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Posted: 23 Nov 2018, 03:09
by Stanley
I haven't forgotten about Bosom Friends Ian. I am on hold until the situation clears a bit.
You're certainly getting good service from the Physios. They probably enjoy working with someone who is fully cooperating and making progress. They will have clients who don't do as well..


Posted: 23 Nov 2018, 07:56
by Marilyn
Have you been provided your next Cystoscopy appointment, Stanley? ( should be every 3 months initially...)


Posted: 24 Nov 2018, 04:41
by Stanley
Not time for that Maz, the results of the scan and the assessment come first. I am fine, better than any time in the last ten years actually so I am waiting for my appointment with Hassan next Thursday when he will have the results. I'm enjoying the time with no Airedale appointments actually......
Isn't Ian doing well!


Posted: 24 Nov 2018, 05:34
by Marilyn
Bit different here. Hubby gets handed an appointment card for next time before he has a chance to put his pants back on from this time!


Posted: 26 Nov 2018, 06:34
by Stanley
Hassan on Thursday. He will have the results of the scan by now and if there was any emergency I think he or the Airedale team would have contacted me by now..... That's my thinking at the moment!


Posted: 26 Nov 2018, 07:52
by Big Kev
Stanley wrote: 26 Nov 2018, 06:34 Hassan on Thursday. He will have the results of the scan by now and if there was any emergency I think he or the Airedale team would have contacted me by now..... That's my thinking at the moment!
That would be my thinking too, I had an infection a few years ago and the surgery left messages, on my mobile and landline, to contact them ASAP.


Posted: 26 Nov 2018, 07:59
by Marilyn
You could always be brave and call the surgery, Stanley. ( far out! I would!)


Posted: 26 Nov 2018, 08:09
by plaques
Visiting my GP after my brain scan he looked at the report and said "Don't understand a word of it but if there had been anything sinister the bells and whistles would have been sounded long ago". Perhaps No news is good news!


Posted: 26 Nov 2018, 08:49
by Wendyf
The report might be on your medical records now, if you have full access you could have a look. Somehow I don't think you will want to though..... :extrawink:


Posted: 26 Nov 2018, 10:25
by Sue
Stanley wrote: 26 Nov 2018, 06:34 Hassan on Thursday. He will have the results of the scan by now and if there was any emergency I think he or the Airedale team would have contacted me by now..... That's my thinking at the moment!
I agree Stanley


Posted: 26 Nov 2018, 10:43
by PanBiker
Indeed, my initial scan was interpreted before I came out of the scanner, but that was a totally different kettle of fish and it was clear that further urgent investigations were required so I was admitted to the AAU on the spot. Same with the follow up contrasted MRI, once that was done and the diagnosis confirmed I was sent home but with the referral for the neurological consultation already in the pipeline. Later when they had removed the offending tumour it was sent off to the path lab, it was 10 days before I got the results on that, nothing to read into the delay, sheer workload of the labs, 99% certain before the tests that it would be benign did help though.


Posted: 27 Nov 2018, 05:01
by Stanley
The reason I am not in any hurry to know about the results is that I would rather stick to the process with Hassan which has served me so well this far. Bad news travels fast and I am not particularly worried because if there was any urgency I would have got the text from Airedale that Ian referred to, that's how they communicate with you.
Hassan will initiate whatever process comes next, most likely six weekly appointments for irrigation of my bladder with the necessary treatment which is totally non aggressive with no side effects.
Besides, I am enjoying the respite from medical appointments!


Posted: 27 Nov 2018, 07:38
by Marilyn
"Every six weeks for a bladder irrigation????"
Hubby started with 12 weekly Cystoscopy. ( so I am a bit confused as to the need for a bladder washout)


Posted: 27 Nov 2018, 09:24
by PanBiker
No texts Stanley, all results face to face with doctor or consultant and then followed up with written confirmation. I have had direct calls from doctors, my consultant, occupational therapists and my follow up direct contact to check on progress. I used text messaging to keep in touch with Laura my LGI neuro physio in order to make myself available for her to finish her project.


Posted: 28 Nov 2018, 05:07
by Stanley
Maz, sorry if I confused you. 6 X weekly irrigations.
Whatever Ian, I shall know tomorrow at 09:20 when I see Hassan.


Posted: 28 Nov 2018, 05:30
by Marilyn
Ask lots and lots of questions, because you seem to have been kept in the dark thus far. Make a list if it helps.


Posted: 28 Nov 2018, 06:20
by Stanley
I don't see it like that Maz, in my head, no news is good news especially as I feel so well. Don't worry, I will ask whatever questions are necessary..... I am totally relaxed about seeing Hassan, whatever the news I am feeling fine! If I was feeling poorly my mind would be racing ahead!


Posted: 28 Nov 2018, 06:55
by Marilyn
I realise that. And I realise things are different on the other side of the world ( and I don't want to diss your NHS)...but maybe it is because we pay dearly for our healthcare and scans, the Specialist would have rung us by now. Or we would have rung the specialist. We don't rely on the GP. We go straight to the Specialist. ( unless it is something a trip to the GP has detected, such as a blood or urine result...that then gets relayed by the GP's staff).
But a Specialist will not keep you waiting here. They tell you as soon as they know. ( that is what we are paying them for!)
If hubby has a problem ( say...blood in his urine), he rings his Urologist, not his GP and asks his advice on what he should do. The Specialist either says " come straight in and see me" or determines what test is needed by the GP. By the time hubby gets in the car and gets to the GP, they know all about why he is there!!
I've always thought your information was "cart before the horse".
Good Luck tomorrow though...


Posted: 28 Nov 2018, 07:22
by Stanley
I have no problems at all with our system Maz. It's serving me well and has the wonderful advantage it is free!


Posted: 28 Nov 2018, 07:45
by Marilyn
True. And we have never had a free system ( except for the disadvantaged).
But I can assure you that my husband has never had to worry a moment more than needed. The specialist is just a phone call away. And nothing is shrouded in mystery or waiting times. Yes, we pay. But there is great peace of mind.
I was asking our recent English visitors about medical care. They said they had to wait 3 weeks to see "a named doctor" in their region. ( huh? You can't make an appointment with your own GP?).


Posted: 29 Nov 2018, 10:11
by Stanley
Just back from seeing Hassan, my GP. The CT scan is clear, they have had their meeting and the consensus is that, just to make certain, they want to do a biopsy of the wound where they removed the tumour and assure themselves that they got everything. Hassan tells me that this is belt and braces on their part and is as good a result as I could have hoped for, certainly nothing to worry about. So I expect to hear from Airedale that they want me in for another cystoscopy in the near future so they can do their check.
On the separate matter of my Sodium level, it is back to normal and the rest of my bloods are fine. My BP readings have settled down nicely and he doesn't expect to see me again in the near future. Hassan also pointed out that I am a statistical anomaly, even if I lived in the SE of England I am beating the odds and have passed my sell-by date!
He also commented on how well I looked and sounded so all in all a good visit. I shall wait to hear from Airedale now.....


Posted: 29 Nov 2018, 10:17
by PanBiker
Excellent Stanley, a bit like me, best outcome, onwards and upwards. :smile:


Posted: 29 Nov 2018, 10:31
by Wendyf
Great news Stanley.


Posted: 29 Nov 2018, 10:47
by plaques
Good result Stanley. You told them there was nowt wrong with you.
Marilyn wrote: 28 Nov 2018, 07:45 They said they had to wait 3 weeks to see "a named doctor" in their region. ( huh? You can't make an appointment with your own GP?).
Marilyn, I can't talk for all practices but this is how it works in Colne , The practice has about six doctors. Each person is allocated a 'named 'doctor. This doesn't mean you have to see your named doctor its just that they may be more familiar with your history. Appointments can be made by telephone or internet covering two week periods. Ie: you can't book more than two weeks in advance. Generally speaking the morning sessions are for more minor problems and those who can attend at any time, retired etc, The afternoons for workers and more immediate cases. So its quite possible if you are in the slow lane and specify your named doctor an appointment could take some time. On the other hand if its deemed urgent and you are prepared to see any of the doctors you could be in on the same day sometimes the same hour. Also, there are extremely good practice nurses that are available to you.


Posted: 29 Nov 2018, 11:07
by PanBiker
Same in Barlick for the doctors although they have offloaded quite a few of the nursing procedures to the Rainhall Centre, a bit of confusion as to who does what, although if you are a regular visitor for a particular procedure you will know where to go. Bloods, BP, jabs, Warfarin and Diabetes at the surgery I think and everything else at Rainhall, someone may correct me there.