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Hi - New to Site

Posted: 06 Feb 2012, 17:35
by spicyshrimper

I am new to this site but have in the past read lots of interesting articles on the old OGFB site regarding the Pickles & Toft families (from Skipton) I am researching on behalf of a friend.

Whilst searching google I often come accross links to the old OGFB site but frustratingly I cannot get to the articles it is referring to. It would be great if someone could tell me where I am going wrong.

All said this is a great site and happy to be a user.

Regards, Jo

Re: Hi - New to Site

Posted: 06 Feb 2012, 18:18
by PanBiker
Hello Jo and welcome to the site which is just 2 weeks old today.

The old site suffered a major crash due to hardware failure which unfortunately was just before a full backup was due to be done.

The old site can be accessed from the link on the forum page but at the moment it has not yet been fully indexed so it can be a bit hit and miss getting at information from the archive at the moment. The Turbo Search function on the front page has been disabled because of this.
It is intended that a new indexing and search facility for the data on the old site will be available in the future. With the early launch of the new site this has taken up the work of Administrators for the moment.

There are threads on this site for posting genealogy questions. We have a good number of members who are also researching their families and will generally help out with any queries if they have the information.

Re: Hi - New to Site

Posted: 06 Feb 2012, 19:18
by spicyshrimper
Hi Ian,

Thankyou so much for the reply. Sounds like there is a lot going on.

Looking forward to accessing the archives in the future.

Regards, Jo

Re: Hi - New to Site

Posted: 07 Feb 2012, 05:27
by Stanley
Welcome to the site Jo. The search bots are working on the archive and eventually Google et al will catch up on the new location. It will take time because the archive is so big. Thanks for registering and taking part.