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Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 05 Jul 2022, 04:04
by Stanley
Cathy, the Co-op have been shifting products round to make us scan all the shelves and give in to impulse buying. I actively resist it but suspect that I am in a minority....

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 05 Jul 2022, 07:21
by plaques
Cathy wrote: 04 Jul 2022, 09:31 And look out if your supermarket changes it’s floor plan. They know you are looking for certain products, that you then have trouble finding, and
hope you will pick up new ones , on your way.
K’ching K’ching K’ching
On Mrs P's last Sainsbury shop she got a £5 voucher for her first 'Smart Shop' that's the one where you walk round and scan things as you go. I doubt it will every be used. If it was left to me I would zap everything even if it wasn't going in the basket and then ask the checkout lady if she could help as I seem to have done something wrong. Makes for good conversation on how helpless men are at these sort of things.
On the odd and rare occasion of me doing a full shop I never know where anything is. The first thing is to use the old stand by. 'You've got a tongue in your head' and ask anyone including other shoppers where things are. Most take pity on me and I get round in no time. :laugh5:

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 05 Jul 2022, 11:28
by Tripps
I came across ths today Oldham CSE report

It chimes with me as the photo used is actually Chadderton, and the building at the centre (with a lawn) is one of the two the libraries I used to go to as a young person I also watched the Council meeting at which the report was 'discussed'. Actually a series of written (carefully vetted) answers were read out by Councillors.

The previous leader of the Council has said in the chamber that such activities are still going on. She was voted out at the May elections. I had noted the number 19 which is commented on, and also noted that none of that group said a word during the very heated debate.

Make of it what you will, and perhaps draw comparisons with other similar or potentially similar situations.

To one who retains a sentimental attachment to the town this is all very sad.

PS Here's the full meeting for anyone interested in such matters. Oldham CSE report debate

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 06 Jul 2022, 03:26
by Stanley
Sorry but I am not capable of such dedication David. I shall carry on without the input of any Council Meetings..... :biggrin2:

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 06 Jul 2022, 09:00
by Tizer
This is not about Barlick but about something up above Barlick...
I was tempted to remove the caption and put this image in the Mystery Objects thread but it's too easy to find in a google reverse image search. It shows how much better is the resolution of the new James Webb Space Telescope's Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) compared to the earlier Spitzer Space Telescope’s Infrared Array Camera. More information is available on this ESA web page: ESA


Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 06 Jul 2022, 11:23
by Tripps
Stanley wrote: 06 Jul 2022, 03:26 Sorry but I am not capable of such dedication
I see.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 08 Jul 2022, 08:16
by Big Kev

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 08 Jul 2022, 08:40
by Cathy
Tizer... loved your images of the stars ✨.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 08 Jul 2022, 10:06
by Tizer
I'm glad to hear it Cathy. The sharper pictures from the new telescope are amazing. Not only are we getting better images of the stars, we are looking further back in time closer to the beginning of the universe. I'd rather see astronomers doing this than trying to put people on Mars! :smile:

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 09 Jul 2022, 03:49
by Stanley
See THIS BBC report that Elon Musk is seeking to get out of his commitment to buy Twitter for $44billion. Only one thing is certain, the corporate lawyers will be rubbing their hands with glee!

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 09 Jul 2022, 09:11
by Tizer
And Musk has a bigger war chest than Twitter - he can do as he likes because he can afford all the lawyers fees that result from his actions or words. Trump failed to buy Greenland from Denmark - perhaps Musk could offer enough to make the Danes change their mind and provide him with a country with vast mineral wealth.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 10 Jul 2022, 03:31
by Stanley
Now that is a frightening thought! And a reminder of the dangers inherent in such vast wealth being controlled by one person. Andrew Carnegie had the right idea, give as much of it away as possible by supporting worthy projects. Wasn't it he who said that if a person died wealthy it was a thing to be ashamed of?
Meanwhile in another part of the forest the Japanese government has announced that no matter what the result of today's election of a new upper house, Defence spending is going to rise from 1% to 2%, an enormous rise and largely explained by worries about China.
Global recession, inflation and increased spending on arms. Remind you of anything?

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 11 Jul 2022, 03:57
by Stanley
See THIS BBC report that today could be the warmest day of the year and that old folk like me are in danger from the temperatures. I have to report that so far I haven't found the heat oppressive and hope that continues.
Drink plenty of water and don't exert yourself any more than is necessary As always is the case, early in the morning is the best time!
THIS BBC comment on leaked files which show that Uber lobbied and was helped by senior politicians. Some interesting reading here!

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 11 Jul 2022, 09:21
by Tripps
Stanley wrote: 11 Jul 2022, 03:57 See THIS BBC report that today could be the warmest day of the year
We used to call it "Summer" :smile:

Meanwhile I looked at the BBC news site, and confirmed why I don't usually do so. One of their front page main stories is about contraception for Grey Squirrels. Top issue.

I was looking for some reference to the underlying reasons for the riots in Sri Lanka and the Europe wide protests by farmers, especially, but not exclusively in Holland. Doesn't seem to have been covered very much in any British media. I didn't see anything. Perhaps they have already covered it and moved on?

Now I find from Australia - seems that it's a consequence of green net zero policies and there is a "war on Nitrogen". Worth a look I'd say.

Sky Australia News

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 11 Jul 2022, 10:58
by Tizer
Tripps wrote: 11 Jul 2022, 09:21
Stanley wrote: 11 Jul 2022, 03:57 See THIS BBC report that today could be the warmest day of the year
We used to call it "Summer" :smile:
The forecast for Taunton is for 30C next weekend and there are hints that Britain might see 40C soon.
Tripps wrote: 11 Jul 2022, 09:21I was looking for some reference to the underlying reasons for the riots in Sri Lanka and the Europe wide protests by farmers, especially, but not exclusively in Holland.
The Sri Lankan protests have their own Wikipedia page: LINK
The 2022 Sri Lankan protests are a series of ongoing protests in Sri Lanka against the government of president Gotabaya Rajapaksa. The government has been criticized for its mismanagement of the economy, the subsequent economic crisis and severe inflation, daily blackouts, and a shortage of fuel and other essential items. The key demand of the protesters is that the government run by the Rajapaksa family resign.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 11 Jul 2022, 11:29
by Tripps
I was having a gentle 'go' at the BBC not Wikipedia. I still see no explanation of the "underlying causes" which I have read somewhere included forbidding the importation of fertiliser, resulting in reduced crop yields and market shortages. A corrupt family Government makes things worse of course.

I must declare an interest - my favourite tea is Ceylon Orange Pekoe. :smile:

In Holland it is said the Dutch Government is seekng an (up to) 95% reduction in Nitrogen levels in the soil, and my simple mind thinks - isn't that where the fertility lies, and leads me to wondering why they would want that? The farmers were spraying slurry over cars in town recently as a protest. Didn't see that on the BBC.

The broad theme of all this is the nonsensical aim of 'net carbon zero' . The BBC would not wish to throw any light on the consequences of its achievment.

We must of course get the Grey Squirrels on the pill and their population reduced at all costs. We must stop our gallant little Red ones being bullied, and restore them to the countryside - that goes without saying. :smile:

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 11 Jul 2022, 22:15
by Whyperion
In Holland it is said the Dutch Government is seekng an (up to) 95% reduction in Nitrogen levels in the soil, and my simple mind thinks - isn't that where the fertility lies, and leads me to wondering why they would want that? The farmers were spraying slurry over cars in town recently as a protest. Didn't see that on the BBC.

I think Nitroegen in soil ok (clover fixing good, good for cattle too..), but when it runs off in water and causes algae blooms and so on not good

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 11 Jul 2022, 22:18
by Whyperion
Tizer wrote: 11 Jul 2022, 10:58
Tripps wrote: 11 Jul 2022, 09:21I was looking for some reference to the underlying reasons for the riots in Sri Lanka a...
The Sri Lankan protests have their own Wikipedia page: LINK
The 2022 Sri Lankan protests are a series of ongoing protests in Sri Lanka against the government of president Gotabaya Rajapaksa. The government has been criticized for its mismanagement of the economy, the subsequent economic crisis and severe inflation, daily blackouts, and a shortage of fuel and other essential items. The key demand of the protesters is that the government run by the Rajapaksa family resign.

The 2022 protests are a series of ongoing protestsagainst the government of . The government has been criticized for its mismanagement of the economy, the subsequent economic crisis and severe inflation, daily blackouts, and a shortage of fuel and other essential items. The key demand of the protesters is that the government resign.

Cut n Paste to the reality of the UK too if you like (even if its only Steve Bray so far !) Arnt Arla Foods saying Dairy stuff could be in short supply, or costing 10percent+ more ?

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 12 Jul 2022, 02:35
by Stanley
David, like you I find the news about too much Nitrogen in the soil quite incomprehensible. Farmers are so convinced we need more nitrogen they plant crops like clover that make nitrogen naturally.
Of far more immediate concern is the fact that we have lost 50% of our dairy farmers and as input costs rise faster than farm gate prices another 50% are expected to follow if nothing is done. The big supermarkets and processors are realising that the farmers now have the upper hand, without their milk the processing and retailing industries are buggered. We are going to find out shortly what food shortages are as we get to the harvest point of the crops that have not been planted because of input prices, shortages of labour and allowing 'The Market' to govern farm gate prices. It's madness and a lot of politicians are going to have to do 'U' turns.I have news for them, in the case of milk it takes over four years just to get the cattle milking and then there is the replacement of the infrastructure that is being destroyed.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 12 Jul 2022, 12:12
by Stanley
I note that the Welsh administration is proposing t6o reduce the 30mph speed limit in built up areas to 20mph. Good and sensible. The usual suspects have protested that this will lead to traffic jams and longer journey times. Nonsense!! What's the average speed in built up areas now? less than 30mph The reduction gives the authorities a lever to make the roads safer.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 12 Jul 2022, 16:04
by Tizer
Yes, and the Scottish administration is planning to do the same. As usual England will want to go its own sweet way, regardless. :smile:

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 13 Jul 2022, 02:38
by Stanley
And be totally wrong! They call it sovereignty.....

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 15 Jul 2022, 10:15
by Tizer
Now we're talking...jail the bosses! But could it be a case of the pot calling the kettle black and, anyway, would it ever happen? Whatever, the behaviour of the water firms is disgraceful...
`Jail water firm bosses over ‘appalling’ pollution, says Environment Agency' Guardian
`Water company bosses must be jailed for serious pollution, the Environment Agency (EA) has said, as it revealed English water firms have overseen shocking levels of pollution in the last year. 'The agency said water firms’ performance on pollution had declined to the worst seen in years. It is calling for chief executives and board members to be jailed if they oversee serious, repeated pollution because they seemed undeterred by enforcement action and court fines for breaching environmental laws. Emma Howard Boyd, the chair of the EA, said: “Fines currently handed down by the courts often amount to less than a chief executive’s salary … Investors should no longer see England’s water monopolies as a one-way bet.”...

And also in the Grauniad...
`This is what ‘cutting red tape’ gets you: rivers polluted without consequence' LINK
`Last year the Environment Agency received more than 100,000 reports of water, air and land pollution in England. The public told of rivers flowing with human faeces, chemicals dumped, fish killed, factories emitting dangerous fumes, nature reserves and the countryside trashed, as well as unbearable noise and dirty air. Nearly all these reports were ignored and now we know why. According to shocking leaked documents, the agency, which is the statutory protector of England’s natural environment and therefore of much of its health and safety, had ordered its staff to ignore all but the most obvious, high-profile incidents. Its staff were sent to observe only 8,000 of the 116,000 potential pollution incidents and only a handful of companies were taken to court.'...

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 16 Jul 2022, 05:23
by Stanley
I've been calling for the execs to be dragged off in handcuffs in a variety of circumstances for years. The Credit Crunch of 2008 was one matter, you are right in drawing attention to the filthy practices that lead to pollution of our air and water Peter. There will never be any real improvement until the fines impact dividends and executives are gaoled. Problem is that in today's world profit is all and if prosecuting for polluting lessens the dividends and tax take you can forget it.

Re: Seen in the News

Posted: 16 Jul 2022, 19:47
by plaques
When is a wedding party not a wedding party?
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Downing Street confirmed Mr Johnson will not be attending this afternoon's emergency COBRA meeting on the response to the current heatwave, which has been declared a national emergency.

Boris Johnson is holding his farewell party at the prime minister's country estate this weekend, a source has told Sky News.

The Prime Minister's country estate just happens to be Chequers. who would have thought that. :surprised: