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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 16 Jul 2022, 07:05
by Stanley
All is tidy. Back to bed now...... :biggrin2: :good:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 16 Jul 2022, 10:52
by Stanley
That went well! Another 3 hours sleep. I shall cook veggies now and then have a walk.....

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 16 Jul 2022, 12:07
by Stanley
I have finished veggie cooking. Now for a walk, a bit of onion shopping and then back to cook savoury mince for tea..... It's all go! :biggrin2:
Later at 14:30. The savoury mince is simmering on the hob and I have at last sat down. I think Tea might be a pick on the chicken!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Jul 2022, 03:06
by Stanley
I am in better order this morning! All the cooking is done so this morning I shall have a gentle potter in the shed, nothing strenuous and possibly an early walk. As for the rest of the day I shall take it as it comes..... drinking plenty of water and avoiding exerting myself!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Jul 2022, 06:20
by Sue

I have the bedding to wash and change today. It should try quickly, so will get it ironed too . Otherwise I think my main jobs are done, most of our packing is done too. Bob is at the park today running the trains, it promises to be busy. Luckily the track is in a very shady corner of the park . Claire and Erin are coming over sometime during the day and I have zoom art with Briony at 10.00 am.

Thats my day, enjoy yours

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Jul 2022, 06:58
by Stanley
Here in Barlick we have 16C outside and 21C inside so now is a good time for any tasks. I've just come in from the shed.....





This morning I finally cracked the fitting of the shaft into the supports and then fitted the centre bearing, the shaft runs free now. Lots more fitting to be done on it of course but definite progress. You can see clearly that the right hand flywheel needs finishing and that's probably the next task.
When I was looking at jeweller's tools I was reminded of the goldsmith's anvil that I have and decided it needed some TLC so this morning I mounted it in the lathe and trued the top face, it was hardened and I had to use an indexed carbide tool. The last pic shows where I finished and the piece of very hard plastic which will become the base.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Jul 2022, 07:38
by plaques
Sue wrote: 17 Jul 2022, 06:20 Bob is at the park today running the trains, it promises to be busy. Luckily the track is in a very shady corner of the park
Love to see some pictures of Bob hard at work, sounds like fun to me. :biggrin2:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Jul 2022, 11:30
by Stanley
I've just been hard at work keeping an eye on the bookies.... It's very pleasant out there, warm but a good breeze to take the edge off the heat. Still overcast but I'll bet the UV is high notwithstanding.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Jul 2022, 11:53
by Wendyf
I passed by in the car and waved merrily but you were concentrating on something across the road. I went to visit Minnie the mini cob at her new yard in Salterforth this morning, she is well, happy and much loved, starting her life as a ridden pony with a 9 year old rider. After that I went up to Hey Farm and bought more plants for the garden before coming back through Barlick. Bancroft chimney was smoking as I drove by!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Jul 2022, 12:35
by Stanley
Why didn't you stop an have a natter? You're supposed to be taking care of the old folks in this stressful weather..... :biggrin2:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Jul 2022, 13:28
by Wendyf
Stanley wrote: 17 Jul 2022, 12:35 Why didn't you stop an have a natter? You're supposed to be taking care of the old folks in this stressful weather..... :biggrin2:
I was taking care of my new plants and getting them home quickly! :biggrin2:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Jul 2022, 18:26
by Big Kev
Waiting for a recovery truck on the M2. Diagnostics show the injector on number 2 cylinder has a fault. Looks like I won't be driving home tomorrow.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Jul 2022, 20:15
by Wendyf
Oh no! Not good Kev. Have you been rescued yet?

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Jul 2022, 20:41
by Tripps
Bad luck Kev. I had one of those in February. Turned out not as expensive as I had feared. Good luck.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Jul 2022, 21:05
by Big Kev
Just got back to the hotel, it's a busy day for tow trucks apparently. Just need to find someone to fix it now. Worst case scenario is £350 for a new injector plus labour to fit and programme it. I need to book an extra night at the hotel too, hopefully they have a room available.

10:15pm and I am in Dominos Pizza getting a takeaway for tea as it's the only place open.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 18 Jul 2022, 02:16
by Stanley
Not what you needed Kev! On an old diesel you wouldn't have known about it and just carried on motoring, the joys of modern diagnostics! Worst case you put a ball bearing in the union to the injector to block it and carried on with the other cylinders. I hope you can get sorted and that you have a bed tonight.....
All will be normal at here in the hutch, I shall be in the shed for as long as seems sensible and then doing as little as possible for the rest of the day.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 18 Jul 2022, 04:31
by Big Kev
Hotel booked for tonight, the search is on for a garage today. The backup option is for recovery back to Foulridge and I get it fixed there.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 18 Jul 2022, 05:11
by Stanley
A memorable trip Kev.....

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 18 Jul 2022, 06:30
by Stanley




As you can see the process of fitting the piece of plastic to the jeweller's anvil didn't go well. It was far less malleable than I had assumed and shattered. So, into the bin and I accepted that the way to use the anvil is to capture it in a vise. I also noted that there is a trademark on the vise, a fish.
So then I switched my attention to the fire pump. I found the relevant drawing in the ME files and did some preliminary investigating. What I found is bad news, the shaft and the standards are going to need a lot more fitting, the engine block is nowhere near a fit. It means a complete strip down and basically re-make what i have so far. I told you this pump was going to be a bugger!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 18 Jul 2022, 06:57
by Sue

Busy goings on for you Barlick folk yesterday. Hope you get the car sorted Kev. Mine did not get sorted last week and its back to the garage with it today. I have hand written a note to explain what the problem is as the info on the job card did not reflect what we told them last week. So its over to the Mini garage after breakfast, then a trip to Tesco for some last minute shopping and finally town to go to the bank to pay in yesterdays takings at the park. Not much money was taken and the park was nearly empty. However our local park was heaving as there was a vintage car show . £5 a head to go in and the money raised was for charity.

I did not go out much, did my washing and finished sorting packing for France. Claire, Adam and Erin came over for a couple of hours on their way to Erin’s cousin’s 7th birthday party. We stayed inside most of the time but Erin andI took a short walk in the fields behind us to go and look at the local pond. There were ducks, dragonflies and damsel flies, enough to keep a little girl happy. However the pond was looking very dehydrated, the level low and the algae within it was looking decidedly ‘manky’ . After they left I drove over to Wendy’s house to pick up my art contributions from the u3a art exhibition on Saturday. I stayed an hour chatting over a cool soft drink

Today I have no pilates as my money has run out for the month and there was no point renewing for a couple of classes. However the ones I could have been to have been cancelled because of the heat, at the advice of the Professional Pilates and Yoga Teachers society/club / or whatever it is. After our trips this morning we will probably stay in doors and keep cool. I have some jeans to shorten before they go back to France. Have a good day all.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 18 Jul 2022, 07:34
by plaques
Big Kev wrote: 17 Jul 2022, 21:05 Worst case scenario is £350 for a new injector plus labour to fit and programme it.
Some injectors have there own mini filter which may mean you don't need a new one. I would change the big fuel filter at the same time. My pals advice was 'if you see a tanker in the station filling their tanks up don't buy any move to another station'.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 18 Jul 2022, 07:42
by Cathy
Big Kev, I don’t know anything about car thingamagigs, but I hope you get it sorted soon.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 18 Jul 2022, 08:44
by PanBiker
Sorry to hear of your car woe's Kev. You don''t need that especially in the current warm weather. I hope you get sorted OK today. Reminds me of when my radiator emptied half way up France on the way back to the ferry. It was July and 32 degrees, three kids in the car as well. fraught wasn't the word! We did make the ferry though but I think we were the last on. :extrawink:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 18 Jul 2022, 08:50
by Tripps
PanBiker wrote: 18 Jul 2022, 08:44 It was July and 32 degrees,
Pretty chilly then ? :smile:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 18 Jul 2022, 09:02
by PanBiker
Ha! Celsius. Air Con in the car at the time was called a window. :extrawink: :laugh5: