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Re: Family Matters

Posted: 24 Nov 2016, 05:45
by Stanley
I had a dream last night..... I was with my daughters walking down a narrow path at the bottom of a narrow gorge with high rocky sides which prevented us from leaving the path. It was wet and dark and the path was going downhill and getting steeper. Occasionally there was a flash of sunlight through the trees that crowned to heights on either side. Now where did that one come from?

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 24 Nov 2016, 06:47
by Cathy
I have no doubt in saying that you had a spiritual dream Stanley. The surroundings etc , obviously especially the people, are very significant but think about the connection and how the dream made you 'feel'. Very important. :)

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 24 Nov 2016, 06:48
by Stanley
Sad but proud Cathy......

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 24 Nov 2016, 07:33
by Sue
Stanley wrote:Sad but proud Cathy......
I can imagine

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 24 Nov 2016, 08:13
by Marilyn
It's all about how the dream left you FEELING.
( calm/confused/stressed/empty).
I dream a lot, and the most stressful dreams ( to me) are those in which my son is young and I pick him up or give him a cuddle. I feel his weight and form, as my hands clasp around his rib cage. He is 3 dimensional. He has weight and warmth.
When I wake, it is almost as raw as having skin ripped off.
I can't believe dreams can be so real...

( I have just realised I should clarify my post. I am talking about dreaming of a child who still lives. ( he will be 38 shortly). I can only imagine how sad it must be for those who dream of a child who is missing/ sick/ or has passed. It must be so much harder...)

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 24 Nov 2016, 13:40
by Moh
It is.

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 25 Nov 2016, 04:20
by Stanley
Moh's right, I dream about Big Harry at times. As long as the memories are good, and mine are, it's OK.
Mail from Susan, Janet has had a good start to the day and as I write they are doing the first radiation treatment on her brain...... The radiation of her head and upper body will go on until mid-January. Her glasses are a big help, she can watch boxed sets.

This pic just in from Margaret captioned 'Carer abuse with Jaffa cakes'. This is real time and I thought it might cheer you lot up as much as it has me. There are shafts of sunlight! Janet is rationing them!


Re: Family Matters

Posted: 25 Nov 2016, 06:54
by Wendyf
Lovely picture!

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 25 Nov 2016, 10:49
by Sue
Yes lovely. It's heartwarming and healing to gave fun

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 26 Nov 2016, 04:50
by Stanley
you are right Sue. There are some good bits.......

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 26 Nov 2016, 08:40
by Nolic
Great picture. Nolic

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 28 Nov 2016, 05:50
by Stanley
I think I can come clean...... Several things have dropped into place over the last few days. When Big Harry was killed 13 years ago at Jandakot Janet took out a very expensive Trauma Insurance and her then accountant told her she was crackers. The insurance has paid out and at the same time Janet has entered a period of remission on cessation of her treatment. Rather than plunge into the next stage, chemotherapy, which carries the possibility of drastically lowering her quality of life, she has taken an executive decision. Her pain control is good and so she is doing a Queen Elizabeth, she and her court are going on Progress! If all goes to plan she will be in her cottage in Derbyshire in a couple of days surrounded by her immediate family. Margaret and her Mick are en route from Perth as I write. If all goes well, I shall see her later this week. There is much more behind this but you don't need to know that. This is a brave and intelligent woman taking charge of her own life and doing what she thinks is best for everyone. I can't adequately convey how proud I am of her and how much I love the little bugger! So Xmas could come early for the Old Fart!
(Of course it could all go wrong..... but I trust her judgement. She rang me yesterday and confirmed it was going to happen. Can you wonder that I slept like a log last night?)

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 28 Nov 2016, 06:09
by LizG
You've brought tears to my eyes Stanley. Sounds like a very strong woman, you have every right to be proud..

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 28 Nov 2016, 06:57
by Wendyf

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 28 Nov 2016, 07:27
by Stanley
Thanks to both of you. Can't imagine where she gets it from......
The best thing of all about this is that the immediate family is united rock solid behind her. I look at some parent's relationships with their families and wonder how such chaos can happen. This family is like a well-drilled army marching forward. And guess who is managing the whole project!!

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 28 Nov 2016, 07:37
by Nolic
Wonderful news Comrade. I'm so happy for you. Nolic

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 28 Nov 2016, 08:04
by Sue
Yes, good news Stanley, you will be relieved to see her and I am sure give her the biggest hug ever

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 28 Nov 2016, 08:26
by Cathy
Wonderful news Stanley. All the best to you all.
It must be the best Christmas present for you :)

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 28 Nov 2016, 08:41
by Stanley
Thanks to all of you. And I should add that this is only the bare bones, Janet is making sure that whatever happens she leaves a straight line under her entry in the Book of Life.

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 28 Nov 2016, 09:33
by PanBiker
Fantastic news Stanley.

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 28 Nov 2016, 10:02
by Tizer
Thanks for sharing your Christmas present with us, Stanley. She's one tough lady, I wouldn't want to do that journey now and I'm full of admiration for her. Please send her our love and best wishes for a comfortable trip back to the Old Country.

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 28 Nov 2016, 10:21
by David Whipp
That's one determined lady, Stanley! So pleased for you.

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 28 Nov 2016, 11:19
by Stanley
Thanks to all of you. No word from them this morning, far too busy moving the mobile hospital to Derbyshire! Margaret and Mick should have landed by now.....

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 29 Nov 2016, 00:05
by Marilyn
Lovely to hear she is well enough to travel.
I take it that your use of the word "remission" is in relation to her symptoms, not the disease process itself. Fingers crossed that the weariness of travel and colder weather once there, don't put her well-being back.
That trip can take the wind out of anyone's sails for a day or two! (lets hope there aren't too many bugs on the plane too.)

Now if you can just conjure up a White Christmas for her....

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 29 Nov 2016, 03:13
by chinatyke
Best wishes, Stanley. You brought a tear to my eyes too. Wonderful that Janet can do this family reunion. Hope everything goes well and as planned.