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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 16 Sep 2021, 12:59
by chinatyke
Sue wrote: 16 Sep 2021, 07:45 ...These guidelines apply to all pets not just fish. I believe it is part of the same legislation that you cannot now boil a lobster live
I've always thought that putting live seafood into boiling water was a horrific thing to do and extremely cruel. I'm all for any law that alleviates suffering to any creature.

My pond is a koi fish pond and not a natural pond. The koi grow quickly and I end up doing a cull every year. This year we had 47 koi fry that were hatched from spawn, and we released them into the pond where they all seem to have survived and are growing-on nicely. The pond becomes overstocked as they grow and hence the need for 24/7 management. My pumps are protected by ELCB/RCD switches as well but I would still prefer them to be 24V and less lethal.

Sue said: Its mountain stream I love listening too. I am partial to a few waves but if I had to chose it would be mountains, trees and a babbling brook, preferable where the clouds stay high!

I know the perfect place and it's a cool 29C at the moment (9pm)! And the beer is cheap! In the mornings, I love seeing the mist rising from the lake behind the karst hills, steaming like a mill pond, and drifting slowly over the green velvet hills.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 16 Sep 2021, 15:28
by Sue
I like the idea of Koi, but so much maintenance and we go away such a lot. Goldfish can survive better I think with minimal work . I agree about the lobster and any other animal that is killed inhumanely . Anyway our fish have loads of space, the maths tells me we can have at least twice as many and they wouldn't be over crowded.

Beer at 29degrees, and it sounds a wonderful place

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Sep 2021, 02:47
by Stanley
Susan and I will be having lunch at about 18C later this morning because that's the plan. No shed, early doors Co-op shop, second sleep and then off to Colne with Susan for the trip that had to be cancelled last week when she and Mick were struck down with the lurgi. Stuart might deliver my meat later on and take the engine away. That will be nice!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Sep 2021, 06:06
by Wendyf
Will you and Susan be having your lunch in Colne Stanley? I had lunch with friends at the Emmott Arms in Laneshawbridge yesterday, it's such a treat to sit and chat.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Sep 2021, 06:26
by Sue

This morning is u3a art at Todmorden. It promises to be another nice day which is good as we are sketching in the local park . Afterwards its lunch at The Shepherds Rest with Wendy and Keith. That should fill the day .

Yesterdays art class went well though there were a few faces missing. Some are on holiday , one has sadly developed dementia and my neighbour was missing. Apparently she had not been last week either so I messaged her when I returned home. Sadly her husband developed dementia too over lockdown, I think he is only about 73. So sad, he cannot be left longer than half an hour. Bob and i thought he did not look well last time we saw the two of them out for a walk. Luckily their daughter only lives round the corner so Janet will get some support, but I too have offered help if needed. After lunch i did a little of my sewing preparation as discussed with Maxine on Wednesday.

That's it for today, seems a little short :laugh5: . Have a good day what ever you are all doing

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Sep 2021, 06:49
by Stanley
Wendy, yes, that's the main reason we go out once a week if we tell the truth. We shall find something nice in Colne. :biggrin2:
Nowt wrong with a succinct report Sue. Mine is even shorter because there is no shed news...
However, I do have observations.... First, I have never seen so many empty spaces in the Cathedral of choice, particularly in fruit and vegetables and meat. No problem for me because I got my veggies on the Square yesterday. I commented on the spaces to Dot and she said there was no end in sight for them.
The other thing that struck me at 07:00 as I went to the Co-op I counted at least ten condensation trails. I knew there was some improvement in the numbers of flights but this was very striking.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Sep 2021, 07:31
by Wendyf
I'm not sure where I would choose to eat in Colne, there are a few fancy looking coffee shops down Albert Road including Tubbs which is a now an expensive 'eaterie'. For a good, no frills meal at a decent price I would pick The Crown.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Sep 2021, 07:34
by Big Kev
Wendyf wrote: 17 Sep 2021, 07:31 I'm not sure where I would choose to eat in Colne, there are a few fancy looking coffee shops down Albert Road including Tubbs which is a now an expensive 'eaterie'. For a good, no frills meal at a decent price I would pick The Crown.
I must try there, I've only eaten in Carlos.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Sep 2021, 07:37
by Wendyf
Big Kev wrote: 17 Sep 2021, 07:34
Wendyf wrote: 17 Sep 2021, 07:31 I'm not sure where I would choose to eat in Colne, there are a few fancy looking coffee shops down Albert Road including Tubbs which is a now an expensive 'eaterie'. For a good, no frills meal at a decent price I would pick The Crown.
I must try there, I've only eaten in Carlos.
It's an old fashioned place Kev, you wouldn't go to admire the decor. :biggrin2:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Sep 2021, 08:58
by Big Kev
Wendyf wrote: 17 Sep 2021, 07:37
Big Kev wrote: 17 Sep 2021, 07:34
Wendyf wrote: 17 Sep 2021, 07:31 I'm not sure where I would choose to eat in Colne, there are a few fancy looking coffee shops down Albert Road including Tubbs which is a now an expensive 'eaterie'. For a good, no frills meal at a decent price I would pick The Crown.
I must try there, I've only eaten in Carlos.
It's an old fashioned place Kev, you wouldn't go to admire the decor. :biggrin2:
:biggrin2: if the food is good I'd eat in a shed.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Sep 2021, 09:04
by PanBiker
Jim's Cafe, I think it's still in business. Vegetarian with attitude if Rene is still there. :extrawink: Just checked only open in the evenings.

Jim's Cafe

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Sep 2021, 09:04
by Stanley
Thanks Wendy, I shall bear the Crown in mind. But of late Susan and I have taken to eating al fresco. Is the wharf open at Foulridge today?

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Sep 2021, 09:14
by Stanley
I had a look and it seems they are closed on Friday.....

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Sep 2021, 09:20
by Big Kev
The Wharf at Foulridge should be open today.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 18 Sep 2021, 03:34
by Stanley
The online adverts are very bad. It doesn't surprise me that I was misled, the Visit Pendle site even has the wrong telephone number.
Susan knew a good place that is owned and rum by the son of one of her friends, the Market Cafe. Good home-cooked food at reasonable prices and a view to die for!


I had fish pie and plum crumble. I also found a stall on the market selling second hand tools. I spent £20 and you can see what I got on shed matters.
That's where I shall be for two hours this morning, then my usual fun-filled day. Susan and I are working out how to get to Keighley for a trip on the Worth Valley Railway before it shuts for the winter.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 18 Sep 2021, 06:32
by Sue

Sounds good Stanley. We too have a fabulous view at the Shepherds Rest which is one of the reasons we go there. We always book table 1 , where we can see over and beyond Heptonstall probably to Burnley....if we are not sitting in the cloud. Yesterday was beautiful. On our way home we stopped at the garden centre and bought some bulbs and some pansies. I will say why in a moment or two.

Today we are having lunch out with my cousin Trish at our local pub. My sister was joining us but she has been poorly this week with a gastric bug and her lovely dog Moo is not so good either. The dog has developed dermatitis in her paw and is scratching it endlessly. After lunch we are visiting my brother up near Dewsbury. He is expecting Bob and I but not Trish. He has always enjoyed her company so that should cheer him up. He is a bit low at the moment. While they are chatting Bob and I will clear his dead veggie plants from his planters outside his flat and plant up with the bulbs and pansies. I suspect he forgot to water his plants so I shall add fertliser pellets and water-gel crystals to the compost to give the new plants a boost.

This morning is Bacup market but we don’t need a lot. The last of my veggies, tomatoes and cooking apples need eating before we go to France next Monday. We have an appointment with someone on the 29 th to put our electricity metre online so it can be read remotely. So good news yesterday on the testing front we do not need to pay £70 for tests to come home and its possibly the test after we come home will be the cheaper antigen test.

Its u3a wine appreciation on zoom this evening and thats my day, have a good one.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 18 Sep 2021, 07:18
by Stanley
Good report Sue, off to France again eh? You and Bob have so much more energy than me!
I have had two hours in the shed and now it's breakfast and post on shed matters. I'll be back with a picture.....
Later.... An interesting scene this morning. See shed matters for the details.


Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 18 Sep 2021, 18:10
by Big Kev
Stanley wrote: 18 Sep 2021, 03:34 Susan and I are working out how to get to Keighley for a trip on the Worth Valley Railway before it shuts for the winter.
M5 bus from Barlick to Colne Bus Station then change to the M4 to Keighley Bus Garage.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 19 Sep 2021, 02:56
by Stanley
Yup, that's the way we'll go. Oct 7th is the day.
I shall be looking for a start on the 10H engine today , (As long as I am not diverted!) So two hours in the shed.
Bookie watch should be OK, the rain we are promised is set to have stopped by then.It's going to be a cooler day.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 19 Sep 2021, 06:35
by Sue

Its raining on and off. The garden already looks wet. I had a lovely lunch with my cousin yesterday but a sad trip to see my brother. He looks very frail. We haven’t always seen eye to eye, in fact rarely, but he is my brother and it saddens me to see him like this.

Today I have a whats app call with Eve, the first of our regular chats due to various holidays and I also have a zoom meeting with Briony when we will paint an abstract giraffe. However I think she will be excited to chat more. Yesterday she did her first ever swimming gala. She is only 9 and has never swum in a 50 m pool. She won a gold for her breaststroke and three silver medals. Unfortunately she was disqualified from her second place in the 200 m Individual Medley for incorrect butterfly arms. I should think she was just plain exhausted by that stage. However I do think this will be the big confidence booster she needs. I so wish I could hug her.

After our chat at 10 ish this morning I shall at last finish my ironing with my new iron and then finish my current sewing task for Maxine. Other than that I have nothing planned but will take the day as it comes

Have a good day, stay dry :smile:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 19 Sep 2021, 07:22
by Stanley
I share something with you Sue, I don't know why but I have never got on with my siblings. They had a good relationship but I was never included. Sad but a fact of life and in my view it's allowed.
As usual you have a nice day planned. I've had my two hours in the shed and a bit of a surprise. More later when I've posted on Shed Matters.....

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 19 Sep 2021, 07:24
by Big Kev
Wendyf wrote: 17 Sep 2021, 07:37
Big Kev wrote: 17 Sep 2021, 07:34
Wendyf wrote: 17 Sep 2021, 07:31 I'm not sure where I would choose to eat in Colne, there are a few fancy looking coffee shops down Albert Road including Tubbs which is a now an expensive 'eaterie'. For a good, no frills meal at a decent price I would pick The Crown.
I must try there, I've only eaten in Carlos.
It's an old fashioned place Kev, you wouldn't go to admire the decor. :biggrin2:
I'm booked in for Sunday lunch today.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 19 Sep 2021, 07:39
by Wendyf
Big Kev wrote: 19 Sep 2021, 07:24
Wendyf wrote: 17 Sep 2021, 07:37
Big Kev wrote: 17 Sep 2021, 07:34
I must try there, I've only eaten in Carlos.
It's an old fashioned place Kev, you wouldn't go to admire the decor. :biggrin2:
I'm booked in for Sunday lunch today.
My reputation as a restaurant critic is on the line! I hope it's OK. :biggrin2:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 19 Sep 2021, 07:53
by Stanley
I don't think he'll hold you responsible Wendy....


Part of this morning was looking for a blank for the crankshaft in this lump of rusty stock. There was a surprise as well but you'll have to see shed matters for that.
Now I am having breakfast and will shortly go for second sleep.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 19 Sep 2021, 08:27
by Big Kev
Wendyf wrote: 19 Sep 2021, 07:39
Big Kev wrote: 19 Sep 2021, 07:24
Wendyf wrote: 17 Sep 2021, 07:37
It's an old fashioned place Kev, you wouldn't go to admire the decor. :biggrin2:
I'm booked in for Sunday lunch today.
My reputation as a restaurant critic is on the line! I hope it's OK. :biggrin2:
I trust your judgement, lots of others recommend it on social media too :good: