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Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 15 Oct 2021, 02:48
by Stanley
I agree with David, I've done everything reasonably possible to an old house with rubble filled walls and paid for it myself. There's a limit to how much you can do to an old house like this. Oh, I forgot, the re-roof was done under some sort of EU block grant when they refurbished the entire row of houses.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 15 Oct 2021, 14:04
by Tripps
Essex Police statement 3.00 pm

"A man has died at the scene of a stabbing"

Terrible news.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 15 Oct 2021, 14:16
by Big Kev
Tripps wrote: 15 Oct 2021, 14:04 Essex Police statement 3.00 pm

"A man has died at the scene of a stabbing"

Terrible news.
I saw that, it's shocking ... y-12434589

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 16 Oct 2021, 02:59
by Stanley
I agree. My first thought was 'How have we come to this?'
Is something changing in society? Are we going down the same track that the US seems to have followed?
5 Years since Jo Cox MP....


Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 18 Oct 2021, 10:45
by Tizer
This sounds like a test of the new missile I mentioned back in April. The US seems to have under-estimated the danger - the missile will be able to evade the US defence systems...
`China tests new space capability with hypersonic missile: Launch in August of nuclear-capable rocket that circled the globe took US intelligence by surprise' LINK
China tested a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile in August that circled the globe before speeding towards its target, demonstrating an advanced space capability that caught US intelligence by surprise. Five people familiar with the test said the Chinese military launched a rocket that carried a hypersonic glide vehicle which flew through low-orbit space before cruising down towards its target. The missile missed its target by about two-dozen miles, according to three people briefed on the intelligence. But two said the test showed that China had made astounding progress on hypersonic weapons and was far more advanced than US officials realised. The test has raised new questions about why the US often underestimated China’s military modernisation. “We have no idea how they did this,” said a fourth person...'.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 18 Oct 2021, 14:48
by Tripps
Bozo has just announced that HM Queen has agreed that Southend will be granted City Status. I think that's called 'populism.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 18 Oct 2021, 15:34
by Tripps
Tizer wrote: 18 Oct 2021, 10:45 This sounds like a test of the new missile I mentioned back in April. The US seems to have under-estimated the danger
Nothing to worry about - according to The Guardian. :smile:

But Beijing said on Monday the report was inaccurate, and the exercise was a test of reusable technology that could reduce the cost of launching spacecraft. “According to my understanding, this test is a routine spacecraft test, used to test a reusable spacecraft technology,” Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian told reporters in a regular press briefing. “This could provide a convenient and cheap way for humans to use space for peaceful purposes.”

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 19 Oct 2021, 02:37
by Stanley
I also heard both those reports David. Not sure what to think about city status for Sarfend..
On the hypersonics.... not sure what to think about that either. They would say that wouldn't they....

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 19 Oct 2021, 08:51
by Tizer
Space exploration is a good excuse for military development. The Russians and Americans are developing the same type of systems. Meanwhile North Korea keeps lobbing missiles onto Japan's doorstep.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 19 Oct 2021, 15:08
by chinatyke
The increase of air force operations at night recently. We have a low fly zone immediately to the north of us and we regularly get low flying military jets just above our house but not at 11pm as now. I love to wach them, but it is all a bt ominous.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 19 Oct 2021, 15:13
by Big Kev
chinatyke wrote: 19 Oct 2021, 15:08 The increase of air force operations at night recently. We have a low fly zone immediately to the north of us and we regularly get low flying military jets just above our house but not at 11pm as now. I love to wach them, but it is all a bt ominous.
They're keeping an eye on you :biggrin2:

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 19 Oct 2021, 15:16
by Big Kev
This was reported a couple of weeks ago, I'm not up on Chinese geography so don't know if this is nearby...

China sent a record number of military aircraft into Taiwan’s air defence zone on Monday, the fourth consecutive day of such air incursions by Beijing amid growing fears of further escalation.

Taiwan’s ministry of defence said it had detected at least 52 flights during daylight hours on Monday, including 36 fighter jets, 12 H-6 bombers, two transport aircraft and two surveillance aircraft. Late on Monday it reported another four fighter jets crossing into the zone after dark

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 19 Oct 2021, 16:01
by chinatyke
I suspect it is all connected with the Taiwan situation. Taiwan is about 1450 km due east of us.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 19 Oct 2021, 17:09
by Big Kev
Sabre rattling or a genuine threat?

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 20 Oct 2021, 02:57
by Stanley
Who can say Kev. They've been keeping them on their toes ever since Chiang Kai-shek took refuge there after the war. I'd be more worried by the increase in training activity as Graham is.
We don't seem to get the low flying training like we used to. The RAF hasn't got enough funding to support it or the planes to do it with!

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 20 Oct 2021, 09:41
by Tizer
I read a very long informative article in The Times on Saturday about the Taiwan situation. It listed all the military stuff now located on the Chinese mainland just opposite Taiwan, only about 100 miles away, and it sounds enough to fight the island ten times over. China's population is 60x that of Taiwan. In fact, China doesn't even need to use its military might - Taiwan imports 98% of its energy and China could easily bring the nation to its knees by blocking those channels. The US has been moving carriers, airborne divisions, marines, B-52s, stealth fighters into areas near enough to reach Taiwan quickly. It's all getting dangerous. Taiwan's government and bureaucracy are inefficient and slow-moving so it won't react fast enough if China makes a move. If the US didn't step in China could be in control of Taiwan in 3 days. We urgently need some lateral thinking to find a new way out of the dilemma.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 20 Oct 2021, 10:22
by Tripps
HM Queen has reluctantly cancelled a trip to N. Ireland, having been advised by her doctors, to rest for a few days.

I noted that she was seen at a reception yesterday in a closed room with a large number of people, shaking hands with each person - none was observing 'social distancing', or wearing a mask.

I took that as a sign that the Covid panic was indeed over. They wouldn't put her in such a risky situation otherwise would they? She was whisked away to Windsor, then Balmoral last time.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 21 Oct 2021, 03:06
by Stanley
David, I think it's all part of a concerted effort to take the negative COVID fear factor out of everyday life to stop it being a brake on the massive coiled spring that is the UK economy. That's how Quasi Kwarteng comes to be giving health advice on national radio. The government are taking a massive gamble in not tightening COVID precautions and I fear there is a good chance it will blow back in their faces, the NHS providers are certainly warning that this is the case but are being ignored, after all, how can they know more than the politicians about it.
As for the Queen, the real stupidity is allowing a 95 year old woman to carry on and die in harness. It's quite evidently what she wants to do and nobody dare stop her. I'm sorry, but I don't think a decision like that should rest with the incumbent. I know it would mean Brian but at least we'd be spared watching Brenda shuffling of the coil in public.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 21 Oct 2021, 09:21
by Tizer
Tripps wrote: 20 Oct 2021, 10:22 HM Queen has reluctantly cancelled a trip to N. Ireland, having been advised by her doctors, to rest for a few days.
The `advice by doctors' might be a cover for concerns that she would be in danger related to the centenary of the partitioning of Ireland.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 21 Oct 2021, 10:59
by Tripps
Tizer wrote: 21 Oct 2021, 09:21 The `advice by doctors' might be a cover for concerns that she would be in danger related to the centenary of the partitioning of Ireland.
And I'll add Royalty to my list of people, mainly politicians, who do things for one reason whilst pretending it's for another. Problem is that way leads to conspiracy theories. Endless possibilities. :smile:


Noted today that Unilever are thinking of putting up their prices. That's a bit spooky - since only yesterday in Home Bargains I noticed that the price of a jar of Marmite, (suitable for vegans) was £2.49. I found that interesting for a few reasons. It's been at that price for several years, and it's sold at the same price in all shops. No reduction in Home Bargains. That used to be called 'retail price maintenance' and was banned many years ago. Also remember the fuss when we left the EU and they threatened to increase the price as a consequence - until it was pointed out that there was no EU input whatever in the product. Made from the froth of the top of the beer, at Burton on Trent. My suspicion is that the jar and the advertising costs more than the product in the jar, and the 'price point' of £2.49 is the highest they can get away with.

I bought a jar in 2016, and find it's still in the cupboard, alone and unloved, nearly full and perfectly preserved due to the enormous salt content. The extra woke schools banned it in kids' packed lunches for that reason.

It's a lot of fun going shopping with me. Note the defiant use of the word spooky. I'll get nitty gritty in tomorrow. :laugh5:

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 21 Oct 2021, 11:06
by Wendyf
Spooky, I noticed only yesterday that the Marmite I enjoy occasionally has a best before date of March 2015....tastes just as good as ever. :biggrin2:

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 21 Oct 2021, 11:32
by Big Kev
I bought a jar of Aldi's Marmite equivalent and preferred it. It's much cheaper than the real one too :biggrin2:

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 21 Oct 2021, 12:38
by Tripps
Wendyf wrote: 21 Oct 2021, 11:06 Spooky, I noticed only yesterday that the Marmite I enjoy occasionally has a best before date of March 2015.
Very occasionally I'd say. :smile: I make that likely to be eight years old. Mine say July 2018 and I had it two years before that.

Whilst on the topic - I checked the date on my Tate and Lyles Golden Syrup. I had to get the steps out as it's right at the back on the top shelf. A bit surprised to see 'best before Jan 2009'. Sadly it's no longer golden, but almost black with lumps in. To the bin I think. :smile:

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 21 Oct 2021, 12:47
by PanBiker
Sally noticed on one of her yoghurt cartons that the best before date is followed by: "Best before date is on the lid but past my date? Look, Smell, Taste don't Waste. :smile:

A nod to how it used to be. :extrawink:

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 21 Oct 2021, 13:36
by Big Kev
The nose is always the best indicator and if it walks out of the fridge on it's own it's probably not good eating.