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Posted: 15 Mar 2024, 03:14
by Stanley
Yesterday afternoon we had a dry spell but it had started raining again at 16:00 At 20:00 it was overcast but dry. It was calm and dry first thing this morning but now it has started raining which is what the forecast said should be happening. The glass has fallen to 992mb and the forecast, like yesterday, says it will rain heavily until early this afternoon and be heavily overcast. The constant SW wind is moderate and gusts to almost 40mph this morning giving us a high of 10C, a lo0w of 2C tonight and a wind chill of -4C all day. The six day outlook is for similar temperatures but brighter and on the whole drier next week.


Posted: 15 Mar 2024, 10:50
by PanBiker
Stanley wrote: 15 Mar 2024, 03:14 The six day outlook is for similar temperatures but brighter and on the whole drier next week.
Not surprising, it will be proper Spring then.


Posted: 16 Mar 2024, 03:42
by Stanley
Yesterday afternoon dried up but at 20:00 we had a spatter of rain. This morning first thing it was calm, dry and clear. It's still the same. The glass has risen and is on 1013mb. The forecast is for it to become o0vercast but then clear to0 sunshine by late morning. We can expect rain from about 16:00 onwards. The light east wind has settled in the SSE and become moderate by midday. It gives us a high of 10C and a low of 7C tonight with a wind chill this afternoon of -3C. The outlook is for similar weather next week but a shade cooler.


Posted: 16 Mar 2024, 04:19
by Cathy
Too big or blurry ??


Posted: 16 Mar 2024, 04:54
by Stanley
No that's fine Cathy. Looks as though this is the last of your very hot days for a while..... :good:


Posted: 16 Mar 2024, 13:03
by Stanley
I had a very acceptable walk and a sit. The full sun has a lot of heat in it but you needed to be out of the wind if you were sitting. We are promised rain this evening into the night but at the moment it's still bright.


Posted: 17 Mar 2024, 03:14
by Stanley
Yesterday we were getting the odd spatter of rain from 15:00 onwards and by 20:00 it was definitely light rain. This morning there is no mistake! We have heavy rain. The glass is down on a shade under 1010mb and falling. The forecast is for rain but with sunny intervals this evening. The southerly winds start moderate but soon become light and we will have a high of 12C and a low of 7C tonight with at most a -2C wind chill during the day. The outlook is for the weather to remain mild and damp for the next week.


Posted: 18 Mar 2024, 04:48
by Stanley
Yesterday afternoon was mainly dry but by 20:00 we had light rain. During the night it cleared and this morning first thing it was calm and we had a clear sky and a good moon low in the NW. The only change since is some odd scattered clouds. The glass is down slightly on 1008mb but steady. The forecast is for a dry day, overcast mainly but some sunny intervals later. The SW winds are moderate and give us a high of 12C and a low of 9C tonight with up to -3C wind chill during the day. The outlook is for similar weather but perhaps slightly cooler and wetter on Wednesday and Thursday.


Posted: 18 Mar 2024, 11:50
by Stanley
It's turning out to be a dry sunny day. I have been shopping in the Town Square and got my washing soda. I had a sit on traffic duty. It was just about OK but that wind has a nip to it!


Posted: 19 Mar 2024, 03:40
by Stanley
Yesterday afternoon managed to stay dry and bright. At 20:00 it was clear and mainly clear throughout the night. First thing this morning it was raining but it is dry now. The glass is down on 1003mb but rising and the forecast is for an overcast but dry day. The SW wind is moderate and gust5ing to 35mph at the moment but will gradually subside as the day goes on. The high will be 12C and the low 7C tonight with a -4C chill this morning while the wind is up but falling to -2C by mid morning as the wind eases. The outlook is for slightly cooler weather with some rain.


Posted: 19 Mar 2024, 14:45
by Stanley
We were lucky in Barlick, the day turned out better than expected after a wet start. I was thinking of going for a walk but instead took my exercise in the back yard. I cleaned up a corner that's been calling for attention all winter.
I had some bags of smokeless fuel in the corner and they have been there so long that the UV has perished the plastic and coal has been spilling out into they yard. Yesterday and today I sorted it. I got my chop saw out and cut up the firewood I had in my small bin into smaller pieces and put them in the large bin. Then I filled the bucket in the front room that sits next to the stove with coal and put the rest in the small bin. Then a sweep up and I swilled the yard.
All is now tidy and I can press on with dressing the yard with washing soda to clean the flags.
I know this isn't front page news but when you get on a bit completing a physical task like this is an achievement!



Posted: 20 Mar 2024, 03:35
by Stanley
Yesterday we had some spatters of rain that weren't on the hymn sheet but on the whole it stayed dry. At 20:00 we had light rain and it was the same this morning first thing. It hasn't changed since. The glass is up on 1012mb but tending to fall. The forecast is for rain all day until early evening. The constant NE wind will be light all day giving a high of 9C and a low of 5C tonight. The wind chill will be light. The outlook is for similar cooler weather, watch out for heavier rain on Saturday.


Posted: 20 Mar 2024, 08:41
by Gloria
Got my first load of washing back from holiday dry outside yesterday, it’s now raining today, but due to fine up later, may get another lot done.


Posted: 20 Mar 2024, 10:34
by PanBiker
Looks like Stanley got up more or less at the start of the Spring Equinox, Welcome to proper Spring. :extrawink:


Posted: 21 Mar 2024, 03:07
by Stanley
Yesterday was a wet day! It had stopped raining at 20:00. First thing this morning we had a light breeze and it was clear. The glass rose slowly all day yesterday and this morning is on 1020mb. The forecast is for an overcast but dry day until this evening when we could get some light rain. The constant SW wind is moderate and gusts over 30mph later giving us a high of 10C and a low of 5C tonight with a -3C wind chill all day. The outlook is for the cooler weather with some light rain to continue......


Posted: 21 Mar 2024, 08:29
by Gloria
Yesterday became fine by late morning, washing out and pretty much all dried by tea time. Today looks like being fine so more can be washed and go out.


Posted: 21 Mar 2024, 12:17
by Stanley
Back home and sat down..... Feet done, veggie shopping done and Co-op small bits done. That's quite enough honest endeavour for one day. We had a spatter of large rain drops but it's bright and dry now....


Posted: 22 Mar 2024, 03:40
by Stanley
Yesterday afternoon saw a couple of spatters of big drops but no actual rain. At 20:00 it was raining. First thing this morning it was cool, breezy, overcast and damp from rain during the night but not actually raining. It hasn't changed since. The glass rose to 1020mb yesterday but this morning is down on 1013mb. The forecast is for sunny intervals until it clouds over this afternoon and we get rain around 17:00. The constant westerly wind is brisk and gusts to 35mph this afternoon giving us a high of 8C and a low of 2C tonight. The wind chill will get to -5C this evening and all day it will feel cold getting to below freezing this evening. The outlook is for similar cool weather, indeed even colder. Sunshine and showers. I suppose this is spring. I heard a report of 17C somewhere down South two days ago. It feels like a long way off that here!


Posted: 22 Mar 2024, 10:11
by Stanley
I'm back up. I've done a sock wash to go with the general wash I did this morning and now I have just finished putting my chicken in to roast. I can deal with that at 13:00 and I only have veggie cooking tomorrow. Now for a sit down and wait for my builder to come and look at my gutter!
We have a sunny morning as forecast but it's chilly if you're in that wind.....


Posted: 23 Mar 2024, 03:43
by Stanley
Yesterday afternoon stayed dry but as we approached evening there was more cloud and light rain in the air. At 20:00 we were in a dry spell but rain wasn't far away. The wind was rising as well. First thing this morning we had wind and heavy rain, it has stopped raining now but we are promised it will return by 06:00. The glass is down on 1006mb and still tending to fall. The constant West wind is brisk and will gust to almost 40mph all day. This gives us a high of 6C and a low tonight of 4C with a wind chill of about -5C all day which means that it will feel like freezing or below all day. The outlook is for slightly milder days but cold nights for a week. Winter hasn't quite finished with us yet!


Posted: 23 Mar 2024, 08:39
by Gloria
Yesterday was great, got more washing dry. It threw it down at one point in the night, and having just had a light shower it is now fine, can’t say for how long though as it doesn’t look that bright.


Posted: 23 Mar 2024, 09:22
by Gloria
I spoke too soon, we’ve just had a very heavy hail shower for about 5 mins.


Posted: 23 Mar 2024, 09:48
by Stanley
Dry and sunny at the moment here Gloria but it's also cold windy and spotting rain. I shall stay in the warm cooking!


Posted: 23 Mar 2024, 13:57
by Big Kev
That's a biting wind out there.


Posted: 24 Mar 2024, 03:29
by Stanley
Yesterday afternoon stayed dry and cold and the promised -5C wind chill was much in evidence. At 20:00 it was still windy and dry with a clear sky except for some small ragged clouds. It stayed clear all night and this morning it is still breezy clear and cold with almost a full moon. The glass is down a bit on 1003mb. The westerly winds are moderate and gust to over 30mp-h this morning. We shall have a high of 10C and a low of 2C tonight. The wind chill will be about -5C this morning when the wind is strongest but will moderate this afternoon to -3C. The outlook is for slightly cooler broken weather until next Friday when we will get into double figures again.