Spring 2017

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Re: Spring 2017

Post by Stanley »

It was a good day and clear and cool at 21:00 with a good waxing moon. This morning it's the same. The glass is up again at 1018mb and the large high pressure system is with us most of the week. The forecast is for another day of bright weather with no rain. The high is 13C and the low 8C with a light to moderate SW breeze all day.
06:20. Back after a pleasant walk under a clear sky and good daylight gathering strength. The moderate breeze is cool but the day is full of promise! The birds think so as well, they are singing their hearts out!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: Spring 2017

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Another good day yesterday. At 21:00 last night it was cool and there was very light rain falling but not enough to wet the flags. First thing this morning it was the same but is slightly heavier now and the flags are damp. The glass is back slightly at 1016mb. The forecast is for another dry day with sunny spells after a chance of light rain early on. The high is 11C and the low tonight 6C. The light breeze will back into the NW as the day goes on and there will be a wind chill of 3 or 4 degrees despite the sun. Spring is not here yet in Barlick! (But it's trying hard)
06:45. A pleasant dry walk. The flags are damp but only just. Nothing to complain about!
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Re: Spring 2017

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Our first swallow flew in the stables this morning chattering away.
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Re: Spring 2017

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Is that earlier than usual?
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Re: Spring 2017

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Yes it was 13th April last year.
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Re: Spring 2017

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Another good day yesterday. At 21:00 the sky was clear and it was cool. This morning the same but with broken cloud. The glass is up at 1025mb. The forecast is not exciting, overcast all day with a chance of mizzle. High of 9C and a low of 6C with a constant light to moderate WNW wind which will chill us a bit.
06:30. A good walk on an overcast morning. The WNW wind is a bit stronger than forecast and is chilly! But this is only a small thing.... I have seen much worse in April!
I've just realised that we are only 9 days away from Good Friday.... Perhaps that explains why Easter Eggs are being advertised!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: Spring 2017

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Yesterday was a lot brighter than forecast, lots of good sun in the afternoon. At 21:00 it was clear and cold. Same this morning first thing and I have just looked outside, hard to tell at this time of the morning, I think we may have a light overcast now but still dry and cool. The glass was rising slowly all day yesterday and this morning is on 1026mb. The forecast is very similar to yesterday and could be slightly pessimistic. It gives us a dry, bright overcast during the morning with sunny spells. From noon onwards it forecasts a chance of light rain any time and more cloud. The high is 9C and the low 7C with a very light west wind increasing slightly during the afternoon. On recent experience I would not be surprised to see clear skies and good sun for most of the day.
06:25. I was surprised when I went out at just before 6AM to find it was foggy. It is lifting slightly now but still a heavy mist. If I was hay-making I'd think that this was a good sign for the rest of the day.....
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: Spring 2017

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Yesterday was, as I suspected it might be, better than the forecast but eventually clouded over and at 21:00 it was dry but 85% cloud. This morning it is still dry but overcast. The glass has fallen back slightly to 1022mb. The forecast is for a dry day with scattered cloud and plenty of sun. The constant light west wind will chill us a bit but the high is 10C and the low 5C. A good day!
06:45. Back from the butcher's after a pleasant walk on a dry morning and the cloud is breaking nicely. Two things I noted, the early daylight, so welcome after a long dark winter and the fact that as yesterday, the 'West' wind has more than a suspicion of North about it. Definitely chilly if you are out in it. However, this is good weather for early Spring and the outlook for the next week is good. This and better will do!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: Spring 2017

Post by Stanley »

Another good day yesterday. At 21:00 we had a cold clear night with a nice moon. It will be full in three days on the 11th. This morning we seem to have a light overcast. The glass is down slightly at 1019mb. The forecast is for a cool start (2C at the moment) but full sun all day. The wind varies, always light but starting ENE and finishing up as a southerly tonight. The high is 16C(!) and the low 5C. This is the hottest day we have had this year, could be Barlick summer!
06:05. Back from a lovely walk. It's cold enough to nip your ears despite the fact that it's almost calm. We have a light frost, ice on car windscreens and white grass. It was coming light at 05:30 when we went out and the sky is perfectly clear. I can believe that we are in for the warmest day this year!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: Spring 2017

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Perfect April day yesterday. At 21:00 it was calm, mild and a clear sky. The same first thing this morning but cool, I've just looked outside and it is the same but cooler 50F in old money! The glass is down at a shade over 1014mb. The forecast is for a similar day, dry with plenty of sun. The high is 16C and the low 5C. The very light southerly wind will gradually back to the west during the afternoon and strengthen slightly with a small chance of an occasional bit of drizzle as night falls. Lovely weather! Full moon on Tuesday, will it bring a change?

06:45. Back home after a lovely walk in full daylight under clear skies, dead calm and warm enough to only have one skin on! Looking good for the rest of the day.
The early bird does sometimes get the worm. I found an item of value this morning on my walk. There is enough information in it to find the owner I think...... I shall find them and give them the good news!
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Re: Spring 2017

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Stanley wrote: 09 Apr 2017, 04:29 The early bird does sometimes get the worm. I found an item of value this morning on my walk. There is enough information in it to find the owner I think...... I shall find them and give them the good news!
According to Facebook world the owner has been found, the power of social media and honesty at its best...

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Re: Spring 2017

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It took her four hours to come round for it! I told her to use her head and not take her world with her if drink was on the agenda! She promised she would......
Another nice day yesterday. Cooler but dry and broken cloud at 21:00. Same this morning. The glass is up slightly at just over 1017mb. The full moon accompanies a change in the weather. The forecast is for a dry day with a lot of cloud and occasional glimpses of the sun. The high is 10C and the low 5C with a constant moderate West wind that will chill us a bit. Still good weather for April!
06:25. That wind is chilly but the sky is clearing well, plenty of blue sky and good light! A good walk.....
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: Spring 2017

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Yesterday turned out brighter than forecast, it was cooler but still a lovely day. Last night at 21:00 it was almost calm, cool and a clear sky. This morning first thing it was cool, almost calm and some scattered cloud but a brilliant full moon. I had a strong shadow in the moonlight. I've just looked out and as usual there is more overcast now, I can't see individual clouds. The glass is up slightly at 1022mb. The forecast is for an overcast day with no sun and the outside chance of an occasional light shower later but if the last days are any indication it will be brighter than this. The west wind is constant, It's light now but will strengthen during the morning into a stiff breeze. The high is 9C and the low 5C but with the wind chill will feel a bit chilly. A good day but wrap up warm!
06:20. Back from a pleasant walk on a cool, calm morning with no frost. As I suspected earlier the overcast has come in from the West and at the moment is 100%. We shall see......
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: Spring 2017

Post by Stanley »

They were right about yesterday, it was a bit dull but a perfectly acceptable April day, that wind had a nip to it..... Last night at 21:00 we had cloud but it was dry and a cool west wind. This morning we had similar first thing but now there is 100% cloud and light mizzle. The glass is down with a bump to 1012mb. The forecast is for a generally wet morning but a brighter afternoon with some sun. The wind is a constant moderate to brisk westerly all day giving a high of 9C and a low of 4C tonight. A slight deterioration but we need a bit of rain and at least we are escaping that killer east wind that can hold soil temperatures back at this time of year. So, dress appropriately and dream of summer weather!
06:30. Back from a dry walk despite me putting my waterproof hoody on! Still, better safe than sorry and I don't like getting wet first thing in the morning, neither does Jack. Jack blotted his copybook this morning when he spotted Barbara from Barlic Bites across the main road and shot across to her. My fault, I saw her first but I was picking up crap at the time. Luckily, no traffic. The other thing that grabbed me is the fact that some genius appears to have taken a dislike to the left hand wall on the Model Garage ramp and kicked it to bits. It's a mystery isn't it......
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Re: Spring 2017

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The forecast was right yesterday, it brightened up in the afternoon but the wind was brisk and cold. At 21:00 last night the sky was clear and we still had a brisk cold westerly. It was the same first thing this morning and a brilliant almost full moon, two hours later overcast is coming in from the west and it's thick enough to hide the moon, just a glow in the sky. The glass is rock steady on a shade above 1011mb. The forecast is for an overcast but dry day. The high is 9C and the low 7C with a constant moderate west wind which will give a wind chill of 4C all day. Wrap up warm for Easter as the outlook is similar but colder nights.
06:15. Back from a bracing walk. That wind has more than a hint of North about it and is chilly. The bonus is that the sky is clearing from the West and we will see some sun. I don't think there will be a lot of sea-bathing over Easter!
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Re: Spring 2017

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On the whole it was more dull yesterday and at 21:00 there was a light west wind and almost complete overcast. This morning is the same but with 100% overcast, no sign of the moon. The glass has shifted very slightly to 1010mb. The forecast is a bit depressing for Easter, a dull wet day with some periods of prolonged rain. The west wind will be constant and moderate and the high 9C with 4C tonight. Still, looking on the bright side, we need a bit of rain......
06:50. Back from our visit to the butcher's and whilst it was dry (just) when we set off, by the time we were back home a light drizzle has started and is continuing. One comment, I often wonder what use the CCTV cameras are. This morning the litter bin opposite Forester's Buildings has been kicked off its mounting scattering litter and on my way back I found the litter bin on Damhead Bridge had been ripped bodily off it's mounting. In my day we proved our masculinity by holding down hard physical jobs, today the route is to vandalise litter bins and the dog bins.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: Spring 2017

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Yesterday was slightly better than the forecast but only just. At 21:00 last night it was still raining. First thing this morning we had about 50% cloud cover and it was dry, it is almost totally clear now with a light NW wind from the feel of it. The glass is steady on 1010mb. The forecast is for a dry bright day but cool, 9C high and 4C low but the wind is light to moderate and tending to NW so we will never feel better than 4C all day with the wind chill. The message is enjoy the holiday but wrap up well!
06:30. Back from a cold walk under a cloudy sky but dry. The wind is more North than West as usual and bites! Wrap up warm.
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Re: Spring 2017

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Yesterday was dry and bright but that NW wind was cold! Last night at 21:00 we had an almost clear sky and a stiff NW wind. This morning first thing it was the same, I have just looked outside and it's almost the same. The glass is up at just under 1017mb. The forecast is for dry overcast until about 8AM and then a band of rain coming in and staying with us all afternoon. The wind starts as a westerly but changes into the east as the rain starts. A colder day. 7C for the high and 4C for the low and a wind chill. Not holiday weather! Once again, wrap up warm!
06:30. A dry walk but that wind is bloody thin! The sky is clearer than the forecast predicted, perhaps they'll be wrong about the rain as well.....
In Valley Gardens I see that someone has ripped the 'Eye Poster' warning against dog fouling off the post where it was fixed and thrown it down onto the beck bank just below the Corn Mill Dam. Too steep for me to retrieve.....
Later at almost 09:00. Dead on time, it has started spotting with rain but it's still quite bright. We shall see......
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Re: Spring 2017

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No heavy rain yesterday but from 9AM onwards it was a cold wet day. At 21:00 last night it was dry with broken cloud and a west wind but it felt slightly milder. This morning first thing we had light rain on an east wind, it's not raining at the moment but we have a cold wet morning with a very light wind. The glass is steady on just under 1017mb. The forecast is for the rain to cease before 6AM and for a bright day with sunny spells until late tonight when the rain is expected to return. The high is 9C and the low tonight 0C and for most of the day we will have a light east wind which will start to vary in the evening and be mainly from the northern quarter. Definitely not good holiday weather but it's April.....
06:30. Cold, dry and calm.... but having said that, not a very cheerful morning! A couple of things caught my attention.....


I hope this isn't a live electrical feed!


I've been meaning to record this for a while. Mr Pearson of Osborne Terrace evidently wanted to leave his mark on his pointing!
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Re: Spring 2017

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Mainly dry yesterday but very cold. At 21:00 last night it was dry with broken rain cloud coming in form the North, a cold wind. First thing this morning it was dry and clear and still a cold wind. I've just looked outside and it's calm, cold and appears to be a light overcast. The glass is well up at 1026mb. The forecast is for a dry day with plenty of sun. The light wind makes its mind up around 7AM and will be in the east all day. tending at first to the NE. We could have a frost for a couple of hours. For the rest of the day the high is 9C and the low 4C but always with a wind chill so wrap up warm.
06:15. A bracing walk! As I suspected, a sharp frost, even the paths in Valley Gardens were slippy underfoot. Apart from that a perfectly clear sky and we shall soon have some sun but until then, watch any wet pavements or roads!
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Re: Spring 2017

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Lovely day yesterday and at 21:00 we had broken cloud and a light, cold northerly wind. First thing this morning it was almost calm and broken cloud, it's still calm and dry but more cloud. The glass is up again, 1030mb. The forecast is for an overcast day with very little chance of any rain, on previous experience it will be brighter than the forecast as we are on the cusp of the west and east regions. The high is 9C and the low 7C. The very light east wind will soon shift into WSW and increase very slightly. A very quiet day and no immediate change in the outlook.
06:20. A quiet uneventful walk on a calm, reasonably mild morning.
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Re: Spring 2017

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Brighter than forecast yesterday, at 21:00 last night the sky was still bright, broken cloud and dry. This morning it is damp but not raining and it's milder. The glass is back slightly at 1029mb. The forecast is for another quiet day, mainly overcast but we usually get it brighter than forecast. The high is 12C and the low 8C with a constant light to moderate westerly wind. The outlook is similar but perhaps a touch cooler.
05:55. We were out early this morning and it was daylight at 05:30. A calm, dry and mild morning. The birds are enjoying it and the trees are a lovely fresh green. That's about it, as good as it gets in late April!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: Spring 2017

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Again, better than forecast and a mild quiet day. At 21:00 last night we had broken cloud, dry and a moderate West wind. Same this morning first thing and similar now but slightly heavier overcast. The glass is down slightly at 1026mb. The forecast is for a dull overcast day with a 10% chance of a light shower all day. On recent experience I'll take a bet on dry and brighter. It is mild, an 11C high and a 4C low with a constant moderate west wind all day. Nothing exciting but this is good Spring weather in Craven, nothing to hold up the slow rise in soil temperature which is the key to growth. There has been a bit of silage making already, expect more.
06:50. Very little to report about our walk. A very pleasant mild and dry late April morning. This and better will do nicely!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: Spring 2017

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It wasn't sunny yesterday but much brighter than the forecast suggested with only a couple of light showers, growy weather. At 21:00 last night it was dry, overcast and a moderate west wind. First thing this morning we had a light wind, some scattered cloud but plenty of stars visible. I've just had another look and it's even clearer with dawn breaking in the East. The glass is down slightly at just above 1024mb. The forecast is for a bright sunny day with no rain forecast. The high is 11C and the low 4C tonight. The very light wind swings about all day but is mainly between NW and NE. The outlook at the moment is for it to get slightly colder with a possible chance of early morning frost. But it's still quiet weather. I have seen much worse in April!
06:45. A nice walk, calm, dry and full daylight with the promise of sun to come. No frost but a definite nip in the air. A pleasure to be out in it!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: Spring 2017

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Another lovely day yesterday, full sun most of the day. At 21:00 last night it was calm, dry, mild and about 50% cloud cover. This morning first thing it was the same but slightly more broken cloud, I've just looked out and it's essentially the same but slightly more cloud. The Glass is down slightly at just above 1022mb. The forecast is the same as yesterday, full sun all day. The wind is more steady in direction, from the west and building as the sun shines to a moderate breeze. The high is 10C and the low 7C tonight. It's another good day and the outlook for the next five days is better than it was two days ago, still a touch colder at night but none of the winter blast that some were predicting.
06:40. A nice walk on a lovely late April morning. Had a chat with Mark our streetsweeper who is another early riser. All in all, a perfect early spring morning!
Later.... we had our short walk and it's a lovely day, a bit of cloud interferes with the sun occasionally but that isn't spoiling the day.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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