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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 05 Apr 2020, 16:26
by Wendyf
We find a G&T essential to get us through the news. Impressed by the asparagus!!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 06 Apr 2020, 03:02
by Stanley

I got in the shed and intend to do the same today. Lovely reading your diary each morning Sue. I'd hang that pic you did on my wall. Very very good!
Very mild here even this early in the morning and we have gentle rain. Good growing conditions!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 06 Apr 2020, 06:38
by Sue
Morning all

I am glad you enjoy reading my little diary, Stanley. When this over I plan to put them all together and print them off as a reminder of how it was.

Yesterday was a quiet day for me. I had my garden fire, but made very little dent in the pile of wood overall, although it is apparent on one side of the wood pile that the wall of wood has been breached. I had hoped to have some pieces of charcoal left in the incinerator suitable for drawing with, but there is only ash, which I shall tip on to the unused veggie plot ready for digging in at some time in the future. The wood was so dry it burned like a furnace. This afternoon I may have another one provided the rain holds off. Bob has just read the forecast out to me, no rain, cloudy, light breeze and 18 degrees. No rain forecast now till next weekend.

Talking of rain that was the big none event of the night. You could have counted the drops as they fell on the roof light in our bedroom, so the grass seed we sowed ready for the deluge forecast will have to be watered. Watering is already a daily occupation for my veggie and flower seeds, asparagus , and my runner beans( which are now a few inches tall).

This morning I have online pilates at 11.00 am and online French at 3.00 pm. For the latter we have all been asked to prepare something. We are going to do a virtual guide of the house.I could do pilates again at 7.00 pm but will not do so.

The roast lamb we had yesterday was OK, but not as sweet and tender as English lamb. I shall mince the rest up and make a shepherd pie, probably tomorrow.

I spent yesterday afternoon, doing my writing project for U3A creative writing. It's a poetic review of our experience. Not the best poetry but I got it out of my system. Some time I need to finish my art too.

Bob progressed well on the railway yesterday. The two ends can now be seen at the same time!

Here is the poem with my usual closing line.

Lockdown abroad

Before we came we checked the news
in France, UK and boats to travel.
All Ok its safe, was their view,
but it soon began to unravel.
No more than fifty cars were on the boat,
and people seemed even sparser.
Staying in cabins, they did not move
Even after departure.
We arrived at 3.00 in the afternoon
roads all quiet and people rare.
Was this a sign, or far too soon?
But at this stage we had no care.
We arrived at chez nous happy to see,
that despite the storms and abnormal rain,
the house had remained problem free
and our short stay could begin
Two days later all was not good.
Macron announced a lockdown
When Tuesday came, we understood,
we would be stuck inside our town
We tried the ferries to get back
and booked one there and then
Unhappily, it was a sad fact,
That, that one came and went.
We tried three times to get away
but problems did beset us.
So our visit became a longer stay.
Luckily with little fuss.
We had food and shelter in our home
and lots to keep us busy.
We had internet, ipad, and phone,
But sadness overwhelmed me
To all my friends that have kept in touch,
By message, ZOOM or facebook,
I thank you all so very much
for improving my daily outlook.
As time has passed we are glad to be
here, safe and isolated.
But feel detached from reality
as the crisis has not abated.
So from day one with a new mindset
I start each day and plan
Think positive, stay cheerful, keep busy, stay safe
Have as good a day as I can

Sue Hayter
April 2020

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 06 Apr 2020, 06:50
by Sue
Oh I forgot the other none event of yesterday. We were invited to a family quiz night with Claires inlaws global family. It was on Facebook live. We were looking forward to it, but once again could not receive Facebook live. We were all mentally tuned in, with the appropriate brain lubrication ie wine! Nothing! Thats three events we have missed on facebook live I wish they would use zoom as that works well.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 06 Apr 2020, 08:24
by Stanley
We had a nice shower this morning Sue. I was just talking to Wendy and she says she can see the grass growing! Now all we have to do is avoid that bloody east wind that can come in at this time of year and hold the grass back!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 06 Apr 2020, 11:12
by Tizer
Just like your grass I noticed this morning after last night's shower the Aubrieta flower stems in our garden seem to have lengthened noticeably! :smile: Our forecast shows no rain for the next two weeks except for a spot on Thursday morning.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 06 Apr 2020, 11:30
by Big Kev
I'm still waiting for a decent downpour so I'm confident the new pointing means the house is now watertight. I have got the timber fitted and the track and curtain are up, I've not been able to get any plywood yet to replace the reveal though. A heavy plastic sack and some gaffer tape will keep the draughts out for now :good:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 06 Apr 2020, 18:02
by Big Kev
No signs of a downpour today, social distancing at it's best...

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 06 Apr 2020, 18:33
by plaques
Big Kev wrote: 06 Apr 2020, 18:02 social distancing at it's best..
looking down on Foulridge upper reservoir from Brownhill Lane area. ???

Some day I may see our house on your photos.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 06 Apr 2020, 18:47
by Big Kev
plaques wrote: 06 Apr 2020, 18:33
Big Kev wrote: 06 Apr 2020, 18:02 social distancing at it's best..
looking down on Foulridge upper reservoir from Brownhill Lane area. ???

Some day I may see our house on your photos.
It is indeed. I'll post a few more pics and you can let me know if I'm getting warm :-)

This is the opposite direction :-)

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 06 Apr 2020, 19:11
by Sue
Can some one turn it round

I rotated it but it still posts 90 degree out but it opens the right way round, strange behaviour, (it's an apple thing)

There you go Sue, you can edit the text to suit now.

Thanks Kev. Cherry tree in flower yesterday but much more to come

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Apr 2020, 02:48
by Stanley
Looks like a rash of better weather pics! Here's my contribution, just as good social distancing.


I shall be taking delivery from the pharmacy and have arranged for my next milk and veggies later in the week. I shall be in the shed as well! It's all go.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Apr 2020, 06:19
by Sue
Yesterday was a bit of a sewing and taking it easy day after Pilates at 11.00. I finished my wrap over skirt.I developed a migraine headache in the afternoon and had to cancel a facetime connection with a friend, the headache has kept me awake most of the night. I spoke to both elder grandchildren at different times, on. A video link on What's App. Eve coming up to 11 talked none stop for 25 minutes.

What I do today depends on my headache.

Think positive, stay cheerful, keep busy stay safe have as good a day as you can

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Apr 2020, 06:32
by Sue
Just had an email from my daughter. It's our son in laws birthday on the 9th this made me laugh

........Erin and I are going to attempt to make a pop up card, doesn't quite seem essential enough to go to shops to buy one.

I've asked Erin to help me bake his favourite, carrot cake. Erin isn't keen but says he can have a chocolate cake decorated like a carrot. Not sure it's quite the same 😂.....

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Apr 2020, 07:35
by Wendyf
I hope your headache improves quickly Sue, and I look forward to seeing pictures of the chocolate carrot cake!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Apr 2020, 07:43
by Wendyf
My farrier is due to visit this afternoon so I shall be keeping my fingers crossed that he can still come. I will have to leave him to it, no chatting! They are allowed to continue working on welfare grounds.
Also delivering eggs to neighbours, I usually sell any spare eggs at the library on our Wednesday morning sessions and the hens are in their peak laying time so I have lots to spare.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Apr 2020, 07:52
by Big Kev
If you can't shift them all I'll buy some from you Wendy.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Apr 2020, 08:14
by Wendyf
Thanks Kev, I'll let you know if I have any spare. :smile:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Apr 2020, 08:37
by Stanley
I've been in the shed and am just going to post on shed matters. I'm hoping the delivery from the pharmacy arrives in time to let me go to bad bed!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Apr 2020, 16:30
by Big Kev
T-shirt weather for today's walk, lovely.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Apr 2020, 16:57
by Wendyf
It was quite a chilly start but has warmed up through the day. I gave the last of my eggs to my farrier who is doing a great job keeping working, his wife works nights in the police control centre over Preston way so they are managing to look after their 2 young kids between them.
I will have more eggs to spare in a few days Kev, we could perhaps meet up on Cob Lane to do business..... :laugh5:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Apr 2020, 17:25
by Big Kev
Wendyf wrote: 07 Apr 2020, 16:57.
I will have more eggs to spare in a few days Kev, we could perhaps meet up on Cob Lane to do business..... :laugh5:
Excellent Wendy, thank you. We'll put together a cunning plan in a couple of days :-) I'm working from home so will be able to bob out anytime really :good:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 08 Apr 2020, 02:19
by Stanley
Like a couple of drug dealers.....
I shall be aiming for time in the shed and in bed. Both are good for me!
Despite the restrictive instructions I am still doing my early morning walk. Essential for me and Jack and you can't get more socially isolated than walking at 05:00!
No home deliveries today but yesterday it was the chemist's delivering the Meds and Ian my neighbour dropping milk and veggies in for me. He wouldn't let me pay him, says I have done plenty for him..... Nice!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 08 Apr 2020, 06:13
by Sue
No plans today. Yesterday I did my art project in the morning, and a bit of hand sewing in the afternoon. I did not do my double pilates and yoga class as my headache was still lingering in the background as it is this morning. I think it must be a sinus headache linked to hay fever, which I get at this time of year.

It's due to be about 24 degrees today and sunny.

Feeling very lethargic, but still thinking positive. Hope everyone is keep in well.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 08 Apr 2020, 06:40
by Stanley
24C! We'll be almost 10C less Sue but it will still feel warm. 24C would send us all to sleep, perhaps that's why you feel lethargic. If I was you I'd have a lie down....
I am at the stage where I could go in the shed but I am cooking for Jack and doing stuff for myself, I have no qualms at all about being idle! It's a lovely morning and I am looking forward to a walk round the Green with Jack and a good breakfast! That will make me sleepy and so guess what I will do.....
Be kind to yourselves, I am being!