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Posted: 14 Jan 2022, 21:52
by plaques
I see its 'Ladies' first in the lifeboat. Liz Truss has nailed her colours to the mast with the old adage " Its time to move on" and " I'm 100% behind Boris". I suppose that's into the lifeboat in the belief that "Et tu Truss" will take her out of the running stakes. I'll stick with my definition of Johnson " narcissistic psychopath" who will never resign on his own accord. Its up to the Tory party (no pun intended) to get rid of him.


Posted: 15 Jan 2022, 04:08
by Stanley
I am not holding my breath Ken, basically we know nothing but a few odd snippets about what's going on, they aren't going to tell us. You're right about the Tories who are avid royalists and in that respect the fact that it was an official and not Johnson who rang the palace and talked to another official will not have impressed anyone.
Rees Mogg is quite right when he suggests that this is a concerted campaign to get rid of Johnson, that's what happens when you have a leader who doesn't command the polls and the votes on which Tory backbenchers depend for their jobs.
It was painful listening to the procession of Tories parroting the party line on the media. Whoever called the spin campaign 'operation big dog' demonstrates exactly the problem. Johnson isn't a 'big dog', that's fantasy. He is the recipient of undeserved privilege who accidentally fell into the leadership of the Tories because there was no better option and completely cocked the opportunity he had because he actually believed he was born to lead and didn't have to work at it.
I believe the question that is being asked is "What happens if he leads us into the next general election?" and there's a fairly clear answer to that in the polls.
The whole 'party' affair is a disgrace but in fact is nowhere near as disgraceful as other matters during his leadership. Read 'Profits of Doom' and watch the post Brexit economy tank.
The only good thing about all this is that unlike America and Trump, we have a system that can react to a bad leader and eventually winkle him out in disgrace.
(PS. Did you see Theresa leaning forward to catch every word in the Commons?)


Posted: 15 Jan 2022, 08:42
by plaques
Rees-Mogg suggesting that the rules for lock down were too complicated. How much simpler can you get that a gathering was limited to 1 person indoors and 1 person outdoors. Of course the implication was that since Labour backed these complicated rules it was their fault that they were misunderstood. Soon we will be hearing that because some Labour seats change to Tory in the so called Red seats. It was the fault of Labour MPs who lost their seats that enabled the Tories to follow the disastrous path that they are now taking.

And in the beginning they said that things couldn't get worse then verily things did get worse. But its your fault.


Posted: 15 Jan 2022, 19:47
by Big Kev
Oh dear, what with children laughing at Boris we now have this. I certainly didn't know. It's got to hit the fan soon.


Posted: 16 Jan 2022, 03:20
by Stanley
Good God Kev! They kept that quiet.....
Ken, quite correct, it's obvious isn't it?
As for Rees Mogg, how well was he brainwashed by his parents and upbringing. He appears to be on a different planet and ignores us humble mortals.


Posted: 16 Jan 2022, 09:12
by plaques
People may have noticed media headlines quoting that the UK economy is roaring back faster than than any other G7 economy. As always there's a lot of caveats to consider. Recapping who is in the G7 .. US, Canada, Japan, France, Germany, Italy, UK, although they may throw in 'Eurozone' for a degree of comparison. Also none of the European countries does monthly figures like the UK which can cause a temporary distortion for a particular month.
Looking at the GDP comparison.,,
G7 GDP..jpg
The UK also treats the education (school closedowns) Medical, Hospitals differently causing a larger initial dip but a steeper recovery afterwards. Added to this is the later lockdown produced a recovery spending spike near Christmas.
All In all the base figures show the UK in the next last position using the standard GDP measure.


Posted: 16 Jan 2022, 09:35
by plaques
Keir Starmer telling the Buffoon he should resign and for good measure repeating the instruction to the Tory party that they should get rid of him. All sounds good stuff in the ears of the Labour supporters but are his demands really an attempt to get rid of him or trying to make sure he will remain. Johnson will never do what he is told by Starmer and the Tories will make sure they will do nothing that the opposition Labour party is telling them what to do. The end result is Starmer gets to keep his Buffoon while even more sleaze and corruption washes up on the shores. Then there is the cost of living soon to have a direct effect on ordinary people then the gradual fallout to small businesses and local service industries. The big one 'Brexit' set to get worse as costs and imports are ramped up to cover for our own collapsing supplies. Keeping the Buffoon in place may be a good move politically since it drives the Tories deeper in the mire with less time to say it will all come right in the end.


Posted: 16 Jan 2022, 11:30
by Tizer
There's more about Operation Big Dog, the clear our of No.10, on the front page of the Sunday Times this morning. Also, Operation Red Meat, planned policy announcements to woo disillusioned MPs. `A senior source said: "Boris's view is that he's not to blame. That everyone else is to blame".' Talking of Big Dog, the Telegraph's front page cartoon shows a dog standing at the podium in front of No.10 reading a page of notes to journalists. It's saying: `I went into the garden to do my business. When I realised that a party was going on I left after 25 minutes'.

On the Observer's front page the second headline is `Police fear antivaxxers will adopt violent tactics'. They say the anitvaxx movement in the UK is evolving into violent extremism and the formation of US-style militias. Piers Corbyn has urged people to burn down the offices of MPs who back restrictions. The militia types regard him as a harmless distraction from their real cause.


Posted: 16 Jan 2022, 11:34
by Stanley
"Keeping the Buffoon in place may be a good move politically since it drives the Tories deeper in the mire with less time to say it will all come right in the end."
There's a lot to be said for that Ken. I can remember Tebbit saying that it would be better for the Tories to lose an election rather than have to govern what was coming. This is true now. Let the Tories stew in the consequences of their 11 years of control. God knows the next few months are going to be terrible.
Thanks for the chart of comparative GDP figures. That tells a different story than Rishi who is spinning the economic miracle so wildly it's going to bite him in the bum eventually.
Peter, the anti-vaxxers are not going to be pleased about the outcome in Australia. Well done the Aussie government!


Posted: 17 Jan 2022, 09:36
by plaques
On the basis that a week is a long time in politics ( Events, Dear Boy, Events) we are being told to wait for Susan Grey's investigation. No actual end date is given other than 'soon'. This report will be passed to the Buffoon who will deliberate on it and may publish it in full or do a summery for publication. Either way he is the owner of the report and can take action or ignore as he thinks fit. He could even do a Trump and issue a pardon to himself exonerating himself of all blame. Organising a P--s up in a garden may take on a new meaning.


Posted: 17 Jan 2022, 10:13
by Tizer
I suppose Oxfam use the word `pandemic' in this story to mean Covid-19 but perhaps the pandemic causing the most damage is the one known as capitalism....
`Wealth of world's 10 richest men doubled in pandemic, Oxfam says' LINK
`The pandemic has made the world's wealthiest far richer but has led to more people living in poverty, according to the charity Oxfam. Lower incomes for the world's poorest contributed to the death of 21,000 people each day, its report claims. But the world's 10 richest men have more than doubled their collective fortunes since March 2020, Oxfam said."This year, what's happening is off the scale," [Danny Sriskandarajah, Oxfam GB's chief executive] said. "There's been a new billionaire created almost every day during this pandemic, meanwhile 99% of the world's population are worse off because of lockdowns, lower international trade, less international tourism, and as a result of that, 160 million more people have been pushed into poverty. Something is deeply flawed with our economic system," he added. According to Forbes figures cited by the charity, the world's 10 richest men are: Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bernard Arnault and family, Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Ballmer and Warren Buffet...'.


Posted: 17 Jan 2022, 13:17
by Stanley
Peter, the acceleration of the migration of capital upwards was forecast by Piketty and the only tactic he could see that would help was a global wealth tax. Problem there is that such a tax would quite probably be impossible to implement. His forecast was that the deterioration in society that is a consequence of the wealth gap would continue and in the end would become social unrest. That of course leaves aside the people the policy will kill, starting in April with the catastrophe of increased energy prices coinciding with inflation and the ongoing cuts in benefits.
As for the the Susan Grey report ken, she can do nothing but report her version of what happened. As you say, Johnson decides what happens and marks his own homework. I predict that what will happen will be a purge of staff in the departments where the parties took place including Downing Street and this will be held up as evidence that action had been taken and nothing more to see here. Whether that will wash is another matter. The greatest danger to Johnson is from his own Party. The thing that will govern their response is 'Will we keep our jobs in an election led by this man?'


Posted: 18 Jan 2022, 03:52
by Stanley
See THIS latest assessment from Laura Kuenssberg, everything hangs in the balance for Johnson.
The Lords have savaged the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill sending it back to the Commons. See THIS BBC report.
Thank God, let's hope they can win this battle.


Posted: 18 Jan 2022, 09:11
by plaques
My understanding was that this bill was initially debated in the Commons but afterwards Priti Patel added another 18 pages when it was moved to the House of Lords. Any rejection of Part 1 (the Commons) will be subject to review and may become a backward and forwards, ping pong, until it is forced through. Part 2, the extra 18 pages if rejected are taken out altogether and will require a totally new Bill to get them through the Commons. The BBC report doesn't make it clear which parts they are talking about. Perhaps later reports will explain what is happening.


Posted: 18 Jan 2022, 10:09
by Tizer
This is more information on the extremist groups training people to create disruption in the UK. Don't confuse it with Extinction Rebellion and those who glue themselves to roads and railings. I might not like the way ER go about their business but I agree with their aims. This lot are very different, they started in the US, are like QAnon and fascists, have very strange beliefs, claim they are the law... and they're nasty!...

`Anti-vax protests: ‘Sovereign citizens’ fight UK Covid vaccine rollout' LINK
`...Followers of "sovereign citizen" and "freeman on the land" conspiracy theories wrongly believe they possess the legal power to bring leading politicians, civil servants and scientists before so-called "common law courts". They allege "crimes" over Covid restrictions and vaccinations, even though such claims have no basis in law. But that has not deterred a newly-formed group calling itself Alpha Men Assemble, which combines anti-vaccine and sovereign citizen beliefs....Conspiracy-laden criminal complaints have recently been filed with police in the UK and also the International Criminal Court, alleging "genocide" and "depopulation" via vaccinations....In August, a group attempted to "seize" Edinburgh Castle, claiming sovereignty over the landmark under Magna Carta. They told police they rejected "fake acts and statutes" that were "made up by paedophiles". One person was arrested.....Volunteers are encouraged to attend training to qualify as "common law constables", which they falsely believe grants powers akin to, or even higher than, the police....Activists believe that government-issued documents such as birth certificates and driving licences are "legal fictions".'...


Posted: 18 Jan 2022, 11:00
by Big Kev
Quite a few of their 'followers' have had expensive outcomes quoting parts of the Magna Carta in their defence in court. A barber and a tattoo artist were both heavily fined, for keeping their shops open during lockdown, after trying to use the Magna Carta.


Posted: 18 Jan 2022, 11:04
by Tizer
Perhaps they should have been made to walk over hot coals to test if they really believed in their own claims? :extrawink:


Posted: 18 Jan 2022, 12:56
by Tripps
Out of the mouths . . . . :smile:



Posted: 18 Jan 2022, 14:55
by Big Kev
Nobody warned Boris the drinks party was against the rules, the rules that were set by his government. It's beyond belief... ... 8#comments


Posted: 18 Jan 2022, 23:10
by Tripps
I thought he could tough it out, but no longer. Beth Rigby, and that little girl above destroyed him today. :smile:

John Crace from The Guardian says today The game's up

I doubt he'll even last until the famous Sue Gray report arrives. Is it PMQ's again tomorrow. I don't think he'll fancy that.


Posted: 19 Jan 2022, 03:33
by Stanley
I loved the little girl David. It's really plain to her.....
You mention PMQs today.... Have you heard about THIS? Forget Red Meat and Big Dog, The Pork Pie Plot is where it's at now! (Rumours of a rival Stew and Hard group appear to be exaggerated.)


Posted: 19 Jan 2022, 09:03
by plaques
Watched one of those studio interviews where they said how shameful it was hiding behind Susan Grey's report and not expressing their own opinion. Asked what was their opinion... I'll wait for the report.

In spite of decrying his actions asked if Boris Johnson was their MP in the next election would she vote for him. I will vote Conservative. Then continued with Conservatives will always vote Conservative, Unfortunately I think she may be right on this point.


Posted: 19 Jan 2022, 12:23
by Big Kev
This is (obviously) a spoof but is well worth watching. You will need access to Facebook to watch it.


Posted: 19 Jan 2022, 12:34
by Tripps
Hot news is that Tory MP Christian Wakeford has tergiversated, and now takes the Labour whip.

He has strong Pendle connections, and I'm sure the fact that he is recently elected with a majority of just 402 votes, had nothing to do with his decision. Does that mean he will automatically be the Labour candidate at the next general Election? I wonder what the local Labour party will make of that. Someone will be very disappointed. :smile:


Posted: 19 Jan 2022, 13:05
by Stanley
Lovely use of language there Sir!
Will someone please point out to politicians claiming credit for a successful vaccination programme that it wasn't them wot did it but the NHS! (Despite having been starved of funding.)