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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Mar 2018, 05:00
by Stanley
I'm feeling guilty about the shed..... I shall take a view later!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Mar 2018, 07:34
by Sue
Art all day with Jeremy Ford.

I have had a really good tidy up in my art and craft room. Dozens of unwanted art work have been converted into drawing paper for the grand children, bags of off cuts, fabric scraps and redundant toiles have been donated to our local primary school for craft and yesterday I gave 5 bags of assorted odd balls of wool to my friend for her Knit and Natter group. I have space, ready to fill with lots of new fabrics etc. I feel cleansed :laugh5:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Mar 2018, 10:18
by Tizer
Knit and Natter group...I once went into a secondhand-book shop, went into the back room where they kept the railway and industry books and found myself in the midst of a gang of ladies sitting at a big table knitting away, gossiping and drinking tea. It was a bit disconcerting and not at all conducive to selecting books!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 08 Mar 2018, 04:01
by Stanley
I know exactly what you mean Sue. Every now and then the mood comes over me to tidy a corner out and it always feels good afterwards. I find it a lot easier to chuck stuff out or give it away these days!
I'd have been joining in the conversation Tiz. I like women in groups.
I went in the shed yesterday for the first time since the bad weather started and really enjoyed it despite it being even more watchmaking! my next project is going to be bigger! I'll be in there again today.....


Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 08 Mar 2018, 07:44
by Sue
Snow this morning, but should turn to rain. Its cold.
Art this morning then its a drive to Portsmouth to catch the evening ferry. 12-14 degrees and rain forecast for the week! Probably won’t get much outdoor tidying done over there but it is 3 months since our last visit so everything will need an airing and a clean through.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 08 Mar 2018, 08:10
by Sue
Just had a message to say art is cancelled as the tutor can’t get there because of snow, she lives in Bolton somewhere. What a surprise, its almost stopped here and nothing has settled, its very wet. What a disapponitment, I was looking forward to it as it was a guest tutor, whom we really like. Watercolour wash with pen and ink. The subject...a French village!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 08 Mar 2018, 08:16
by Wendyf
It's quite thick here Sue and still falling. Colin set off early for a hospital appointment in Bradford, but found traffic at a standstill down in Crosshills so he eventually managed to turn round and retreat home!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 09 Mar 2018, 04:52
by Stanley
We evidently got away lightly in Barlick!
Today is shopping and some minor jobs..... Not sure really what the main object will be.


I am clean and tidy in the shed and ready for some fitting. Note the clean tablecloth!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 10 Mar 2018, 07:58
by Stanley
As things turned out I found plenty to occupy me including writing an article for the BET and the shed was neglected. I can see the same pattern emerging today.
One thing I had to do was sew a button on my shirt. Not the biggest job under the sun but have you ever noticed that buttons dropping off seems to come in cycles? I have had to attend to three in the last three days.
My mind is tending more and more to the big wedding. I shall have to check on my clothes. Jess has requested a man in a kilt at her wedding so a check of my highland dress is indicated. In case anyone is wondering, apart from my Scottish ancestry (MacDonald) I am authorised to wear the Black Watch Tartan by reason of my service with them in Berlin.


This was at another wedding......

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 10 Mar 2018, 08:55
by Marilyn
Lovely pic.
Knees together though, if you are going "traditional"!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 10 Mar 2018, 09:30
by Stanley
No need, dead birds don't fly the nest......
Today developed slightly differently than expected. I found my self fitting the hose up, swilling the back yard out, getting rid of the cat shit outside the gate and dosing everything with black disinfectant in the hope that it might deter the cats from using it as a toilet. We shall see....... We hear so much about dog-owners not cleaning up after them but cats are a menace!!
That's enough honest endeavour for one morning!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 10 Mar 2018, 11:19
by chinatyke
Today I shall be mainly cursing the stupidity of Chinese on-line retailers and my inability to read Chinese characters.
I wanted 2 pairs of window handles so that my tenant could replace broken items in the apartment he rents from us as he is returning to England for a short time and wanted to ensure the apartment is secure and his wife is safe in there.
I couldn't get the exact replacement item but found a supplier with similar handles that had the top and bottom screw holes in exactly the right place, and the middle 2 holes 1mm offset. Everyone knows handles come in pairs and the pictures in their advert showed pairs so I duly ordered two. To be doubly safe because I was slightly concerned that the holes wouldn't mate up with the existing holes in the window frame I ordered 2 pairs from a second supplier, also not quite the exact measurement I required, but nearly so. Yesterday I received the first consignment, not 2 pairs but only 2 right-hand handles. I wasn't worried as I could retain these as spares. Today the second consignment arrived. Instead of 2 pairs there were 4 right-hand handles and no left-hand ones. So now I'm the proud owner of 6 right-hand handles and no left-hand ones. I could send them back but by the time I pay return postage it would only save me about 3 quid. So now I've ordered 4 left hand handles (2 + 2 free ones) and I'll have enough to last me a lifetime!
I emailed the supervising company and got them to speak to the supplier to ensure I get LH ones this time! Keeping my fingers crossed!

[Hope I don't get 4 candles.]

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 11 Mar 2018, 04:07
by Stanley
There's still a lot to be said for facing a human being across a counter China!
Cooking, washing and housework this morning. The lure of free leccy is strong, it has completely changed my weekly routine. I often wonder if I actually save anything as the tariffs are so complicated.....

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 11 Mar 2018, 07:46
by Sue
Had a couple of warm days 15 degrees in La Belle France and managed to tidy up my rhubarb and strawberry patches. I will put potatoes in today while the ground is warm . I know its early but not for here. Rain due till Tuesday then another couple of nice days. I made hot cross buns yesterday for visitors today and wednesday afternoon. The freezer is full of produce from last summer so I think I shall have to make some chutney, pies and things to reduce the bulk. No room to freeze even a hotcross bun!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 11 Mar 2018, 08:11
by Stanley
You'll have to entertain more Sue! Glad you're having some better weather, the main evidence of progress here is that it is getting light for my early morning walks!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 12 Mar 2018, 05:15
by Stanley
Aiming to get back in the shed..... Too much housework!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 12 Mar 2018, 06:49
by Sue
I washed down a couple of doors ready to repaint them but in fact they looked so much better after the wash I decided not to. Instead I washed all the other doors. It rained from 11.00, just after I put the potatoes in and there was a strong cool wind. Our French friends came at 3.00 and stayed till nearly 6.15. It was great to chat and the hot cross buns went down well. Then it was time to roast a chicken and make a late meal. Today is due to be dry this morning but another damp windy afternoon. I have no particular plans today except visit the local market, and Bob wants some electrical stuff from the DIY supermarket so he can wire the new ensuite room he is building.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 12 Mar 2018, 06:59
by Stanley
Makes me feel tired just reading your post Sue! Have a bit of a rest every now and again!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 12 Mar 2018, 10:13
by Tizer
The human dynamo! :smile:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 12 Mar 2018, 11:15
by Sue
No it was quite a relaxed day for me, I sat and did a crossword at one point :laugh5:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 13 Mar 2018, 03:54
by Stanley
A likely story.......
I went in the shed to check on the paint and found I had missed one very small part. It was under a fold of the 'spray booth'. I will touch it up with a brush when it's appropriate.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 13 Mar 2018, 06:59
by Sue
The. market yesterday was nearly non existant, the time of year I suppose. Anyway Bob got the electrical parts he wanted. When we came back, i washed rhe walls down of the small toilet...small room that is, full size toilet... :laugh5: . In the afternoon we mixed a combination of the original paint with white to create a much brighter colour. We never liked the colour that was on, but it was done by the original owner. I think we have lived with it long enough. It was a sort of green blue. Not nice. Now it looks nice and fresh. It could have done with another coat but there was no paint left. It was a very difficult room to paint and i ached all over in the evening,

Today is forecast a sunny day, and the last opportunity to garden. I shall weed the rockery and the one remaining flower bed. The veggie plot will have to wait for the next visit, when no doubt all the other beds will need doing again. Its a bit of a battle till June, when everything slows down

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 14 Mar 2018, 05:11
by Stanley
I don't know what you are on Sue but they ought to send it up with the rations......

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 14 Mar 2018, 07:20
by Sue
Well I am on a time limit Stanley....its the ferry tomorrow and initially rain was expected today (but now it is to be sunny) so we had to crack on with the outside jobs. As for the painting and cleaning thats a winter task. Next visit will be well and truly Spring so the veggies will be planted out. What I didn’t get done was to weed and fertilise the veggie patch.

Our friend and neighbour Roland popped round for an hour or so yesterday evening for a chat and aperitifs. He was telling us that he is 88 now, and has been a widower for a year. To look at him and chat to him you would put him in his mid 70s. He misses us when we are not here. He like us enjoys our long chats( in french) putting the world to rights.

Todays plan are relaxed, a bit of shopping, morning cuppa with an English friend. Her husband is our builder when we need one. Bob will have a good chat to Paul and Joanne and I will be exchanging sewing , knitting and gardening ideas. This afternoon we are entertaining the neighbours to afternoon tea. No other plans for the day!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 15 Mar 2018, 04:43
by Stanley
Hope you have a good trip home. Once again you have timed it perfectly, you'll arrive home just in time for the 'Arctic Blast' that we are promised over the next few days!
I shall be fighting tiny screws in the shed!