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Re: Summer 2013

Posted: 17 Jul 2013, 07:16
by Wendyf
Thanks Sue, are you back home now?
We have some mist this morning that has drifted up from the Aire valley side on a light Easterly breeze.

Re: Summer 2013

Posted: 17 Jul 2013, 07:23
by EileenDavid
Weather tip top love it. Eileen

Re: Summer 2013

Posted: 18 Jul 2013, 04:46
by Stanley
We had mist again Wendy around 06:00 after a clear start. Slow day with more cloud but still warm. Glass is up at 29.8" and forecast is for sun to break through earlier today despite the current cloud and we shall probably have our hottest day yet. No real sign of change..... We need some night time rain!

Re: Summer 2013

Posted: 18 Jul 2013, 09:37
by Cathy
we have had masses of rain and very strong winds over the last 24hrs. Some areas have been damaged with floods, trees uprooted, power off etc. I have my candle and matches at the ready. Oh, and it's bl***y cold. :)

Re: Summer 2013

Posted: 19 Jul 2013, 02:57
by Stanley
Yesterday got hot, probably got close to 28C which is very hot for us. Last night was uncomfortable sleeping, first time I've been bothered. I'm sat here now with the back door wide open to let the cooler air into the house. Glass is rock solid on 29.8". Forecast is for 26C today......

Re: Summer 2013

Posted: 19 Jul 2013, 07:40
by EileenDavid
Anyone any tips on how to get cool impossible to sleep. I love the weather through the day but hate hot nights. Eileen

Re: Summer 2013

Posted: 19 Jul 2013, 07:49
by PanBiker
Naked with no sheets or bedclothes or maybe a single cotton sheet, windows open works for me.

Re: Summer 2013

Posted: 19 Jul 2013, 07:52
by Wendyf
I had to put a wet towel over the dog again last night to cool him down...not sure it would work for you Eileen :smile:
The promised easterly breeze is just picking up, it should cool things down a bit for the next few days.
Sorry all you sun worshipers but it's time to ask Stanley for a rain dance!

Re: Summer 2013

Posted: 21 Jul 2013, 05:17
by Stanley
I shaved my head and did the rain dance Wendy and it looks as though it is working quicker than usual. It's a light drizzle at the moment in Barlick but the glass has fallen back to 29.6" and we have heavy cloud. I have every hope it will rain properly later and possibly tomorrow morning as well. Five day forecast agrees with me. Cooler and showery next week. No complaints please, I can't reverse the rain dance....

Re: Summer 2013

Posted: 21 Jul 2013, 06:33
by Wendyf
Opened the curtains this morning and knew that Stanley must have done his rain dance! Is one dance enough?

Re: Summer 2013

Posted: 22 Jul 2013, 04:32
by Stanley
Yes Wendy, one is sufficient, another one could be dangerous. There has been a light shower during the night but nothing of any consequence yet. (it usually takes two or three days before the rain dance kicks in) I see that up to 35C is forecast in the south today and heavy thunderstorms further up the country. Hopefully we will escape them and the forecast today is for dry weather, however, tomorrow looks promising! Glass has dropped to 29.5" and there is a big Atlantic low knocking on the door. I'm glad we don't seem to be in line for the big thunderstorms, it was this combination of weather that gave us the Barlick flood in July 1932......

Re: Summer 2013

Posted: 23 Jul 2013, 04:09
by Stanley
Dry and overcast at the moment. Glass down at 29.3" The slow drop bodes well for a significant change. The humidity is very high and the met forecast, which is usually very accurate, gives thundery rain for today and the rest of the week. These are the conditions which produced the Barlick flood in July 1932. The rain will be quite localised and a heavy burst in the wrong place on baked ground could produce flash floods. Use your heads and just check on drains and culverts near your house. A stitch in time saves nine!

Re: Summer 2013

Posted: 23 Jul 2013, 06:41
by Wendyf
Thunder & lightning began about 6.30am but the rain hasn't been too heavy yet. Just made a nervous dash down the field to pick up an electric fence post that had been pulled out by sheep....I didn't fancy the idea of trying to catch loose ponies in the middle of a thunder storm!

Re: Summer 2013

Posted: 23 Jul 2013, 08:18
by EileenDavid
Same here thunder and lightening early and still raining on and off. Warm though. Sat out yesterday. Eileen

Re: Summer 2013

Posted: 23 Jul 2013, 13:21
by Moh
Woken up by various burglar alarms going off due to a short electricity cut because of the lightning. A short thunderstorm but OK since, still very warm.

Re: Summer 2013

Posted: 24 Jul 2013, 04:35
by Stanley
We had one small drop-out in Barlick Moh. Jack and I had an early dry walk and then watched a torrential downpour at about 07:00. Thunder, lightning and water swilling down streets and paths. Couple of minor showers later and I see there's been a shower in the night. Glass on 29.3". The sky is quite clear at the moment but it wouldn't surprise me if we have some heavy showers later. Early walk I think.
06:15. We've had our early morning walk. Butts Beck was almost dry yesterday, today there is a thin trickle over the dam. Everything is greening up and the grass is moving again. However, not enough yet. The Met Office 5 day forecast isn't loading today for some reason, I will be surprised if we don't get some heavy showers.

Re: Summer 2013

Posted: 25 Jul 2013, 06:02
by Stanley
Close and humid this morning, very growy. Light shower around 04:00 but dry at the moment. More rain on its way up from the SW, could be heavy showers later. Glass has fallen back almost to 29.2". I think the rain-dance delivered..... Not a big weight of rain as yet, Butts Beck is still only a trickle, nice thing is that the ground has softened and is absorbing the rain, just right.

Re: Summer 2013

Posted: 25 Jul 2013, 07:37
by Wendyf
A good rain dance result Stanley. The ground is quite dry still but there is some water flowing underground...I have two big storage tanks for the garden (and emergencies) that fill from an old spring, and that has started to trickle in again.

Re: Summer 2013

Posted: 26 Jul 2013, 04:37
by Stanley
Good stuff Wendy, but we need more yet so I did a supplementary dance first thing this morning. Glass is rising a bit towards 29.3". Sky fairly clear this morning and it looks like a nice day.

Re: Summer 2013

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 04:42
by Stanley
Almost clear sky with high cloud at 04:00 and still like that at the moment. Glass has fallen a touch to 29.2" and forecast is for a fine day but rain starting later and expected for the foreseeable future. The supplementary rain dance seems to have worked.

Re: Summer 2013

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 10:32
by hartley353
Great news on the rain front, my partner is away all next week, and the responsibility for making sure none of her plants die from lack of water has fallen on myself. should I be derelict in my duties, hopefully all will survive, and my efforts can be concentrated on the hanging baskets.

Re: Summer 2013

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 20:39
by Wendyf
I've just come in after watering the veggies in the poly tunnel and the weather seems to be on the turn. It's dark at 9.30pm, visibility is low and the wind has got up from the east....think I need to shut some windows for the first time in weeks! Fingers crossed we should get a good soaking over the next few days.....

Re: Summer 2013

Posted: 28 Jul 2013, 03:36
by Stanley
The cloud built slowly during the evening and the first rain fell at about 10pm. It is still raining now and I doubt if it's stopped all night. More breeze than we have had for a while. Glass has dropped below 29" and the forecast is mostly rain for the next couple of days. Just what we needed!

07:00. We've had our walk. It's stopped raining but still very gloomy due to the heavy overcast. As my mate Colin Barritt once said as we drove up Kayfield lane after three days away in Scotland, "It must have rained a lot, the puddles are full!" Here's a pic I did for Wendy, I think her spring may be flowing a bit better shortly! Butts Beck this morning...


Re: Summer 2013

Posted: 28 Jul 2013, 08:49
by Cathy
If it wasn't for the wind-chill at the moment I would say it was getting quite balmy. Our coming week forecasts 15-17C. I'm finding the nights aren't so cold at the moment, no need for socks or an extra cover on the bed. Oh, and the pidgeons are getting friendly... :)

Re: Summer 2013

Posted: 28 Jul 2013, 18:02
by Wendyf
A slight problem this morning with run off from the hill which had washed through the farm yard higher up before it arrived with us.....slightly smelly to say the least! Quite relieved I was out for the day!