Pothole Parade

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Re: Pothole Parade

Post by Tizer »

Plate tectonics in Barlick - tell David, he likes a bit of geology! There might be millions of barrels of oil down there!
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Re: Pothole Parade

Post by Stanley »

There definitely is oil close by under Gisburn-Clitheroe road. There was a large seismic survey in the 1960s along the length of that road that confirmed the deposits but it never went any further. I fear the explanation for most of the potholes, including the one outside the council offices is more likely to be a bodged repair. I think the contractors are on piece work and don't cut out and bond the new filling properly.
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Re: Pothole Parade

Post by Stanley »

I noted yesterday but failed to mention that Butts has had a coat of tar and chippings. Interesting to see that they worked round the parked cars.....
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Re: Pothole Parade

Post by Stanley »

I see that the chipping gang have been back and filled some of the gaps left because of parked cars apart from a piece at the top in front of the estate agents. They evidently ignored the 'no parking both sides' sign for 17/18 April.....
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Re: Pothole Parade

Post by Stanley »

I know you have other fish to fry David but when you have a minute... Someone has broken though the pig wire fence at the bottom of the walk way up to Butts alongside the beck at Valley Gardens. They have broken through at the junction with the bridge railings at Federation Street. Could be dangerous if a child went in and fell in the beck.
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Re: Pothole Parade

Post by Stanley »

I was pleased to see that we have a functioning flagpole in Valley Gardens this morning. St George cross fluttering bravely in the moderate west wind!
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Re: Pothole Parade

Post by Stanley »

Much activity in the Town Square getting ready for the bands this weekend. So good to see all this activity, we are lucky in that we have so many dedicated people doing their best to foster community activity. Floreat Barnoldswick!
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Re: Pothole Parade

Post by Stanley »

Has Our David hibernated? Or is he perhaps fighting for Leadership of the LibDems.....
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Re: Pothole Parade

Post by PanBiker »

"Events dear boy", sorry couldn't resist! :wink:
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Re: Pothole Parade

Post by Stanley »

You're probably right, he'll be beavering away somewhere....
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Re: Pothole Parade

Post by Stanley »

David is alive and well. I saw him yesterday taking tea on Town Square in a break fro9m clearing up after the bands event over the weekend. Give the Town Team their due, the Square is back to normal, clean and tidy. I saw a man sweeping the square yesterday and it was quite amazing the amount of cigarette butts he had gathered!
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Re: Pothole Parade

Post by Stanley »


If David's watching, the hole in the fence near the bridge out of Valley Gardens into Federation Street hasn't been fixed and a path is developing. Could be dangerous for young children especially when the back is high. The break here has taken the tension out of the fence along the path and it is deteriorating rapidly. A stitch in time will save at least nine!
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Re: Pothole Parade

Post by Stanley »

The new flower bed in front of Forester's Buildings is planted up and looking good!
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Re: Pothole Parade

Post by Stanley »


The flower bed in front of Forester's Buildings is definitely an asset to the town.
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Re: Pothole Parade

Post by Stanley »

Foe a few months now an nice little wooden sculpture of an owl has welcomed visitors at the entrance to Valley Gardens off Gisburn Road. This morning I noticed two more, a badger asleep in a hollow tree trunk and a dragonfly. I must get you a picture.... Love the Badger!
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Re: Pothole Parade

Post by Stanley »

Not exactly a pothole but I was intrigued by the large patch of spilt white paint on the Pioneer car park. Accident or vandalism·...? Whatever caused it it's making a mess. Luckily it appears to be emulsion paint and so might wash away.
Nice to see that Barlick Beach is to be followed by Heritage Week in the marquee on the Town Square. The Town Centre Committee volunteers are doing a wonderful job of encouraging visitors to the centre of the town.
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Re: Pothole Parade

Post by Whyperion »

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Re: Pothole Parade

Post by David Whipp »

This is a response from the county council to a report I made a couple of weeks ago about defects on Fernlea Avenue:

Thank you for your email of 15 February 2016 in regard to the carriageway damage by the manhole lid on Fernlea Avenue, Barnsoldswick and the carriageway damage around the inspection chamber on Fernlea Avenue, Barnoldswick. The defect by the manhole lid was repaired on 26 February and I can advise that we have reported the defective inspection chamber to the utility company and requested they make repairs as soon as possible.
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Re: Pothole Parade

Post by Stanley »

Nice to see in the BET yesterday that you are at the LCC's throat over the lack of maintenance on local roads David. I have noticed of late the increasing number of nasty potholes developing in and around the town. I particularly liked the fact that you drew their collective attention to the disparity between investment in repairs in Barlick and Earby and the Ribble Valley......
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: Pothole Parade

Post by Stanley »

Funny thing is that since we raised this matter I have been noticing all the small tell-tale signs of general deterioration and break up in road surfaces in the town, particularly on side streets and pavements.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: Pothole Parade

Post by Stanley »

I've been nattering for months about the town clock in the Square which has been running half an hour slow ever since the power outage in the town centre a few months ago. I asked Lakhi Singh who owns the paper shop and he said he didn't know who was responsible for it but he'd enquire. No change and I see this morning that at about 06:15 it was showing 01:10. Probably something to do with the clock change. If it doesn't correct itself could someone please take note? It gives such a bad impression when the Millennium Clock is useless.
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Re: Pothole Parade

Post by David Whipp »

Just another quirk of Barlick time...

The Albert Road clock (and the ones on the bus shelter) is supposed to adjust itself according to a radio signal. Not happened though and manual intervention needed.

It was supposed to get sorted when they did the ones on Station Road. I'll mention it again.
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Re: Pothole Parade

Post by Stanley »

Thanks David, it looks so bad......
Later after our walk. The Millennium Clock has corrected itself so it looks as though it's getting the radio signal. Problem is that it has corrected itself to where it was before after the outage, half an hour behind time. The signal mustn't actually give a time only a correction and if there is an external factor like a break in leccy supply it can't detect it.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: Pothole Parade

Post by David Whipp »

The curious thing is that the clocks have adjusted to the correct time after previous power cuts. I seem to remember that the incident when the clocks went wrong included a period of low voltage... no idea why it would have that effect.
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Re: Pothole Parade

Post by Stanley »

It might need a person with a ladder and a screwdriver!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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