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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 18 May 2021, 12:59
by Big Kev
Thank you, nothing too taxing this time. I've continued my medical comments on the relevant thread

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 19 May 2021, 03:24
by Stanley
The search for perfection in the shed will continue and fail miserably as usual due to bad eyesight but the results will be acceptable. :biggrin2:
Some bits of shopping and the forecast encourages short walks!I shall survive the day without boredom.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 19 May 2021, 06:46
by Sue

Well it turned out to be a lovely day yesterday. I did not manage to get an appointment with my GP but the receptionist gave me the phone number for our local, Rochdale area, 7 day a week general practice surgery . I phoned and after a long telephone wait I have an appointment for Saturday morning to review the lump on my hand. I am happy about that, so long as it is seen I don’t mind who sees it. This reminds me that the previous day we had a good visit to our new dentist who was very thorough, did two X rays to check my root filling was sound and gave us an all clear for a year.

In the morning we had a walk to the bank in Rochdale, took my trousers back to M&S and did a circuit back, 4.3 miles. Its easy to forget how far up the hill we are from the centre because all we did was walk there and back. Bob was boiler testing at the park in the afternoon, I pottered in the garden. I did a bit of weeding but having looked at the weather forecast for the next fortnight I decided to plant out my courgettes, pumpkins and butternut squash . They look happy this morning. I am now trying to find a home for my spare plants, or I will have to buy some more plastic troughs to plant them in as I have run out. I have lost another tomato plant, it was in a pot under the window and I think the hail storm of the previous day had damaged it.

A couple of T shirts arrived from online buying, one huge one perfect, so that is another return to do. Its M&S again so I can take it back to the shop when I go down for my new glasses, when they arrive. My last batch of fabric arrived too so I managed to get that washed , dried on the line and ironed ready for my last bit of summer sewing .

This morning I have a hairdressers appointment, this afternoon I will visit my friend , having checked that she will be in. I doubt I will get much more done. I may start my next embroidery chapter whilst sitting, as there are some stitches to practice. Another 100% on the last assessment. The questions are rather easy but I did wonder if my stitching would be OK. Hand sewing has never been my strength. The stitches are getting more complex now and need a bit of practice.

Have a good day everyone

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 19 May 2021, 07:00
by Big Kev
Sue wrote: 19 May 2021, 06:46
A couple of T shirts arrived from online buying, one huge one perfect, so that is another return to do. Its M&S again so I can take it back to the shop when I go down for my new glasses, when they arrive.
Not sure who does the picking and packing for these online deliveries, I ordered two pairs of jeans from Sports Direct, one pair was 4 inches shorter than the other. I only have to go to Burnley to exchange them but it rather defeats the object of ordering online in the first place.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 19 May 2021, 07:09
by Stanley
Just reading your day makes me feel tired Sue. I've been in the shed and we have a con rod with a fitted crank pin.


Breakfast and second sleep and then hopefully a sunny walk to the chemists and Town Square.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 19 May 2021, 08:01
by Sue
Big Kev wrote: 19 May 2021, 07:00
Sue wrote: 19 May 2021, 06:46
A couple of T shirts arrived from online buying, one huge one perfect, so that is another return to do. Its M&S again so I can take it back to the shop when I go down for my new glasses, when they arrive.
Not sure who does the picking and packing for these online deliveries, I ordered two pairs of jeans from Sports Direct, one pair was 4 inches shorter than the other. I only have to go to Burnley to exchange them but it rather defeats the object of ordering online in the first place.
Exactly, though the new M&S in Rochdale has a very limited range. The old one was bad enough, but this new, super big one has few choices. In my case it was the style that was big but if I had seen them in the store I would have know that. Horrid powder blue too, not the deeper blue I expected.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 19 May 2021, 09:26
by PanBiker
Pressing on with the decorating this morning and then journeying to foreign parts this afternoon. West Bradford to give my armful of blood for the cause. :smile:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 20 May 2021, 03:47
by Stanley
Nice little village......
I might re-make the crank pin this morning. I'm not totally satisfied with the one I made yesterday.....
Other than that catch 'In Our Time' on R4 this morning and get a walk in before it starts raining if possible. It's all go but someone has to do it..... (Oh and remember to give Stuart my order for meat.....)

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 20 May 2021, 06:47
by Sue

Another OK day yesterday. It rained in the morning when I was at the hairdressers but was fine the rest of the day. We went to see Wendy and Barry ( Wendy is my ex work colleague and long time friend) and spent an hour or so with them. They are both well but time is taking its toll on their mobility. Both have been overweight for as long as I have known them but in their younger days they were caravaners and walkers, or should I say strollers and managed to stay fit with that and playing badminton. They have always done a lot of socialising in a big way which has not helped the weight and unfortunately with 18 months of poorer health, arthritis , less mobility and heart issues their physical abilities have decreased substantially since I last saw them over a year ago . They were still the happy kind people I have always know though and we had a lovely chat with promises of more visits soon.

We then popped up to the house of my pilates teacher to drop off my excess veggie plants. She has an allotment so is always grateful for any plants going spare. I made sure they were all clearly labelled this year. Two years ago we had a glut of squash plants in France and no cucumbers. She had a glut of cucumbers and few squash. :laugh5: Its difficult to tell them apart as young plants with similar leaves

This morning is pilates, followed by a few sewing repairs and T shirt shortening which I will continue with through out the day . We are out for lunch at the Shepherds Rest in Todmorden with Wendy and Keith, at last . We are all looking forward to that . I think it is due to rain but being inside it won’t affect us . The forecast has been odd this week. Rain forecast everyday but in fact it has been quite dry and sunny with a few sharp heavy showers.

Have a good day everyone

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 20 May 2021, 07:09
by Stanley
But I suspect more rain today Sue.
"time is taking its toll on their mobility. "
Tell me about it.... that's why I force myself to do shed and walks to try to preserve what mobility I have left!
I like the sound of your day Sue apart from the Pilates.
I've had an hour in the shed, as threatened I made another, better, crank pin but got the slot in the head wrong. It will have to do. Then I moved onto the valve and rod.


Closing time, now I need a gland and a clevis. Breakfast now and then a sleep after listening to 'In Our Time'.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 20 May 2021, 07:24
by Sue
You are an olympic sprinter compared to Barrys mobility Stanley. He has arthritis in his feet like I have but it is very severe. He can’t bend one foot at all and has to shuffle . It is really sad to see . A mathematician it is nice to see his brain is still very active

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 20 May 2021, 07:37
by Stanley
Understood....., I suppose that's what we are all secretly afraid of, loss of mobility and brain power and hence, independence. (Memo to self, must do more housework because it's good exercise.)

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 20 May 2021, 08:26
by Sue
Stanley wrote: 20 May 2021, 07:37 Understood....., I suppose that's what we are all secretly afraid of, loss of mobility and brain power and hence, independence. (Memo to self, must do more housework because it's good exercise.)
I can think of better exercise but you are right it is good for mobility and the heart. However it affects both my back and Bobs so we have a cleaner normally. We do it together when she is unable to come

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 21 May 2021, 03:22
by Stanley
Exercise took a blow yesterday because I didn't have my midday walk, wind and rain cancelled it!
I shall be in the shed for an hour then early doors shopping at 7AM, after that depends on the weather and that's not looking good at the moment! The forecast is for rain all day.....

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 21 May 2021, 06:33
by Sue

What a foul day it was yesterday and more of it today. By the time we got to Todmorden visibility was very low indeed and it was about 6 degrees. Today is forecast for similar. We had a lovely meal and chat but the place was almost empty which is a shame for the business but good for the customers. Its a pub high on the hills used by walkers and people like us. No passing trade so on a day like yesterday you wouldn't make a last minute decision to go out. In the afternoon I finished shortening my T shirts, now I just need weather to wear them

Its dance exercise this morning, and some towel washing. I have zoom u3a craft which is really just another online natter. My friend and I are getting rather bored with it. There is only so much you can demonstrate on zoom. It will be a late lunch and then I will cut out the last items of summer clothing to make. Thats it.

Gave a good day, stay dry

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 21 May 2021, 07:19
by Stanley
"What a foul day it was yesterday and more of it today."

That's about the size of it Sue, It's been raining here non-stop for just short of 24 hours. I don't know about you but I will stay inside, bugger walking in the rain. I did enough of that when I had a dog! I hope your day goes well.
I've been in the shed and done my early doors shopping and am now having my breakfast as I post.


We now have a gland nut for the valve rod and I'm ready to finish the valve rod and make the clevis. Not a lot done but no mistakes.... :biggrin2:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 21 May 2021, 08:11
by Sue
I won’t be walking anywhere today except to the greenhouse and back, which I have done. I noticed my broad beans, which I have been growing since November and are full of flowers have been battered by the wind and rain. I have just tried to tie them up with my few remaining garden canes. I don’t hold out a lot of hope and it is bitterly cold out there. Its so depressing. May, when everything should have been thriving ,has largely been wet and cold here. Plant growth is severely retarded and it has been a real struggle getting veggies to grow, even germinate. I know why I have given up before and stuck to growing veggies in France. Hey ho🙁💨🌧❄️💨🌧💦

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 21 May 2021, 08:27
by Gloria
Some fields around us have had their first cut of grass. We are in a good growing area over here in west Lancashire.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 21 May 2021, 13:28
by Sue
Gloria wrote: 21 May 2021, 08:27 Some fields around us have had their first cut of grass. We are in a good growing area over here in west Lancashire.
My daughter lives just outside Preston, having moved from Ramsbottom last August. Erin , grand daughter, says she likes her new house because it never rains

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 21 May 2021, 16:47
by Big Kev
My wife has gone to her sister's for a Christmas dinner, I'm working so made do with a bowl of cereal and some peanuts :biggrin2:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 21 May 2021, 17:01
by Wendyf
Today my brother and sister in law came to visit, they are having a few days caravanning in the Dales. We left Col at home and had lunch at the Black Lane Ends. A day of treats.... I felt I deserved it. :smile:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 21 May 2021, 17:10
by Big Kev
Wendyf wrote: 21 May 2021, 17:01 Today my brother and sister in law came to visit, they are having a few days caravanning in the Dales. We left Col at home and had lunch at the Black Lane Ends. A day of treats.... I felt I deserved it. :smile:
Good stuff, I reckon you did deserve it :good:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 21 May 2021, 17:44
by Wendyf
Thanks Kev, it's been a tough few months but there are signs of progress. :smile:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 21 May 2021, 18:19
by Big Kev
Excellent. We like progress.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 21 May 2021, 20:44
by Sue
We certainly do like progress, its been a long few months for you Wendy