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Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 09 Apr 2022, 09:19
by Big Kev
On the subject of satellites, we made a brief visit to the Science and Media Museum in Bradford yesterday, there's a 'Top Secret' exhibition currently running. One of the exhibits is the Zircon spy satellite, a 1980s British project that was abandoned allegedly because of spiralling costs but, reading the text at the exhibit, the underlying reason was the press released a story about it so it was no longer a secret. I wonder how many military operations have been scuppered due to the press?

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 09 Apr 2022, 10:53
by Tizer
plaques wrote: 09 Apr 2022, 08:18
Tizer wrote: 08 Apr 2022, 09:07 `Allegations of Chinese cyber activity as the recent conflict broke out in Ukraine have been emerging. The details appear unusually murky but one Western intelligence official believes the aim was espionage - and the cyber-attack may have been broader than previously reported. The Times first reported that hackers, alleged to be based in China, began targeting Ukrainian websites on 23 February, the day before the invasion
There were satellite images showing the build up of troops long before the invasion. The Chinese will have their own satellites and will have put two and two together without waiting for the Express or Telegraph to tell them what's going on. Although it doesn't define what is a cyber attack which can vary from complete destruction to seeing what people are doing is all a form of espionage something we stiff upper lips would never dream of getting involved in. James Bond may be an exception of course.
...and now this from Gordon Corera, BBC News Security correspondent...
`Ukraine: Inside the spies’ attempts to stop the war'

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 09 Apr 2022, 16:46
by Tripps
He never rests does he?

"Boris Johnson makes surprise trip to Kyiv for talks with Volodymyr Zelenskiy"

Seems a long drive was involved too.

He probably wanted to explain face to face (always best I find) about the parties that didn't take place, and he didn't attend.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 10 Apr 2022, 03:34
by Stanley
David, someone has told him that a moving target is harder to hit and also he's buffing up his war leader credentials for the coming battle for leadership after the May elections...

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 10 Apr 2022, 09:26
by Tizer
He's probably looking at his ticket and wondering why he was given a single and not a return. :extrawink:

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 10 Apr 2022, 10:05
by PanBiker
The State of Israel (illegal in my view) have denounced Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Nothing wrong with that of course. However, they site the fact that territorial gain by invasion and direct military force is against international law. Conveniently disregarded when they stole their land from Palestine and continue to prosecute and support further land grabbing by military terror. Does it make it all right because we said it was OK?

I can get thrown out of the Labour Party for holding such views.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 10 Apr 2022, 11:18
by Tripps
PanBiker wrote: 10 Apr 2022, 10:05 I can get thrown out of the Labour Party for holding such views.
Pretty safe to speak about them on here then. No one who matters will ever know. :smile:

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 11 Apr 2022, 02:43
by Stanley
That was cruel David..... :biggrin2:

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 11 Apr 2022, 08:33
by plaques
Pretty safe to speak about them on here then. No one who matters will ever know. :smile:

Absolutely true. I often think of that myself with the Politics Corner. Its a bit like warming up the Irish sea by peeing in it. Every little helps. :biggrin2:

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 11 Apr 2022, 21:50
by Whyperion
PanBiker wrote: 10 Apr 2022, 10:05 The State of Israel (illegal in my view) have denounced Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Nothing wrong with that of course. However, they site the fact that territorial gain by invasion and direct military force is against international law. Conveniently disregarded when they stole their land from Palestine and continue to prosecute and support further land grabbing by military terror. Does it make it all right because we said it was OK?
Strangely, I was reading (or a YT Vid) on someone with wealth post WW1, might have been sort of British , or American or Ukrainian, Purchased land in present day Israel (then soon to be (British)Palestine), from the Ottoman Empire recognised owners, as an area for some European Jews to settle. I suppose that does make that bit of land holding have legitimacy.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 12 Apr 2022, 02:44
by Stanley
At least we know we are amongst friends!

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 15 Apr 2022, 05:17
by Stanley
See THIS BBC report on the delays at airports. This is only part of the Easter problems. Congestion at docks like Dover is worse than ever. Maintenance on railways is closing stations and stopping some services.
From the reports on Dover it appears that the absence of P&O ferries is not the main reason. The government would like you to believe that but hauliers say that the IT systems put in place to deal with post Brexit paper work is not working and in addition the Border Force is under staffed.
I seem to remember the government saying that we had an oven ready deal and Gove saying that IT systems were in place. It would seem that these are simply more Tory lies.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 15 Apr 2022, 08:50
by plaques
I feel sorry for those taking their first holiday abroad for years. Of course this was all predictable remove all covid restrictions and say off you go its no wonder there will be a flood of people doing just that.

The delays in Kent are a little more complex than being reported. First the hauliers know its not worth setting off from the depots unless they know all their paperwork is in order. This is the first hidden backlog. The drive down to Dover is then met with diversions into lorry parks that are out of sight and out of mind. The recent IT failure caused a 53 hour average delay. Now that its nearly 95% running the delay is down to 9 hours average. Then they que up on the M20, anything up to 20 miles, The P&O cancellation is not the real problem there is room on the ferries but the customs can't handle the number of vehicles. And remember we are now adding domestic holiday traffic into the mix plus the fact that after a winter break trade is just starting to ramp up.

What we need us another round of promises. :biggrin2:

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 16 Apr 2022, 04:16
by Stanley
A friend of mine went shopping in Skipton yesterday. He said that the by-pass was completely snarled up, it couldn't cope with the traffic. This on a minor rural road in West Yorkshire not an international artery. Stay at home and enjoy a walk up to the park!

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 16 Apr 2022, 05:39
by Big Kev
We went over to Harrogate yesterday and must have been lucky, it was a clear run all the way. This was at lunchtime.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 17 Apr 2022, 02:46
by Stanley
Steve may have caught the early morning attempt to beat the jams!
I see Archbishop Welby has attacked the Rwandan project saying God is against it......

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 17 Apr 2022, 09:26
by Tizer
`Easter: Snowdonia mountain path covered in human faeces - guide' LINK
Perhaps I should have put this bit in Quote of the Day: `Snowdon guide Gemma Davies said she even caught a man defecating on the mountain's railway line. She said she was "totally disgusted" at the state of the Llanberis path on Saturday morning with stools in paper cups and under stones. Snowdonia National Park Authority said nothing unusual had been reported.' :surprised:

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 18 Apr 2022, 03:40
by Stanley
The only time I ever went up Snowdon on the mountain railway I remember the train stopping at a disused station so that my sister could attend to a call of nature, perhaps people were more understanding then. There were no toilet facilities at all even at the summit and I suppose people walked further off the path then. Not a lot you can do if you're caught short. I suppose the complaint really is about lack of thought for others.
In passing could I mention my Jack Russell terrier bitch Eigg? She didn't like being watched when she peed and used to hide behind trees and rocks. The only dog I have ever lived with that did that.....

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 19 Apr 2022, 08:08
by Big Kev
More misleading sensationalist headlines from the BBC. The headline says the man won a payout over an unwanted birthday party, he actually won an unfair dismissal hearing. The BBC need to start taking mental health issues more seriously. ... um=custom7

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 20 Apr 2022, 03:18
by Stanley
"The BBC need to start taking mental health issues more seriously. "
I'll certainly agree with that Kev but also say that in regards to inaccurate/misleading reporting I believe a lot is due to the fact that over the last five years particularly, the BBC has been badly managed and the news gathering and reporting arms have been starved of staff and funding. Technically their performance is abysmal, there are so many dropped lines when connecting with respondents.
On the whole the BBC is a pale shadow of what it used to be. Am I being too critical if I say that many of the failings started when John Birt was made DG in 1987.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 20 Apr 2022, 23:11
by Tripps
The nicest ladies always seem to have two white horses. . . . . :smile:
► Show Spoiler

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 21 Apr 2022, 02:20
by Stanley

Don't they..... :biggrin2:

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 21 Apr 2022, 12:47
by Tripps
Speaking of horses and HMQ. I've just seen that mountains are to be moved to facilitate her attendance at the Epsom Derby on June 4th.
mainly to conceal the fact that she is not too mobile at the moment, and 'they' don't want us to see. Should be doable since she is usually relatively low key at that event, and measures can be taken.

I've checked out her three current entries for the Epsom Derby, and deduce that two have no chance whatever, and likely won't take part, but one is a live 'un and should run. that's the General Idea :smile:

Now Royal Ascot is an entirely different question. No sneaking in through the tradesmans entrance there. As matters now stand I can't see she could manage it - but the urge to attend will be strong, and I wouldn't bet against it. :smile:

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 22 Apr 2022, 02:58
by Stanley
When I saw the pic I thought they were small Shires but see that actually they are Fell Ponies, same thing really, miniature draught horses. Then it struck me that historically, Boudicca's chariot horses were also likely to be the ancestors of the modern Fell Pony.
As to her disability, why are people so sensitive about people knowing they have problems? She's ten years older than I am and I have my share already and don't care who knows! Actually I'll bet she doesn't mind, it will be the 'courtiers' around her desperate to preserve her image and their jobs.....

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 22 Apr 2022, 05:58
by Wendyf
I thought they were mini cobs like Minnie who kept Sparky company last year and was surprised to read that they were Fell ponies, they don't usually have so much feather. I suppose the classic gypsy cobs would be Fells or Dales ponies crossed with heavy horses.