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Mary Ann Pickles - 1851 Lancaster Gaol

Posted: 17 Mar 2014, 16:54
by CaroleT
I am just throwing out old Lancs Fam Hist Soc. Journals & noticed this:-
1851 census. Lancaster Castle - H M Gaol
Mary Ann Pickles, Prisoner, Unmarried, 19 years, weaver, Barnoldswick, Lancs (!).

Re: Mary Ann Pickles - 1851 Lancaster Gaol

Posted: 18 Mar 2014, 04:54
by Stanley
Nice one. I've added it to the Pickles Index.
Can't find the Pickles Index on the site so I'm reloading it.

Re: Mary Ann Pickles - 1851 Lancaster Gaol

Posted: 18 Mar 2014, 08:04
by Wendyf
The only newspaper report I can find is from the Preston Guardian of Saturday November 16th 1850 under the title "Robbing a Soldier".
"On Wednesday night last a young woman named Mary Ann Pickles was committed for trial, charged with stealing from John Burke of the 39th Regt. of Foot, ten shillings, at the Farmers' Home Beer Shop in Back Lane, on the previous evening."

Could it be the same one? Would someone from Yorkshire have had to commit their offence in Lancashire to end up being in Lancaster Gaol?

Re: Mary Ann Pickles - 1851 Lancaster Gaol

Posted: 19 Mar 2014, 05:30
by Stanley
I think the fact that the crime was committed in Lancaster governs the trial venue and hence the gaol.