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Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 28 Feb 2022, 04:47
by Stanley
See THIS BBC report on the possible economic consequences for Russia when their banks open today. The article is not strong on the consequences to us as nobody has any experience of this. Today is going to be interesting....
Later... the early news is of economic chaos in Russia and late opening of the exchanges.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 28 Feb 2022, 08:46
by plaques
I'll bet the Russians never gave it a thought that they would have been hit with banking sanctions if they started to invade. :surprised: They have had weeks to empty their piggy banks, a press of a button is all it takes. Liz Truss and our Buffoon must think everyone is like themselves in waiting two weeks after the event before they do anything. I mentioned asylum on this site some weeks ago our lot are 'thinking' about it.

Perhaps we could tell them to start living with the invasion, History shows that some of the past wars killed hundreds of thousands if not millions so this one is relative benign that is until they start lobbing nuclear weapons at each other. 'We'll all go together when we go' as Tom Lerhrer would say.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 28 Feb 2022, 10:41
by Tizer
Tripps wrote: 26 Feb 2022, 17:39 This is typical populist web sort of stuff - but it makes a point. They don't show Kaliningrad - but it wouldn't make much difference.
Remember October 2016...
`Russia moves nuclear-capable missiles into Kaliningrad' LINK
`MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia has moved nuclear-capable Iskander-M missiles into the Kaliningrad enclave bordering Poland and Lithuania, the Defence Ministry said on Saturday, adding it was part of routine drills. “These missile units have been deployed more than once (in the Kaliningrad region) ... and will be deployed as part of military training of the Russian armed forces,” ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said in a statement. A U.S. intelligence official said on Friday that Russia had started moving the Iskander-Ms into the enclave on the Baltic in what he said could be a gesture to express displeasure with NATO. Konashenkov said one of the missiles had been deliberately exposed to a U.S. spy satellite. “We did not have to wait for too long - our American partners confirmed it themselves in their revelatory endeavor,” he said. Lithuania, neighboring Kaliningrad and a member of NATO, said it would protest to Moscow. “The deployment not only increases tensions in the region, but also possibly violates international treaties which limit deployment of ballistic missiles of range of over 500 kilometers,” Foreign Minister Linas Linkevicius told a news briefing in Vilnius.'...

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 28 Feb 2022, 17:50
by Wendyf
I see that it's Liz Truss's fault that Putin is threatening to deploy his nuclear deterrent. She went to the same school as me but years later of course, and has openly critised her education. We old Roundhegians don't appreciate her much! :laugh5: ... ve-school/

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 28 Feb 2022, 21:03
by plaques
I've just listened to someone saying that Liz Truss is not the cause of Putin going nuclear because she doesn't know her geography and doesn't know the law and is a complete twit. Going on to say that Putin has her down a stooge which nobody should take any notice of but handy if you want someone to blame.

Sounds like Prime ministerial material to me. :laugh5:

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 01 Mar 2022, 03:12
by Stanley
Nice one Wendy..... :biggrin2:

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 01 Mar 2022, 08:51
by plaques
Wendyf wrote: 28 Feb 2022, 17:50 We old Roundhegians don't appreciate her much!
I thought they were a rugby team. Somehow I can't see Wendy as a prop forward.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 01 Mar 2022, 09:02
by Wendyf
:biggrin2: I thought someone would spot that! No capital letter in my "old" though. :laugh5:

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 02 Mar 2022, 04:56
by Stanley
Only on OG.....

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 02 Mar 2022, 07:06
by Wendyf
The Old Roundhegians Rugby club were originally old boys of Roundhay School, I may not have played rugby but I spent some time at the club in my late teens!

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 02 Mar 2022, 08:25
by Stanley
That sounds as though it might be interesting. :extrawink:

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 03 Mar 2022, 05:00
by Stanley
SEE THIS BBC report on the continuing abomination in Ukraine. More than a million people fleeing an all out assault. What would normally be headline news like Abramovich saying he will sell Chelsea is a sideline. I can't believe I am seeing this happen. I started my life with all out war and it looks as though I shall end it in the same way. I find that intensely depressing! :sad:

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 03 Mar 2022, 11:09
by Tizer
A cartoon this morning shows two men chatting, one saying "I can't decide whether to fill my car's petrol tank or buy Chelsea!"

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 04 Mar 2022, 04:21
by Stanley
Does Abramovich think he can escape sanctions by selling the club?
The government are being far too slow dealing with the dirty money and corrupt practices that are poisoning our financial and legal systems. As Private Eye points out this week, the flood of dodgy brass plate companies is allowed because it brings money into the City. There is also the matter of the lawyers catering for the billionaires using their wealth in the London courts to crush less wealthy opponents. See THIS for a typical egregious case which is still dragging on.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 04 Mar 2022, 06:03
by Stanley
See THIS Guardian article for the unbelievable news that Johnson has given Gavin Williamson a knighthood. I have no words to describe my astonishment and share John Grace's thoughts about a peerage for Grayling. After all The fragrant Dido Harding is a Dame.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 04 Mar 2022, 10:35
by Tizer
Anyone seen or heard from Sue Gray recently? Has the fog of war conveniently distracted us from Partygate? :smile:

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 05 Mar 2022, 04:52
by Stanley
I think you are right Peter and have said so on another thread. Johnson is leading a charmed life protected by first Covid and now by 'events dear boy'.
In an ideal world the May local elections would deliver a body blow to this corrupt government but we can't be sure of anything in times like these.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 07 Mar 2022, 09:01
by plaques
Priti Patel and Liz Trust playing a dead bat against Ukrainian refugees, Over 10,000 waiting with just 50 processed in the resident family visa scheme.
All it needs is a phone call to the sponsors address to confirm the legitimacy and then let them in. too many ' what if upon what ifs' being used as excuses.Ukraine

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 07 Mar 2022, 10:40
by Tizer
I'm glad to see concerns raised over this problem. I don't like driving at night now because of the dazzling headlights of some vehicles...
`Dazzling SUV headlights cause one in four older motorists to avoid driving at night: The growth of vehicles which sit higher on the road has led to more reports of drivers being blinded by lights, RAC research finds' Telegraph
`The growth in SUVs means one in four older motorists who are worried about intense headlights don't drive after dark, the RAC has found. A study of 2,700 drivers by the automotive company found that almost two-thirds of drivers who get dazzled say it is happening more often than a year or two ago, and a similar proportion say they can no longer tell if the headlights of oncoming cars are dipped or on full beam. Research suggested the problem was partly caused by the growing prevalence of cars which sit higher on the road as larger SUV-style vehicles become more popular....One in 10 of the drivers surveyed said they were typically unable to see clearly for six seconds or more when dazzled by oncoming headlights, which when travelling at 60mph would mean covering 525ft with impaired vision....Modern LED headlight technology may also have a part to play as the human eye reacts to the so-called ‘blue light’ from LEDs differently to the ‘yellow light’ of conventional halogen headlights.'...

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 08 Mar 2022, 04:26
by Stanley
In days gone by when we changed tha water frequently in our headlights and polished the reflectors with Silvo we had no such problems but I agree, today's modern headlights are like light sabres and actually hurt your eyes. Never mind older motorists, pedestrians have the same trouble. They even use them on Motorways with wall to wall lighting! In olden days I would drive on the old A34 coming up from London, for miles on sidelights if there was a good moon. Very restful on the eyes. I don't think that could happen now....

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 11 Mar 2022, 07:47
by Stanley
Heard actually. Yesterday I heard a voice from the past, David Mellor. He was being interviewed about Chelsea because he has links to the club. I have to report he has not changed since he sank out of politics. Arrogant, not answering the question and refusing to admit anything about his past support for Abramovich.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 11 Mar 2022, 19:27
by Tripps
You cannot trust either side's propaganda at the moment. Hospital bombed - totaly destroyed - "women in labour and babies trapped in the rubble". Next day Three dead including one child. Russians say it was abandoned. Perhaps it was.

Constant mention of "chemical weapons" - not least by Boris Johnson. We're being softened up for something.

We're wicked for not welcoming an unlimited number of refugees. Many would be welcome, but maybe better to fund their care in countries nearer to Ukraine. Most of them will want to go back as soon as possible.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 12 Mar 2022, 03:45
by Stanley
May said she wanted a 'hostile environment'. It is obviously alive and well.....
I'm puzzled about that also David. Mind you it suits Johnson to have shock 'news'. It makes his defensive position from Partygate more secure.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 12 Mar 2022, 10:42
by Big Kev
Tripps wrote: 11 Mar 2022, 19:27 You cannot trust either side's propaganda at the moment. Hospital bombed - totaly destroyed - "women in labour and babies trapped in the rubble". Next day Three dead including one child. Russians say it was abandoned. Perhaps it was.
Media sensationalism designed to shock? If the Russians knew it was abandoned why was there a need to bomb it? We, the general public, have no chance of finding out exactly what is going on all the time we're reliant on continually 'looped' news reports and inconsistent stories. I have every sympathy for the general populace, both in Ukraine and Russia but find it increasingly difficult to believe anything any politician says in a news report.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 12 Mar 2022, 14:58
by Tripps
I watched this today. Ukraine
Not sure why - I'm not a huge Galloway fan, (though I did enjoy seeing him destroy the US House of Reprsentatives a while ago) and I don't know who the other chap is.

I think it shows how complicated the current situation in Ukraine is, and that most British people don't have a clue as to the full story, and history of the region. I'm tired of people 'phoning in' to urge active NATO intervention in the matter. Typical bar room philosphers - 'empty vessels make most sound' types. :smile:

PS Now Gorgeous George goes further. Galloway UkraineIs it all true? I don't know.