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Re: Changes

Posted: 15 Nov 2013, 13:27
by Tripps
Scarily fast..... :smile:

Re: Changes

Posted: 15 Nov 2013, 17:03
by Tizer
Yes, it does seem quick. The text is smaller on my machine when side by side with the current site. There's nothing to frighten the members as far as I can see. It looks like a better use of space at the moment but that'll change back to `normal' when the avatar graphics go in! Is there any way of placing the graphics alongside the member text details instead of above it when they get inserted? I like the panorama banner graphics - you could do a sideline in selling them to railway modellers for use as backscenes on their layouts.

Re: Changes

Posted: 15 Nov 2013, 17:55
by PanBiker
Tizer wrote: It looks like a better use of space at the moment but that'll change back to `normal' when the avatar graphics go in! Is there any way of placing the graphics alongside the member text details instead of above it when they get inserted?
I can't see anything in the admin control panel that would control the position of the avatar, I think it is set in the the stylesheet or the template for the page. Only setting are size of allowable image and on/off etc.

Re: Changes

Posted: 16 Nov 2013, 05:41
by Stanley
Text size struck me of course but Firefox will cure that for me if I have any trouble. You should see the size I have it set at to let me read the page at the moment!

Re: Changes

Posted: 16 Nov 2013, 09:35
by PanBiker
The text size on here is controlled by a mod and is set slightly larger than the default size shown on the test site. The size of monitor or display will have a knock on effect here as well I think.

Re: Changes

Posted: 16 Nov 2013, 10:02
by Pluggy
It doesn't look like too may people are up in arms about the new design, so It looks like I'm going to give him the go ahead.

The link again to save new thread joiners having to look back for it

Re: Changes

Posted: 16 Nov 2013, 10:04
by Cathy
Reading what everyone has to say above about the new OG makes me think it must be like preparing for a new baby to be born - Are we all ready, have we done everything, will it be OK? Or the opening night of a new play - Will everything work, will everyone like it?

Oh the pressure! ...

Re: Changes

Posted: 16 Nov 2013, 12:04
by Tizer
I suppose at some point we'll find we are using it and haven't noticed! :laugh5:

Re: Changes

Posted: 17 Nov 2013, 05:33
by Stanley
It won't be as painful as that Cathy!
Pluggy, bite the bullet and do it! As Doc once remarked in the early days, you can't be a webmaster and a democrat!

Re: Changes

Posted: 17 Nov 2013, 09:53
by Pluggy
Its nominally chalked in for the coming Wednesday afternoon/evening, which is when he says he can commit the time.

Re: Changes

Posted: 17 Nov 2013, 10:30
by PostmanPete
I will boil the kettle ready for the new baby....... :grin:

Re: Changes

Posted: 18 Nov 2013, 05:52
by Stanley
So I might get a surprise on Thursday morning! Look forward to it....

Re: Changes

Posted: 20 Nov 2013, 06:55
by Stanley
Could this be my last post on this platform?

Re: Changes

Posted: 20 Nov 2013, 08:10
by David Whipp
Stanley wrote:Could this be my last post on this platform?
No, Stanley. You've posted since in what attracted your attention...

...and lights in the sky now.

Re: Changes

Posted: 20 Nov 2013, 08:33
by Pluggy
He hasn't got back to me to confirm, so its up in the air I'm afraid.

It will still be the same platform, we're not changing from phpbb, its just going to be a simpler phpbb.

Re: Changes

Posted: 20 Nov 2013, 08:58
by Stanley
This is definitely my last post this morning, end of, final. Elvis is leaving the building....

Re: Changes

Posted: 20 Nov 2013, 23:51
by Pluggy
The "man" is going to work on the board overnight Thursday 21st November. Starting at about 16:00 GMT. You probably won't be able to use the board until he's finished.

Re: Changes

Posted: 21 Nov 2013, 04:27
by Stanley
I realised it hadn't changed when I logged on. So tomorrow morning I shall be playing a lot of Canfield.....

Re: Changes

Posted: 22 Nov 2013, 04:23
by chinatyke
Wow, it has changed. Slightly. Cleaner, uncluttered look. I like it.

Seems to work much faster for me. Well done. :grin:

Re: Changes

Posted: 22 Nov 2013, 05:06
by Stanley
China is right, this isn't going to scare anyone off as long as they are used to using 'active topics' which is what I always do. I'd say it was faster as well. No doubt we'll have to niggle a bit and adjust but so far so good!

Re: Changes

Posted: 22 Nov 2013, 05:37
by Stanley
One little glitch I have noted on my version of Firefox is that after submission I don't return to the topic automatically. No problem if you right click on the arrow in the top left hand corner and select 'active topics'.
I note there are no bots in the who's online panel. Does this mean they are there but not noted or have they lost us?

Re: Changes

Posted: 22 Nov 2013, 05:52
by Stanley
Help! Images have vanished even though I am logged in!
Just had a look and no images in gallery.

Re: Changes

Posted: 22 Nov 2013, 08:15
by Wendyf
The bots are there now Stanley. No problem returning to topic after submitting a post for just takes a second or two.

Re: Changes

Posted: 22 Nov 2013, 08:52
by Pluggy
The not returning straight to post was an addon on the old OGFB, it was a conscious decision to leave it as standard phpbb, the developer commented on it. I've mentioned the lack of images to him. It is noticeably faster to my eyes

Re: Changes

Posted: 22 Nov 2013, 09:15
by PanBiker
I think it's faster as well.

One thing noticed apart from no images, the larger go to last post icon has been overwritten. I have a copy of the larger icon and can fix this, but I'll wait until our friend has finished, he may already have it in hand.