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Post by Stanley »

Apart from the odd drop of light rain yesterday stuck to the forecast. Bitter cold wind! At 20:00 it was overcast, dry, breezy and very cold. First thing this morning it was the same, the moon is just visible through the thin, high cloud. Still the same but we have had a light shower of rain, large drops. The glass is up on 1003mb and still rising. The forecast is for a chance of light showers until about 09:00 and overcast thereafter, a light shower is still possible. The moderate NE wind is constant giving a high of 8C and a low of 5C with a -4C wind chill all day.
The outlook is similar, the drier and brighter the weather the more cold.
06:40. I took a chance and didn't bother with waterproofs, I went for the Crombie and it paid off. Just a light spatter as we got back home. It isn't as cold as yesterday and the wind hasn't got up yet. 100% overcast hides the moon and it seems to be breaking. Not a bad walk at all, we are being very lucky if you look at what other parts of the country are getting, snow, rain and floods. Lots to be said for Barlick weather!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Mainly dry yesterday. At 20:00 it was overcast, a light breeze and dry, not as cold as recently. First thing this morning we had very light rain and 100% overcast. Still the same, not cold. The glass is down slightly on 1002mb. The forecast is not cheerful, light rain to start then overcast and deteriorating later into frequent showers. The constant wind is NW and light. Gives us a high of 8C and a low of 6C with a moderate wind chill all day.
06:20. Not a lot to say about this morning's walk. Possibly the best thing about it is that Jack hasn't got wet. Calm, very light rain and not cold. That's it!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Post by Stanley »

Yesterday's weather was dull and grey. At 20:00 it was calm, not cold, overcast and dry. Same thing this morning. The glass is barely changed, up to a shade under 1004mb. The forecast is a re-run of yesterday, high chance of rain until 10:00 and grey overcast after that. The wind is light starting in NW but soon swinging to N and NE for the rest of the day. High of 7C and a slightly cooler low of 2C with a -1C wind chill until the rain stops and -2C for the rest of the day.
05:55. Calm but hard cold rain as we went out. I was considering a short walk round the Green but it bated so we did the full morning walk. Jack is rubbed down and sausaged is feeling no pain but he was in a bad temper when we got back! I keep forgetting to mention that the Polish supermarket on Church Street is no more, a consequence of Brexit?
The Xmas lights are, with a few no-shows, in full glory in the town especially the Town Square. Deep joy!
09:00. We've had our second short walk. It's still raining but thank God, calm. Now for my dinner.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Post by Stanley »

Yesterday was wet and dull. At 20:00 it was dry, the cloud was breaking and it was noticeably colder. First thing this morning it was dry, perfectly clear, calm and cold. Still the same but a slight halo round the moon. The glass is up on 1014mb. The forecast is simple, dry, clear and sunny all day. The constant light NW wind gives a high of 5C and a low of -3C with a -2C wind chill all day. We will have a white frost. The outlook is for similar weather all week but perhaps warming slightly later.
06:10. A good walk exactly as the forecast. Dry, very cold, calm and clear skies apart from one or two wisps of high cloud.All right as long as you keep moving and are dressed for it.
I note that a full refurbishment is happening at the Polish Supermarket. Perhaps this is a good sign and we haven't lost it.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Yesterday was dry but cold. At 20:00 it was calm, clear and cold. First thing this morning it was the same with a hard frost, still the same as I write. The glass is down on 1011mb. The forecast is for a dry bright day with some sun. The constant east wind is light to moderate giving a high of 4C and a low of 1C tonight but the wind chill is severe, about -3C all day, at the moment we have about -5C perceived temperature.
06:20. A good bracing walk under a clear sky on a calm and very cold morning. I reckon about -5C. Enough to send me into Mother Russia made with my Damart balaclava. Good choice!
Only thing to report is that the Commercial Block in Church Street, which includes Stephenson House, still has no Xmas trees lit. Labour supporting Sparks?
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Post by Cathy »

41C for Adelaide tomorrow, only 1 day so we will cope, then back to low 20’s for a couple of days.

Unfortunately our Fire Rating is Catastrophic :thumbsdown2:
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Post by Marilyn »

Yeah...that's why we decided to do the long drive home today, Cazza. It will be miserable travelling weather tomorrow. To think we have had constant rain, hail, cold winds, snow, nights of -4C...and now hot dry weather...all in the course of one 2 week holiday is quite amazing. I think that is the major thing we will remember of this! :laugh5:
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39C at present, with a nasty wind. Time to shut the doors, pull down the blinds and find something quiet to do that requires minimal effort. ( I am quietly folding washing).
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Post by Stanley »

Clear and cold all day yesterday. At 20:00 we had a light breeze, scattered high cloud and it was cold and dry. Same this morning but the cloud is thinner, we have moon and stars. The glass is down slightly to just under 1008mb. The forecast is cloudy but dry. The east wind is constant, starts light but soon moderate. The high is 6C and the low 2C with a -4C wind chill when the wind rises a bit during the early morning. The outlook is for a similar but colder day tomorrow.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Maz. Margaret reports it's cooler today with light showers in Perth.
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Back from a decent walk. It's cold but no frost. The overcast is thin and the moon still visible. The wind is still light. Even so, full mother Russia and warm ears!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Cold but dry yesterday and it promoted a very heavy leaf fall despite the lack of wind. 20:00 it was dry under a partially clouded sky with a light breeze and very cold. First thing this morning it was calm, dry, overcast and cold.
It was the same when we went for our walk and though not windy, it was enough to give you face ache, Mother Russia saved the day. The glass is down on 1003mb. The forecast is again dead simple, overcast all day but dry. The constant east wind is moderate all day giving a high of 4C and a low of 4C tonight. The constant wind chill of as much as -5C means that it will feel like below freezing all day so wrap up warm. The outlook is for it to be warmer, chance of rain on Saturday, no change then all week.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Yesterday was gloomy and cold. Notable that the trees are much more bare now. At 20:00 it was dry with broken cloud and a light breeze, not quite as cold. This morning first thing it was dry almost calm, overcast and again a touch warmer. We now have very light rain. The glass is down on 992mb and still falling. The forecast is for an overcast day with light rain at almost any time. The constant east wind is moderate and gives a high of &c and a low of 6C with a -4C wind chill for most of the day. Not very cheerful. The outlook is for heavier rain tomorrow and then similar weather to today for the next 4 days.
As I watched it get dark at 15:30 yesterday I found it hard to remember those days in summer when it was still light after 22:00! I find the lack of light a bummer and look forward to the solstice on the 22nd of December.
06:30. Back from the butcher's. Chilly, light breeze, light rain, cold hands. That about sums it up!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Post by Stanley »

Yesterday was mainly cold and dry but by 20:00 we had light rain. First thing this morning it was overcast and just starting to rain. By the time we went for our walk we had light wind, light rain and not cold. The glass is down slightly on 990mb and tending to rise. The forecast is for rain all day but it's worse the further east you get so we may escape the worst of what is forecast. The constant moderate east wind give us a high of 8C and a low of 7C with a wind chill of up to -4C depending on the strength of the wind. A drier day tomorrow but then a rainy spell, single figure highs all week. It's definitely November!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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We escaped much of the rain yesterday. At 20:00 it was raining, cold rain on a light breeze. First thing this morning it was damp but dry with 100% overcast. Still the same, dry and the flags are drying out. The glass rose slowly all day, it is on 996mb and still rising very slowly. The forecast is for an overcast but dry day. The constant SE wind is very light and gives a high of 8C and a low of 7C with a -1C wind chill. Very quiet dull weather. November!
06:05. A quiet walk. Overcast, calm and dry, not cold. Some light mist is forming in the low parts of town like Valley Gardens.
The Xmas lights, all the Commercial block , the north side of Town Square and the west side of Frank Street, all off. In addition the top section of the large emitter on the east side of the Square is off.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Post by Stanley »

We escaped rain again yesterday. At 20:00 it was calm, dry and not too cold. First thing this morning was the same but with a hint of rain in the air. Not enough to make waterproofs necessary. We had a very reasonable walk. The glass is steady on 991mb, same as yesterday. The forecast is for an overcast day with a chance of showers, very similar to yesterday and so far the showers are absent. The wind is constant, moderate and ESE giving the same temperature as yesterday, 8C for a high and 7C as a low with a -1C wind chill. Looks like another quiet day, always a good thing in winter!
09:20. Just had our second short walk. Still dry but we have occasional spatters of raindrops but not actually raining.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Post by Stanley »

I spoke too soon! The rain came in later and at 20:00 it was still raining on a light east wind. First thing this morning it was the same and I have just had a shufti outside, no rain at the moment but it looks like a wet prospect. The glass has fallen to 990mb. The forecast is for a lull in the rain until about 07:00 and then rain all day, clearing to overcast early this evening. The constant SE wind is light giving a high of 10C and a low of 6C with a wind chill that could reach -3C at times. November! Tomorrow will be similar but then we enter a clearer and much colder spell.
06:05. A pleasant walk for November. Calm, dry and some breaks in the overcast. The town is quiet apart from the silly buggers who are late up and speeding through the town.
Only thing that struck me this morning is that my Fell Boots are a complete success. Warm comfortable and dry, the uppers are really soft. Perhaps it's time for a bit of feeding, I have done nothing since I oiled them.
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Post by Whyperion »

SW London remains warm and wet Council and similar workers are cleaning the bulk of the autumn leaves though many trees retain a proportion of theirs - we have not had significant sustained high winds this year - grass is growing (it does when it is about 10deg C), but colder weather is forecast for later in the week. One thing - that may fit better under climate change - is the concrete roof tiles and tarmaced footpaths seem to be getting more moss growth and similar than I can remember for many years, I think we are getting generally warmer, and wetter- ideal for mosses, they are not getting frozen or baked off the surfaces where they are undisturbed.
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Post by Stanley »

The rain came in as predicted yesterday but was not as persistent as forecast. At 20:00 it was dry and calm. Same first thing this morning and it hasn't changed, overcast but dry and calm. The glass has fallen to 979 and is still falling this morning. The forecast is overcast but dry until noon when we can expect a band of rain to come in. The wind is light and constant, starts in the east but backs during the day through North to end up as NW tonight. High of 8C and a low of 7C with a -2C wind chill all day. Tomorrow will be overcast and colder at night, that is followed by some dry, sunny but much colder weather, expect some hard frosts.
06:10. A pleasant walk for November. Calm, dry, not cold and quiet.
The Xmas Tree lights that were AWOL earlier in the week are all working. One nice touch, the one directly over the entrance to Stephenson House is red.....
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Post by Stanley »

The cold rain came in a bit early. At 20:00 it was still raining, cold hard rain! First thing this morning light rain and it's still the same, cold miserable stuff! The glass is up slightly at 983mb. The forecast is for this rain to cease shortly and the rest of the day will be overcast but possibly dry. The light to moderate wind starts as WNW but is going to swing into the NE and give us a high of 8C and a low of -1C with a -3 wind chill. This is the story of the day and governs the outlook for the next few days, we are shifting into a clearer, colder and drier phase. We can expect some hard dry frosts.
06:15. It was still raining when we went out but luckily for Jack it bated and he had a fairly easy ride. Calm but cooler. There is a good flow over the Corn Mill Dam after what must have been quite a lot of rain later yesterday and during the night. All told, not a bad walk for November!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Post by Stanley »

Ysterday was as oer the forecast, a gradual brightening and drying up as the day wore on, getting cooler. At 20:00 it was calm, clear and dry. For the first time in days the flags are drying! First thing this morning it was the same, calm, clear and much colder with a sharp frost. It's still the same but there may be some thin high cloud coming in. The glass is well up on 1007mb and still rising. The forecast is for a clear dry day all day. The constant light wind starts in the West but by this evening will have backed through North into SE giving a high of 4C and a low of -2C with a -2C wind chill all day. Much drier and colder and the outlook is for similar weather for the next 4 days at least. We shall enter December with a frost.
06:30. Back from a bracing walk on a dry frosty morning with thin overcast. This and better will do!
As we went out the fire engine set off on blues and twos down New Road. It was slippy underfoot and there was a lot more traffic than usual, mainly large HGVs. Kathy told me that she had only just managed to get through from Colne because there had been a bad collision between two cars near the Stone Trough. It looks as though the police might have temporarily closed the road. Kathy said that she didn't think anyone had been injured.
09:00. Second walk, still freezing and the sun has cleared the sky. Cold but quite beautiful.
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Post by Cathy »

[image][/image]]My view today while walking around my local council park , just a five minute walk away.
18C today, mostly sunny, 30% chance of rain.
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Post by Stanley »

Half a world away from our weather Cathy!
Yesterday it froze all day, roofs still white at dusk. At 20:00 it was calm, clear and freezing. Same first thing this morning and so far no change apart from a slight mist. The glass has risen steadily since yesterday, it's on 1018mb now and steady. The forecast is for a dry day with some scattered cloud but plenty of sun. The constant east wind is light and gives a high of 3C and a low of -2C with a -3C wind chill all day. The outlook for the next two days is the same and then warming slightly with a chance of a shower perhaps. Bracing! Wrap up warm.
06:10. Back from a cold but very acceptable walk. It is colder than the Met Office says, I reckon about -3C. It's almost calm, clear and a hard white frost. Very healthy weather!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Post by Stanley »

The frost again never let up, it was with us all day despite the sunshine. At 20:00 it was 50% clear, calm and very cold. First thing this morning it was the same, calm, clear and a hard frost. I've just had another look and we still of course have the hard frost but there might be some light overcast, difficult to tell but definitely not crystal clear now. The glass is up very slightly at 1021mb. The forecast is for a clear bright day with plenty of sun. The constant very light NW wind persists all day and may rise a bit this evening. It gives us a high of 3C and a low of -2C. The wind chill during the day is about -2C but when the wind rises later could get up to -3C. Another very cold day to welcome us into December. The next few days will see it warm up a bit and later in the week we could even have double figures!
(A bit later and we have a light ground mist forming.)
06:20. A bracing walk on a calm and very cold morning. No stars, I think there might be some light overcast, there's certainly a light ground mist in the Bottoms. Very quiet apart from a very noticeable exchange between a group of owls down in Eastwood Bottoms, I don't know what the conversation was about but they were certainly going at it. Very unusual.
I was in full Mother Russia gear and arrived home with warm ears! My Damart balaclava is a bit of a goodie!
I'm sure you have noticed that today is the first day of winter in meteorological terms, the 22nd of the month sees the astronomical start. All very interesting and tidy but I have to tell you that as far as I am concerned, winter starts when it gets cold!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Post by Stanley »

Yesterday was as per the forecast, dry, cold and clear. At 20:00 it was clear calm and very cold. Same this morning, if anything even colder. The glass fell slightly yesterday but then started climbing again, it's on 1026mb. The forecast is for a more cloudy day but sunny spells expected late morning. The constant WSW wind is light all day but rising a touch this evening. The High is 5C and the low 3C, slightly milder. The wind chill is -2C all day increasing to -3C this evening as the wind gets fresher. The outlook is further warming up reaching a peak on Friday when rain is expected.
06:00. A slight overcast and calm, very cold and slippy underfoot but the Fell boots were a good plan, no problems with care. Full Mother Russia again and I got back with warm ears and feet!


Town Square

One thing I noticed this morning on the flight radar was a red eye from LA to Amsterdam coming over at 39,000 ft and doing 611 knots (703mph) ground speed. There must be a very good jet stream up there!
Stanley Challenger Graham
Stanley's View
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