supplies and pay tuition for her three children.
Her children are planning to go to colleges in the future".
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I'll admit David that I sometimes watch 'victims of poverty' being interviewed for a vox pop and wonder whether the want of a 50" plasma screen TV or a foreign holiday is seen as poverty. But then I hear accounts of mothers going without food to feed their children or facing eviction and I think that counts as genuine poverty. What makes it worse is that UK poverty is experienced in a society where the ability to consume is the ultimate mark of social status, the Kardashian family and similar are the 'celebrities' so many people admire and aspire to join. And on every side we are assaulted by advertisements for gambling and news items about £184,262,899 being won on the Euro Lottery (May 22 this year)
You are right, we take a lot for granted but when you study the work of organisations like the Joseph Rowntree Foundation who started publishing reports on poverty in the late 19th century you realise that they are reporting the same causes over and over again. My current hatred is for in-work poverty. People like Johnson cite high employment as an achievement of the Tory government but never mention how many 'working families' are facing cold houses, hunger and eviction for rent arrears. These are not comfortable times.....
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We are constantly told by Boris Johnson that the economy has recovered from the covid virus and along the Brexit advantages, they have set up a dedicated unicorn watch, that the value of exports + imports are also at the previous level. The problem here is that exports are down and imports are up.
Rather than looking at a snapshot figure in time the economists are now looking at trends
The first chart shows our abysmal GDP performance when measured as a year on year percentage increase. The UK now considered the sick Man of Europe.
sick Man of Europe.jpg
Using the same approach to GDP after Brexit, nobody yet spotted the unicorn, the UK is at the bottom of the table.
sick Man of Europe 2 .jpg
On inflation looking at the core values ie: the general basket of goods less food and energy shows that even if everything got back to where it was before the latest energy crisis the UK would have the highest inflation rate.
sick Man of Europe 3 .jpg

The underlying problem is do people believe what Boris is telling them or against all odds do they believe what they are seeing to prices in the shops?
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Post by Stanley »

Those are revealing and frightening figures Ken. I knew the economic miracle was a lie but my god it's one of epic proportions. Has Dr Joseph Goebbels beaten into a cocked hat!
I have only one response, "Tin Hats on Lads!!!!"
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See THIS BBC account of today's publication of Sue Gray's report. Lots of media frenzy but as you know my belief is that the Buffoon will charge forward ignoring criticisms and in the end the Tories will be too fearful of losing their cushy jobs to raise any protest either through the Committee on Privileges or the 1922.
What I really want an answer to is why does there seem to be no difficulty in Number Ten about mixing booze and work? Even in what seems to be regarded as 'permissible practice', wine and snacks in the office seem commonplace. This isn't the sort of work environment we were used to! I think a bit of good old-fashioned workplace discipline is needed. Westminster isn't a parallel universe and shouldn't be treated as such.
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In my days consumption of alcohol in the work place was instant dismissal. Even if the gate security reported someone who looked worse for wear they would be stopped and in most cases sent home.

On workshop discipline I once visited an old outfit that did excellent precision equipment, it was brew time and they were all sat at their benches in complete silence. The foreman stood up, dressed in white smock and bowler hat tapped his cup on the bench and without a word being spoken work started again.
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Post by Tripps »

Just heard that the report which was expected to be with No 10 at 6.00 am has not yet arrived. Also heard George Eustice say it will be delivered this week, probably today. I wonder if Laura Kuensberg's Panorama offering last night has had an effect.

Interesting times. . .
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Post by Stanley »

Ken, I must get a bowler hat before I die!


Johnny Pickles relaxing in the shed at Federation Street with the clock he made for Holy Trinity Church.....
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Post by PanBiker »

Boris Johnson's statement to the house on the Sue Grey report. What can I say? Dishonest, despicable and dishonourable.

On the one hand he says he had no knowledge of what was going on but was certain that they were working extremely hard so not surprised that transgressions took place! I wonder if the NHS staff at the time who were working 72 hour straight shifts and sometimes more would tend to disagree.

He apparently takes full responsibility for all who work in Downing Street but sees no reason to resign. I had to turn it off, I was getting too angry. :furious3:
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It is now revealed that Sue Grays investigation stopped when the Met opened their investigation. Consequently a bash at Boris's pad which has been dubbed "Abba Gate" was not looked at and reported on. How much more of this crap and dishonesty do we have to put up with? :sad:
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