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Posted: 24 Apr 2013, 06:13
by Jill Harwood
On April 13th in hospital in Brighton after declining health, my Dad, Brian Bannister.

Brian was born in Nelson in 1928 to Albert and Dorothy, both weavers with a strong Methodist faith which was to be his rock throughout his life. He attended Nelson Grammar School and during the war as a 6th former he did voluntary work as a police messenger, pedalling off on his bike, he later applied to join the police but was half an inch too short.

After National Service, largely spent at Mousehold Heath camp near Norwich he got a job in the South as a relief manager for a chain of newsagents and while covering a branch in Chichester went out to a local hop where he met a pretty young woman called Diana Crisp, whom he married in 1955. They lived in Winchmore Hill, north London where by this time he managed King Easton's ironmongers. After the birth of his two children Brian moved his family to Sussex, eventually working for Horace Hilton's ironmongers in Haywards Heath but living in Turners Hill where the couple were able to share their love of music by singing in the church choir and in other choral groups.

Some years after moving to Haywards Heath and becoming a fun loving grandfather of 5 he endured the pain of losing my mother to cancer but through a friendship via his choral connections found love again and remarried in 1996. After retirement Brian moved to Hassocks, retaining his links with Haywards Heath Methodist church until mobility problems prevented getting on the train. He will be having one last visit for his funeral.

Well done dad, it was a good life, well lived.


Posted: 27 Apr 2013, 21:51
by Sue
My sincere condolences Jill, I can relate to how you must be feeling.


Posted: 07 May 2013, 13:01
by Bodger


Posted: 10 May 2013, 09:34
by Cathy
Not sure if you get some of the same tele adverts as us, but with Colgate being a global company, I thought I'd put in that 'Mrs Marsh" has died, she was the lady who put the piece of chalk into the glass and used to say "See, it does get in." "Mrs Marsh" was still educating children about teeth health up to a month ago. Good on ya Mrs Marsh. RIP


Posted: 11 May 2013, 02:30
by Marilyn
Poor Mrs. Marsh. I had been thinking how well she was looking in the recent ads!


Posted: 22 May 2013, 20:27
by Bodger
Mick McManus wrestler at 93 yrs


Posted: 23 May 2013, 05:31
by Nolic
Former Manchester United and England defender Brian Greenhoff has died at the age of 60. Nolic


Posted: 03 Jun 2013, 03:23
by Stanley
Sad day. Mandawuy Yunupingu, former Yothu Yindi lead singer, dies aged 56. Former Yothu Yindi lead singer, who was 56 years old, has died at his home in Yirrkala in Eastern Arnhem Land. He was the first of his tribe to get a university degree and the first school principal. If you've never heard their music get hold of 'Tribal Voice'. (LINK)


Posted: 03 Jun 2013, 10:13
by Cathy
I knew you would beat me to it Stanley, :smile:

Yunupingo was also the 1992 Australian of the Year. Yothu Yindi were inducted into the Aria Hall of Fame in 2012.
Another legend gone. RIP


Posted: 04 Jun 2013, 04:27
by Stanley
I love their music Cathy, sorry I spoiled your thunder! Best bits are the ones with the original instruments. My dad once told me that there was a suspicion we could have Aborigine blood and perhaps I have a gene somewhere that responds....


Posted: 06 Jun 2013, 17:45
by Big Kev
Author, Tom Sharpe. He certainly made me laugh. RIP


Posted: 07 Jun 2013, 06:20
by Nolic
Esther Williams, swimming champion and film star died aged 91. She may have been a very distant relative on my mothers Langstroth side. Nolic


Posted: 08 Jun 2013, 06:49
by Stanley
I'm old enough to remember the films where the excuse to show scantily clad ladies was synchronised swimming.....


Posted: 09 Jun 2013, 17:10
by Wendyf
Iain Banks, author of some of my favourite books, has died of cancer aged only 59.


Posted: 11 Jun 2013, 13:16
by Tripps
Sir Henry Cecil legendary racehorse trainer has died aged 70.

I once stood next to him late one Saturday afternoon, at the cheese counter in Tesco in Newmarket. I later deduced from the timing, that he must have helicoptered back from Ascot, and then found time to pop out to get something for his tea. Quite tickled me. I could never imagine he did his own shopping.


Posted: 19 Jun 2013, 09:48
by Tardis
RIP Rory Morrison Radio 4 Continuity Announcer aged 48 after a long battle against a rare form of cancer :sad:


Posted: 20 Jun 2013, 07:30
by Bruff
James Gandolfini, the American actor, suddenly on holiday in Italy of a suspected heart attack aged 51.

Best known for his role as mafioso Tony Soprano in the quite splendid US TV drama The Sopranos, where amongst the killings and brutality, we were engaged with his family life and serious anxiety problems which he worked through with his psychotherapist. One of the best series made, im my opinion.

Richard Broughton


Posted: 20 Jun 2013, 08:34
by Marilyn


Posted: 20 Jun 2013, 09:53
by Tripps
I'd never heard of him, and only vaguely heard of the Sopranos. Thanks for the summary Bruff - the idea that listening to the anxieties of a mafia gangster and murderer could be entertaining puzzles me somewhat. Must be me I suppose. I don't watch The West Wing, Friends, White Queen, East Enders, or anything with Scandinavian subtitles either. :smile:


Posted: 20 Jun 2013, 10:05
by Marilyn
Nay...stick to Corrie, Emerdale and Eastenders love...
We are eight years behind with Corrie. Can't believe I missed it twice last week because life was so busy...


Posted: 20 Jun 2013, 11:37
by Bodger
Old Moores Almanac, 1770 - 2013


Posted: 20 Jun 2013, 15:58
by PostmanPete
Bodger wrote:Old Moores Almanac, 1770 - 2013
I wonder if they predicted it...? :wink:


Posted: 25 Jun 2013, 05:02
by Nolic
Professor Mick Aston ex Time Team has died aged 66. RIP. Nolic


Posted: 25 Jun 2013, 05:08
by Stanley
Just heard the news Comrade, very sad, he was a good man and the quiet anchor of Time Team apart from his academic achievements.


Posted: 04 Jul 2013, 12:38
by Cathy
Doug Engelbart, the inventor of the computer mouse, and developer of early email, word processing and the internet, has died age 88.