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Posted: 28 Jan 2017, 10:52
by Wendyf
Everyone should be able to access the whole of their records, you just have to get the practice manager or administrator to change your access permissions. Col just emailed me this info to pass on, there is also a link to a recent discussion on the forum of the DUK website. (We don't normally communicate through emails, just where there is info to pass on!)

They need to ask the practice manager for a form to fill in, get that then ask to get access to 'free text' this allows you to see the full comments added by your GP's etc.
Google EMIS or Patient Access it is your right to view your records - or not in some cases: HERE


Posted: 28 Jan 2017, 11:39
by Big Kev
Wendyf wrote:Everyone should be able to access the whole of their records, you just have to get the practice manager or administrator to change your access permissions. Col just emailed me this info to pass on, there is also a link to a recent discussion on the forum of the DUK website. (We don't normally communicate through emails, just where there is info to pass on!)

They need to ask the practice manager for a form to fill in, get that then ask to get access to 'free text' this allows you to see the full comments added by your GP's etc.
Google EMIS or Patient Access it is your right to view your records - or not in some cases: HERE
Thank you Wendy, I will have a chat with the surgery.


Posted: 29 Jan 2017, 04:32
by Stanley
So will I......


Posted: 31 Jan 2017, 16:56
by Tizer
The anti-vaccination man, Andrew Wakefield, has popped up again. Since causing trouble here he's been in the US for years pushing his ideas. Now a French MEP has invited Wakefield to speak at an anti-vaccination event organised by the European Parliament. Scientists are up in arms over it. LINK

Donald Trump may defend him too. Back in August 2016 Trump met with him and other anti-vaccination proponents in the US. LINK


Posted: 01 Feb 2017, 03:43
by Stanley
I wonder what the current view is on the matter of whether the earth is flat?


Posted: 01 Feb 2017, 10:25
by Tizer
Stanley wrote:I wonder what the current view is on the matter of whether the earth is flat?
It depends where you are - anywhere in the vicinity of Donald Trump it can vary from flat to spherical, he distorts the fabric of space-time to suit his needs. He'd love lecturing on quantum theory and being able to tell you on one day that photons are particles and on the next day they are waves. "It's true, because I know it," he'd say.


Posted: 02 Feb 2017, 04:55
by Stanley
Being an old fashioned bugger, one thing I do regularly is to stick my tongue out when in front of a mirror and note whether there is a hearthrug on it. I am happy to report that mine is clean and a lovely shade of red. I always take this as a sign that there is very little amiss with my internal organs and can remember a time when the first thing to doctor did when you went for a consultation was get you to stick your tongue out and then depress it with a wooden spatula and look at the back of your throat. Why aren't people advised to do these small checks today? All part of my philosophy that you have to contuinually interrogate your body and ask questions about it. Far better than popping pills.....


Posted: 02 Feb 2017, 11:29
by Tizer
Some people first find out they have familial hypercholesterolemia by looking in the mirror and noticing a ring around the eyes. See the image of an eye here: LINK


Posted: 02 Feb 2017, 12:43
by Sue
Taught about this condition for years Tiz and never knew about the ring round the eyes. Interesting


Posted: 02 Feb 2017, 16:27
by Tizer
I seem to remember that a doctor watching his TV noticed the condition in the eyes of a well-known TV personality and contacted them to give a warning that they needed to see their GP soon. I wouldn't be surprised if it's featured in a Doc Martin episode too, most medical conditions have done so! (There's a new series coming up and they'll have to dig into their medical tomes to find something new and scary. Could be acute trumpitis.)


Posted: 02 Feb 2017, 17:27
by Sue
Trumpitis, I like it !


Posted: 03 Feb 2017, 03:34
by Stanley
So.... is a hearthrug on the tongue a good or a bad thing?


Posted: 03 Feb 2017, 10:06
by Tizer
Ask the Chinese, they're into tongue diagnosis - you could find out about your ying and yang etc! :smile:


Posted: 04 Feb 2017, 04:22
by Stanley
It's a dilemma isn't it Wendy. I meet a young woman regularly early in the morning, she is on her way to catch the bus to work. She always says good morning and what always strikes me is that she is grossly overweight but inside the flab is a stunning young woman if she lost at least four stone. Question is, do you have any business telling them? Up to now I have kept stum......


Posted: 04 Feb 2017, 04:30
by Marilyn
Say nothing, Stanley!
Accept her just as she is. ( I can't stand the thought that you think that somehow she would be "enhanced" by losing weight. Sorry, but you struck a nerve! she may feel fit and healthy and happy and well loved and PERFECT just as she is!)


Posted: 04 Feb 2017, 05:47
by Marilyn
Would you tell an obese young man that he would look so much more handsome if he lost 4 stone? :geek:

Stand by for a bop on the nose!


Posted: 04 Feb 2017, 06:34
by Stanley
Come down Marilyn! Inside every fat person there is a thin one trying to get out and I am allowed my opinion the same as anyone else. Difference is I don't try to impose it on others. So less of the 'unbelievable' please.


Posted: 04 Feb 2017, 06:54
by Marilyn
Yes but they don't need old men pointing things out in the half light as they make their way to work.
My point is that beauty should never be expressed in stones and pounds. Bigger women are just as beautiful as half starved catwalk fact bigger women are more beautiful because of their curves.
You weren't expressing concern re her health...merely her beauty.
( we are old friends Stanley...I take you with a pinch of salt...but society is trying to raise strong women who don't want to be judged in stones or pounds)


Posted: 04 Feb 2017, 07:05
by LizG
And unless she's blind I'm tipping she has a mirror. Don't imagine she doesn't know how she looks. We are what we are!!


Posted: 04 Feb 2017, 07:15
by Stanley
The 'old man' merely expressed an opinion based on observation. And he sticks to it.....


Posted: 04 Feb 2017, 07:48
by Marilyn
Febby...bring me more salt! Perhaps a cupful this time...


Posted: 04 Feb 2017, 08:01
by Sue
I understand your comment Stanley but I am afraid to say she would look stunning could be construed as sexist. I am with Marilyn on this one. Now if you had said that her long term health would benefit,then that is something different. Reference to weight and appearance killed Karen Carpenter.


Posted: 05 Feb 2017, 04:52
by Stanley
I expressed myself badly Sue and got construed! Of course I was thinking about her health. Just as I do constantly about my own. But I am reminded of the recent research into obesity which revealed that many people are becoming blind to the dangers and don't see being overweight as a health hazard. This applies particularly to parent's views of children and that gets passed on down the generations. But I shall keep stum in future and not reveal my 'sexist' thoughts! As I said to Wendy in the first place, it's a dilemma and to that I will now add, it's also a minefield!
Another benefit I am noting from the new emphasis on on protein and fat and the move away from Carbs is that my hearing is better in that they are easier to clear by 'clicking' them. Bit like adjusting to the increased pressure in a plane when it is descending from height. It works more easily now, perhaps the fluids in my ear are slightly less viscous.....


Posted: 05 Feb 2017, 07:02
by Marilyn
Well, at least you got an explanation, Sue.
I did point out in an earlier entry that you made no reference to the woman's state of health, only her increased beauty if she lost weight ( a figure of 4 stone given).
What can I say folks?



Posted: 05 Feb 2017, 10:10
by Cathy
Stanley why did you only reply to Sue, why not Marilyn and Liz as well?