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Post by Stanley »


Brown Anthony (1851 census)
Gillions, 33 HLWeaver cotton. Hannah, wife, 30, HLW Cotton. Mark, son, 10. Ellen daughter, 8. Nancy, daughter, 6. Elizabeth, daughter, 4. Henry, son, 2.

Brown Anthony
Had 406 looms in Salterforth Shed in 1912

Brown Arnold.
Music teacher, lived in Salterforth. Died about 1980.

Brown and Bailey Manufacturers
Had 600 looms in Long Ing Shed in 1920/21. Ditto in 1915/16. Ditto 1912.

Brown Benjamin
Elector of Salterforth in 1837. Address given as White Moor Bottom, (Lane Bottom?) Ditto for 1848.

Brown Benjamin
Of Barrowford. Mentioned as qualified to be a director of Calf Hall Shed Company in 1899 and 1901.

Brown William
Was a son of Henry Brown of Henry Brown and Sons. Lived at Horton in Craven at one time.

Brown David
Farmer of Whitemoor in 1887. Also 1896 and in 1902, his address is given as Star Hall which is up Gisburn Old Track near Sandiford.

Brown Derrick
BUDC Councillor 1960/63

Brown Gladney
Fitter who worked with Henry Brown Sons and Pickles at times. He had his own business in Earby and helped out when they were busy. This was in the 1950/70s.

Brown. Harry
William Brown’s son, worked for Johnny Pickles. William Brown was old Henry Brown’s son.

Brown Henry (Bracewell estate map, 1717)
Tenant of land to SW of Bracewell Hall and church. Seems to have been resident at Bracewell Hall.

Brown Henry
John Duxbury was a tackler in Earby and married Sarah Brown. This meant he was uncle to Henry Brown Engineer. JD was a shareholder in the Calf Hall Shed Company and it was through him that Henry Brown got the tenancy of the premises at Wellhouse in addition to his workshop at Earby. This was the start of Henry Brown and Sons in Barlick.

Brown, Henry and Son
Browns liquidated in 1929 and Johnny Pickles who was their foreman, started up on his own by taking over the Wellhouse works. Browns still kept the Earby workshop on. In 1932 Johnny Pickles brought Henry Brown junior into his firm and renamed it Henry Brown Son and Pickles. Henry still kept the shop in Earby, I know it was there in 1938.

Brown Henry
Machinist and Blacksmith, Victoria Mill, 1896. March 1900 took over mechanic’s shop at Wellhouse for a rent of £25 per annum and the firm was there in one form or other until it was demolished in late 80s. They sold out to Gissings at this point.

Brown Henry (1851 census)
Townhead, 31, HLW wool. Martha, wife, 31, HLW wool. Ellen, daughter, 2. Alice A, daughter, 2 months. John Green, lodger, 23, HLW wool. Joseph Green, lodger, 17, Power loom weaver cotton. James Green, lodger, 26, PLW C.

Brown Henry
Henry Brown went into partnership with a man called Watt who was a small ironfounder at Ouzeldale Water mill on Longfield Lane in Barlick in about 189/1900. Watt died about 1912 and Brown kept the foundry on, rented from Calf Hall Shed Co., until 1928/29 when Browns built the new foundry at Havre Park in Barnoldswick. (It was this that banked H Brown and Son but they paid out 19/6 in the pound and so should never have done it. The foundry was then taken over by George Ashby and was the start of the present much larger Ouzeldale Foundry at Long Ing.

SCG/28 December 2001
Stanley Challenger Graham
Stanley's View
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