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Post by Whyperion »

PanBiker wrote: 08 Jul 2022, 12:16 I also hear £17,000 or so being mentioned. Still good money for a day doing nothing. Statute or not it's wrong.
Boris gets a 2/3rds PMs pension for life (should be made for it to be paid by the party, not the people)
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Post by plaques »

First let me say I've a vested interest in seeing the back of Johnson but put me down as confused as to why Johnson actually resigned his position of Leader of the Conservative Party. I know his support was crumbling by the minute with some of his Cabinet in open revolt at his lies and U-turns but for a man with no principles and actually sacking Gove who had the temerity to suggest he should resign while still openly supporting him doesn't suggest he would cave in to MP pressure. So what did push him over the edge to resign? Remembering that only two weeks before he had won a vote of no confidence by 211 to 148 which he could claim as a sufficient mandate to carry on in spite of some local difficulties. We also know that Oliver Dowden resigned as Conservative party chair after byelection losses which allows Johnson to absolve himself from these losses. As an aside for those who are interested our Andrew Stevenson MP is now acting chairman.
To continue. Johnson's opening remarks in his leaving speech... quote..
"It is clearly now the will of the Parliamentary Conservative party that there shall be a new leader of that party an therefore a new Prime Minister..".
Which begs the question that since Johnson is the leader of the party was there an undeclared meeting of the whole party in which they voted for him to go or did someone or group with overriding influence tell him his time was up? It could have been the 1922 committee flexing its muscles but to see any real action it would take months to change rules etc. If its not the 1922 committee who are these people and what power do they hold over the country as a whole? Have we just been treated to another lie from Johnson or a big cover up by the Tory party?
I suspect that the majority of the public are in agreement with his departure and it looks like an unnecessary conspiracy theory as to question what goes on in the less democratic background of our ruling Tory Party.
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Post by Stanley »

An interesting question Ken and one that deserves to be taken seriously. In the days of Lord Salisbury I remember it always being said that it was the men in grey suits. There is good reason to suspect that they were the mechanism that put M Thatcher in post on the understanding that the first piece of legislation would be to repeal the prohibition placed on exporting capital. They also installed the mad monk, Keith Joseph, as the adviser who guided her through the revolution of deregulating the banks and allowing Market Forces to rule supreme. (See this LINK) Whether that was true or not, guess what was the first piece of legislation the Thatcher government enacted and what she subsequently did.?
I have always believed that there is a level of control that we are not allowed to know about. They are loosely known as 'The Establishment'. They are supported by and in turn preserve the Monarchy and the Honours System. I may be totally wrong and barking mad for entertaining such conspiracy theories but like you Ken, I can see little bits of evidence every now and again.
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If you want to really know the apocalyptic state of the Tory Party see if you can lay your hands on yesterdays' copy of The Times. The paper has a team of journalists quizzing the politicians and it's obvious the party is tearing itself apart. I mentioned earlier Matthew Parris's view that the party will split apart and reports in The Times confirm it's happening.

Meanwhile here's something on which we must check with all contenders for PM - are they for or against?...
An informal European Union (EU) summit will be held in Prague on 6-7 October, the eve of the start of the Czech Presidency of the European Council. Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala will host the 27 European leaders and also third European countries wishing to join the European Political Community (EPC), an international grouping first proposed by Emmanuel Macron. Unlike other international groupings such as the EU, which is a political and economic union, and Nato, which is a security alliance, the EPC would "offer a platform for political co-ordination" for countries in the EU, and those democratic nations outside the Union but wishing to form an alliance and to discuss topics such as security, energy, transport and the movement of people between nations.

The EPC would provide an opportunity for third countries to cooperate with the EU nations instead of having to wait years to become a member of the EU, or even to continue outside the EU but benefit from the cooperation. Countries likely to join are Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and Western Balkans states, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Turkey. The UK would be welcome and even Boris Johnson showed enthusiasm when he met Macron in June, even claiming that he had the idea in 2018 (and wanted to include Turkey and North African states).

I think this would be an excellent way for Britain to recover its close relationship and cooperation with other European countries without the Brexiteers being able to claim we are trying to get back into the EU or losing our sovereignty. But it does mean we need our new PM to be someone who will recognise the benefits of joining the EPC. Liz Truss has already rejected the idea when Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Tom Tugendhat pressed her to state her position. We must make sure that all contenders for the position of PM state their position on whether or not the UK should join the European Political Community.
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I agree with you Peter but it would need rational thinking inside the Tory Party and at the moment that's non-existent. They are arguing about tax cuts, Johnson is sat in Downing Street sniping at candidates he doesn't like and I have just seen THIS BBC report that Lia Nici (Who she?) has stepped into the gutter and repeated the allegations about Angela Rayner opening her legs to distract Johnson. I said it would get dirty and it looks as though that's happening.
I am getting more and more convinced that when the field gets down to two the remaining contenders will stitch it up by one retiring and obviating the need for a vote on the Shires. It will save time and that's of the essence now as the situation on all fronts worsens daily. We have a rotten system that allows this to happen.
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Post by plaques »

Roll up. Roll up. The circus has come to town. A parade of villains will take place in the town square where a newly erected guillotine has been built at great expense. (By tax payers of course). Each contestant will be given a chance to explain why for the last 3 years they have supported the previous ring master and head clown even though they knew it was all lies and false promises. No mention will be made that they thought he was the best man to keep their gravy train running while they could see the country going to the dogs. It goes without saying that there won't be a murmur of Mea Culpa but more promises of El Dorado and the land of the Unicorn all achieved by lowering taxes and smaller non-existent government. So why is the public being invited to this spectacle when everything will be decided by the Tories for the Tories? Basically its a PR exercise to whip up populism for their preferred candidate through heavy media coverage and then claim its what YOU wanted and subsequently becomes YOUR fault when things don't turn out as expected which they surely will. Sceptical? Who me. Just wait and see.
Tizer wrote: 10 Jul 2022, 10:37 I think this would be an excellent way for Britain to recover its close relationship and cooperation with other European countries without the Brexiteers being able to claim we are trying to get back into the EU or losing our sovereignty. But it does mean we need our new PM to be someone who will recognise the benefits of joining the EPC. Liz Truss has already rejected the idea when Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Tom Tugendhat pressed her to state her position. We must make sure that all contenders for the position of PM state their position on whether or not the UK should join the European Political Community.
Any country headed by an ultra right-wing government like the UK and aspiring to become a dictatorship doesn't want anybody looking over its shoulder examining its intentions and policies. Having wreaked trade with the EU to avoid any possible political alignment together with the proposed withdrawal from the Human Rights legislation not to mention the Rwanda fiasco the last thing Truss wants is to be compared with other fringe countries. On the face of it we would sooner become allies of Trumps America than anyone proposing equality for the people.
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I like your circus analogy, Plaques! Your mention of the dreaded Truss reminds me - in his Saturday article in The Times Matthew Parris gave his opinion on the various contenders and he didn't have much to say for Truss other than that: `She's seriously weird'! His conclusion was that Sunak was the only one of the contenders who could do the job properly.
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Post by Tripps »

The Torys are in a right pickle. The only concession I'd make is that the job of PM is now probably nearly impossible in an age of instant 24 hour news and social media.

The correct choice of the current candidates is of course "None of the Above". The motivation of all of them is suspect, The commitment to the long term future of UK cannot be trusted in many of them, and at least one should probably be in jail.

Again - a General Election is essential, and soon. Clear out the stables and start again.

Perhaps we should bar any incumbent from standing again? :smile:
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Post by Stanley »

Spot on Ken!
Peter..."Sunak was the only one of the contenders who could do the job properly. Matthew is probably right but my problem is that Sunak is a shifty little spiv who is out for himself alone.
Yes David, we do need an election but even more we need a complete clear out of our political system. Ditch adversarial politics and adopt a circular seating plan in a modern building. Scrap traditions like the Monarchy, the aristocracy and the honours system. The suggestion about barring all present incumbents from the process is essential.
Oh, yes, go over to compulsory voting and proportional representation.
I think that's enough to be going on with......
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NASA has reported that a black hole has descended on No10 Downing St. It is generally thought to have been caused by the collapse of the enormous Big Dog star called Boris. It is not yet quite clear what else has been dragged into this abyss. Rumour has it that a number of lesser stars have also suffered the same demise adding to the gravity of the black hole. So far little is known of the whereabouts of the £350 per week battle bus or the 40 hospitals that were to be built. The levelling up has now been levelled down to the smooth surface of the black hole. However, a close examination of its event horizon show a single middle finger digit protruding from the surface. Fortunately for the Conservative party the Hawking radiation is theorized to allow the black hole to evaporate. The candidates for Johnson's job are postulating that anything from £45 to £200Billion may leak out for their never never land usage mainly for tax reductions. They have called this theory π (PI), after the π charts showing a circle divided into segments where everybody gets a slice of the cake. The more common description for this type of promise is π in the sky. These type of promises are like a giant Ponzi Bitcoin schemes where they invent something out of nothing then quickly sell it before it disappears back into nothing.
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Post by Tizer »

Good stuff, Plaques, keep it up, there's nothing like a good dose of satire to get us through these difficult times! :good:

I note that Keith Keir Starmer will table a no confidence motion in the government later today.
BBC at 08.00: Labour will table a no confidence motion in Boris Johnson's government later today, seeking to hold the vote on Wednesday, party sources say. I suppose it won't get anywhere because too many Tory votes would be needed.
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Post by PanBiker »

Tizer wrote: 12 Jul 2022, 09:23 I suppose it won't get anywhere because too many Tory votes would be needed.
Strange isn't it. It should be formality! Dozens of Tories were baying for the demise of the PM last week all agreeing that he was useless and the government non functional. Lots of letters with signatures to prove it. He's still in post and as result the government is still broken.
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Post by Stanley »

Courage mon braves! We have escaped having Rees Mogg as a candidate for PM. Phew!! :biggrin2:
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I've followd Sunak's progress for a long time after I saw him perform in the House as a back bencher, and was impressed. I have a fondness for Richmond, and looked him up. I knew nothing about his and his family's (very important to a person of Indian origin) billionaire status then. I still get the feeling that there is a lot more than meets the eye about him. It will be interesting to see what happens. Beth Rigby just tried to verbally assassinate him - The sound was actually cut when it got too painful. (by BBC?)

Rigby v Sunak

I check out a site on a daily basis and found this today in the comments - The utmost caution is needed (and applied) down there, but this has some merit I'd say.

Puffinblow (below) is right. Sunak is very much like Blair. He has that effortless, confidence trickster 'quality' about him which I'm sure has opened many doors in his personal and professional life. People like Sunak have no need to rely on merit to prove themselves, they instead rely on seduction to smother and charm away any potential obstacle or resistance to their goals. Factor in the privileges granted Sunak for no other reason than his being non-white and we have an extremely dangerous mix.

This of course is precisely why Sunak has been chosen by the Globalists to be anointed party leader and UK PM. This will happen regardless of the election hoax now being played out for public consumption. The Tories have finally found their 'Blair' and are about to inflict him upon the nation.
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Post by Tizer »

Stanley wrote: 12 Jul 2022, 12:24 Courage mon braves! We have escaped having Rees Mogg as a candidate for PM. Phew!! :biggrin2:
...and Prtit Patel too, whoopee! :smile:
She says she's "grateful" for the support of her colleagues but has decided not to put her name forward. She does not yet say who she is backing instead. (BBC)

But unfortunately Liz Truss has now received the backing of 20 MPs! :sad:
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Post by Stanley »

And 'Jolly Hockey Sticks' Mordaunt is joint favourite with the Spiv Patel. What a bunch of crooks.....
I note that the President and Finance Minister of Sri Lanka have fled the country as public fury against them grows. I couldn't help thinking about Our Leader..... But no such luck!
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Post by plaques »

There are 8 blue bottles sitting oh the wall. Not a big choice from the contenders that are left. Those on the distant right are so far away in their thinking that you would need the James Webb Space Telescope to see them Their all mission is to trash the economy completely in some manic winner takes all action reminiscent of a Kafkaesque nightmare. Lined up against these nutters are the slow burn brigade who will carry on on the same trail of destruction but at the same time pretend they are looking after everyone's interest or whatever is left of it after they have taken their lions share. The best we can hope for is a pause in the rape and pillaging until the peasants have recouped enough capital to make the raiding really worthwhile. Meanwhile in the propaganda stakes the emphasis is on cutting taxes, smaller government built round a 'plan' which nobody has seen and doesn't exist of growing the economy and raise GDP. Treasure island runs through my mind with each contestant passing the 'Black Spot' until they can claim the treasure of the Prime-ministership.
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Stanley wrote: 13 Jul 2022, 02:41 And 'Jolly Hockey Sticks' Mordaunt is joint favourite with the Spiv Patel.
Could that be a confusion of Asian names? :extrawink:
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Post by Stanley »

You know it isn't a confusion... Yes it is! Thanks Peter... Spiv Sunak of course.
Johnson has just said that if, by acclamation, the leader is chosen early, today is his swan song. He makes it sound as though what I warned about, a stitch up where one of the last two steps aside, is on the cards.
Watch him, I have suspected this was the plan all along.....
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Post by Whyperion »

Downing Street Sources tell the BBC that is not the case, at the time of speaking.

Sunak got a MBA from some university in the US. I wonder what they actually teach on these courses (or is it to find people you can work with/con?) because some of his treasury logic doesnt square with some economic thinking. Having said that he had little cash wiggle room to start with (and probably knew brexit would cut some away ) and the normal response if you thing economy is going to fail is to put some money in - but the pandemic didnt work like that as people rushed to buy bigger houses.
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Post by Tripps »

Stanley wrote: 13 Jul 2022, 12:15 I warned about, a stitch up where one of the last two steps aside, is on the cards.
I think you're on the money there. They can't trust the hoi polloi of the rank and file Tory members to deliver the 'right ' result. They don't seem to like Mr Sunak.

I'm trying to visualise Kemi Badenoch or Penny Mordaunt or Suella Braverman sitting across the twenty metre table opposite Vladimir Putin.
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Tripps wrote: 13 Jul 2022, 14:01 They can't trust the hoi polloi of the rank and file Tory members to deliver the 'right ' result.
How right you are...

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Not directly comparable, but this whole thing reminded me of 'The Amazing Mrs Pritchard" with Jane Horrocks (and her impeccable Lancashire accent).

Here's Epsode 1 - which is all I can find. :smile:

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Politics - eh. I've just had fed to me by Youtube.a full meeting of Oldham Council. I loyally slogged through a lot of it, and wondered why I bothered. Deeply unimpressive bunch of shouty morbidly obese people with an exaggerated sense of their own importance. Meeting acieved nothing I'd say. The elephant was still in the room. :smile:

Mr Speaker didn't have his finest hour today - terrible response to a pair of Jockanese (Alba party) trouble makers. I hate to say it but John Bercow would have done a better job. He thinks he's a minor comedian but he really isn't. :smile:
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This is my major comment up to now, I haven't woken up yet.
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