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Fits of Giggles at Slimming World

Posted: 07 Nov 2012, 12:44
by beejay
Sheila and her mates have just come from their 'Slimming World' meeting.

She told me they nearly got thrown out for being too rowdy, today! :surprised:

They got into discussions about a recipe for 'Mushy Peas & Tomato Curry' that was handed out on a previous week and were talking about who had tried it out.

A couple on the next table had given it a try and on being asked "Was it a success?' the man's voice was heard to say "It was Food for the Gods."

Carolyn turned to Sheila and said "What did he just say?", and Sheila replied "I think he said it was only fit for the dogs!"

The table erupted into fits of frenzied giggles and were totally out of control from then on. :laugh5: :laugh5: :laugh5: