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Viaduct shed, Colne.
Research as of 08 November 2003

CHSCMB. 17/05/1905. Resolved that the secretary be instructed to offer the Craven Bank the sum of £6,400 for their interest in the weaving shed and premises known as The Viaduct Shed, Colne. Exclusive of machinery, book debts and stock. Subject to a ground rent of about £43 per annum. The purchase to date from the 31st December last, interest at 5% on purchase price to commence on the 1st inst. [A crafty move this, it means CHSC get the rents for the year to date.] Noted that as the secretary is not asking for any commission on the purchase of the shed he be permitted to receive for his own use any honorarium that the Craven Bank may give to him after the completion of the purchase. 24/05/1905. Craven Bank accept CHSC offer on the terms as stated. 31/05/1905. Resolved that the purchase price of the Viaduct Shed be placed to the debit of the CHSC account at 5% per annum.

21/06/1905. It was resolved that the common seal of the company be affixed in the presence of Dr Roberts and Mr Thomas Dent, two of the directors of the company, and the secretary to an assignment dated the 16th day of June 1905 of two plots of land and a weaving shed and premises known as The Viaduct Shed, situate at Colne in the county of Lancaster from the Craven Bank Co for the sum of £6,400. The plots contain 152 and 6813 square yards respectively and subject to a yearly ground rent of £43-10-8 per annum. 19/07/1905. The secretary’s salary to be increased to £120 per annum from the 1st January last in consequence of the purchase by the company of Viaduct Shed, Colne.

CHSC. Director’s report June 30th 1905. Viaduct Shed revenue account. Revenue of £692 set against expenditure gave a surplus of £270.

CHSCMB. 11/10/1905. Resolved that the valve spindles at Viaduct Shed be repaired by the Burnley Ironworks Company. 18/10/1905. Resolved that an honorarium be paid for special services respecting the purchase of Viaduct Shed be paid to Edward Wood (Messrs Proctor and Proctor) 25/10/1905. Resolved that the HP valves at Viaduct Shed be replaced and the bores re-bored. 01/11/1905. Secretary reported that the price of coal at Colne Station for use at Viaduct Shed was 8/11 per ton from today. 8/11/1905. Resolved that the oil pump at Butts Mill be transferred to Viaduct Shed. 15/11/1905. The secretary produced an agreement and plan entered into on the 13th June 1900 between Joseph Hawley and Colne Corporation with regard to a storm overflow which Mr Hawley, as owner of Viaduct Shed allowed to pass through his land adjoining Colne Water on condition that the corporation built a new weir and diverted the storm overflow from the well for the shed. It was resolved that the secretary be requested to ask the corporation to carry out their part of the agreement.

CHSCMB. 22/11/1905. Resolved that the secretary be authorised to sign the three agreements with the Lancs and Yorks Railway Co for land and light at Viaduct Shed, Colne the rents of which are £3, £2, and 10/- respectively. 21/02/1906. Resolved that the common seal of the company be affixed to the three agreements for the tenants at Viaduct Shed. The secretary reported that with regard to Viaduct Shed the mortar sales were increasing, the shops were all let and that a new stack of down pipes {rainwater goods?} was needed for the warehouse. It was agreed this should be done.

CHSCMB. 25/03/1906. resolved that a skylight be placed in the warehouse roof in Hackings portion of Viaduct Shed. 18/05/1906. The secretary reported that mortar sales at Viaduct for March amounted to £12-16-10. 23/05/1906. Resolved that the flock dresser at Viaduct Shed be allowed to build a shop on the spare land but no power to be supplied. 20/06/1906. Reported that the cost of coal delivered at Viaduct Shed by Brooks and Pickup was to increase by 5d per ton. [9/4 per ton]

CHSCMB. 4/07/1906. Secretary reported that the sanitary inspector at Colne had requested alterations top the closet accommodation at T Hargreaves’ portion of Viaduct Shed. A sketch was produced made by the company’s architect which showed the alterations the cost of which was estimated by him to be £7-10-0. Resolved that the work be placed in his hands for completion. 30/06/1906. Trading account to 30 June for Viaduct Shed. Coal £170, Wages, £67-10-0, Repairs, £44-3-10, Oil and tallow, £16, Packing and compo, £9-5-0, Gas and water, £2-7-5, Rates, £76-6-6, Insurance, £14-4-0, Ground rent, £24-18-8. Profit £260-0-0.

CHSCMB. 12/09/1906. Reported that a letter had been received from George Rushworth of Colne enquiring whether the company was disposed to sell the rough stone at Viaduct Shed. Resolved that the stone be not sold. Resolved that the engineer at Viaduct Shed be allowed to have use of the land abutting on the mill provided he fence it off. 31/10/1906. Alterations to fire escapes at Viaduct Shed agreed with Colne surveyor and Town Clerk. Colne Corporation offered £44 if the company would complete the contract agreed in 1900 to construct a weir. Tenders for the work to be sought. The question of the spare land at Viaduct was raised and it was decided to put it on the market.

CHSCMB. 28/11/1906. G Mills and Co tender of £37-10-0 for fire escapes at Viaduct Shed be accepted. 2/01/1907. Mr Wood authorised to let the space vacated at Viaduct Shed to the existing tenants on the same terms as hitherto providing there was no cost to the company. 20/02/1907. Resolved that the secretary be authorised to charge the tenants at Viaduct Shed on the basis of 40” looms thus increasing the number of looms by 19.

UMP Order books. 8/04/1908. Burnley Ironworks Co ordered packings for Frank Barritt Ltd at Viaduct Shed. 1 X HP 3 7/8” Number 4468. CHSCMB. 20/03/1907. Engineer at Viaduct shed writes that he has been given notice to quit his house and as there are no houses to be let in Colne asks the CHSC to purchase a house in Khyber Street for him at a cost of £180. The directors consider this a reasonable figure and Mr Woods instructed to purchase the same from the Craven Bank. 29/04/1907. Common seal of the Co affixed to the assignment of a house, number 6 Shed Street Colne from the Craven Bank in liquidation. The price is £160 and ground rent 16/6 per annum.

CHSCMB. 29/05/1907. Secretary reported on mortar sales at Viaduct Shed for the four months ended April 30 last. It appeared that after paying all outgoings and allowing £5 for repairs there was a sum of £10-2-0 available for the cost of turning and this was equal to 5 ¼ d per hour for the hours run by the mortar mill. 12/06/1907. Secretary reported that the Viaduct Manufacturing Co. had given notice to leave Viaduct Shed and that the space was to be apportioned between the other tenants. 18/09/1907. Resolved that the painting of Viaduct Shed be left in the hands of Edward Wood.

CHSCMB. 11/12/1908. Report by the Vulcan Insurance Co on the engine at Viaduct read and a diagram showing 225ihp produced. 13/05/1908. Sec. read the insurance report on the Viaduct engine. Resolved that company gets its own indicator with sufficient springs to do all the co’s engines and that the inspection of the viaduct engine by the insurance company be stopped.

CHSCMB. 11/11/1908. Secretary reports on the mortar sales at Viaduct Shed for the last seven months and they showed a balance after wages and expenses of £7-13-7. 10/03/1909. Resolved that Mr Wood arrange if possible for the running of Viaduct Shed by one man, the mortar making to be abandoned and a wage of 37/6 a week be offered to the engineer. 31/03/1909. Deputation to be sent to see the engineer at Viaduct Shed to arrange for one man to drive the engine and fire the boiler. 28/03/1909. Reported that the engineer and fireman at Viaduct to continue as at present.

CHSCMB. 30/03/1910. Secretary reported that one of the tenants at Viaduct Shed had applied for further space suggesting that the spare land behind the shed would hold sufficient looms. It was resolved that Mr W H Atkinson (Architect) be asked to prepare a plan for a single storey shed to cover the land and give an estimate of cost. 18/04/1910. Resolved that the extension at Viaduct Shed be proceeded with. 4/05/1910. Mr Lomas , W H Atkinson’s man, received instructions to include in the specifications for Viaduct Shed the following: Shaft couplings to be flanged. Floorboards in warehouse to be two thicknesses. The whole of the shed floor to be flagged. Colne bricks, picked and approved may be used for lining shed walls.

CHSCMB. 17/05/1910. The following tenders were accepted for Viaduct Shed Extension. Excavation, W Townson, £1196-6-0. Joiners, H Thompson, £260-7-9. Slaters, W Stanworth and Sons, £143-0-3. Plasterers, Hartley Bros, £50-10-10. Plumber/glazier, J Prince, £96-18-0. Iron/millwrights, Burnley Ironworks Co, £810. Fire escapes, G Mills and Co, 35. Patent Glazing, Standard Patent Glazing Co. 6 3/8d per foot. Steel sashes, Baxendales, £21. Hoist, J Holt, £54-10-0. Ropes, W Kenyon and Sons, £56. Fans, T Gregson, £42. Painting, Duckworth, £22-11-1 ½ d.

CHSC half year report, 30/06/1910. Viaduct extension noted as an asset of £356 on director’s report. [amount expended to date] 3/07/1910. Tenancy agreement for Viaduct Extension sealed in favour of Edward Riley, tenant.

CHSCMB. 19/10/1910. Following accounts to be paid on Atkinson certificate. Stanworth, £130. Hartley Bros, £35. 15/02/1911. Mention of question to Mr Atkinson about Viaduct sewer. 12/03/1911. Reported that £30 was required for repairs to the engine at Viaduct shed.

CHSCMB. 2/08/1911. Agreement made between the co and Edward and Pickles Riley and Edward Riley for their tenancy of a portion of Viaduct Shed, Colne.

CHSCMB. 6/08/1913. proctor Barrett and W R Holdsworth to examine the woodwork at Viaduct and decide whether it should be painted. 15/10/1913. Mr Wood to see to the painting of Viaduct Shed. 19/11/1913. Engineer and fireman at Viaduct had given notice and a new engineer and fireman had been appointed.

CHSCMB. 3/02/1915. Resolved that the mortar pan at Viaduct Shed be sold to Mr James Bullock for £12. 17/02/1915. W H Atkinson reported by letter on the condition of the engine house wall at Viaduct Shed. It was not dangerous, he made certain recommendations and would inspect and report further. Burnley Ironworks Co reported on the engine at Viaduct Shed and said it was dangerous to run with the present HP trip gear. They recommended a new governor and entirely new trip gear, estimated cost £184. Mr Wood to see Burnley Ironworks Co thereon.

CHSCMB. 22/03/1916. Hewlett appointed engineer at Viaduct Shed at 40/- a week.

CHSCMB. 7/02/1917. Resolved that the repairs to the Viaduct engine suggested by the Burnley Ironworks Co be carried out at the most convenient time.

CHSCMB. 14/11/1917. Tenants of Viaduct Shed had agreed to pay the same rent as other tenants in the town, 63/- per loom. To start October 1st 1917. Resolved that the large weighing machine at Viaduct shed be removed to Coates Wharf and that Mr Steen be requested to quote for this and also to give the best price for the old machine at Coates. 12/12/1917. Mr Steen of Burnley advised the co not to move the platform weighing machine from Viaduct shed until the longer days came in.

CHSCMB. 6/08/1919. Resolved that disposal of Viaduct Shed be deferred for six months. 3/11/1919. As property prices are rising, Viaduct Shed to be sold for not less than £20 per loom space. Mr Proctor be empowered to negotiate the sale and that he be paid a commission of 5%. 10/12/1919. Resolved that Viaduct Shed be sold to Tom Hargreaves and Sons for £21,750 on the following terms. £2000 deposit (already paid), £9750 on 1st Jan 1920 and £10000 on 1 July 1920, the balance of the purchase money to be subject to interest at 6%. 14/01/1920. reported that £11,750 had been paid on account of Viaduct Shed leaving a balance of £10,000 and that there was no indebtedness on account of War Bonds.

CHSCMB. 16/06/1920. In view of the payment of the balance for Viaduct Shed by T Hargreaves and Co on 30 June, the sum of £10,000 it was resolved that the mortgage of £5,000 be repaid to the Exors of W Thompson and that the amounts borrowed from the Bank of Liverpool should also be repaid.

SCG/12 November 2003
Stanley Challenger Graham
Stanley's View
scg1936 at

"Beware of certitude" (Jimmy Reid)
The floggings will continue until morale improves!
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