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Posted: 24 Dec 2014, 12:00
by Thomo
A pleasant surprise yesterday morning in the form of a parcel from Whitby. This contained a signed copy of the updated book "Into the Maelstrom" by Colin Brittain, also, wrapped around it was a copy of the Whitby Gazette dated the 7th of November, this carried the message sent to the people of that town by way of a "thank you" for the splendid way in which we were received in the 1st of November. Last night I called Colin to say thank you, and to give him a Christmas message for the RNLI there, wonderful people so they are.


Posted: 31 Dec 2014, 15:05
by Thomo
As we now approach the final hours of another year, we have already entered the "quiet time" where planning for the future is concerned, or have we? In some respects this is truly the case, major bids for 2015 went out ages ago, and again the waiting game has begun. Over many years there has been a great deal of success when it comes down to events here in Barlick, and many people have worked hard to make it so. I am on the grand scale of things, a "Newbie" and have learned much along the way, but this has brought me into contact with they who truly care about this Town, and it has been an absolute pleasure to work with them, and to do whatever I am able to do to assist them. My input has most frequently been based around the Military aspect of events concerning Barnoldswick, this will continue, yet having become involved, and being made aware of other possibilities and scenarios that could keep Barlick at the top, I believe that this topic should be expanded to encompass all events here for the foreseeable future. So, its goodbye to this one, and look out for its replacement, just a final word to anyone who is considering a holiday in early September 2015, hang on a bit, Barlick may be a good place to be!