Driving Licence Application

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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by PanBiker »

More post today, vehicle orientated but not licence. I received all the updated docs for the change on my motor vehicle policy. I'm with direct dial and a lot of the services are online. Your account allows you to notify address changes, main drivers, and change of vehicle details. I did this last Saturday after we had picked the Hyudai up. All the docs are available online and I had already printed out a replacement certificate of insurance that reflected the changes.

Monday or Tuesday at the latest is D-Day for a reply on my appeal for section 88 driving permission.
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by Stanley »

I hope you hear from them Ian....
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Re: Driving Licence Application

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No change on the DVLA database.
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Re: Driving Licence Application

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A bit later, I have and email. It was sent yesterday at 11.15 just arrived today:

Dear Mr Lambert,

Thank you for your enquiry received on 2/6/2019.
Your case reference number is XXXXXXXX

I appreciate you contacting DVLA to seek clarification on the matter.

For security reasons, we are unable to provide the requested information via email.

To assist you further, may I kindly request that you call our Contact Centre on:

0300 790 6806
(Monday to Friday 8.00am to 7.00pm and Saturday 8.00am to 2.00pm)

When you ring, an adviser will be happy to access your record and provide the specific information you require.

I hope this finds you well.

Do not reply to this email. If you wish to contact us again about this response then please use our reply form link or copy and paste the following URL in to your browser:

URL supplied

Best Regards
L Thomas

This is in response to my question about driving under section 88 in the interim of my licence being returned. The reference date is from my original enquiry.

Do I see a glimmer of light? Guess what I will be doing tomorrow. :extrawink: :biggrin2:
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by Tripps »

Good luck with it Ian. The freedom to travel as and when you want to, is a joy of modern life. I've had it for a long time, but I think it is possible that I may be of the last generation to do so. :smile:
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Re: Driving Licence Application

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Thanks Tripps, I actually haven't driven for 9 months as I voluntarily stopped when my symptoms first manifested. I'm clear of all that now, I just hope they will agree with my doctors examination and findings and allow me to drive under section 88. We will see what they say tomorrow.

We have a summer holiday booked with our three grandchildren the other side of Bangor in North Wales. Sally doesn't fancy having to do all the driving. I wouldn't get back behind the wheel with my grandchildren in the car if I didn't think I was capable. :smile: It was when we were on holiday up on the North East Coast last year when the proverbial hit the fan and I didn't risk the drive home then.

Of course the DVLA have no idea from my driver number that I am a responsible individual but it takes them an awful long time to find out.
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Re: Driving Licence Application

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fingers crossed.....
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Re: Driving Licence Application

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:furious3: Chocolate Teapot.

I rang the DVLA today, the number given gets you through to the Medical Review Board section. It took eight goes to get onto the carousel and then a five minute wait in the queue with the ting tong music. After security checks to ascertain who I was the lady on the other end asked me why I was ringing.

I said I wanted to check the progress of my application. She said that she can't tell me where I am in the pile only that I am still under review. I said that I had seen my doctor nearly two months ago and he has passed me fit to drive so can I drive under section 88. No came the reply as my licence was revoked so I have to wait for the medical review. I asked her why I was revoked when I voluntarily returned my licence when asked. She said it was because I didn't ring them first and ask for advice! Filling in the form and asking is not the same apparently and that is why my licence was revoked.

I thought I had done it the correct way, I went online found the form for notification of a medical condition filled it in and returned it.

This it would seem leads to automatic revocation. So upshot is I have to wait for the panel. She offered to mark my appeal as urgent if there is a particular reason that I want my licence back. I played the, we have booked a holiday with the grandchildren card which involves a 250 mile round trip drive which we would like to share rather than Sally having to do the lot. I pressed the fact that I have not actually driven for 9 months, never had a seizure and not on medication. Water off a ducks back and a waste of time I reckon. Shank's or driven by Miss Daisy in my case for a while yet.

Chocolate Teapot indeed... :furious3: :dontgetit:
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by Stanley »

It looks as though Sally driving is inevitable......
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Re: Driving Licence Application

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Holiday is in August so a bit of time yet. It would be nice to get a bit of practice time in though.

I had another look at the DVLA website today to see where I had gone wrong. Further down the list for "Tell DVLA about a medical condition that may effect your driving", which is the link I followed that ultimately takes you to the medical questionnaire. There is another link "Surrender Your Licence", I had a look at this and it is used to voluntary surrender your licence. It's a very simple form, name, address, DOB, driver number, and a single line for diagnosis. There is a note that says on receipt, they will assess your condition and ask for more information if required. So, if I had filled this in I would have put "Left Hemisphere Meningioma". This of course would not tell them about surgery, medication or post operative effects so they would have to ask me to fill in the other form in for the detail. The same form I filled in first.

Nowhere during the procedure does it give you a telephone number or encourage you to call them. It looks like I clicked the wrong link although the end result for them is the same. They know what was wrong with me and they have my licence. For me it's a subtle difference in status.

Like I have commented before the system needs major overhaul. I know I am not the first to fall into this trap and I wont be the last.
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Re: Driving Licence Application

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Re: Driving Licence Application

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Nothing yet from the DVLA so I have emailed them again. Specifically asking why my licence was marked as revoked when all I did was follow the links on the DVLA website. I have also pointed out that as far as medical conditions go. I have been accepted back as a blood donor by NHSBT. Also that it only took their medical review panel less than two weeks to review my case, contact my medics and then tell me that I was fit to donate again. It's now heading for two months since I applied for my licence back.

If I get no joy by next week, I think I will ask my doctor for a note regarding my last visit to him and send them that. I may send the same to the Chief Executive of the DVLA as I have her identified. There is no reason not to return my licence and unfortunately the only redress you have is through the courts. It's nonsensical and no good for the little guy which I know is why it's there.

Pissed off is a bit of an understatement. :fluch:
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by Tripps »

Is it time to get your member of Parliament involved ? A red file is treated with more respect by Government departments.
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Re: Driving Licence Application

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Problem there Tripps is that our career oriented Tory MP (Andrew Stephenson) is useless. I am still waiting for a reply from him for an issue I raised with him over two years ago. I had thought of writing to both the Chief Executive of the DVLA, (Julie Lennard) and copying in to the shadow Transport Minister, (Andy McDonald MP). When Sally was down in London on one of her WASPI demo's she asked our own MP for support but he was a no show, it was Andy McDonald who turned out to support them, she said he was a very nice bloke. The thinking there is that he may well become the guy in charge of the department that the DVLA has to answer to.
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by Stanley »

Ian, as you know, government has ceased to function as £1.5billion is thrown at Brexit consultants and all the Civil Service is with them desperately trying to get ready for No Deal. I don't think you have a hope in hell of getting any joy out of the DVLA....
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Re: Driving Licence Application

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Another week comes and goes, postman has been and we received two circulars! I'll see if I get an email reply to my latest question.
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Re: Driving Licence Application

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Nothing back via email apart from an auto acknowledgement that they have received my email and are experiencing a heavy workload, the reply in three days rule is out of the window!

So, on to a bit of efficiency and continuing after-care from LGI. I rang Debra, my surgeon Ian Anderson's secretary to see if she has had any contact from the DVLA. She tells me that the Neurosurgery department keeps a log of all requests processed from them. She has searched but can find nothing for me although she knows that Mr Anderson took a pile of DVLA correspondence away last week. She will see him tomorrow and ask if mine was among them.

Upping the anti a bit and in the meantime she has taken my original reference number that I got along with my revocation letter and is going to chase the DVLA herself on my behalf. :smile: She knows that I have seen my own doctor who agrees that I am fit to drive and will press my case the best she can. She says she will ring me back with an update tomorrow. :good:

She say's that failure of the DVLA to process licence returns features heavily in the requests for information from former patients of the department. She also agrees with me that I should not have been revoked for simply notifying them of my condition as advised.

A slight glimmer and good to hear a cheery voice on my side. She remembered me from last year as well which is nice.
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by Stanley »

Combination of underfunding, short staff and Brexit..... Delays like this must be costing the country millions....
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Re: Driving Licence Application

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Well, they cashed my cheque and took the money for my new shiny photo licence on 17th May, that's just over a month ago. So, one would assume that they are going to give me a licence, simple question, where is it.

I got a reply from my other simple question to the DVLA as to why I was marked as revoked.

Sorry we cant answer that as we have too much work.

Sorry that's not what you want to hear.

Don't contact us again unless you have new information.

So that's all right then, postman has been and gone and as usual, nothing.

It must have taken as long to construct the grovel reply as it would to answer the question. Their reluctance leads me to believe that there is no justification for their action but they won't admit the mistake. They could simply magic it away and get me off their back, it's only a status on a database.

Not had the log book (V5) back yet from them for my new motor either. Scrapping my old car and getting the unused tax back was quite straightforward. I'll have to keep my eye on that one as well.
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by Stanley »

"Don't contact us again unless you have new information."
Quote that back at them and ignore it! It's a disgraceful set of circumstances. Written communication and registered!
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Re: Driving Licence Application

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PanBiker wrote: 18 Jun 2019, 09:46 Not had the log book (V5) back yet from them for my new motor either.
Checking my licence status today (no change), I did find out that it can take 6 weeks to issue a new owner V5 document so that will be up to the 2nd week in July.
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Re: Driving Licence Application

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I have constructed an appeal for help with the DVLA and sent it via email to Andrew Stephenson. I have copied it to Chris Grayling MP the Minister of Transport as he is the guy that the DVLA answers to. I have also copied it it to Andy McDonald MP who is the Shadow Minister of Transport who will be the next guy in charge at the other side of a General Election if he stays in post.

I have asked them to seek justification for my licence revocation and included my reference number from the DVLA notification

We'll see if anything comes of that from any of them.
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by Stanley »

Good move..... (Not sure about Grayling......)
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Re: Driving Licence Application

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Well, he's the bloke in charge, we'll see. Postman has been so nothing today. Another working week goes by, nine weeks since I applied for my licence. They will probably all beggar off on holiday soon. Not nice bashing your head against a brick wall. Chief Executive of the DVLA next. Will have to be a letter her email address is a secret, I wonder why?
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Re: Driving Licence Application

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I got an auto receipt message back from Andrew Stephenson shortly followed by one from Joe Cooney to tell me the same that Andrew had received my email.

One thing noted was that emails to the parliamentary addresses are checked to see if they originate in the MP's constituency and filtered accordingly. Upshot of this is that I will probably not get a reply from Chris Grayling the bloke in charge. Andrew Stephenson's generic mail says that they are very busy and that I should not be disappointed if I don't receive a timely reply, so that's allright then. The email to Andy McDonald MP was not on a parliamentary address so chances are he will get to see it or someone in his office.
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