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Re: Getting on...(camper van tales)

Posted: 21 Jul 2016, 11:02
by Marilyn
The trouble there Tiz, is that one doesn't require their type of business terribly often in life. Nor does one tend to run in to folk in the same situation and seeking advice.
But we shall bemoan them long and loud whilst sat out under a starry sunset with red wine in hand...

Re: Getting on...(camper van tales)

Posted: 23 Jul 2016, 05:35
by Stanley
I see there is no resolution as yet..... Courage mon brave....

Re: Getting on...(camper van tales)

Posted: 26 Jul 2016, 12:01
by Marilyn
We are still waiting... :fluch:

Re: Getting on...(camper van tales)

Posted: 26 Jul 2016, 22:43
by LizG
Keep positive, just think how good it will be when it eventually comes home.

Re: Getting on...(camper van tales)

Posted: 27 Jul 2016, 03:31
by Stanley
Keep calm Dearie! They also serve who only stand and wait....... (But it's hard work!)

Re: Getting on...(camper van tales)

Posted: 27 Jul 2016, 06:33
by Marilyn
Last week we were told that the air-conditioner was fitted, the awning was fitted, but they were waiting for the carpenter to fit the fridge and make adjustment to the cupboard.
Yesterday we were told that the air-conditioner was NOT fitted yet, the awning was NOT fitted yet, the fridge was in situ but the carpenter hadn't worked on the cupboard.
So....two and a half weeks to lift a fridge in! Could have done that myself!

Re: Getting on...(camper van tales)

Posted: 27 Jul 2016, 06:40
by Wendyf
Time to pay a visit Maz.....

Re: Getting on...(camper van tales)

Posted: 27 Jul 2016, 08:53
by Marilyn
Planning to on Friday at this stage ( 3 hour round trip) but it will really depend on the weather. We have had some really bad winds and weather...not turning soft...but not worth risking life and limb to find we only have to take it back. Yes we want it sorted, but didn't expect they would have it for this long. (And then there is the poor customer service that annoys us most and will be a lasting memory)

Re: Getting on...(camper van tales)

Posted: 27 Jul 2016, 09:13
by Cathy
Threaten them with Consumer Affairs...

Re: Getting on...(camper van tales)

Posted: 29 Jul 2016, 11:04
by Marilyn
Collected the van today. Our work starts tomorrow. Pics soon.

Re: Getting on...(camper van tales)

Posted: 29 Jul 2016, 12:30
by PanBiker
Excellent Maz, is the work up to expectations? Trusting Febby wasn't too purple. :wink:

Re: Getting on...(camper van tales)

Posted: 30 Jul 2016, 03:32
by Stanley
That's good news.....

Re: Getting on...(camper van tales)

Posted: 30 Jul 2016, 09:08
by Marilyn
He did have a purple tinge over a few things.
Have posted under "today I shall mainly" topic...sorry...didn't get to take photos today as I spent most of the day using Gumption and scrubbing. Marvellous product that Gumption!
I think we will both sleep well tonight...

Re: Getting on...(camper van tales)

Posted: 02 Aug 2016, 06:54
by Marilyn
Took some photos today, and my photo resizing App has decided not to cooperate this afternoon. It has done this before and seems to correct itself, so I shall check it again later.
(It only does it to annoy me, of course)
An electrician talked hubby through the 12 Volt power system and eventually he located a button someone had switched to the wrong setting. That saved us a 3 hour round trip!
So I have finished scrubbing and have stowed a lot of stuff away today. Hubby hates rattles, so wanted me to reduce noise whilst travelling ( different to a caravan because everything can rattle and bang all it likes back there and you can't hear it in the car!)
I've put one decal on the back which says "Adventure before Dementia" and have another one to apply to the front that says "Minnibego". I will need help to climb up on the bonnet to put that on, and felt it was too dangerous to attempt it without Febby standing by with his catcher's mitt.
Beds now all set up, and bedding is making its way in.
We are still awaiting some laminate trim to finish the cupboard above the fridge. ( those that did such a disappointing job of adjusting the cupboard are donating that as way of apology).
Will forward pics as soon as App cooperates!

Re: Getting on...(camper van tales)

Posted: 02 Aug 2016, 07:03
by Wendyf
I'll put them on for you Maz, it doesn't look as if Stanley is feeling up to posting at the moment. :smile:

Re: Getting on...(camper van tales)

Posted: 02 Aug 2016, 07:18
by Marilyn
Thanks Wendy...will email them when App behaves itself.

Re: Getting on...(camper van tales)

Posted: 02 Aug 2016, 09:24
by Wendyf





It looks amazing.....get those mugs washed and put away!

Re: Getting on...(camper van tales)

Posted: 02 Aug 2016, 09:35
by Marilyn
Thanks, still a few things to do. Will post more pics as things are completed.
Getting excited. Can't wait to get out on the open road!

( tomorrow's job is for D to change the water filter. He tried today but has sore ribs after falling in the shed last week, so he couldn't exert the pressure needed to twist the water filter cartridge housing. I said I will have a go tomorrow if the weather is agreeable. Today was dashing in and out the van between showers..maybe we will get a better run tomorrow. Need to "flush" the water system too. Don't want "traveller's tummy"!)

Re: Getting on...(camper van tales)

Posted: 02 Aug 2016, 09:46
by Tizer
The van looks fantastic Maz, it must feel like having your own private jet, sitting in the cockpit. We wish you many happy years of mobile adventure! When you're at home and not travelling you could use the van like a `she shed'. I've just learnt that term - it seems women here are getting enthusiastic about having their own shed, not to fill with lathes and milling machines but for craft hobbies or just chilling out with a glass of wine and a TV. Frills not drills? One of my relatives has let a house to a couple who have an interest in theatre and the lady has brought her own very posh shed to the house. It even has a chaise longue!

Re: Getting on...(camper van tales)

Posted: 02 Aug 2016, 09:54
by LizG
Looking brilliant Maz. Where's the first destination? Short shakedown trip first?

Re: Getting on...(camper van tales)

Posted: 02 Aug 2016, 10:01
by Marilyn
Far out, Tizzy.
We have a double garage and now only one car that will fit in it, as the van is now 2.9 m tall with the newly installed air-conditioner on top. ( I made hubby and a neighbour measure it so we can avoid scraping it all off in a low bridge event).
The rest of the garage is somewhat of a mystery to me. I go in there to find something and get overwhelmed by the lack of organisation. Nothing is where one expects to find it. ( my female brain vs hubby's mud map of where things belong I suppose). I could do wonders in there, given free range and a spare afternoon. But, despite the fact he is not a handy man, I restrain myself because I would be crossing taboo boundaries.

Looks like Lake Albert first, Liz. Just to test everything...then a trip to Alice Springs on the cards.

Re: Getting on...(camper van tales)

Posted: 04 Aug 2016, 07:03
by Wendyf
Another pic from Marilyn:-


Re: Getting on...(camper van tales)

Posted: 04 Aug 2016, 08:33
by Marilyn
That is the view from the rear, with about 4 inches of storage behind our bed heads.
Think we have worked out our SatNav/reversing camera/crash camera...hopefully popping out to look tomorrow.
Bought a new filter for the water today, but I wouldn't let Febby fit it until he has flushed the tank ( what moron would fit a new filter and then flush the tank! When we flush, we have to fill the whole system...right back to and including the tap, and through the filter)

Re: Getting on...(camper van tales)

Posted: 05 Aug 2016, 07:23
by LizG
Give it a really good flush Maz. We left water in the tanks in the caravan, even the dog refused to drink it!!

Re: Getting on...(camper van tales)

Posted: 05 Aug 2016, 07:34
by PanBiker
Do you use any sterilising fluids when you flush through?