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Posted: 18 Dec 2018, 04:55
by Stanley
I get it Ian and you are right. What suits one person is not necessarily good for another.
Going back 60 years... I once gave a long lift from Scotland to London to a Doctor in the Canadian Air Force (he was on holiday pursuing his hobby which was collecting semi precious mineral specimens from quarries) He was an interesting bloke and one of the things he told me was that he had been involved in the Canadian air force's investigations into DVT affecting pilots ferrying aircraft across the Atlantic (They were on that one early!) the protection they came up with was isometric exercises in which it becomes a habit to pit muscles against each other even when at rest. I took that on board and have done them ever since, on occasions people have thought I was peculiar! I'm not advising, just raising the subject. It worked with the pilots!
Years later when DVT was the in thing and the airlines were denying that it was a known condition I raised this with a law firm who were managing a class action but they never responded. What the airlines said was 'news' to them had been recognised in the 1940s.


Posted: 19 Dec 2018, 05:02
by Stanley
I get the final diagnosis and treatment plan at Airedale on Xmas Eve. Bit of a problem as Susan is away for Xmas but kids are wonderful. Muthomi has stepped in and will take me. I only expect to be there for about an hour.....


Posted: 19 Dec 2018, 07:59
by Marilyn
Here...the specialist would simply phone you with the results as soon as they got them! Saves a lot of hassle and expense for the patient, driving in and parking!
The specialist will also tell you at the same time, what appointments/tests he wants and where/when. Request forms for follow up things are sent electronically to the departments concerned. Very easy for the patient.


Posted: 19 Dec 2018, 08:10
by Stanley
I'm quite happy Maz and would rather see the surgeon face to face.


Posted: 19 Dec 2018, 08:22
by Marilyn
:laugh5: sure, but I can think of better things to be doing Christmas Eve!
( it was Christmas Eve 2 years ago we had the call saying Dave had bladder cancer. We were in the supermarket at the time

I read a very relevant saying today..."don't let a small problem cast a large shadow".


Posted: 19 Dec 2018, 09:00
by Wendyf
Colin had a cystoscopy on Xmas Eve a couple of years ago!


Posted: 19 Dec 2018, 09:40
by PanBiker
Medical matters take no notice of public holidays. I spent an entire Christmas in Airedale with my dad 25 years ago. On Christmas Eve his brain tumour kicked in and he couldn't get out of his chair, between Christmas and the new year he lapsed into a coma and he died on January 3rd.

I think also I would rather get results face to face which has always happened with me up to press. My MRI results will be via letter after interpretation.


Posted: 19 Dec 2018, 10:14
by Marilyn
Having a 2 hour drive each way, a phone call suits very well. It works both ways. We phone the specialist if there is a problem. Saves waiting weeks for an appointment...


Posted: 19 Dec 2018, 10:32
by Marilyn
When Dave has ordinary Cystoscopies, the doctor angles a TV screen, so Dave can see exactly what the camera sees. When Dave has general anaesthetics, the doctor sits beside him with the recording on his laptop, so Dave can see what he found.
There is no mystery involved with the procedure...he learns straight away what is going on.


Posted: 20 Dec 2018, 03:20
by Stanley
I'm with Ian......


Posted: 20 Dec 2018, 09:50
by PanBiker
I should add that if there is any concerns raised by my MRI scan, my consultant will ring me up to discuss.


Posted: 20 Dec 2018, 20:29
by Marilyn
You should tell him, Panbiker, that you would much prefer to travel in and see him face to face than speak to him on the phone!


Posted: 21 Dec 2018, 10:39
by PanBiker
I should have said, anything to discuss. If there is anything untoward I have no doubt that he will call me in.


Posted: 21 Dec 2018, 15:06
by Moh
Have had a load of pain in my back by my shoulder blades - thank goodness for the oramorph. Got notified today I have got the attendance allowance Lynne sorted out back dated to 26th Nov. Think a cleaner is going to be sorted.


Posted: 21 Dec 2018, 15:36
by Tizer
Moh, have you tried an electric heat pad such as this `Dreamland Intelliheat Heat Pad'. If you look at the reviews on this Argos web site you'll see that they're almost unanimously agreeing that it's marvellous for anyone with back pain. Argos


Posted: 21 Dec 2018, 19:05
by plaques
Be careful with some of the heating pads. Not that they are unsafe but will cut out if they get too hot which includes sitting with your back against something that in itself holds the heat, a cushion, pillow etc. The problem then being once it has cut out you can't reset it. Its back to the makers which is nonsense. Here you are with a bad back having to sit bolt upright with no support trying to relieve your back pain??


Posted: 22 Dec 2018, 03:31
by Stanley
That's lousy Moh. I hate back pain, one of my old enemies. Funny place to have it, so high up. All I can do is commiserate! Life is very unfair at times!


Posted: 26 Dec 2018, 18:42
by Big Kev
Has anyone else had this rotten cough and cold? I thought I'd shifted it after 3 weeks but it's come back with a vengeance. I just need to know how long it's likely to last as I'm getting bored with it now.


Posted: 27 Dec 2018, 04:21
by Stanley
Sorry to hear that Kev. One thing I have noted in later years is that these viral infections tend to be serial episodes, you think you've got shut and they have a resurgence. Keep taking the fluids and looking after yourself!


Posted: 27 Dec 2018, 08:17
by Sue
Big Kev wrote: 26 Dec 2018, 18:42 Has anyone else had this rotten cough and cold? I thought I'd shifted it after 3 weeks but it's come back with a vengeance. I just need to know how long it's likely to last as I'm getting bored with it now.
My friend is now revovered after 5 weeks or so. Dreadful cough


Posted: 27 Dec 2018, 09:33
by Big Kev
5 weeks? That's awful, I don't do 'ill' so am a very impatient patient. I lasted an hour in the office this morning before I decided it wasn't for me today. I feel a bit of a fraud with those on here with 'proper' illnesses but I can't believe how rough I feel.


Posted: 28 Dec 2018, 04:37
by Stanley
Kev, give yourself a break! You are feeling much worse than I have at any time with my 'serious' episode of cancer! Leaving aside the sheer agony of Cystitis, the worst episode I ever had of 'feeling poorly' for a long period was the similar viral infection of Asian Flu. Even my brush with Botulism, though it was much more dangerous, didn't compare with that in terms of sheer misery.


Posted: 28 Dec 2018, 07:38
by Julie in Norfolk
How did you get Botulism Stanley, purely a professional interest! Actually, I know how you got Botulism, more to the point what did you eat that gave you Botulism and how long ago was that?


Posted: 28 Dec 2018, 08:24
by Stanley
It was in 1955 in the NAAFI canteen at Wavell Barracks in Berlin where I was attached to the 1st Battalion The Black Watch. It was early in the evening and I was feeling peckish even though I had had my tea. I was the first customer of the evening and had a meat pie and a cup of tea. I remember the pie tasted a bit funny but dismissed it and scoffed it. I think it must have been a very old one! It only took about an hour as I remember it and I started hallucinating. Everyone who saw me thought I was drunk and it wasn't until they got me back to my bed-space in the barrack room that I started vomiting. I passed out then and came to some time later in the Military Hospital at Hanover 180 miles away. I was told later that my mates got help and I was carried out feet first on a stretcher with my face covered and years later I found that everyone thought I was dead. The docs at Hanover had to wait until I passed my first stool before they could do the tests and identify what it was. As I was on a starvation diet that took a few days. They then told me that the meat pie had every nasty organism possible in it but the main culprit was Botulism, they said it was quite rare and for a while they thought they were losing me. One doc told me that he wished he had the antibodies in his immune system that I had after surviving that. I think I was very lucky, I was in a coma for at least three days but am not sure because I was AWOL!


Posted: 28 Dec 2018, 08:26
by Sue
Big Kev wrote: 27 Dec 2018, 09:33 5 weeks? That's awful, I don't do 'ill' so am a very impatient patient. I lasted an hour in the office this morning before I decided it wasn't for me today. I feel a bit of a fraud with those on here with 'proper' illnesses but I can't believe how rough I feel.
It was the dreadful cough that went on and on. Today I have a cold! Bob had a very mild one over Christmas, I hope this is the same! I have a meal to do for 9 on New Years Eve plus Julia and family staying for a few days, beds to make up etc.