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Re: Autumn 2012

Posted: 30 Sep 2012, 07:41
by EileenDavid
Hot and sunny all day yesterday but really cold last night. Beautiful blue skies and sunshine again this morning not ventured out yet but feels cold had to put the heaters on. Long range says rain tomorrow but we take everyday as it comes Eileen

Re: Autumn 2012

Posted: 01 Oct 2012, 03:54
by Stanley
Drizzle on and off yesterday but nothing serious and no wind to speak of. Glass fallen back slightly to 29.4" and it's damp outside, quiet weather.....

Re: Autumn 2012

Posted: 01 Oct 2012, 07:33
by Wendyf
It was lashing down all day here.

Re: Autumn 2012

Posted: 02 Oct 2012, 05:10
by Stanley
I must have missed it Wendy.... Dry outside at the moment, breezy and cooler. Glass tending to fall at 29.3" Gales all round the coast on the shipping forecast. Wild wet weather on its way?

Re: Autumn 2012

Posted: 03 Oct 2012, 06:05
by Stanley
Some nasty showers after dinner and a strong breeze. Glass fallen back to almost 29". It was dry at 4am but we now have cold rain. Deep Joy!

Re: Autumn 2012

Posted: 03 Oct 2012, 22:05
by Sunray10
Attended the funeral of a dear friend of mine this afternoon. Rain lashing down on coming out of the crematorium. I think heaven was crying. :sad:

Re: Autumn 2012

Posted: 04 Oct 2012, 03:50
by Stanley
I watched heavy cold showers through the workshop window all morning. It isn't raining at the moment but there has been more rain in the night. It's colder and the glass has risen to 29.2". Cold spell coming?

Re: Autumn 2012

Posted: 04 Oct 2012, 07:51
by EileenDavid
Overcast all day yesterday and heavy rain in the night. Mist this morning but now blue skies and sunshine wonderful. Eileen

Re: Autumn 2012

Posted: 05 Oct 2012, 04:11
by Stanley
We started with a grass frost and went through a series of cold showers and bright spells. Glass falling back towards 29", looks like a similar day.

Re: Autumn 2012

Posted: 05 Oct 2012, 07:56
by cloghopper
Here in Southern Italy we have had some violent autumn storms that have brought the high temperatures down. Also some much needed rain, but as usual too much in one go. Now pleasantly sunny and comfortably warm during the day, but some much cooler nights, with early morning mists.
Not much rain about for the 5 day forecast. Got the grapes in, now have got to get round to the olives.

Re: Autumn 2012

Posted: 05 Oct 2012, 08:01
by EileenDavid
Hello Cloghopper, sounds idyllic weather hear in Brittany warm and overcast this morning. Eileen

Re: Autumn 2012

Posted: 06 Oct 2012, 03:32
by Stanley
Much cooler day yesterday. Below 70F in house during the day. Glass rising and dry outside. We could be looking at a colder spell of weather. First good frost?
Later, at 08:00 after a walk round the town. No wind, sky clearing, cooler feel to the air and a heavy dew. Lo0oks like a good walking day today but possibly a frost tonight.

Re: Autumn 2012

Posted: 06 Oct 2012, 07:34
by EileenDavid
Had a day out yesterday. It was overcast but warm. Sat outside in a cafe and had lunch. When we arrived back to base we were able to sit out in hot sunshine. Today again it looks like rain very dull but it changes so fast here on the South Brittany coast. Eileen

Re: Autumn 2012

Posted: 07 Oct 2012, 04:55
by Stanley
No sitting out here Eileen unless you are well wrapped up. Cool bright day yesterday and today looks to be the same. Cool out so I expect a grass frost. Glass risen to 29.7" and a slight mist. Looks like another bright, cool, sunny day.
07:45 Just back from our half hour walk. Mist forming in the bottoms and a grass frost under a clear sky. It will be a bright day!

Re: Autumn 2012

Posted: 08 Oct 2012, 04:35
by Stanley
It was a bright cool day. Glass is back slightly at 29.7" but it's dry and cool again. Shipping forecast shows a quiet situation over the British Isles this morning, only bad gales are in the far NW so it looks as though we'll have another quiet bright day.

Re: Autumn 2012

Posted: 08 Oct 2012, 08:07
by EileenDavid
Since my last post on Friday when we sat out in shorts and tee shirts until about 5pm we have had heavy rain for 2 days and it doesn't look like today is going to be any better. Eileen

Re: Autumn 2012

Posted: 08 Oct 2012, 08:49
by Tizer
Kilfrost, the company that produces a third of the world's aviation de-icing fluid and has a factory in Haltwhistle, is raising production in the expectation of an early and prolonged, hard winter. They commission weather forecasts from a number of sources, both conventional and `alternative', and should know as much as anyone about what this winter will be like. The company has an interesting history and it's worth viewing their timeline and video on the web site:
When you go to the timeline page, note that there are time periods below the text that you need to click on to see more.

Re: Autumn 2012

Posted: 08 Oct 2012, 13:12
by PanBiker
Fascinating Tiz. We had to have our commercial jet de-iced twice on our return flight from Iceland. They spray them during the pre-flight just before the passengers are embarked. We were just hooked up to the push back tractor when the captain came on the intercom and said we had to be parked again as they had agreed to wait for a slightly delayed interconnecting flight from the USA. Apparently their was some sort of important bloke on the incoming flight who had to make the connection. Just short of an hour later he was cat called and whistled onboard when he finally made it. They were de-icing for the second time as he got on. It was amazing actually to see how fast the ice built up on the control surfaces. I think the captain said that they only had a 20 - 30 minute window after hosing down. It was February and about -25c with an added wind chill factor, proper "fresh air".

Re: Autumn 2012

Posted: 08 Oct 2012, 13:29
by Big Kev
What a glorious day. I've just sat in the town square, eating my lunch, following a horrendous weekend of work. I felt like I'd been awake for 48 hours this morning. I now feel ready for anything, probably won't last long once the caffeine wears off.

Re: Autumn 2012

Posted: 08 Oct 2012, 13:37
by Moh
Lovely autumn day, and it is dryng the washing.

Re: Autumn 2012

Posted: 09 Oct 2012, 05:43
by Stanley
From the weather and shipping forecasts it looks as though the present stable situation is slowly breaking down. We seem to be lucky as the outlook for today is the same as yesterday, bright and sunny. However, it looks as though rain may be on the way. Glass is steady on 29.7" at the moment. Kev could get another Town Square lunch.

Re: Autumn 2012

Posted: 09 Oct 2012, 07:43
by EileenDavid
Well the rain came again yesterday and it is still raining today that's 4 days on the trot. The weather forecast says that it will be moving up to the UK shortly as a high pressure is coming up to Brittany but don't hold your breath. Eileen

Re: Autumn 2012

Posted: 10 Oct 2012, 05:44
by Stanley
The main influence on us Eileen is the Atlantic systems. Dry and a grass frost again this morning and it looks as though we will be OK till dinnertime and then the sun will vanish behind increasing cloud. Tomorrow we are promised lots of rain as it comes in from the SW. Glass is falling back slowly, 29.6" this morning, which bears out what the Met Office are saying.

Re: Autumn 2012

Posted: 10 Oct 2012, 08:21
by EileenDavid
Still wet here and very warm. Went for a walk at the Port yesterday in the hour it didn't rain couldn't see the Atlantic for the fog. Eileen

Re: Autumn 2012

Posted: 11 Oct 2012, 03:46
by Stanley
Warmer but a clear sky, stars are blazing. Glass fallen to 29.3". Rain forecast from dinnertime onwards.