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Re: Winter 2015/16

Posted: 19 Jan 2016, 07:56
by David Whipp
Me and Tom sorted the grit bins out... reckoning that the county council will be refilling them all after the weekend's snow.

Re: Winter 2015/16

Posted: 20 Jan 2016, 06:28
by Stanley
Well done, it's been used already....
It was calm and overcast at 21:00 last night. What wind there was was from the SE. Same again this morning, broken cloud, the odd star peeping through, almost dead calm and quite mild for the time of year. We were back from our walk at 05:30, a hint of mist but otherwise dead calm and nowt happening!
The glass is tending to rise and on 29". The forecast is a virtual re-run of yesterday, overcast, calm and what wind there is is very variable. A frost forecast for tonight as the overcast clears slowly during the day. Nowt weather......

Re: Winter 2015/16

Posted: 20 Jan 2016, 06:52
by LizG
I think I posted that the fire the other night was the second in week, deliberately lit. Can you believe it, someone lit another today in the same area. The fire authority were onto it quickly but we could still smell the smoke. All 3 fires only 3 km away.

Re: Winter 2015/16

Posted: 20 Jan 2016, 07:08
by Stanley
Sick people......

Re: Winter 2015/16

Posted: 20 Jan 2016, 11:57
by Stanley
I was surprised, when Jack and I went out for our second walk, to find it was freezi9ng hard and some pavements were very slippy. Definitely no frost early on.... It's going to be a cold night.
Incidentally I heard the weather man going on about a bitter frost early this morning and then realised he was talking about the SE.

Re: Winter 2015/16

Posted: 20 Jan 2016, 13:19
by Moh
Lovely sunny day with clear skies but cold.

Re: Winter 2015/16

Posted: 21 Jan 2016, 04:15
by Stanley
At 21:00 last night it was almost calm, dry and a hard frost with a very clear, almost full moon. Same this morning. The glass is steady on 29". The forecast is for a frosty overcast morning until about 10:00 when the east wind starts to strengthen, swings into the SE and brings us an increased possibility of rain for the rest of the day. As the rain comes in the temperature will rise above 0C and stay there.

Re: Winter 2015/16

Posted: 21 Jan 2016, 04:36
by Cathy
:beach: :sweatdrop: 35C

Re: Winter 2015/16

Posted: 21 Jan 2016, 05:56
by Stanley
Nearer -8C here Cathy! Just back from our walk and it's a cold one made worse by the fact that the mist in the air is freezing onto every surface so even dry pavements are icy this morning. When I got back in I just caught the back end of the national weather forecast and the man was saying it was much warmer this morning. I did a double take because it most definitely isn't but then realised that like all the national weather forecasts it is London based and one often wonders if they realise that there are other parts of the country. This trait annoys me intensely! Never mind, it's warm in the house, bugger the energy bills!

Re: Winter 2015/16

Posted: 22 Jan 2016, 00:35
by Marilyn
Hot, sticky and tropical here.
We have been out for a walk and all the birds are loving it. Lorikeets, Blue Wrens and Parrots everywhere.

Re: Winter 2015/16

Posted: 22 Jan 2016, 04:14
by Stanley
Dry with broken cloud last night. More overcast but still dry first thing. Glass is dropping, on 28.7" this morning. Forecast is for rain until dinnertime brought in on a strong breeze that settles in the SW. Brighter after dinner. High of 9c as the Atlantic wind warms us up.
06:45 back in the house from the butcher's just as it started raining..... The wind is strengthening....
07:15. See THIS for a BBC report on the blizzard conditions expected on the East coast of the US later today. Not always an infallible rule but very often we get the East Coast weather a couple of days later. Worth keeping an eye on the system. You can be sure that the forecasters will be watching it as well!

Re: Winter 2015/16

Posted: 22 Jan 2016, 13:32
by Moh
Heavy rain this morning, now it is sunny and mild.

Re: Winter 2015/16

Posted: 23 Jan 2016, 04:17
by Stanley
Same here Moh, quite heavy rain as well, it was ponding on the Green when Jack and I went for our second walk. Broken fluffy cloud lit by an almost full moon. Dry and a moderate breeze. The glass is rising and is just above 29". The forecast is for a bright overcast day until this evening with a moderate, mainly southerly breeze and a high of 8C. Some rain then and it could be heavy. It's an Atlantic system and worth remembering that the US East coast is being attacked by a winter blizzard. That weather often gets here after a couple of days.....

Re: Winter 2015/16

Posted: 23 Jan 2016, 13:50
by Moh
Lovely day her - cloudy at Morecambe. Just seen the first lambs in a field on the side of the M6 - hope that USA snow doesn't come it will kill them off.

Re: Winter 2015/16

Posted: 23 Jan 2016, 15:20
by Stanley
Just let Jack out for his afternoon pee on the tele pole.... It feels colder out there in that breeze than the forecast suggested....

Re: Winter 2015/16

Posted: 24 Jan 2016, 04:06
by Stanley
Cold rain at 21:00 last night, same this morning.... Full moon today and I reflect that this often signals a change in the weather. The blizzard on the US East Coast is as bad as they predicted.... Glass is hovering around 29". Forecast is boring, an overcast and rainy day all day with a constant moderate SW breeze and a theoretical high of 13C. Only bright spot is that I note that the days are noticeably longer.....

Re: Winter 2015/16

Posted: 25 Jan 2016, 04:49
by Stanley
Dry, breezy and very mild last night at 21:00. Same this morning but slightly cooler. Glass has dropped to 28.9". Forecast is for a bright overcast day with a moderate mainly southerly breeze. Chance of a shower around midday and during the afternoon. Still mild, high of 12C.
05:30. Back home after a pleasant walk. I've had worse in summer!

Re: Winter 2015/16

Posted: 26 Jan 2016, 05:03
by Stanley
Dry, breezy and colder last night. Same this morning. Glass is down again at 28.7". Forecast is very simple, good chance of rain all day brought in on a strong SW breeze. I think we need to go for our walk now!
05:35. Back in after a dry walk. Despite the theoretical high of 10C that wind is strong and cold! Never mind, we have had our walk and kept dry. A good start to the day!
11:00. We did good getting out early. Just had our second walk, very strong wind threatening to blow old blokes over. Rain coming in horizontal. Back in the warm, Jack rubbed down and I'm filling up with oxtail and dumplings.... Things could be worse!

Re: Winter 2015/16

Posted: 27 Jan 2016, 05:10
by Stanley
Broken cloud, still windy and light cold rain at 21:00 last night. Feels warmer and less windy this morning but still a light drizzle. Glass is down below 28.3". Forecast is for another showery day with as brisk SW/W breeze and gradually cooling down all day from the present high of 11C. It will be down to -2C later in the night because of the wind chill. There will be some bright intervals as the cloud cover breaks. A fast moving scene today, it's pure luck if you miss the showers. It's fair at the moment so of we go for our walk!
05:40. Back home after a mild dry walk. Just a hint of rain on the wind but nothing more. I've had worse walks in summer....

Re: Winter 2015/16

Posted: 27 Jan 2016, 06:46
by LizG
Rain glorious rain here today. It's still 22 degrees at 5.45pm, but plenty of good soaking rain. I can't remember the last time we had rain like this.

Re: Winter 2015/16

Posted: 27 Jan 2016, 13:17
by Moh
We keep getting some heavy squalling showers - cold in the wind.

Re: Winter 2015/16

Posted: 28 Jan 2016, 03:43
by Stanley
It got cold wet and nasty yesterday as the day wore on, some very heavy loose showers. Dry, breezy and cold at 21:00. Cold and wet this morning, it has evidently rained during the night. Clear sky.... The glass fell during the night but is rising now and on 28.7". The forecast is for a cold overcast day with heavy rain coming in after dinner on the stiff SW breeze. It feels like -2C in the wind at the moment but as the rain comes in the temperature will rise. Outlook is for more rainy days.

05:15. Back in the warm again! Despite the forecast promising dry weather we were hit by a sharp sleet shower as soon as we walked out the door. Cold nasty stuff blowing on on the stiff breeze which , despite what the forecast says, is more NW than SW! The shower didn't last long and the moon revealed ragged broken cloud. A skein of geese came over as I was walking down Gisburn Road, heading for Whitemoor after a night in the bottoms behind Gill. Back in the house in time to hear the shipping forecast giving gales in all areas and more Atlantic weather to come. Deep Joy....

Re: Winter 2015/16

Posted: 29 Jan 2016, 06:18
by Stanley
There was broken cloud, light rain and lots of wind last night at 21:00. I went to the butcher's at dinnertime yesterday on the grounds that the weather might be bad this morning. Good call, we got away with nothing worse than light rain on our early walk but now, at the time I would have been going to the butcher's it's raining more heavily and there is a very strong wind. The glass is falling and is on 28.5". The forecast is dead simple, mild, very wet and windy with severe gales from the SW which will moderate slightly around 18:00 but still be potentially damaging. The theoretical high is 9C but that's academic in these winds. In short, even for us, a wild wet day. In Northern Scotland and the Western Isles ferries are cancelled, exposed bridges closed and schools and businesses shut. Not that bed here but still dangerous weather. Best off indoors I think!

Re: Winter 2015/16

Posted: 29 Jan 2016, 08:35
by Cathy
Last night we received the whole of our normal January rainfall amount all in one go - I didn't notice the heavy rain because the heavier it rains the deeper I sleep. More lovely rain today with strong winds and a much cooler 19C. :smile:
24C and showers for Saturday.

Re: Winter 2015/16

Posted: 29 Jan 2016, 14:17
by Moh
Heavy rain and strong wind this morning - now clear sky and sunshine - strange weather!