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Its for you Belle

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 14:40
by Sue
Contiuing from the topic on the old site. This is for Belle to see how I have progressed with my pastels, and not a pair of gloves or hand wash in sight Belle.

This tree is from a photograph of what I can only describe as a stricken white pine. The tree was on the edge of Crater Lake in Oregon and I was struck ( sorry about the pun) by its wildness and desolation. The sky was pure blue behind it but as I only had yellow paster paper I did it on that instead.
The White Pine at Crater Lake Oregon.jpg

Re: Its for you Belle

Posted: 09 Apr 2012, 04:30
by Stanley
Belle, another update to the old topic. I have started on the packet of Fisherman's Friends you included in my January care parcel! Thinking of you every morning as I suck my pastel!

Re: Its for you Belle

Posted: 09 Apr 2012, 07:08
by Wendyf
I like it Sue. I haven't put pastel to paper since our last get together, there always seems to be something else to do.

Re: Its for you Belle

Posted: 09 Apr 2012, 14:16
by Sue
Wendy Margaret and I were thinking about another session. What do you think? I have found them most helpful and great confidence boosters ( as well as great fun!)

Re: Its for you Belle

Posted: 09 Apr 2012, 14:48
by Wendyf
Yes, I'd like that. Just the thought might get me kick-started again! Where is the Boss, has she deserted us?

Re: Its for you Belle

Posted: 09 Apr 2012, 15:14
by Sue
She doesn't seem to have been around much

Re: Its for you Belle

Posted: 19 Apr 2012, 23:36
by Belle
Thanks for the email Sue, took me ages to find this thread..have lost the knack it seems.

Stanley, glad you are enjoying the fisherman's friends but I hope that doesn't mean you have another chesty cough.

I do miss being able to read what I am replying to, but as I remember it you were asking for another session..firstly let me say I am delighted you all found them of use, and really gratified that you are enjoying pastels without the horror they used to give you Sue! In theory I have no hesitation in saying "Yes"! to another class, in practice I am a bit stuck at the moment as I have no wheels. Will let you know when things are rectified in that direction and we can proceed from there. B

Re: Its for you Belle

Posted: 20 Apr 2012, 04:03
by Stanley
Belle, if you scroll down below the reply box the recent posts are at the bottom of the page in reverse order. No, no cough, that's history but I do like an FF first thing in the morning!

Re: Its for you Belle

Posted: 20 Apr 2012, 08:58
by Sue
That si OK Belle. I have a few things booked between now and the end of May. As we are having a family get together to inter Mum's and Dad's ashes the last week in May, I am not sure who is staying with me and when. We also have a trip to france booked sometime, but not confirmed. By the way, the ashes are going in the grave of a long lost family member from Burnley, who i eventually found through my genealogy. It was one onf Dads last requests. the actual grave took some finding, and it is NOT the one I photographed and put in my book!!!. I don't know whose grave that was!!!!!

Re: Its for you Belle

Posted: 20 Apr 2012, 09:42
by Tizer
Belle wrote:I do miss being able to read what I am replying to...
Belle, I assume you mean you can't see the previous posts while writing your reply in the `Post a Reply' box. On my modest-sized 19in screen, as I write this I can see the last two posts below the box - I've scrolled the main page to put the top edge of this box at the top of my screen. If I need to see even earlier posts I only need to scroll the Topic Review box which is below the Post a Reply box. You should be able to see something similar - if not, it may be that you have your browser set to a larger font size than mine is. I can change that (in Firefox, I'm not sure how you do it in Internet Explorer) using the Control key together with the minus and plus signs. I've put a screenshot below - click to get the big picture!

Re: Its for you Belle

Posted: 20 Apr 2012, 16:29
by Stanley
Bumped up

Re: Its for you Belle

Posted: 23 Nov 2012, 16:17
by Sue
I don't know if you around Belle,but I thought you may like to see this. My third portrait and getting better I think. Thankyou belle for having confidence in me (and patience)

It is done in charcoal and white pastel.

Re: Its for you Belle

Posted: 24 Nov 2012, 09:50
by Wendyf
Wow, very impressive Sue.

Re: Its for you Belle

Posted: 25 Nov 2012, 13:26
by Moh
I wonder where Belle is.

Re: Its for you Belle

Posted: 25 Nov 2012, 13:42
by Sue
I have redone the eyes, I think they are more equal now

I wonder where she is too. I haven't heard from her images.

Re: Its for you Belle

Posted: 28 Nov 2012, 17:10
by Belle
Hi all, Been a very busy year with sad and happy events, lots of flying up and down motorways seems hardly a fortnight has gone by without us having to shoot off to some other crisis. Just back today from a five hour trip down south to see an ailing relative...may have to go back again by the weekend..yikes!
Sue well done you for persevering with the pastels and the portraits, the one you have just put up is rather atmospheric, is it someone you know? from a photograph or in life? Hope Wendys 1 and 2 are also continuing their art, and thanks for attributing patience to me..I'm not known for it! :wink:

Re: Its for you Belle

Posted: 28 Nov 2012, 20:49
by Sue
It's taken from a photo in a magazine, I just thought it would make a good subject. Wendy Margaret sold her pastel of Jaques Cousteau. I sold two pictures ( an oil and a watercolour) at a local art and craft fair. Otherwise I just keep having a go in most media as does Wendy M. Hope all is ok. You sound like you have had a bad time.

Re: Its for you Belle

Posted: 28 Nov 2012, 20:54
by Wendyf
Hi Belle, I'm ashamed to say I haven't done anything at all since we saw you last.

Re: Its for you Belle

Posted: 28 Nov 2012, 22:18
by Belle
Just life Sue, you know how it goes. Well done to you and Wendy m for the sales..onward and upward.
Wendy..just time to get the paints out and do some xmas pressies, the weather is too bad to work outside!
Actually we passed your door the other day, quite by chance we realised some good friends live near you, there was not enough time to call in, but maybe some other time.

Re: Its for you Belle

Posted: 28 Nov 2012, 22:19
by Sue
Too busy growing carrots?

Re: Its for you Belle

Posted: 29 Nov 2012, 08:14
by Wendyf
Hard to explain,and I can't justify it, but it's almost as if art is a treat which I seem unable to let myself indulge in!
Belle it would have been lovely to see you but we have been in chaos here for the last few months with only the kitchen to live in. Work on the living room is almost complete now, and we hope to be back to normal for a while in time for Xmas! Next time you are passing let me know.

Re: Its for you Belle

Posted: 29 Nov 2012, 08:57
by Sue
Perhaps in the Spring we can have another Art session. I am happy for everyone to come here but it's a long way for Belle to travel

Re: Its for you Belle

Posted: 29 Nov 2012, 13:24
by Moh
Nice to see you popping in Belle.

Re: Its for you Belle

Posted: 30 Nov 2012, 11:23
by Belle
Thanks Moh! Sue re the spring Art do perhaps if the weather is kind we can meet outdoors somewhere it's the one of the things we discussed and never really got into.
Do any of you see Robin these is the gallery going on?
Wendy..will wait till the chaos subsides before calling in , but it would be nice.

Re: Its for you Belle

Posted: 30 Nov 2012, 16:07
by Sue
Good idea. Wendy Margaret had something framed last month by Rob. All ok apparently. I haven't been in touch with him for some time