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Re: WILD ? .."I was LIVID" !..(Wildlife Corner)

Posted: 09 Oct 2012, 06:12
by Stanley
Eileen, we looked at this some time ago and it's surprising how many people wear by them as a repellent for spiders.

Re: WILD ? .."I was LIVID" !..(Wildlife Corner)

Posted: 28 Dec 2012, 13:15
by Moh
Two nights ago around 9.30pm hubby was checking he had llocked the garage (Senior moment !!), the moon wa shining brightly and as he looked up at it a large flock of birds flew over the moon's face, goodness knows what they were at that time of night.

Re: WILD ? .."I was LIVID" !..(Wildlife Corner)

Posted: 29 Dec 2012, 05:44
by Cathy
At this time of year I often hear flocks of birds flying over my home after dark, wish I could see them, but by the time I realise whats happening they are gone. It's summer here with daylight saving so it must happen after about 8.30/9.00pm.

Re: WILD ? .."I was LIVID" !..(Wildlife Corner)

Posted: 29 Dec 2012, 05:59
by Stanley
We get the Canada Geese over Barlick every day. I love it when I see them especially the way they honk to each other as they are flying.

Re: WILD ? .."I was LIVID" !..(Wildlife Corner)

Posted: 01 Jan 2013, 06:00
by Stanley
Despite the rain, the birds have been singing first thing in the morning for the last few days. Can't imagine what they have to be happy about! The small black birds with the white collar in Valley Gardens show no fear of humans or Jack. He was sniffing round within six inches of one yesterday morning and all it did was hop away another foot.

Re: WILD ? .."I was LIVID" !..(Wildlife Corner)

Posted: 06 Jan 2013, 13:40
by Moh
I think the weather is confusing the birds & plants, there were two robins in the garden this morning and the male was doing a coutship dance - showing her his red breast. We also have a lovely rose which has just bloomed on our patio rose.

Re: WILD ? .."I was LIVID" !..(Wildlife Corner)

Posted: 07 Jan 2013, 05:46
by Stanley
Not surprising Moh given the mild weather. The birds were singing their hearts out yesterday just before dawn.

Re: WILD ? .."I was LIVID" !..(Wildlife Corner)

Posted: 27 Jan 2013, 13:28
by Moh
A couple of weeks ago i saw an animal about the size of a large rat run across the road in our Close. Hubby was worried it was a rat, and yesterday saw small footprints in the snow in the back garden. This morning I saw the animal run round the edge of the garden, it was a stoat.

Re: WILD ? .."I was LIVID" !..(Wildlife Corner)

Posted: 27 Jan 2013, 13:45
by Gloria
A stoat is stoatally different and a weasel is weasely distinguishable.

Re: WILD ? .."I was LIVID" !..(Wildlife Corner)

Posted: 27 Jan 2013, 16:40
by Nolic
Cath saw a couple of deer feeding in the small fields at the side of Boundary Mill stores on Friday at about 8.00 am. Traffic from the roundabout at the end of the M^% didn't seem to bother them. Nolic

Re: WILD ? .."I was LIVID" !..(Wildlife Corner)

Posted: 28 Jan 2013, 05:12
by Stanley
I'll bet they were hungry! The high snow cover will have driven them down hill I suppose. The birds have been very busy lately for the same reason. Lots of geese flying over the town, lovely sight and sound.

Re: WILD ? .."I was LIVID" !..(Wildlife Corner)

Posted: 01 Mar 2013, 13:29
by Moh
The homing frogs are back ( last year it was Feb 29th) - the middle pond is getting full of frogspawn.

Re: WILD ? .."I was LIVID" !..(Wildlife Corner)

Posted: 01 Mar 2013, 20:03
by hartley353
Moh wrote:Two nights ago around 9.30pm hubby was checking he had llocked the garage (Senior moment !!), the moon wa shining brightly and as he looked up at it a large flock of birds flew over the moon's face, goodness knows what they were at that time of night.
Geese and Ducks will fly and feed under a good moon,all migratory birds will fly at night, they have no choice when crossing an ocean.

Re: WILD ? .."I was LIVID" !..(Wildlife Corner)

Posted: 02 Mar 2013, 05:59
by Stanley
So nice to see the Homing Frogs popping up again. A sure sign of Spring. The crocuses (crocii?) are blooming on the Green in Barlick.

Re: WILD ? .."I was LIVID" !..(Wildlife Corner)

Posted: 06 Mar 2013, 10:56
by Chrissyp
Saw two Hares having a brilliant time boxing up Calf Hall Lane yesterday. Great to see haven't seen a Hare for ages.

Re: WILD ? .."I was LIVID" !..(Wildlife Corner)

Posted: 06 Mar 2013, 22:03
by hartley353
Our local radio station put out a free plug for the Countryside Warden Service. They were having a guided walk and were asking for people to participate, part of the walk was to attempt to ascertain Hare numbers. I wonder how many lurcher men turned up to get a free where they are, and how to get at them tour. Some folk haven't got the sense they are born with. As to the Badger cull all the government had to do was send down drivers from cheshire,a few of them in the problem areas would reak havoc on the badger population, and all for free.

Re: WILD ? .."I was LIVID" !..(Wildlife Corner)

Posted: 07 Mar 2013, 15:02
by Moh
We saw one squashed flat on Monday. The tv today is mentioning a big deer cull.

Re: WILD ? .."I was LIVID" !..(Wildlife Corner)

Posted: 07 Mar 2013, 16:04
by Wendyf
Four curlews spotted today circling over the field...just arrived by the looks of it. I like to imagine they have returned from spending the winter at Morecambe. :smile:

Re: WILD ? .."I was LIVID" !..(Wildlife Corner)

Posted: 07 Mar 2013, 19:37
by hartley353
Very strange bird the curlew,many of the wintering birds are from Russia,the English birds move southwest, even as far as France.then as spring approaches the Scottish curlews move down to the north west. Later in the summer birds will arrive from scandinavia, and western europe. ask many people what is the most evocative bird call and it will be the curlew. A long lived bird that can reach 30 plus years, Always a pleasure to see.

Re: WILD ? .."I was LIVID" !..(Wildlife Corner)

Posted: 07 Mar 2013, 22:15
by Wendyf
So my curlews will have come from further afield than Morecambe?
Relieved to see that there are still hares around here despite the shooting that went on at the end of last year.

Re: WILD ? .."I was LIVID" !..(Wildlife Corner)

Posted: 08 Mar 2013, 06:01
by Stanley
Tewits were so common 50 years ago.....

Re: WILD ? .."I was LIVID" !..(Wildlife Corner)

Posted: 08 Mar 2013, 09:05
by Wendyf
Plenty of Lapwings up here Stanley. We used to call them Peewits not Tewits.

Re: WILD ? .."I was LIVID" !..(Wildlife Corner)

Posted: 08 Mar 2013, 10:00
by Stanley
I always get them mixed up and you are quite right, I was thinking of Lapwings.

Re: WILD ? .."I was LIVID" !..(Wildlife Corner)

Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 11:08
by hartley353
Aa I walked down the road to buy my paper this morning, out from my neighbours garden strolled a fox,a most magnificent dog in pristine condition. He watched for my reaction then crossed to the opposite footpath and walked off in the same direction as myself before entering another garden. Absolutely fearless. Grand Daughter two streets away has recently had twins, we shall have to warn her to keep doors closed.

Re: WILD ? .."I was LIVID" !..(Wildlife Corner)

Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 11:29
by PanBiker
Yesterday we saw a small flock (about 12 or 13) of what turned out to be Waxwings. Had to look them up to identify properly. Most were perched between the elements of a TV aerial on Far East View with the overflow hopping around on the top of the chimney stack. Never seen these before down our front garden run on the Croft.