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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 01 Nov 2021, 04:06
by Stanley
I shall have my two hours in the shed. Might not get out of the house today as we have heavy cold rain and winds gusting to over 45mph. Deep Joy! (It's November dummy!)

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 01 Nov 2021, 06:56
by Wendyf
Don't think I'll be getting out for the first of my November Challenge walks! It might improve this afternoon :smile:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 01 Nov 2021, 07:33
by Sue

Yup its a bit wet today. Yesterday was ok on and off during the afternoon but Bob was at the model engineers and I did my sewing tasks ready for Maxine's session next week . I think we are in for a bit of redesigning of the jacket as it has not turned out quite as we expected, but hey ho, thats why I do these sessions with Maxine. I made pumpkin soup for the week made from one of the pumpkins left over from the art session I did on Friday at u3a art. Here is my art attempt, its a 3D painting modelled in tissue paper and painted in acrylic
. I actually cooked the greeny one in the background

This morning I have pilates and no other plans for the day at the moment

Hope you get out for your walk Wendy though there is no break in the rain forecast here. Have a good day all. Stay warm and dry

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 01 Nov 2021, 07:44
by Wendyf
So do I Sue! It's the high winds + rain that will stop me, I don't mind getting wet but I like to be able to see!! :laugh5: I've got my booster this lunchtime and there might be a break in the weather after that, otherwise its extra miles tomorrow!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 01 Nov 2021, 08:24
by Stanley
Morning you two.... Yes, I think we can call it a wet November day and I'm in Wendy's camp, I don't mind the rain but when it's coming in horizontal on the wind include me out!
I've been doing good works in the shed. Back in a few minutes.


More muck-shifting. I stopped before I got to the target 3/8" so that the stock can cool down overnight allowing me to get an accurate measurement.
A nice two hours, a lot nearer a shaft!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 01 Nov 2021, 09:06
by Sue
Me too, its the wind driving the rain into your face that I don’t like. Your glasses get covered with rain drops and its almost impossible to see. We have good waterproof clothing and boots. I have just been outside to feed the goldfish, now down to one small handful once a day. The small feeder ponds are now overflowing into each other and the main pond has overflowed into the adjacent overflow bog garden. Soon that will start overflowing on to the paths . Its not nice out there.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 02 Nov 2021, 03:52
by Stanley
Some drier weather coming Sue....
I shall be quietly working towards my crankshaft. All is well so far and the button support between the webs is working well, we have a straight shaft! There are so many ways you can go wrong, best not to think about them.
Bookie watch looks tied on today but I shall be wrapped up in my Crombie!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 02 Nov 2021, 07:18
by Sue

Its a social morning this morning. I am meeting up with my old sewing group for lunch. I haven’t seen any of them since November 2019. They resumed their monthly coffee mornings in August but have missed everyone so far as we have been either in France or Northumberland. It will be mid afternoon when I get back. At 5.15 pm I have pilates followed by yoga and that will be my day.

Yesterday turned out unexpectedly dry and sunny in the afternoon though there were intermittent heavy showers. We decided not to walk down to the bank as the showers were too unreliable. I pottered, did a bit of jigsaw, finished off a pastel painting, tidied up my art brushes and washed my palettes. I was at Monday night art club last night and wanted to start a painting that would take me some time to do, so I prepared everything I needed.

So thats it. Have a good day.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 02 Nov 2021, 08:07
by Stanley
Yes and the weather could get even more changeable. I didn't have a walk and I didn't go for my eye test either.... One of my first jobs after 9AM is to ring up and apologise. No excuse for it, I just completely forgot!
Back in a minute or two with a picture....


I had one end of the shaft done and here it is sat on the bench waiting for a new setup. I ended up in exactly the same place as yesterday with the shaft almost finished and cooling down. Tomorrow will see the end of this job.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 03 Nov 2021, 04:56
by Stanley
Looking forward to finishing the crankshaft this morning. I will be super careful, this is where disastrous mistakes are made!
Bookie watch looks to be OK but I shall be wrapped up....

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 03 Nov 2021, 07:25
by Sue

I had a good lunch out yesterday with my sewing friends followed by a walk round the garden centre where we meet. They were busy converting the whole place to a Christmas gift shop and I got a bit annoyed as it was impossible to find and indeed buy a few small bulbs for my front garden rockery and some winter planting veggie seeds. I made some comment that I thought it was a garden centre not a Christmas gift shop. In disgust I went to the RANGE on the way home and managed to buy everything I wanted. Once home I planted up the bulbs and just finished before it startled raining .

This morning we are driving up to Cleckheaton to collect some of Dave's ashes. I don’t want to stay long but I am sure Lily will want to chat. The plan is that on Saturday Bob and I will meet my sister and my cousin at Burnley cemetery where the ashes will be sprinkled on Mums and Dads grave. We shall follow this up with a meal at the Ram Inn at Holme, Cliviger.

This afternoon if it stays dryish Bob and I will go to the park and plant the perennial roots in the garden round the model train track. If not we will try and do it tomorrow. I have pilates this evening .

Thats my day, have a good one

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 03 Nov 2021, 07:50
by Stanley
I understand completely your annoyance with the garden centre Sue. It's on a par with Supermarkets selling clothes, telephones and insurance. Anything to cash in on customers and it doesn't always improve the core business, hence you not being able to find what you want.
My core business this morning was terminating eight hours turning on my crank shaft. I'll be back in a few minutes.


Here's my latest ornament, it can sit on the kitchen table. About eight hours turning but well worth it I reckon, a far better job then the Stuart way of building the shaft up. A nice morning, now I can have breakfast.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 03 Nov 2021, 09:01
by Sue
I don’t mind supermarkets selling other stuff Stanley, in fact in rural France its the only place you can buy clothes. Its all in th e name SUPERMARKET, a super market of stuff.. GARDEN CENTRE sells stuff for gardens !

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 03 Nov 2021, 10:40
by Stanley
Tell that to all the newsagents whose businesses were suddenly worth nothing when the supermarkets started to sell papers and magazines Sue.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 03 Nov 2021, 13:11
by Sue
Stanley wrote: 03 Nov 2021, 10:40 Tell that to all the newsagents whose businesses were suddenly worth nothing when the supermarkets started to sell papers and magazines Sue.
Never has been a newsagent round us, except the chap that retired 30 years ago. But then I get my news online not from a newspaper . ONe of which I subscribe to on a monthly basis...a non political, no advertising , subscription only newspaper

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 03 Nov 2021, 13:20
by Big Kev
Can't remember the last time I read a physical newspaper. I did have a paper round about 45 years ago but it wasn't a 'stand alone' newsagent I worked out of. It sold all sorts, including an off licence.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 03 Nov 2021, 19:15
by Sue
Big Kev wrote: 03 Nov 2021, 13:20 Can't remember the last time I read a physical newspaper. I did have a paper round about 45 years ago but it wasn't a 'stand alone' newsagent I worked out of. It sold all sorts, including an off licence.
Most round here are sweet shops and sub post offices, even the one that retired 30 years ago

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 04 Nov 2021, 03:49
by Stanley
I need milk but don't want to shop until tomorrow as that's lunch in Colne with Susan so I will cheat and get milk only later this morning.


I have to admit I am an untidy bugger with a cluttered table but what nice clutter! The shaft is like a piece of modern sculpture. Lovely!
I shall be doing the mucky rough job of fettling castings. Two hours at least of torture, I hate it.
Bookie watch will be on but I will be well wrapped up!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 04 Nov 2021, 07:49
by Sue

Its looking good Stanley. Our table has a jigsaw board on it. This jigsaw is two x500 plus one x1000. My board or table does not have room for all 3 together. On Tuesday I finished the first of the smaller jigsaws and yesterday I started the second smaller one. I have had the jigsaw for years, along with others in the series that Bobs sister used to give me for Christmas. I thought I had taken them all to France but in one of the cupboard clear outs last year I found 4 that we had not done. I have lent one to Briony and decided to start doing the others. They are good and relaxing when the weather is awful and I am not doing something else.

Today is Brionys 10 th birthday and we shall whats app her after school this evening. It is also the anniversary of the deaths of our two Mums who died exactly two years apart.I shall pop over to the cemetery this morning with some flowers, although I shall be going again on Saturday. This afternoon I have an appointment with the asthma nurse , at my request, as I think the medication I am taking is actually causing unwanted side effects including a worse cough than I had. I have had the problem for well over 18 months but because there has been no asthma clinic and the symptoms are similar to covid It has not been possible to see anyone. After our negative PCR test on return from France I was able to say it was definitely not covid, and with the resumption of asthma reviews I have at last got an appointment. As I have said before we are not happy with our surgery !

Yesterday we went to Cleckheaton and fetched some of Dave's ashes. My brother Bob was there tidying up some executor loose ends. Lily wanted to chat. We came away with a number of things, wall paintings, wineglasses, wine and books. She has nearly finished clearing out and leaves the flat next week for pastures new. As she cannot afford the rent and has no job she has to go where she can find work. She has relatives in the Midlands and a job she can go to. I feel so sorry for her.

Its a sunny day today, if cold. Its a pity I have such a busy day, it would have been good to go for a walk. Have a good day all

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 04 Nov 2021, 08:41
by Stanley
I can think of nothing more stressful than Lily's position. It won't do her much good but she has my deep sympathy.

I'm just out of the shed and here's what I have been up to.


One casting ready for final finishing. Now for the others....

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 04 Nov 2021, 09:38
by Sue
Exactly Stanley. My brother Bob is doing all he can . There are two disability items at the flat bought on assisted finance. They need collecting but we have been unable to get anyone to acknowledge our messages. This is a big worry as Lily has inherited everything so technically she is responsible , but they are still going to be at the flat when she leaves on Monday. When my brother Bob drove home to Cardiff he was going to call in at the main office in Birmingham to try and get some action. Of course payment has stopped as the bank account has been closed. What a mess.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 04 Nov 2021, 13:08
by Big Kev
Had a walk into Colne as the sun was shining. Spot o' lunch at the Crown Hotel and a walk back home.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 04 Nov 2021, 13:12
by Stanley
Such a shame that Kev has to go to Colne to find nourishment. I'm glad he found a good source, looks good enough to eat....

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 04 Nov 2021, 13:27
by Big Kev
It was the sharing starter board, I had it as a main course. P had the lasagne.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 04 Nov 2021, 14:35
by Stanley
Kev. My wallet arrived and I have flit everything into it. I shall try tomorrow to get the bus pass to read through the window. One thing I did do Kev was take the press stud and the strap off inside folder. I can't see what good it is.
I shall feel happier now the cards are shielded.