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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 01 Dec 2020, 02:49
by Stanley
Thanks Sue, it's amazing how you suddenly start to see an engine on the bench..... Magic!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 01 Dec 2020, 07:43
by Sue

2 degrees and a beautiful sunrise this morning. Its supposed to be a dry, sunny, cold day so I think we will definitely go for a walk. Perhaps Bob will take some more photos for his photography project.

No walking yesterday, it was far too wet and dark early yet again. I filled my day with the usual sewing . However last week I did a coaster in the style of an artists palette for my friend Wendy, I also sent one to my professional art teacher ,Jeremy Ford. He put it on his facebook page and within hours I had orders for two. It is actually quite a simple quick design to do. I decided to personalise them by adding names to the original design . This involved a bit of relearning using my design program for embroidery . I really must ask Keith Lord if he will run another course as this program has such potential with my new machine. Anyway, I did one coaster but have run out or stabilising fabric. From Thursday the shop will be open so I shall go to Lords and buy some more plus stocks of various other things. I hope to ‘accidentally’ bump into my cousin Trish there, for a bit of a natter. We chat daily on our family blog but she lives alone so its not the same as meeting people is it.
So jeans finished, coasters at a standstill, I think I shall write Christmas cards today, having printed off my list yesterday. I will try to order the remaining presents too . I like to be organised at Christmas, and may as well use the time available. Bob is busy making clementine gin to make a cocktail for our last U3A wine appreciation of the year. We are having a virtual Christmas dinner with crackers and silly hats. Each pair in the group are making a virtual course but drinking the accompanying drink. Descriptions of food and drink included. Our course is cocktails and canapés. We are going to make ( and consume) both. I found a good cocktail recipe online and some Christmas canapés to make .

So have a good day everyone think positive, keep busy, stay cheerful

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 01 Dec 2020, 07:52
by Stanley
Morning Sue! You are like clockwork. What exciting lives you lead in Rochdale, I mean Clementine Gin....
I've just come out of the shed, allowing my knees to calm down for a few minutes then off for my second walk. It's a pleasure to sit down and stop worrying about drills that are less then 2mm thick. But I shouldn't complain, I have done OK so far.....

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 01 Dec 2020, 08:57
by Stanley

Looks so easy and simple but so easy to get wrong! Same again tomorrow....

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 02 Dec 2020, 04:14
by Stanley
I shall be aiming for another of the above and perhaps some other small matters. I have the second bar ready to go so it won't take long.
Otherwise normal maintenance in the shape pf food, exercise and reading this afternoon.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 02 Dec 2020, 07:30
by Sue

Its a dark foggy morning this morning, not like the beautiful sunrise we had yesterday . We went for our walk in the morning and had a very pleasant leisurely stroll as Bob took loads of pictures for his photography project. I took a few on my phone. It was the first frost we had had and the dell looked very picturesque indeed . There were lots of couples , well spaced apart, just like us and dog walkers making the most of the day. We only walked along the railway bridle way to Whitworth and back through the dell by the waterfalls. In the afternoon I made another bespoke coaster. Apparently my lovely pilates teacher who brought me a plant last week is rather partial to cake. This took some working on. The image I found was a simple small applique so I had to convert to something bigger on my embroidery design program . That took a bit of time and a couple of practice runs but I managed it. Later I wrote all our Christmas cards but now have to address them all and add letters where appropriate.

This afternoon we are driving up to near Preston, as Bob has sold two of his radio transmitters, both are not working but he has still got a good price on ebay, in fact more than a good price, an unexpectedly high price for something that doesn’t work. One chap lives in Cumbria, the other Fleetwood, so to save postage we are meeting them at Brockholes country park at 3.00 pm. We may go early and have a walk at there. So we are getting a trip out, even if it is just there and back. This morning I will carry on with the Christmas cards. Pilates is late today, at 8.00 pm. Not a time I enjoy, but I do like the teacher Deborah. So I think that will be my day filled . I don’t suppose we will notice the difference now that lockdown has finished. I can now get my hair done, but I can’t as there are already no appointments available before the one I have on the 16th. I am already looking like a shaggy old scarecrow😂

Have a good day all

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 02 Dec 2020, 07:55
by Stanley
Morning Sue. I suspect your description of looking like 'a shaggy old scarecrow' is a bit of an exaggeration but I get the picture. I'll bet Bob hasn't complained once!
As usual you have done more miles than I have and will again today. I have just done a couple of hours in the shed and am ready for my walk, breakfast and posting on shed matters. I see Bob is there before me, I'll have to have a look and see what he is doing!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 02 Dec 2020, 08:56
by Stanley
I've had a nice couple of hours in the shed moving quietly forwards.


Good progress and I have nearly finished all the small hole tapping!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 03 Dec 2020, 04:31
by Stanley
It's so good to always have one small end in view. It's only two hours in the shed doing useful things with small tools but it's a fixed point in the day and you do see tangible results. Like Sue and her sewing. My life would be a lot poorer without it!
So yes, I'm aiming for the shed, my exercise and keeping warm!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 03 Dec 2020, 07:46
by Sue

Well I wrote all the Christmas cards yesterday, including addressing the envelopes. We also had our trip up to Preston where Bob quickly met his two buyers then we drove back. I really enjoyed the drive, sleeping all the way there and all the way back 😂.

Not sure of todays forecast, initially snow was forecast, but we shall see. I have made my shopping list for my trip to Keith Lords shop, after lunch . Its quite extensive as I have used a lot of sewing consumables over the last few weeks, and I also want to see if I can get some of the sewing machine feet that were part of the kit with my last machine and thus were sold. Looking forward to seeing my cousin Trish there.

Our neighbour, a roofer, is coming round after breakfast to look at a small leak in the roof in the loft. I also have pilates this morning. Other than that not much planned. I have now received the info on the next art project so may have a look at that. Oh yes, it looks like Eve has not gone down with the virus as her self isolation from school is now 10 days in and its 12 days since she was in contact with the boy in her maths class who tested positive. Tgats good news.

Have a good day everyone.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 03 Dec 2020, 08:54
by Stanley

I've had a good morning in the shed and could have mounted a lot of the engine parts but no point at the moment. We're making good progress.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 04 Dec 2020, 04:22
by Stanley
I shall be in the shed, nice progress at the moment. I suspect that my walks will be no longer than they have to be, it's going to be very cold. One thing is certain, Co-op at 07:00 when they open for my weekly shop before it gets busy.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 04 Dec 2020, 07:56
by Sue

Slept a bit later this morning as I read late last night. I was determined to finish the novel I was reading. So no snow this morning then, now expected at 1.00 pm today, if it happens. We won’t be going anywhere. I have dance exercise this morning, followed by a rapid shower and a zoom craft U3A session 11.00 till 1.0pm. No fish and chips on the moors today, I think it will be a sandwich made from left over chicken. Now I have my sewing supplies this afternoon I can finish the last couple of coasters I still have to do.

Yesterday afternoon was very pleasant indeed, meeting Trish at Keith Lords. She helped me select the embroidery supplies I needed and I managed to get all the feet for my sewing machine plus the more expensive one that Bob has bought me for Christmas. He did know about it, by the way, and it just made sense to buy it whilst we were there. We also took the opportunity to buy Christmas wrapping paper. Keiths shop is in the oswaldtwistle Mills outlet. There are lots of little outlets in there, but it all looked very empty. I don’t mean empty of people, there were a few pottering around but not crowded, plenty of space. A bit too much space. Most of the outlets had hardly anything in to sell. The specialist school uniform section was the fullest as well as The Works.

Anyway Trish Bob and I had a lovely chat whilst we shopped and also spent some time talking to Keith. He was saying business had been good because so many have turned to sewing and craft as a hobby over the restrictions and lockdowns. He was saying second hand machines fly off the shelf as he struggles to get deliveries of new. What a really pleasant time to meet someone we know and to have proper conversations with real people. The last time we did that was when we came to Barnoldswick way back in, was it September, a very pleasant afternoon indeed.

So thats it. Christmas cards posted, most presents bought so there may be some present wrapping going on over the weekend. We have a couple of COUNTRYFILE calendars to post to the States next week . I also want to start chapter 8 on my archaeology course. I have now passed 7 assessments at distinction level, only 3 more to go. Its an ok course , a bit disappointing in the content and the assessments have a lot of ambiguous multiple choice questions. I prefer the free response ones as there is more opportunity to do some extra research. I complained about two questions that they had marked incorrect. I explained why their answers were ambiguous/ incorrect. They accepted one of my explanations and gave me the mark but not the other. I have also complained that a lot of the course material is just lifted from various articles which I accidentally came across doing some research. They can’t tell students not to commit plagiarism if they are doing it themselves. Anyway they have promised to review the questions and course content. Bet they don’t! I shall however give a formal online review when I have finished .

So have a good day everyone, not too cold and snowy I hope.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 04 Dec 2020, 08:31
by Stanley
Re. the plagiarism. I'll bet they love you Sue! You'll have a red star next to your name....


I had a good hour and I've started on the crank shaft and trunnion bearings so I can finish the rest of the drilling and tapping on the castings. Bob will be impressed by the height gauge!
One thing I noticed was that one car at the Co-op had a three inch lid of snow on it, it's snowing somewhere near here!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 05 Dec 2020, 04:26
by Stanley
I shall be pressing forward with the bearings quietly and carefully, no mistakes!
Otherwise matching my exercise to the weather. I shall not be doing anything heroic!
Most of all keeping warm and well-fed.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 05 Dec 2020, 07:44
by Sue

Bacup market this morning, so its up and out early. Hopefully there will have been little or no snow like here. It did sleet heavily yesterday morning but turned to rain within the hour. One day is blending into the next at the moment and although I was busy yesterday with zoom dancing and zoom craft, I struggle , when writing these daily updates, to remember what else happened😳. I played a bit with the editing section of the embroidery part of my sewing machine and managed to successful combine two patterns and resize them, and I made the last of my artist palette coasters but managed to spoil it right at the end. As it was one I was being paid to do, I shall have to redo it. Luckily it had the name SUE on it so I can use it. That will be this mornings task as I want to get it in the post by Monday at the latest.

We had a lovely chat with Eve on Whats app in the evening and experienced one of her excellent cookery lessons. She made scones. She called us back when they were cooked and they looked magnificent, I swear I could smell them😊. She asked which order I liked my jam and cream and prepared one accordingly for our virtual taste. We felt cheated when Julia had the actual taste which apparently was ‘yummy’ . Eve never ceases to amaze us at her cookery skills and confidence in these sessions. We shall talk to B today at about 5.00 pm

Apart from the market and the sewing thats all my plans for today. We will treat ourselves tonight to a take away curry, being equivalent to our weekly meal out that we are no longer able to have.

Have a good day everyone

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 05 Dec 2020, 08:41
by Stanley
You don't do so badly remembering what you did Sue....


This isn't a very impressive picture but there's a lot of careful work gone in here and a lot more is needed yet before I can call them ready for fitting. But it's all progress!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 05 Dec 2020, 09:35
by plaques
Feeling rather smug with myself. Played a game of chess last night against Beth at age 14. (1800 rating, whatever that is) and won. Must be over 50 years since I played against a human these computer games don't have the same interest some how.
Keeping an eye on the weather. If it keeps fine there's always something in the garden to do at least you're outside communing with nature face to face.
Sometimes our duty's extramural
Then little butterflies we chase
We like to gamble in things rural
Commune with nature face to face
Unto our beat then back returning
Refreshed by nature's holy charm
We run them in, we run them in
We run them in, we run them in
We show them we're the bold gendarmes
We run them in, we run them in
We run them in, we run them in
We show them we're the bold gendarmes.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 05 Dec 2020, 10:11
by Sue
plaques wrote: 05 Dec 2020, 09:35 Feeling rather smug with myself. Played a game of chess last night against Beth at age 14. (1800 rating, whatever that is) and won. Must be over 50 years since I played against a human these computer games don't have the same interest some how.
Keeping an eye on the weather. If it keeps fine there's always something in the garden to do at least you're outside communing with nature face to face.
Sometimes our duty's extramural
Then little butterflies we chase
We like to gamble in things rural
Commune with nature face to face
Unto our beat then back returning
Refreshed by nature's holy charm
We run them in, we run them in
We run them in, we run them in
We show them we're the bold gendarmes
We run them in, we run them in
We run them in, we run them in
We show them we're the bold gendarmes.
Very poetic😊.

I agree about the garden but its mighty soggy out there. I still have fuchsias , nasturtiums and hydrangeas with leaves and a limited number of flowers . I am amazed that my peony tree in the back garden has not yet lost its leaves , where as the one in the front lost them over a month ago . My heathers need a gentle pruning too but I hesitate now we have come to the time of year when we may get frosts. Normally its all dealt with in early November but the milder weather has kept them going. Even my begonias that I potted up and put in the greenhouse have died back and then started to grow again. I have some insulating fabric to cover them when they do stop growing to protect them from the worst of the cold.

Otherwise its all pretty tidy out there. Just waiting for the last of the leaf fall to clear up, and dig out one compost bin to put on the rhubarb and veggie corner. Not only is it tidy but its COLD

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 05 Dec 2020, 13:38
by Stanley
All my garden needs is the annual cull of the dead mint stalks!
Today's activities descended at dinner time to veggie cooking. I now have freshly cooked veggies, carrots, parsnips, swede, cabbage and a steak pudding slowly cooking in a water bath for tea. Now I shall go for a walk paying my credit card bill which means I go into Xmas with a clean card and not owing any money beyond current accounts for utilities and services. I wish everyone could say the same but realise that that isn't the shape of the world. I really don't understand how modern young families survive. We had it hard 50 years ago but not as hard as this.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 06 Dec 2020, 03:47
by Stanley
Same as usual, a bit of quiet engine building this morning. No cooking, housework or shopping to get under the feet!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 06 Dec 2020, 07:22
by Marilyn
We always go into Christmas with a clear Credit Card bill, and have done for 35 years. :laugh5: We never use our credit cards! Simple logic. If you can’t afford it, don’t buy it!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 06 Dec 2020, 08:08
by Sue

I never use credit, that isn’t paid for by direct debit at the end of the month. I stopped all of that when I retired, including buying from catalogues on an account . I buy up front and get my money back if I return goods. My bank statement arrived on Friday for my personal hobbies account and despite buying a new machine it is still very healthy indeed, hence buying all the various extra feet I wanted. Yesterday I ordered, the one remaining item, a very small frame for embroidery , that I had to part with when I sold my last machine. However I must remember to go online later and pay for my next months pilates and yoga classes

Yesterday was a beautiful day but cold. I successfully finished the artist palette coaster, and designed and sewed two more and I think that little Christmas sewing task is now complete. I think I have made 35 in total, which includes some of the less presentable ones which we shall use 😆. Whilst I was doing that Bob was busy brightening the outside of the house with Christmas lights. We don’t usually go in for that in a big way, but this year needed brightening up . He did a good job, we are very happy with it. Between the two of us we had no time for a walk so hopefully will get out today.

Today is yoga followed by my weekly luxury soak in the bath, pedicure and manicure. Next weekend I have my fist appointment since February with Vicky, who normally does my pedicure. Looking forward to it. This afternoon may be a walk if if it nice. It promises to be dry, cloudy and cold. OK for walking in, although it has just gone foggy. I have a little sewing job to tackle for Claire. She has been trying to get some children's handkerchieves for Erin but has been unsuccessful. Its all part of her environmentally friendly, low waste approach . I agree. I really don’t like paper tissues except when I have a cold. Anyway she asked if I had any suitable fabric, which I have so I will run up a few on my overlocker. I may even try a couple of specials on my new machine. I did a bit of you tube research last night about edges and embroidered corners.

So today I have some washing to finish and the ironing today. I want to change the bedding but it will involve the drier to dry things. Being Sunday, I will probably start the next chapter of my archaeology course whilst we are sitting this evening. So it looks like a busy day today. I hope you all have a good day too

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 06 Dec 2020, 08:25
by Marilyn
I have a luxury bath, in my big “egg” bath, every single morning of my life! It is MY special time, does wonders for the Sciatica ( I am a bit stiff on rising) ,helps me plan my day, and I always feel fabulous afterwards. I love my morning bath!
I do my own manicure and pedicure.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 06 Dec 2020, 08:35
by Stanley
You're like clockwork Sue. You are going to do more physical things than me. In fact I have just declined one bit of exercise. I normally have a short walk before breakfast but we still have cold rain so I decided that I have had enough exercise with my early walk and two hours on my feet at the bench in the shed. I promise I'll have a proper walk round the Green at dinnertime.


Once again, not an impressive picture of where I was at knocking off time but another two hours of careful work has gone into these four bearings, plenty more to do as well! I'm happy, good progress and no mistakes. That's what I like.