Driving Licence Application

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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by PanBiker »

No, I think I will continue to be an awkward bugger because they are wrong, (or the system is). Quickest way to get rid of me is to give me section 88 like they do with thousands of others with an OK from their doctor. "We cant remove the revocation" ruse is rubbish, all they have to do is change the database entry.

The system is flawed as the options are the wrong way round on the website and there is not enough information on how to proceed for best case outcome. They go through all the same procedures which ever way you tell them. Revocation should be reserved for those that refuse to send their licence back and there are plenty of them!

I cant let it go when I pass the guy who lives near to me who is driving but needs to get out of his vehicle onto two crutches, no assisted controls in the Chelsea tractor either. I'll race him to the top of Weets any day.
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by PanBiker »

How about this for trying to score brownie points.

I received another letter from our MP, he says he has received a copy of the letter the DVLA sent to me on the 3rd July, (they said they were going to do that). He then goes on to say that the DVLA have written to my doctor with a medical questionnaire. I already know this as it clearly states this in the DVLA letter and I have discussed it directly with him. He goes on to say that once the DVLA have received his reply he would have no problem in contacting them again to ensure that it is treated as a priority, this is also already made clear in the letter.

As the DVLA letter says:

"Therefore, we posted Dr Manzur a questionnaire to complete. I have asked that upon receipt of a reply that this is reviewed as a priority"

The letter is photo copied signed so I don't think he has had a lot to do with it. I doubt if I will bother him again.
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by Stanley »

Par for the course, he has his mind on an imminent election. His job and photo opportunities are more important than his constituents.
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by PanBiker »

Bugger, Stephenson, just been on the DVLA website as I do to check my status. It now reads "You have a full driving licence". Valid from 18/07/2019 :mexwave:

Taken them since 23rd April when I applied and it's nearly two months since my six month suspension period expired, so much for applying 6 - 8 weeks before the suspension is up. I hope I get the opportunity for feedback, I have one or two suggestions. :extrawink:

Nothing in the post yet but I reckon I can drive anyway from tomorrow as the PNC will now show my entitlement. If the DVLA post is anything to go by it will be second class, although I don't think they actually produce the photo licences I believe they are issued by a third party.

Very shortly I will be able to sing a bit of Madness, "I've been driving in my car, it is not a Jaguar"... :biggrin2: :smile:
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by Wendyf »

Great news Ian. Take care out there!
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by chinatyke »

Everything comes to him who waits, as my old Mum used to say! Congrats and enjoy your driving.

My friend will arrive in UK later today (Thursday) and is collecting my renewed driving licence to bring out here to me. I may never use it again but there is just a possibility that I'll hire a car somewhere in the world so I keep my licence active.
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by Stanley »

Good news Ian.... Give yourself time to get used to traffic again!
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by PanBiker »

You know how a was a bit peeved to say the least about my original letter from the DVLA, not just revoking my licence but the fact that they had removed the category (D) for my full motorcycle qualification. Just looked on the DVLA again and into the categories that I am now allowed to drive and can see that the reason it was removed was that it is no longer valid, same for the 3,500kg class that was also removed. In the 45 years since I was issued with the pink licence that I sent back, (my previous one to that was green and before that the little hard backed red one). They have re jigged all the categories.

I now have 11 full categories, AM, A, B1, B, BE, F, K, L, N, P and Q plus two more that I can drive provisionally, G and H.

The A's and B's are all the cars, vans (up to 3,500kg + trailer and up to 8 seats), unlimited bikes and trikes. F, K, L, N, P and Q are all the sundries, tractors, mowing machines, electrically propelled vehicles, mopeds and Uncle Tom Cobley. My provisional groups include road rollers and tracked vehicles. I have contacts for a bloke that has a Sherman Tank, now there's an idea, I wonder how long it would take to get to Swansea in one of those. :extrawink: :laugh5:
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by Nolic »

Brilliant news Ian. Nolic
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by PanBiker »

Thanks all, did a maiden run yesterday as reported in another thread, no worries. Did try to depress the non existent clutch though at the first junction and my hand was going for the gear stick :surprised: :extrawink: Accelerator control is all in the automatic box, more practice tonight with a drop off job in Ilkley. 11 months absence hasn't stripped me of the previous 50 years of training :smile:

Postman has been and he still hasn't delivered my licence, they say it but I don't think the DVLA actually do priority. :sad:
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by Stanley »

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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by PanBiker »

Finally, a red letter day, (or two brown). One from the DVLA telling me that I am fit to drive and that they are sending me my licence. That one ends with, "I must respectfully remind you that you could be committing a road traffic offence if you cannot safely control the vehicle that you drive at all times".

During my suspension I have seen plenty of examples of drivers who do not meet that requirement but are still driving around with gay abandon. Notwithstanding some examples of medically unfit folk. Lets not get started on the ones that still use their mobiles for voice and text and the women who use the sun visor mirror for applying make-up while they are driving, gets me proper mad.

The other in plain brown envelope a D741 letter which is the standard issue letter with my shiny new morose photo licence attached. It's got both EU and Union flags on so I assume would be valid without a green card on the continent :laugh5: How long will that last?
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by Stanley »

You're quite right about the state of some driving and it's not always age related. As someone who voluntarily kicked driving into touch over ten years ago on the grounds that even though I thought I was OK my reactions must have suffered with age. And besides, the standards of other people's driving was frightening me, something I had never experienced before in millions of miles on the road. Could be just my perceptions of course but on the whole I doubt it. The Co-op car park is a good place to assess standards, especially reverse parking. My eyebrows are regularly raised.
Incidentally, I always enjoy seeing the artic belonging to the concrete firm at Westfield. Always maximum weight (under modern regulations 44 tonnes), beautifully loaded and secured and well driven, no fuss and always sensible. I appreciate careful, safe handling of capacity loads.


I'll admit I do miss the satisfaction of driving what was in its day, the biggest vehicle in Barlick.
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by Tizer »

Each day on our local one-hour walk we see cars and vans parked with the outer half of one tyre on the kerb. How can they do that and not notice - it must be bad for the tyre and is skewing the suspension.
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by Stanley »

Far too common Tiz and an indication of low standards of width perception and general driving. Every car on the road is capable of nought to death in 3 seconds and these jerks are in charge of them. The wonder is that there aren't even more accidents. When I was reversing the trailer into a dock I had to get the back end inside 3" of the wall each side and that was 60 feet away in the mirror.
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by PanBiker »

A letter from the DVLA this morning but in a plain brown envelope so not recognisable until I opened it. Best thing, it was a cheque for £20.00. That was the fee I paid for my first photo licence!

I said the D1 licence pack was a complicated form to fill in with at least 8 options or so depending on the circumstance of the application. It seemed logical to me that as this was a first photo licence that I would have to pay for it so I sent them the bog standard rate, same as for a new licensee or for someone exchanging their paper licence for a photo one. Obviously my logic was wrong, so much for plain and simple forms to fill in. Anyway I've got my brass back so it's cost me nowt other than a whole load of grief and frustration over the last 9 months. :smile:
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by Stanley »

:good: Result.
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by PanBiker »

Like the rebate for unused road licence duty the phrase "honour amongst thieves" comes to mind. :smile: My shiny new licence is only valid until 2023, I'll have to apply again in four years, if I am spared. :extrawink:
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by Stanley »

We won't be able to afford to run cars then......
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by PanBiker »

That will be the royal "we" then Stanley as you cant be speaking for yourself as you are no longer a driver, :extrawink: :laugh5:
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by Stanley »

Yes, but you might not be laughing in a few years Ian......Eventually something will have to be done to cut down on traffic and the easy and obvious solution is to price car use out of ordinary people's reach.
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by PanBiker »

The laugh was for the Royal "we" Stanley not the fact that you don't drive. As to my licence, I will take a view as and when but not just yet. :extrawink:
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by Stanley »

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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by Whyperion »

PanBiker wrote: 20 Jul 2019, 10:05 in plain brown envelope a D741 letter which is the standard issue letter with my shiny new morose photo licence attached. It's got both EU and Union flags on so I assume would be valid without a green card on the continent :laugh5: How long will that last?
I think Green Card is the insurance for the driver ? Check your insurance probably, not after Boris's Brexit Day. Driving Licence in EU probably no more that six months afterthat or a IDP needed from Brexit Day with a local any country in EU for the EU if you are resident in a EU country longer than six months.
(unless additional transision arrangements apply)
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Re: Driving Licence Application

Post by PanBiker »

More mail today, a copy of the letter my neurosurgeon sent to the Drivers Medical Board at the DVLA after I contacted his secretary. It's basically asking the DVLA what information they actually require. When I rang, the neurosurgery department had not had any enquiries from the DVLA about my case. Irrelevant now as they have re-issued my licence but looking back shows how flawed the system is.

They have based their decision on my fitness to drive solely on what my GP has told them. Unlike my surgeon who was actually inside my head and saw my recovery over the three weeks I was in hospital and then reviewed me again after my MRI three months later. My doctor has only seen me twice, once when I went to him with my symptoms and he told me not to drive and dispatched me into the hospital system, (thank you Hassan) and then again for 10 minutes when I saw him and asked his opinion on my recovery. Apart from what I told them in the medical questionnaire that is the only information they have worked from. Never taken a view from my surgeon.
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