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Posted: 13 Jun 2014, 09:05
by Tizer
Good grief, it's amazing what can happen in 24 hours! I've only just seen the posts about your eye, Stanley. I'm glad to hear you're getting immediate attention and trust that all will be well. Onwards and upwards! :daisy:


Posted: 14 Jun 2014, 04:05
by Stanley
That's what I thought Peter when I got a slight blob in my vision. I see the surgeon at 10:15 this morning. One hopeful sign is that my BP reading which shot up from 120/80 to 160/90 is going back down, it was 130/87 yesterday. I have an idea this might be something to do with it. My guess is that I've had a bleed into the interior of the eye.... No doubt he'll tall me to stick to writing this morning and leave the diagnosis to him!


Posted: 14 Jun 2014, 10:00
by Marilyn
All the best at the hospital, Stanley.
Thinking of you.
Big hug!


Posted: 15 Jun 2014, 04:23
by Stanley
Thanks Maz. Turns out it is a detached retina. They will call and give an urgent appointment on Monday morning and give the impression I will have had it welded back very soon afterwards. The retinal surgeon might be Mr Abdul Nabi, the bloke who did my eyes at Gisburne Park. Impressed by the speed and urgency. No guarantees of course but at least it isn't congenital, he looked in the good eye and it's OK. Main worry is that I am fit for July 9th and the Fellsman!
Who was it who had the same thing recently? Was it Sue?


Posted: 15 Jun 2014, 04:26
by Stanley
Thanks Maz. Turns out it is a detached retina. They will call and give an urgent appointment on Monday morning and give the impression I will have had it welded back very soon afterwards. The retinal surgeon might be Mr Abdul Nabi, the bloke who did my eyes at Gisburne Park. Impressed by the speed and urgency. No guarantees of course but at least it isn't congenital, he looked in the good eye and it's OK. Main worry is that I am fit for July 9th and the Fellsman!
Who was it who had the same thing recently? Was it Eileen?


Posted: 15 Jun 2014, 04:29
by LizG
Don't know what happened to my last post so apologies if it shows up twice. Good to see you back on line Stanley and that everything will be seen to quickly. Keep us updated.


Posted: 15 Jun 2014, 06:08
by Stanley
Thanks Liz, Wendy was right the other day when she said that the site was a good source of support. Amazing what a difference it makes when you get evidence of it. I'm getting PMs and emails as well, I hope I deserve it all.... The bright side is that the left eye is A1 and there is nothing congenital like an eye infection or other bad influence. Oh, and they aren't hanging about, there is a reassuring sense of urgency....
As many of you know, when they want to dilate your pupil so they can get a good view into the interior they give you some eye drops, you wait 15 minutes and have wide open pupils. I was telling Susan that many years ago it was done differently. As soon as you got to the appointment they started feeding you strong black coffee with instructions to drink it. You were fitted with what were essentially flying goggles with dark red glass and these were seated on a ring of cotton wool. You were told that if you disturbed the goggle you died! More black coffee and you sat there for about 30 minutes with hot itching eyes before going in. I know the modern drops sting but believe me they are better than the old method!


Posted: 15 Jun 2014, 07:34
by Marilyn
Thought they would have used Belladonna in the old days...


Posted: 15 Jun 2014, 08:00
by PanBiker
Good that you have been seen so quickly Stanley and that they can do something about it. More surgery but you know what to expect there. The coffee and goggles dilation regime seems very "old wives", if you know what I mean. Here's to a speedy fix and recovery.


Posted: 15 Jun 2014, 09:11
by Stanley

Susan took this picture of the old fart at the hospital yesterday....


Posted: 15 Jun 2014, 09:36
by Cathy
So good to hear that they will be attending to you so quickly Stanley and your spirit sounds positive. Roll on Monday. :smile:


Posted: 15 Jun 2014, 14:57
by Bodger
A parrot and crutch wouldn't be amiss


Posted: 15 Jun 2014, 15:34
by Big Kev
Bodger wrote:A parrot and crutch wouldn't be amiss
Yaar! I'm sure you'll have a speedy recovery. I believe a retina attachment is a straightforward process with a laser. :gatlin:


Posted: 16 Jun 2014, 01:58
by Marilyn
Yes...a parrot, a crutch...and maybe a belt, Stanley. Pants look in danger of falling off... :laugh5:


Posted: 16 Jun 2014, 03:27
by Stanley
I have the parrot but draw the line at the crutch.... Maz, no danger, I'm wearing braces of course. I expect a call from them this morning re. the next stage, if they haven't rung by 11AM I am to call them. I think the next move is to see the retinal surgeon and they say the operation will be this week. I talked to Steve Constantine this morning and he told me an uncle of his had the operation almost 40 years ago and had no further trouble. All l;ooks positive and moving fast.... Thanks for all the support and PMs.


Posted: 16 Jun 2014, 10:08
by Cathy
Be careful which nurses you flirt with Stanley, you'll be able to see them much more clearly soon...


Posted: 16 Jun 2014, 13:33
by Stanley
Just popped in to let you all know the NHS did as they promised, a call at 10:30 to tell me I have an appointment to see the surgeon tomorrow morning at 9AM. If I'm not around the day after tomorrow they've kept me in and done it immediately but what I am expecting is day surgery later in the week. Onwards and Upwards!


Posted: 16 Jun 2014, 14:11
by PanBiker
Fantastic Stanley, I don't think you could get ant better service than that. Well done NHS, fast tracking in the true sense of the words. You could be sorted within the week.


Posted: 16 Jun 2014, 16:00
by Nolic
Good news Comrade. Nolic


Posted: 16 Jun 2014, 19:47
by Tizer
Glad to hear you're about to benefit from a bit of welding!


Posted: 16 Jun 2014, 22:31
by LizG
Good to hear. What great service.


Posted: 17 Jun 2014, 03:40
by Stanley
Thanks to all of you. Yes, how could it be any better? Am I just a lucky sod or does most of the NHS work like this? (and nobody asked for my bank details.... God Bless the Labour Government of 1945!)
Have a look at THIS for what looks like some very good news for the blind. Just listened to a piece by a blind lady who was trying them out and she was amazed and delighted. Those pesky scientists have earned their corn yet again!
10:00. I spoke too soon! We got there in plenty of time, bought the car [ark space and then got to know that due to an emergency operation Mr David can't see me until 13:15, so back home, Susan to work and me to do some washing and have dinner.... Ah well...


Posted: 17 Jun 2014, 09:52
by Cathy
Oh dear, never mind Stanley, I'm sure you are on top of their list.
It might not happen overnight, but don't worry, it will happen (it will, it will, it will!). :smile:


Posted: 17 Jun 2014, 09:53
by Tizer
It's all too easy to forget that those doctors and nurses don't just have patients like us to deal with, i.e. the ones who aren't immediately about to die if they don't get treated. There are times when they have no option but to drop everything and rush off to the op theatre or even to another hospital. That said, it's not as if you are going for a simple check up, you want your eye seen to fast and I hope they sort you this afternoon.


Posted: 18 Jun 2014, 04:35
by Stanley
We got to Burnley on time yesterday and found the appointment to see Mr David the surgeon had been moved to 13:15. Went back then, saw him and he has made room in his schedule for me so I can be done this week. Pre-op is on Thursday at 13:00. Operation is on Friday unless someone in more need than me comes in. Only strange thing was that when he looked at my retina he was convinced I had previous laser surgery on it. I am not sure he believed me when I told him I hadn't!
Day off today so Jack and I will rest....
See THIS for the latest confusing advice on taking aspirin.
Another LINK to news of a disturbing rise in Crohn's disease in young people. Junk food and antibiotics are a possible cause. The link has the story of a young lad whose life has been ruined by the disease. I feel so sorry for anyone who contracts this life-altering disease. As my dad said, there is a providence that looks after drunken men and idiots. I am so lucky!