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Re: IPad

Post by Sue »

I am very happy with my iPad, and I did take advice from my sisters partner who is an IT manager. I just need to find the app and then allis hunky dorey. I haven't bought any apps yet, they have all been free.
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Re: IPad

Post by Pluggy »

Tripps wrote:"I suspect a sub 200 quid Android will be looking a lot more attractive than a 400 quid + Ipad"

I think it is now! Let us know when you make your mind up. I took your advice on ASUS, and never regretted it. :smile:
No pressure then.......

It will likely be a Samsung, they aren't quite so set on world domination as Google, although the Nexus 7 is getting good reviews (and its made by Asus). I'll avoid the 50 quid Chinese specials I think....
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Re: IPad

Post by Tizer »

Thanks for all your advice Pluggy, and thanks to everyone else on this topic for giving their advice, experience and comments. Mrs Tiz has been thinking about buying an Ipad or similar for some time now but I know nowt about them and can't advise her. We're both cautious about giving oodles of money to Apple and Microsoft for gadgets and look for cheaper but satisfactory alternatives. She is following this topic avidly and i foresee a purchase being made soon. But what will it be? To apply a little more pressure to you Pluggy, she's watching your posts here! :grin:
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Re: IPad

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I have nearly solved my KNOWHOW CLOUD problem and can now read nearly all the files on my laptop on my iPad. I invested in PAGES app yesterday and is superb for its £6.99
I have found a free app to read OpenOffice files, so I am all set now to use my iPad like my laptop and more. I love the photo quality and how easy it is to email photos. I find I don't need my scanner as much as I can photograph what I used to scan, like my paintings. If I email things to myself I can then print on my ordinary printer when I need to, as I am not going to buy an air printer
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Re: IPad

Post by Tizer »

Is the Ipad a tablet computer or is it something more than that? For instance, is it different from the Samsung Galaxy? Judging from all the lawyers' fees being generated by the patent war between the two companies I assume they must be very similar (except in price).
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Re: IPad

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I have no idea what a Samsung galaxy will do, but my iPad seems to do pretty much what my laptop will do and more, if you can find the right app. KNOWHOW exchanges files with my iPad from my laptop( I paid extra for that) but as yet I cannot read all the files and unless I get the business version I cannot edit them. This is not the same as synching my iPad with my laptop through iTunes, which a actually backs up the iPad on the laptop/ desktop, depending which you synch it with. Do other tablets have this ability?
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Re: IPad

Post by Marilyn »

None of the tablets, including the IPad, are computers.
They have no hard drive.
They are a storage device, with full Internet capabilies. There is no mouse, only a touch screen and a variety of hand movements are used on the screen to flick through information or shrink/expand whatever you are viewing. They have an on screen keypad, which pops up and takes up the lower half of the screen when needed, and is easy to use ( though hubby sometimes has problems with his big fingers).
Some of the free or very cheap aps are a bit of a scam, as their only purpose is to be a location device for your IPad. I turn all location services off much of the time ( who needs to know where I am and for what purpose?).
I complained about an ap once and got a reply written in translated Chinese, which was a scream to read and basically said "What do you expect for $1 lady?" As I recall the ap was an international weather map, but every time I opened the ap all of the worlds cities had migrated to the oceans! Each time I put them back where they should be located....but they were all back in the oceans next time I viewed it. I ditched the ap of course. And I instantly ditch any aps that want to be connected to my location device immediately after purchase....for example I cannot see why a photo resizer ap needs to know my location! ( in the bin with you!)
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Re: IPad

Post by Stanley »

I'm watching this thread for interest only. I never even cracked MP3 files.......
I am with Mrs Tiz. I would have to be convinced that a tablet would make my life better.
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Re: IPad

Post by PanBiker »

Your mobile phone triangulates your position every few seconds Marylin so not a lot of point switching off location services on your iPad. You are also pinpointed every time you use a credit or debit card, (in the wall, over the counter or on the phone). The average person is captured on CCTV 300 times per day if you live anywhere near what would be called civilisation. Any device that uses an IP address can be traced. You can get to this information quite simply using Google.
Call them what you will, they are all microprocessor based. Tablet is a bit of a misnomer, could be something you take for a headache. I would not like to define what actually constitutes the definition of a computer. Mr Babbage had quite a good mechanical one some time ago. Mind you he did call it his Analytical Engine.
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Re: IPad

Post by Marilyn »

Not a regular user of credit cards or mobile phones, Panny.
Very little CCTV in these parts!
But I understand IP address tracking...
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Re: IPad

Post by Tizer »

How do you pay for the device and its usage? I assume you pay for the physical device with a one-off payment, but what then? You need to connect to a network if you want to browse the web or send/receive email. Who do you pay for this service and how much?

How secure is the Ipad? Is it safe to use for online banking? Is there an antivirus programme and updates to download? A firewall?

Sorry for all the questions but I went to the Wikipedia page about the Ipad and found that although its has lots of information there is nothing much about the above issues. Thanks for the help.
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Re: IPad

Post by Callunna »

The iPad has totally transformed our property inventory company. It’s not just a plaything or an expensive kind of book.

The free app we use is superb and has dramatically reduced the time taken to complete each inventory. I’m talking about saving at least 4 hours per job.

The developers gave us a whole hour of telephone training to make sure we were happy and only when the report is compiled to our satisfaction do we have to pay a fiver for them to convert it to a PDF.
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Re: IPad

Post by Marilyn »

The device was a one off payment ages ago.
It works much like a mobile phone after that, in fact the device has a mobile phone number. You buy a sim card ( a once only purchase) with the company of your choice. After that it is like a prepaid mobile phone as far as usage goes. I buy a recharge voucher ( less than £15) every month and recharge just as I would a prepaid mobile. The recharge lasts 30 days. I have never used the full £15 in any month, so therefore you keep that credit but still must recharge at the end of the thirty day period or you will lose it and you cannot get it back. I buy the recharge vouchers at the supermarket ( easy peasy)
You do not need virus protection. It has no hard drive.

I expect people do banking on it, but I don't. Nor do I purchase anything over the net.
But this is just me. I don't Ebank even on my computer. ( I attend the bank. I don't even have one of those cards that goes in atm's. I do not use eftpos. )
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Re: IPad

Post by PanBiker »

Maz, you don't need a hard drive for a virus to operate on a device, many are quite capable of embedding in memory and doing their stuff from there. I assume that the device will have a unique identifier, MAC address or whatever. If it connects to some service provider in any shape or form it is traceable. The GPS functions on many mobile phones only use the triangulation capabilities of the mobile phone network and do not use the orbiting GPS satellites. My Blackberry phone runs on pay as you go (one time SIM purchase) but still has full capability on the 3G network.
It would be almost impossible to "go dark" in this day and age unless you had the full support of all government departments and security services to make it happen. From what you have said, I think your IPad will be more than capable of pinpointing you to within 50feet in most areas considered as civilisation. Of course I could just be :paranoia:
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Re: IPad

Post by Marilyn »

Yes it can, Panny.
And remarkably so....I have looked myself up and it can even tell me exactly which room I am in within my home...or at least if I am sat toward the back or front of the house.
Spooky isn't it?
Brilliant if you are lost of course.

If I want to get from A to B, I can look up the route and it will tell me exactly how long it will take to walk or drive. It will tell me which bus to catch and exactly where to catch it and get off and what time it will be at the stop.
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Re: IPad

Post by Tripps »

My understanding is that not all tablets - even ipads - connect to the internet via a sim card like a mobile phone. Some are just wifi connection only, and consequently cheaper.
I don't think the ones with a sim card are actually a telephone, except via Skype which is a bit of a faff, so you would need to have a phone as well. The jury still out as far as I am concerned.
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Re: IPad

Post by Tizer »

This is great - there must be others like me (I hope) who have no idea what you do with an Ipad, how it works, how you pay for its use etc. It's always useful if an uninitiated outsider like me asks the silly questions that we often are too embarrassed to ask - and sometimes we don't even know what to ask. As you've probably guessed, I'm not the type who dives straight into the swimming pool but the one who first measures the depth, tests the temperature of the water, scans the surface for a black fin and then checks his insurance policy!

Maz, you pay every 30 days for a recharge but what `discharges' your Ipad? Is it the time spent online only or would it be `discharging' when, say, you view your photos? If it's only online usage that burns your money, is it the time spent or the bandwidth (gigabytes) that count?

So many questions and so little time! (perhaps that should be in Quote of the Day.)
Thanks for the help, all of you. :smile:
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Re: IPad

Post by Marilyn »

Only the time you spend on line, Tiz.
If you are reading a book, looking up photos, watching movies etc you are not using Internet.
Although....mine searches for emails from our main computers every time I switch on...but that is only for a few seconds.
You can look up your daily usage, which is expressed in terms of your monetary balance remaining. Even on the heaviest usage days ( hours on the iPad searching ancestry etc) I wouldn't use any more than 60p all day. Sometimes I want to throw the thing at the wall because I have spent so much time on it. But I find it incredibly cheap.
I really would like to know how cheap they are to use in UK, because I wonder how you get along with all those different carriers and phone zones. ( we don't have that here).

Don't worry about asking questions. I could never work out how to tell the difference between a CD and a DVD when they came out !
And I will never understand how a telephone really works.

I have been thinking about what Panbiker said about memory. This thing doesn't really have a memory. It has a log of where you have been, which I clear each day, so you can revisit a particular page or spot you have been, but it does not retain it. You have the option of allowing cookies only from your favourite sites....or you can just clear them. The rest of it is simply a storage device. I've never had a spam email, but then I don't get spam on my main computer either.
I can't see how a virus could attach itself, unless it was imbedded in an ap.
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Re: IPad

Post by PanBiker »

Maz when I mentioned memory I was referring to the RAM (random access memory) in the machine. A microprocessor based device cannot operate without some form of storage media. The IPad (according to Wikipedia) has both flash memory (which can store information even when switched off) and RAM (which is temporary storage and cleared when you switch off). A virus or other nasty that could be inherited whilst on the internet could embed in flash memory and become resident or reside in RAM whilst the machine was on. They can do the damage or whatever they are designed to do in the background without you even knowing. That could be gathering personal information such as which books you read or stealing your email address book, whatever the writer has designed the virus or trojan to do.
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Re: IPad

Post by Marilyn »

As far as I know, there are no viruses for iOS devices, which is why you ( apparently) don't need virus protection.
The website I visited for this info said that if a virus was attached to a site, it would not be able to load/stick on the iPad due to the nature of the processor.
You are at risk of information being stolen when using public WiFi though.
Not that there would be anything to steal from my iPad. Who would want my photos, books, family history? At best all they would get is a few email addresses.
I've never encountered a problem, and if there was I am sure ITunes/Apple would zap it when you sync with them.

Do people buy anti viral protection for mobile phones? I have no idea.
The entire world is getting rather paranoid about this sort of thing...
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Re: IPad

Post by PanBiker »

Not me, however it is very easy to mistake genuine concerns with what some would see as paranoia. Wiki has this page on Mobile Phone Virus. This has only come about since phones and PDA's have become "smarter" and even more "connected" than just to make a simple voice call.

I don't know whether it has been mentioned on your news channels over in OZ but I heard this morning that our government was looking at ways to utilise membership of social network sites such as Facebook and Twitter as a form of identification. Now that would be something to be paranoid about!
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Re: IPad

Post by Marilyn »

Well I am too paranoid to belong to either of those.... :laugh5:

I can't see the attraction with Facebook, twitter, utube, or eBay. ( or PayPal)
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Re: IPad

Post by Whyperion »

They will need to add membership of OGFB too to the list.
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Re: IPad

Post by Tizer »

[quote="Marilyn"I really would like to know how cheap they are to use in UK, because I wonder how you get along with all those different carriers and phone zones. ( we don't have that here).[/quote]
I would like to know that too, Maz, and I live here! I wonder if some kind soul will tell us (what some refer to as `giving us a head up' I believe). `All those different carriers and phone zones' is one of the things that puts me off mobile devices, as well as the teeny-weeny keys/buttons and all the menus. My dad is funny with his mobile phone - he really doesn't know how to use it but we do our best to explain and demonstrate and to get him to always carry it with him (at least then someone else could use it for him in an emergency). He jabs at buttons really hard with his finger or holds them down and waits for something to happen. If the phone rings he'll take it out of his pocket and look at it but not put it to his ear. He took his car for a service last week and the mechanic asked him for his mobile phone number so as to let him know when it was ready to collect - Dad told him he didn't know the number and anyway the phone was at home!
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Re: IPad

Post by Marilyn »

Oh Bless him, Tiz.
Your Dad sounds like my hubby when he is having a hypo. Contrary would be the word of choice.

I am determined to keep up with technology as long as I shall live. . .and if that means asking a million seemingly dumb questions, I shall.
Thank heavens the new hard-drive technology is much easier to use than the old VCR's. Such a lot of mucking about in the old days. My mother can not manage a mobile or a computer. She had a new electronic oven installed in her kitchen about three years ago and she has NEVER used it because she cannot understand the booklet. A power blackout knocked the clock out on the oven and she had to pay an electrician to reset it(!), but it went out again and she has ignored it blinking at her for about two years.
( none of us live within eight hours drive of her and she cannot take instruction over the phone).
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