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Ouzledale Foundry

CHSC entries from October 1907.

CHSCMB. 2/10/1907. The secretary reported that Mr Jones, the tenant of the cottage at Ouzledale had declined to pay the rent due. The Secretary was authorised to take such steps as he might think proper to obtain the payment. 31/10/1907. The secretary reported that Mr Jones had paid the 18 months arrears of rent for Ouzledale Cottage together with 6/8 for solicitor’s charges. 6/11/1907. resolved that messrs Slater, Dent, King and Brook examine the entrance to Ouzledale Foundry and order the necessary repairs. 13/11/1907. A steel girder to be fixed over the lintel of the door at Ouzledale.

CHSCMB. 20/11/1907. Resolved that if E Harrison’s price for girders is satisfactory he fixes two at Ouzledale Foundry. 11/12/1907. Resolved that no further repairs be carried out at Ouzledale, the property having been brought into a disreputable state of repair by Jones the tenant. [In trading account for six months ending Dec 31 1907 Ouzledale rent is only £11-13-11.] 19/02/1908. That Mr S Bracewell to rebuild the wall at Ouzledale as requested by the surveyor to the council and that his attention be called to the fact.

CHSCMB. 24/06/1908. Title deeds of Ouzledale to be examined to see who the boundary wall on the north side belongs to. 8/07/1908. Letter received from Richard Jones giving six months notice to quit his tenancy of Ouzledale Foundry and cottage on Dec 31st next. Resolved that the notice be accepted provided Mr Jones reinstate the property and leaves it as he found it. 9/09/1908. Resolved that Coulthurst make good the damage done at Ouzledale through the water tub giving way. [Headstock of wheel?]

CHSCMB. 30 Sept 1908. Co agrees to sell firebars to WB White and Sons Ltd of Colne at 25/- per ton subject to an offer from R Jones. [Looks like evidence Jones is still melting at Ouzledale Foundry] 7/10/1908. Firebars sold to R Jones at 25/- per ton.

CHSCMB. 12/01/1910. Managing Director to visit Burnley re. Ouzledale Foundry. 16/02/1910. Resolved that Ouzledale Foundry be let to William Henry Hey of Vivary Bridge, Colne on a monthly tenancy at the rate of £18 per annum and payment of the district rate. The cottage at Ouzledale to be put in repair and advertised to let. 23/02/1910. Rent to Hey confirmed at £18 per annum company to pay Poor Rate. Cottage at Ouzledale to be let to Mr Atkinson at 4/9 per week. J J MacDonald be engaged to puddle round Ouzledale Dam and that Coulthurst stop the water getting into the foundry. Resolved that the cottage be not papered. 9/03/1910. The footpath at Ouzledale to be repaired with clinker from the yard. 29/06/1910. Chairman and Mr Holdsworth arrange for repairing or fixing a new kitchen range in Ouzledale Cottage.

CHSCMB. 26/04/1911. The tenant at Ouzledale intimated that he was selling his business. Resolved that the new tenant be accepted providing the rent is up to date. 3/05/19111. Messrs Slater and Barrett wait upon Mr Thompson the gas manager to arrange for a supply of gas for Ouzledale. Gas will be required for illumination the workshop and cottage in addition to what will be needed for power. [gas engine] 10/05/1911. Letter from the council offering to take the supply of gas to the road leading to the foundry. 17/05/1911. Mr Watts, the new tenant at Ouzledale Foundry to pay 15/- extra per annum for gas supply to the works the extra charge to be reduced if the water wheel is sold. 31/05/1911. Resolved that a deputation call on Mr Watts at Ouzledale Foundry with power to sell him the waterwheel at a reasonable price. 7/06/1911. Waterwheel to be sold to Mr Watts for £5. Plan of Ouzledale Estate to be produced at the next meeting. 21/06/1911. Mr Atkinson to mark Ouzledale estate with boundary stones.

CHSCMB. 23/06/1911. Company to allow the UDC to lay the gas and water mains on the conditions mentioned in Mr Thompson’s letter. 13/09/1911. Resolved that the fixing of the gas pipe at Ouzledale Foundry be left to Mr Brooks. 10/04/1912. Mention that Mr Atkinson’s attention be drawn to the matter of the fencing of Ouzledale Lodge. 15/05/1912. Messrs Watts and Hargreaves be informed that they may erect a mechanic’s shop at Ouzledale at their own expense, the rent for the foundry remaining unaltered. 29/05/1912. Resolved that the co repair the wall bordering on the Clough property (the Clough lodge below Ouzledale) raising the wall to yard level also that the floor be put in the wheel race, the whole of this work to be let to messrs Brown and Watts, the co to agree to pay for the wall and the tenants to pay 5% interest on the costs and that a ten or fifteen year agreement be considered for the tenancy of Ouzledale. 5/06/1912. Brown and Watts accepted as tenants of Ouzledale foundry. Tenancy to be a yearly one with the option on their part to continue for ten years if they erect certain premises which will belong to the co at the end of the lease. Rent as at present and tenants to pay 5% on the cost of wall and additions agreed.

CHSCMB. 4/09/1912. Mr Atkinson to put in boundary stakes round Ouzledale Dam so that the company’s property may be fenced off.

CHSCMB. 11/12/1912. Resolved that the pointing of the outside of Ouzledale be left until a more favourable time. [middle of winter] 5/03/1913. Resolved that Mr A King be commissioned to sell the materials in the disused hen place at Ouzledale. An inquiry to be made into the amount of rent received from Hy Brown and sons. 26/03/1913. Resolved that in future Dale Ironworks accounts be paid by cheque on bill nights and not as a contra against the rent. [Dale Ironworks will be Brown and Watts. I have come across a reference about this time to ‘Overdale Foundry’ as well.]

CHSCMB. 18/06/1913 Resolved that Ouzledale cottage be painted white outside. 2/07/1913. Tenant of Ouzledale be required to pay all extra rates levied on the new property. 17/09/1913. Mr J W Watts to be instructed to see to the overflow at Ouzledale and prevent rubbish being placed in the pit. 12/11/1913. The Dale Ironworks account for putting in foundation for new room be considered at the next meeting. 19/11/1913. The tenants at Ouzledale, Messrs Brown and Watts be afforded the tenancy at the present rent and increased rates and 5% on the £20 expended by the company or a ten years lease at the same rent at their option. 26/11/1913. Resolved that Dale Ironworks have the option of continuing as yearly tenants or taking the foundry on ten years lease. The account of £20-16-9 for building the back wall to floor level and putting a concrete floor in the wheelrace to be paid for by the company. 17/12/1913. The Dale Ironworks account of £20-16-9 to be paid and 5% charged from Jan 1 next as an addition to the rent. 17/06/1914. Ernest Harrison to repair the wall and put down boundary stones at Ouzledale Dam.

CHSCMB. 28/06/1916. Reported that an account for £17-9-5 was approved for payment from the Dale Ironworks Co. [Good evidence that Brown and Watt were trading under this name in 1916.]

CHSCMB. 18/04/1917. Ernest Harrison be instructed to repair the leakage at Ouzledale Dam and to make a cement wall behind the puddle.

CHSCMB. 9/05/1917. A letter from Hartley and Pilgrim and a report by Charles J Lomax on the water rights of Clough Mill and Butts Mill dated 14/03/1917 was read and it was resolved that in view of the erection by Messrs Nutter of a new shed on the stream above Ouzledale Dam that the company join messrs Slater in the erection of a Lea Recorder by paying half share of the cost, not exceeding £25, providing no further costs are incurred and that the company has the right to see the recorder.

CHSCMB. 8/05/1918. Reported that Henry Brown and Sons are encroaching on the land of J Slater and Sons adjoining the foundry. Mr Wood to bring the plans of Ouzledale to the next meeting. 5/06/1918. The plan of Ouzledale estate was produced which shows that on the north side of the foundry the company’s land extends 5 feet from the present engine house wall and ten feet from the wheel race wall and that the door on the north easterly side of the extension opens onto the company’s land.

CHSCMB. 5/01/1921. Letter from BUDC complaining about road down to Ouzledale from the end of the paving in Longfield Lane. Company responded that problem was water draining onto road from property between the dam and Longfield Lane. If the council were to rectify this it would make the repair of the road a simple matter. 6/04/1921. Letter from the sanitary inspector read requiring numerous repairs to the house at Ouzledale. The directors visited the house and the works and it was decided to make the house habitable.

CHSCMB. 4/02/1920. resolved that the sale of the plot of land abutting onto the dams at Wellhouse Mill and Valley Road containing 6,574 square yards to William Brown, Wellhouse Works be approved. The price to be £1396-19-6. All water and other rights to be retained for the benefit of the company. 3/03/1920. Henry Brown and Sons paid £60 as deposit on the purchase of the land in Valley Road. 24/03/1920. Draft conveyance of land in Valley Road approved. 2/06/1920. Completion of transfer of land at Wellhouse be postponed until Sept 30th 1920. Interest to be charged at 6% [On outstanding money?]

CHSCMB. 17/05/1922. Common Seal of Co attached to conveyance of land at Valley Road to H Brown and Sons. 6574 yards at 4/3 per yard, £1396-19-6.

CHSCMB. 16/01/1929. Stated that the rates for Ouzledale Foundry were Old, nil and New £1. There has been no mention of Ouzledale in the accounts apart from cottage rent since Henry Brown bought the Havre Park land in 1922. 16/10/1929. Resolved that ‘the foundry in the Dale’ be re-roofed and glazed at a cost of £54. [Note: this is the same time that H Brown and Sons go into liquidation] 30/06/31. Income from Ouzledale Estate is £48-2-2. Previous year it was £7-1-3. It looks as though the foundry is again in use but no note in the minutes about it. 30/06/1932 income for year is £37-8-4. 13/07/32. Resolved that Ouzledale foundry (damaged by lightning and flood on 11 July 1932) be rebuilt. 17/08/32. Six tenders received for rebuilding of Ouzledale Foundry. F Blezard’s tender of £185 be accepted and he proceed forthwith.

CHSCMB 18/03/1936. A letter received from [James Cecil ] Ashby of Ouzledale Foundry dated 6 March regarding repairs to Ouzledale House was read and it was resolved that Mr Banks attend to this matter. 23/12/1936. Application from Mr Ashby for an extension to the foundry costing about £200. It was agreed that this should be done if Mr Ashby pay £52 per annum rent for the foundry and agree to a tenancy of 7(?) years. 13/01/1937. Tender of Mr G C Blezard at £264-16-3 accepted. 20/10/1938. Letter received from Mr N E Barrett dated 25th August 1938 regarding the boundary at Ouzledale was considered. Resolved that the sec should speak to Mr Barrett and say that although the board could not accept the statements made in Mr Barrett’s letter they would purchase a strip of land approximately 150 yards at 3d per yard the purchase to be carried through at minimum cost.

CHSCMB. 17/11/1938. A letter from Mr Norman Barrett dated October 29th was read in which he said that Mr Slater was not prepared to sell any of the land at Ouzledale and that she intended to fence off along the boundary. Resolved that Mr Barrett be asked whether Mr Slater would rent any of the land.

CHSCMB. 16/04/1942. Resolved that the whole of the shafting removed from Calf Hall Shed and stored at Butts Mill should be offered for sale. 21/05/1942. Tender of Ouzledale Foundry at £455 be accepted and that they remove the material at very early notice.

CHSCMB. 16/01/1947. Letter received from Ouzledale Foundry Company regarding the condition of their lavatories. Resolved that the co would provide 2 water closets and a septic tank for an increase in rent of £13 per annum. The co was prepared to bear half the cost of an extension to the scullery to form a wash house. 20/02/1947. Ouzledale Foundry agree to the increase in rent.

CHSCMB. 21/05/1959. Letter received from Ouzledale Foundry dated 27 April drawing attention to the fact that part of the roof had collapsed at Ouzledale. Harold Duxbury reported that he had stripped the roof and would take down the top part of the walls in that section to make the building safe. [This is last CHSC entry for Ouzledale. Evidently the Foundry Co were still renting the mill even though they had moved down to Long Ing.]

SCG/14 November 2003
Stanley Challenger Graham
Stanley's View
scg1936 at talktalk.net

"Beware of certitude" (Jimmy Reid)
The floggings will continue until morale improves!
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Stanley Challenger Graham
Stanley's View
scg1936 at talktalk.net

"Beware of certitude" (Jimmy Reid)
The floggings will continue until morale improves!
Old age isn't for cissies!
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