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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Posted: 25 Mar 2020, 12:30
by chinatyke
Cathy wrote: 25 Mar 2020, 08:22 Covid-19 Stage 2 Restrictions were given to us last night. Dozens of new restrictions including
Funerals - 10 people only
Do they give any hints where my wife can find the other 9 people?

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Posted: 25 Mar 2020, 13:16
by Big Kev

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Posted: 25 Mar 2020, 14:36
by Big Kev
There are still idiots ignoring social distancing, they just don't seem to care. I think tougher measures may be announced today just prior to the shutting down of parliament.

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Posted: 26 Mar 2020, 00:03
by Cathy
:smile: I think your wife will only have to find 8 others China. One of the 10 will be the funeral director.
If the worst happens to any of you, I will be there ‘in spirit’. :good:

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Posted: 26 Mar 2020, 00:20
by chinatyke
Gee! Thanks. :biggrin2:

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Posted: 26 Mar 2020, 01:13
by Marilyn
So...they don’t count the corpse then... :laugh5:

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Posted: 26 Mar 2020, 03:46
by Stanley
"Trump (the orange knob of the apocalypse) has gone mad"
I like it and it is quite correct, he's living in a parallel universe.
Susan and Mick are on 14 day lock down, she's surviving but her fever is getting worse. Why is it that kids getting poorly is worse than it happening to me? Margaret is fine but sweating in 38C when she video called me this morning as she had to turn the fan off because it interferes with her phone. She told my my image and sound was perfect, no lag, so we must have a good connection, probably because it's so early here.
Heartened by 250,000 volunteering in 24 hours. Nice
I am fine as usual, being very careful......


I'm giving my Buddha a rub every day. He's looked after me for over 40 years and no harm in covering all the bases!

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Posted: 26 Mar 2020, 04:13
by Marilyn
Are they testing everyone at the care home where she works, Stanley?

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Posted: 26 Mar 2020, 06:19
by Stanley
Couldn't say Maz.
See THIS NY Times report on the situation in New York. 13 Patients dead from the virus in one day at a hospital in the Bronx.
In Parliament Matt Hancock said the NHS had 12,000 ventilators. That figure revised by a ministry spokesman to 8,000.
Off-licences classed as essential outlets.
Latest figures show number of volunteers is now over 500,000.

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Posted: 26 Mar 2020, 06:43
by Wendyf
I hope Susan gets through it quickly. Does Mick have symptoms yet?

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Posted: 26 Mar 2020, 07:10
by Marilyn
Has Susan been tested ?

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Posted: 26 Mar 2020, 07:14
by Wendyf
At the moment, as far as i know Maz, no one is getting tested unless they arrive in hospital.

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Posted: 26 Mar 2020, 07:25
by Marilyn
Oooooo...really...that is criminal!
Shame on UK.

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Posted: 26 Mar 2020, 07:29
by Wendyf
We don't have the testing facilities in place to cope. Who would do the testing? Better that people with any symptoms, however mild, isolate themselves.

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Posted: 26 Mar 2020, 07:35
by Marilyn
We know exactly who is sick. We know exactly where they got it. We track any contacts down. We track that they self isolate and we test. We fine or gaol if they do not comply....
Even if you are well and have crossed internal borders within Australia this week, your phone is tracked and they check with you twice a day to see if you are where you said you would be self isolating.

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Posted: 26 Mar 2020, 07:50
by Wendyf
That happened here initially when cases were just coming in from abroad. Once it got into local populations that stopped.

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Posted: 26 Mar 2020, 07:53
by Marilyn
By shutting down internal borders, we have thus far managed to protect our indigenous population, which is a wonderful thing. Our indigenous population are at greater risk of mortality from illness.
Well done Australia ( so far)

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Posted: 26 Mar 2020, 08:20
by Cathy
I 100% agree ‘Well done Australia, on so many levels, so far’.

Do these help?

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Posted: 26 Mar 2020, 09:45
by plaques
Cathy wrote: 26 Mar 2020, 00:03 I think your wife will only have to find 8 others China. One of the 10 will be the funeral director.
China I wouldn't worry about the numbers they generally fall into three groups.
1 Those who would like to show their respect.
2 Those who feel that they should show respect to stop people talking about them.
3 Those who come just to make sure the bugger's dead.

Stanley, Don't want to upset you but I was told by someone of the faith that once a Buddha is put in position it should never be moved.

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Posted: 26 Mar 2020, 11:14
by Tizer
Maz, Australia is a a big country and has only 2800 covid cases; the little UK has 9500. There's lots of people saying why haven't `they' provided more test kits, more ventilators, more nurses, more of everything. The simple reason, which they seem unable to grasp, is that there aren't more waiting there to be provided. No nation keeps gigantic stocks of these things and, for the first time ever, every country wants them all, and more, at once. And these things can't be suddenly created in their millions overnight and appear on the doorstep next day. This pandemic is unique, there has never been anything like it affecting the whole world within weeks, not even the bubonic plagues of the past. In America even the individual states are fighting with each other over supply of medical kit.

A similar situation has existed with the supermarkets, they've been getting abuse from all quarters for not having more food. It's not their fault, the suppliers don't have more food because the wholesalers don't have more, and they don't because manufacturers are working flat out already. When asked why there is a shortage of food, supermarket boss Stuart Rose said on the radio this morning `There's now a billion pounds worth of food sitting in people's larders!'. The stockpiling activity of panic buyers made a big hole in our food supply status.

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Posted: 26 Mar 2020, 11:43
by Tizer
New information...
`Pangolins smuggled into China have been confirmed to contain viruses closely related to the one sweeping the world. Sale of the animals in wildlife markets should be strictly prohibited to minimise the risk of future outbreaks' (BBC News, reporting a science publication). I've put more detailed information on the Science News thread: LINK

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Posted: 26 Mar 2020, 12:45
by Tripps
A couple of days ago on Flight Radar, I saw an RAF transport aitcraft from Brize Norton going round in circles over the North sea off the Humber. Now I learn that such an aircraft has practised landing at London City airport. There must be a connection.

This is near the Excel Centre, currently being fitted out as a four thousand bed hospital. This is proceeding apace, and an industrial size oxygen tank is being put in. How will they staff it?

I'm confused about testing. It seems there are two types of test. One to check for a Corvid 19 infection, and another to see if there are antibodies to the virus in the blood. Both seem to be scarce, and understandably so. In interviews I've seen, politicians deliberately confuse the two tests. Not enough are tested - but it helps if you are a Duchess.

As I've said before - many are unable to pull together, and use the situation to try to score points against Boris and the Tories. The BBC are outstanding in this field. Mistakes will be made - but I wouldn't fancy the job.

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Posted: 26 Mar 2020, 13:16
by plaques
Tripps wrote: 26 Mar 2020, 12:45 I'm confused about testing. It seems there are two types of test. One to check for a Corvid 19 infection, and another to see if there are antibodies to the virus in the blood. Both seem to be scarce, and understandably so. In interviews I've seen, politicians deliberately confuse the two tests. Not enough are tested - but it helps if you are a Duchess.
The Duchess and the rest of Dennis's 'watery bints' favored few are considered to be at the top of UK's most important people. It can only be right that they take precedent over the lower orders such as myself positioned at around 56,654,231. I know my place. :sad:

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Posted: 26 Mar 2020, 16:31
by Tizer
From the BBC's Live reporting on Covid at 16.20...

What pledges have the G20 leaders made?
Earlier, we reported the pledge by G20 leaders to inject $5 trillion into the global economy for the fight against the coronavirus outbreak. It comes after the UN Secretary General, António Guterres, called for action from the group, asking for an "immediate global ceasefire in all corners of the world" to "focus together on the true fight of our lives". We have gone through the joint statement from the G20 leaders after their meeting today with a fine-tooth comb, and here's what else you need to know:

*The leaders have "strongly committed to presenting a united front against this common threat"
*They pledge to take "all necessary health measures" to protect people, especially the most vulnerable
*They promise to share research and best practices on the virus and vaccines, and to increase manufacturing capabilities for medical equipment
*The leaders say they will use "all available policy tools to minimise the economic and social damage from the pandemic"
*Finance ministers from the countries and Central Bank governors will work together to develop a G20 action plan on the economy
*They will work together to ensure the flow of trade - especially medicines - isn't disrupted
*They will support developing and the least developed countries - notably countries in Africa and small island states, where health systems and economies may be less able to cope
*They also pledge to provide assistance where necessary to repatriate citizens
*Finally, the G20 leaders say they "stand ready to react promptly and take any further action that may be required"

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Posted: 26 Mar 2020, 23:56
by Marilyn
Test ( those with symptoms/history of contact with known victim/history of overseas travel)
Treat ( forced isolation/medication/hospitalisation/mechanical ventilation)
Trace ( all contacts with victim)
Track ( all contacts to ensure compliance with isolation. Test contacts.)