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Screeching U turn. . :smile:

Nadine Dorries (10:41am): "The last thing I would want to do is cause a by-election in my constituency"

Nadine Dorries (2:50pm): "I have today informed the chief whip that I am standing down as the MP for Mid Bedfordshire, with immediate effect"

It has still not been made clear (to me at least) whether that's because she has got a Life Peerage, or because she hasn't, and is sulking.

My money's on hasn't. :smile:

PS They say Boris has given an honour to his 'hairdresser' Kelly-Jo Dodge If I was she, I'd have insisted on a non disclosure agreement. She may never cut another head of hair ever again. If that was a haircut - I'd be suing. :smile:

Now Sarah Vaughan Brown, a former personal adviser (about what?) to Mr Johnson's wife Carrie.has also been honoured. - Naturally.


Busy day today - Boris has now ' done a Dorries' and resigned his seat with immediate effect. Jumped before he was pushed? When's the election? :smile:

He seems a little bitter- and hints this not the end.

"It is very sad to be leaving parliament – at least for now – but above all I am bewildered and appalled that I can be forced out, anti-democratically, by a committee chaired and managed, by Harriet Harman, with such egregious bias."
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As soon as I turn my back on them....... Look what happened after I went to bed!
Of course it's partially a result of Partygate but more than that it is the first sign we have seen for a long time that decent standards of behaviour do matter and can't be blustered to one side whenever it suits those in high office.
"The Electoral Reform Society campaign group said Mr Johnson's resignation list "demonstrates just how discredited and partisan the honours system has become". "It's time to end this rotten system of patronage and replace the unelected Lords with a smaller elected chamber, where the people of this country - not former prime ministers - choose who shape the laws we all live under," its chief executive Darren Hughes said."
There is the hope that this list can be a further nail in the coffin of the 'honours system'. Mr Hughes is quite right.
PS. I note that you were correct in your assumption David. Mad Nad didn't get the honour she was expecting and is resigning with immediate effect so that's at least two by-elections; hers and Johnson's seats.
The big question is, will Sir Jacob feel he has been short changed?
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Boris Johnson has gone. The details how he misled parliament, not intentionally of course, have yet to be published. Unfortunately 'Get Brexit Done' is still with us. He may have inadvertently misled parliament but Brexit was built on a pack of lies. Every promise from cheaper food, higher wages, bigger GDP and the biggest con of all more investment in the NHS have all failed miserably. Rishi Sunak has made it clear that a trade agreement with America is off the cards for at least two years and probably longer unless Mad Max Trump becomes President again. So what is the purpose of Brexit? The right-wing ERG are still in charge of the Conservative party and are still pushing to remove all workers rights , ie: make people poorer. A reminder at this point is our Pendle MP Andrew Stephenson is a staunch Brexit man. What we are seeing now is privatisation by stealth. All investment decisions are made by Consultants who in turn point at more privatisation, the market knows best. World wide countries have been encouraged to borrow at low rates and the surprise surprise interest rates rise and like home buyers they are shafted.
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I have just heard a report that Nigel Adams, MP for Selby and Ainsty, who had said he was not standing at the next election had tweeted that he is resigning his seat with immediate effect. So that's three by-elections.
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See THIS for the latest rehash of Johnson's retirement and the consequences.
It is clear there is deep - and wide - anger, if not surprise, at the way Mr Johnson and his allies have criticised the Commons Privileges Committee and the integrity of its members, who are duty bound to put party affiliation to one side, and not speak publicly about their report until it is published. Announcing his resignation as MP for Uxbridge and South Ruislip late on Friday evening, Mr Johnson issued an eviscerating 1,000-word statement.
Worth saying again that the majority of members of the PC are Tories. Yet it would appear that their report was going to be serious enough to possibly trigger a by-election anyway.
Does anyone seriously doubt that Johnson attempted to save his bacon by lying about the parties? I think the public focus more on his other lies than any technical breach of the house rules.
It seems to me that his intention now is to cause the maximum of problems for Sunak in the hopes of a general party revolt during which (in his head) he steps in and retakes the leadership. That being the case, look for more of his supporters acting to reinforce this. Sunak is in for a rough ride.
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Meanwhile the search is on for Sunak to be seen to be doing something that panders to populism without altering the austerity dynamics. The really big problem is to do something within the next 18 months that will take years to unravel. Equally Starmer's problem, assuming he forms a government, is to get the NHS and social services up and running again in such a way they can't be asset stripped should the Tories ever get in power again. Possibly the only way is to go for proportional representation where the big parties will never have absolute power again. Meanwhile the cost of living will continue to escalate making people poorer by the day with the usual promises that good times are just round the corner you have suffered the pain enjoy the gain.
Oh' by-the -way all that corruption that went on while i was Chancellor is nothing to do with me.
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I think more will be heard about all this - and to think - I praised Nicola Sturgeon for the clear unambiguous answers she gave when questioned not so long ago - I may have to refer myself to Cynics' School for retraining. :smile:

That wasn't long ago - only about two months - and now Nicola Sturgeon has been arrested.

Must be serious - it's a Sunday. :smile:
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We've enough problems of our own David without speculating about Scotland!
See THIS for what I see as the most significant headline at the moment.
Former Cabinet minister Jacob Rees-Mogg has warned the Conservatives against any attempt to block Boris Johnson if he seeks to stand in another parliamentary constituency. Mr Rees-Mogg told the Mail on Sunday that to do so could plunge the party "into civil war".
The Far Right of the party are out in the open issuing instructions to Sunak. This is why we are hearing nothing from him at the moment, he is too busy firefighting inside his own ranks. Any progress he was making in re-uniting the Tories has been destroyed by the events this weekend and will be made even worse by three by-elections. Especially if one is contested by Johnson which seems as though it might be on his agenda.
It looks as though Johnson's contempt is not limited to non-Tories. His Bullingdon tactics are directed at everybody.
Bit of a bloody mess I reckon.....
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What's going on in Scotland is important to the numbers in Westminster. A partial collapse of the Scottish National Party could see more Labour MPs in the Commons.

90% of media cover is now pure speculation. IF, if, if, meanwhile the UK is sliding into oblivion. 'We have a cunning plan' which seems to be that they are making Sir Jacob William Rees-Mogg the spokesperson for the Tory party. God help us.
Meanwhile somewhere in the No10 bunker Sunak gets one of his minions to spew out the well worn one liners.

A government source rejected that and said Mr Sunak was focussed on delivering "what the British people want."

This is one instance where I think Sunak is right. Polls are showing that the 'British People want a Labour government. Sunak and the right-wing ERG are doing everything to make sure this happens.
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I take your point about Scottish Labour Ken. I hadn't thought of that.
I think THIS ticks a lot of boxes and for once I believe Sunak. There was speculation at the time that the vetting committee had thrown Mad Nad's peerage hopes out and what Sunak says bears this out together with another seven of Johnson's nominations. (Please can we be told who they were?)
Of course Johnson disputes everything that Sunak says but as I say, I think Sunak is nearer the truth. What is certain is that the Tory Party does not need this argument but Johnson will pursue it as what he is really after isn't simply to stay in the House but to engineer Sunak's downfall so that he can step in a reclaim the Leadership of the Party.
In other words our politics is being run not in the interests of the country but Johnson. Johnson sees nothing wrong in this as he has complete contempt for anyone else and truly believes that he has a right to manipulate the governance of the country to serve his ends. That's the real tragedy in all this, the country loses out while Tories squabble over power. It's been run like this for the last 13 years.
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Johnson has finally submitted his letter of resignation as an MP. That's it he's now officially a nobody like the rest of us.

Johnson claims that the findings of the Privileges Committee were a labour stich up.

Here's the whole sorry story.

Johnson was thrown out as Prime Minister by his own Conservative MPs.
A vote in parliament to refer it to the privileges committee was unanimous, The Conservative MPs could have thrown this request out.
The privileges committee had a majority of Conservative MPs which again were unanimous in finding that he lied to Parliament.
The privileges committee made a RECOMMENDATION which could have been rejected by Parliament but Johnson resigned before it got that far.
Even if Johnson had to stand again he had a last time majority of 7,000 he could still be an MP.

The Conservative Party and the Conservative public had clearly had enough of his broken promises and lies and threw him out. Even Nigel Farage doesn't want anything to do with the toxic Boris.
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Don't discount the effect the weirdos could have Ken. People like Rees Mogg, Redwood and Francois. They are rabid and may not act rationally. Lets see how this lot plays out during the week. One thing is sure and certain, the rift is out in the open now. It's Sunak v. Johnson to the death!
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See THIS BBC report that Johnson has sent a 'last ditch' letter to the Privileges committee but there is no clue on what subject. They say they may delay publication of the findings. Johnson promises to counter-attack when they do publish. The matter still occupies centre ground in UK politics.
We have had word from Andrew Bailey at the BofE which basically says "I told you not to ask for a pay rise". The continued rise in inflation is being put down to excessive pay rises.... So there, it's all your fault!
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Mad Nad hasn't submitted a letter of resignation only that she has said she is resigning. Perhaps she thinks she can blackmail Sunak into making future promises of a Peerage. How much longer has Joe Pubic to suffer this self interest while the country goes to the dogs?

Sunak's rubber boat plan is working. The PLAN is to frighten asylum seekers with gaol and then deportation so that they won't come. This plan seems to work while the weather is bad but come the sunshine it falls apart as everyone predicted.

Pay rises are reported at 7.2% (prior tax) inflation is 8.7%. Anybody who is lucky enough to get 7.2% rise has just accepted a 1.5% cut in their standard of living. The Bank of England is saying this is not good enough and will put interest rates up. This looks like a smokescreen to cover the fact that the Bond market is going into a free fall. And who's fault is that? but we have avoided a recession with a growth of... +0.2%. STANLEY HOLLOWAY: My Word You Do Look Queer. You do look Well.
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Morning Ken. I feel sure that Mad Nad is being put up to delaying her resignation as she could then speak in any debate on the findings of the Privileges Committee. Also if she delays long enough it takes the election into Party Conference territory and means the Boris Question can be kept on the boil.
For a good précis have a look at THIS.
in the meantime, as she remains a member of Parliament, she can turn up in the House of Commons chamber to make her views known. Anything she says would be covered by parliamentary privilege, allowing her to be outspoken on any issue, without fear of legal consequences. The report on whether Mr Johnson misled MPs over lockdown parties is expected to be published later this week and debated by MPs soon after. If she so chooses, Ms Dorries could take part in that debate. It is not clear what her intentions are, though. If her formal resignation is tendered soon, it could still be possible for all three by-elections to be held on 20 July. But while she keeps her party waiting, the capacity for mischief exists. A Conservative Party source said: "We don't know why Nadine hasn't resigned. "But we don't want to hang around, we want to get on with those things." The Conservatives - who are trailing Labour in national polls - wanted to conclude swift campaigns before Parliament's summer recess and for any political pain from the by-elections to be short and sharp. But if Ms Dorries keeps her party waiting, she could force them into a potentially divisive by-election later on - for example, ahead of the autumn party conference season.
In other words, another Tory using the House for selfish ends and not the good of the country.
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Stanley wrote: 14 Jun 2023, 09:18 Mad Nad is being put up to delaying her resignation as she could then speak in any debate on the findings of the Privileges Committee.
Or perhaps she has realised that when she is not an MP any more - she just a 'peasant like all the rest of us. The long coveted - fully anticipated - and well deserved (she thinks) peerage, will never happen now. Unless Boris comes back - no one else cares.

All she can look forward to is Strictly Come Dancing - or the Jungle (again). :smile:
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Later that same day, in another part of the forest. . .

PS - Seems that Sir Bernard Jenkin who was on the Privileges Committee which has done for Boris, is allegedly guilty of the same offence.
Weapons grade hypocrisy. Crowded party which may even involve the Deputy Speaker Dame Eleanor Laing.

Even the BBC is reporting it - and giving credit to Guido Fawkes website for this gem. Was that the content of Boris's late night letter?

Jenkin is in hiding . Fascinating. . .

Now Nadine enters the fray - I sense her 'resignation may be delayed further.

PS Nadine Dorries has written to the Clerk of the Privileges Committee, Dr Robin James, about Bernard Jenkin. He has confirmed that he has referred the matter to the Harriet Harman, the chairwoman of the committee. The predator has become the prey…


Later in the same part of the forest. Letter from Boris to Chair of the Privileges Committee. 8 pm'ish.

Dear Harriet,
You will no doubt have seen the reports in today’s media concerning Sir Bernard Jenkin. It has been reported that he attended a rule-breaking birthday party event when London was in Tier 2 restrictions. The reports suggest alcohol was served at the event and that it broke the rules on numbers. To my knowledge, as of this point, he has made no attempt to deny the allegations.
And yet at no time has he seen fit to tell you, or the House of Commons about this alleged gathering. He has repeatedly insisted that any such breaches are a matter of the utmost gravity for any public servant.
If indeed it is the case that he broke the rules himself – and knowingly broke them – Sir Bernard is guilty of flagrant and monstrous hypocrisy.
But I am afraid it is far worse than that.
He has just voted to expel me from the House of Commons because he says – falsely – that I concealed from the House my knowledge of illicit events.
If indeed he did attend a blatantly rule breaking event he would be guilty of doing exactly what he claims that I did. Although this report is not yet confirmed by an investigation, I believe he should have informed the Committee of his conflict and he should have informed the House.
He should have recused himself.
I really find it incredible – and nauseating – that this matter is emerging at this stage of your process.
Are you please able to confirm that you have asked every member of the committee whether they attended any such events, and that these checks were made before your inquiry began?
I would be grateful for your urgent response and to know how the committee intends to proceed, since it seems to me that Sir Bernard can no longer be held to have been a valid judge or investigator in these proceedings.

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Fascinating stuff. See THIS for the BBC report on the matter.
Sir Bernard originally denied attending any drinks parties during lockdown. When he was asked by a Guido Fawkes reporter whether he had a drink at the celebration of his wife's birthday that evening, Sir Bernard is quoted as saying "I don't recall". Dame Eleanor Laing, the Deputy Speaker, who allegedly hosted the party, told the website: "I took advice on how many could be present in a room, I had the room measured and I kept a two-metre ruler so that I could always verify that nobody who was working here was put at risk."
However, if this is all the Parliament can find to occupy itself as we sink into economic decline it's time we had an election and started with a fresh mandate for someone.... Anyone!
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See THIS for the verdict of the Privileges Committee. If Johnson hadn't jumped he would have had a 90 day suspension.
A report by MPs says ex-Prime Minister Boris Johnson deliberately misled the Commons over lockdown parties at No 10
The committee says it would have recommended suspending Johnson from the House for 90 days
It says he deliberately misled the House, the committee, impugned the committee and was “complicit in the campaign of abuse and attempted intimidation of the Committee"
It also recommends the former PM should not get a pass which allows ex-MPs to access Parliament after they leave
Last week, Johnson stepped down as a Tory MP after being given advance sight of the Privileges Committee's report
In an explosive statement, he called the committee a "kangaroo court" whose purpose "has been to find me guilty, regardless of the facts"
Johnson has admitted his statements misled Parliament but denied doing so intentionally or recklessly
The committee make recommendations, but it is up to the Commons to decide whether to accept them

Will he go quietly? I doubt it.......
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The Johnson affair dominates the headlines still. See THIS BBC report. I see Mad Nad says that any Tory who votes in favour of adopting the report should be thrown out of the party..... It seems as though the question of who pays the quarter of a million legal costs of Johnson's Partygate lawyer bill is in doubt. You won't be surprised to hear me say it should be charged to him.
I heard one Tory saying that Joe Pubic wasn't interested in the matter and it was all froth whipped up by opponents. He couldn't be more wrong, there are people out here who actually care about standards in public life.
Listening to the reports of the various views being expressed I am increasingly of the opinion that if the Privileges Committee is not backed our politics will go down the track we see in the US where every mad theory is endorsed, elections are all said to be 'fixed' and any prosecution of a leading figure is immediately labelled as assassination.
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Whenever you hear the words... "we must draw a line under this and move on." it becomes obvious that the proposer has lost the argument and by continuing things are going to get worse. Counter arguments often start with a mention of Churchill and Thatcher sometimes digging up Disraeli and Gladstone then drift into some hypothetical situation that's totally irrelevant to the subject at hand. Here we are today with the Privileges Committee having evidence on oath proving Boris Johnson misled Parliament with his lies and yet thousands of his diehard supporters are willing to believe his lies rather than what is patently obvious.
Many column inches are now being written speculating how Conservative MPs will vote on the recommendations. Will they vote for the truth or vote on what they see as their best interest to keep the gravy train rolling. This is a real dilemma for them. If their constituents are Boris supporters and they vote against him they are doomed. On the other hand the constituents may want the truth but as Mad Nad says to go against THE Party they are equally doomed.

Of course keeping them in power for another 18 months means WE are all doomed.
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It's a terrible thing to say Ken but you are exactly right.....
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Once more The Buffoon dominates the political news. Meanwhile the country sinks deeper and deeper into political and economic trouble. This Tory administration is bereft of all ideas and there are very few members not tainted by the sheer ineptitude of the last six months. It is sickening and there is worse to come as we have almost unanimous opinion that the Bank of England got post-Truss policies badly wrong and the economic storm is about to hit...... How much longer can they cling to power?
Later..... See THIS report in the Daily Express.
Claims by a former Bank of England governor that Brexit has exacerbated Britain’s cost of living crisis have been dismissed as "obviously nonsense" by arch Brexiter Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg. The former Business Secretary lashed out at Mark Carney's blaming of stubbornly high inflation on Brexit - and instead accused the Bank of stoking the cost of living misery. Carney, who led the Bank for seven years until 2020, said he had warned the public that leaving the European Union would damage the economy and that he had been vindicated after predicting Brexit would lead to higher prices, a weaker pound and slower growth.
I leave you to judge who is the more reliable economics reporter.
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The House of Commons Privileges Report vote to take place this coming monday. Boris Johnson has magnanimously said that his supporters need not vote against the report. This is to maintain party cohesion. In reality the general feeling is that there would be so few 'supporters' that the small numbers would be an embarrassment. It would also allow him to claim the 'silent majority' are on his side. His ego is touching Trump proportions of world leader and master of the universe. Dany Kaye comes to mind.. Look at the KIng, the king, the king. The king He's all together as naked as the day that he was born. Sunak is leading a bunch of neanderthal has-beens who are prepared to club the country to death rather than admit they are wrong.
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Post by Stanley »

I reckon you are spot on Ken and from what I can see many more people including some we would have classed as die-hard Johnson supporters are coming round to the same point of view......
What happens when people like Rees-Mogg realise that the object of their adulation is a busted flush?
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