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Post by Marilyn »

You will be alright, old gal. You just have to remember to breathe now and then.
Budget foil may need several layers...Rum in Chocolate Cake has robust insulating abilities too!

No Christmas cards sent or received here either...

Strange patches appearing on our little crop circles. Strangely only on the rear lawn. Spoke to the dog about it but she hasn't seen the culprit. (!)
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Post by Stanley »

No Belle, there is still time to drag yourself back from the brink. Recent research suggests that a layer of foil under the cushion on your favourite chair is a good protection. Elementary hygiene can be maintained by wiping the foil with a tissue soaked in surgical spirit. Storing brandy behind the toilet is not a good idea as you may bang your head on the cistern when bending down to retrieve the bottle.
Why does the word 'festive' annoy me so much at this time of the year? There is nothing festive about a roll of kitchen towel overprinted with a border of holly leaves and berries!
I notice that a lady called Miss Tracy Waggott is trainer of a 12 year old horse called Beamsley Beacon. Such an unusual name, any connection with Mrs Trelliss?
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Post by Julie in Norfolk »

I saw the light last night! A single fast moving streak across the sky, strangely heading East(ish). Am I right or should it be coming from the East? Or is it significant that I am in the East?

Anyhow, it moved quickly across the sky and then puff! it was gone. It was soooo fast it is no wonder we have missed it before. If I had not been walking home from the pub at midnight I would have missed it.
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Post by PanBiker »

BE Bosom Friends have been doing some serious research into this years occurrences. From what has been gleaned so far they have become aware that the town will be invaded today by somewhere in the region of 300 Santa clad figures who will be be following an ancient ritual path around the environs of the town. We have heard that some of these individuals will be running and some walking. we are not sure yet of the meaning of this two speed perambulation, I will report back on this if I find out more. I was in the Co-op yesterday and there was still a reasonable supply of tin foil, so if this news makes you feel a little uneasy, I would suggest you avail yourself of the stock as soon a possible.
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Post by Big Kev »

PanBiker wrote:BE Bosom Friends have been doing some serious research into this years occurrences. From what has been gleaned so far they have become aware that the town will be invaded today by somewhere in the region of 300 Santa clad figures who will be be following an ancient ritual path around the environs of the town. We have heard that some of these individuals will be running and some walking. we are not sure yet of the meaning of this two speed perambulation, I will report back on this if I find out more. I was in the Co-op yesterday and there was still a reasonable supply of tin foil, so if this news makes you feel a little uneasy, I would suggest you avail yourself of the stock as soon a possible.
I saw Panbiker in the town following this ritual, he was armed with a banana. I'm unsure of the significance of this but feel sure there is an explanation...

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Post by PanBiker »

Indeed Kev and unfortunately there is only one explanation I can offer for my behaviour today. Infestation and mind control!
Rather a rash statement I hear you all say, however now that I have come to my senses somewhat I will attempt to relate the story. I also have photographic evidence of the worst effects.

It started about a month ago and thinking back it was not long after I had posted some earlier observations in this thread. I was asked if I would be available in December to help with what was described as a “small task”. I asked what the job was but nothing was forthcoming, I was assured that it would be of help to the community and all would be revealed at a later date.
About a week ago I received a cold call from what sounded like a young lady asking if I would go up to the Sports Centre at 10am on the 8th December to help with one or two things. I was told to dress suitably for the prevailing weather conditions. Good enough for me, nothing in the diary, so suitably suited and booted I turned up at the pre-arranged time and on arriving was ushered into the dance studio on the site. Now I have to say that this is where it all goes a bit ugly so if you are of a nervous disposition I would think better of reading any further.

I entered the room to find a few more blokes and a few ladies waiting in the room and assumed that they also had rallied to the cause and were waiting to be told what to do. We chatted amongst ourselves for a short while wondering what the task would entail. Little did we know that we were about to find out!

Suddenly the door burst open and in walked about five ELVES! they were all female by the look of it. They were all chattering amongst themselves before taking up stations behind a row of tables. One of them was a bit older than the others and she roamed amongst everyone in the room. She had a box with her from which she started to distribute a red hat to everyone and asked us to put them on. The request was reasonably polite so everyone apart from a bloke who was already wearing a flat cap acceded to the request. The hat was a pointed affair with a white bobble on the end.

As soon as I donned the hat, I felt a compulsion to join a queue which was forming in front of the tables. I tried to resist this but could not stop myself. As we filed past the tables we were handed a laminated map each annotated with a different location at various points around the town and surrounding area. Another map with what looked like a route drawn on it and a sheet of instructions which we were told “might come in useful”. The next Elf gave us a small plastic bag with a cordial drink, a packet of biscuits and a banana in it, this collection of consumables was described as “emergency rations”. Compelled towards the final table yet another Elf issued everyone with a bright yellow tabard and instructed us to put them on and make our way out into the school yard where further instructions would be given. I was starting to panic at this point but could do nothing about it.

Making my exit from the building into the school yard, I happened to glance into another room while passing, the door was ajar and all I can say is that what I saw was horrible. The room was full of lots of other people who had not just been handed a hat but a full red suit, including, jacket, trousers, belt, hat and worst of all – a white beard! Some were on the floor pulling on the garments, others were dancing around in unison to music which yet more Elves were playing. They were compelling these poor individuals to do what I think I heard them call “warm up exercises”. It was only a fleeting glance as I passed but I could tell that some of these poor folk were in torment!

Out in the school yard we were met by a man who had a bike. He explained that on his signal we should all make our own way to the designated points indicated on our maps. Once there we were not to leave these stations until he commanded. He said that he would visit us at some point in the future and tell us to “stand down”. With what bit of reason I had left to me at that point, this seemed to be a bit of a contradiction as far as a statement went, how can you stand and be down at the same time?
He said that we should follow the instructions on the sheets of paper we had been given earlier if approached by anyone in red suit. We should direct said individuals according to what it said on our sheets. In addition, if we felt it necessary we should clap and urge anyone in a red suit to continue following the arrows and any hand signals that we thought might be appropriate to give. If anyone asked how far it was to the finish we should just answer “not far, just round a few more corners”. With that he motioned us of to seek out our stations.

At this point, everyone apart from the bloke with the flat cap dispersed from the school yard. The hat was controlling everything, of this I am sure. Once I was out of site of the controller I tried to remove the pointy thing but found that it would not come off. All I could do was to make my way as instructed and wait for what else might happen. I can’t remember much of the journey but about 5 minutes later I found myself standing at the bottom of Cobden Street next to a big black arrow on a yellow backing plate fastened to a lamp post which was pointing down Chapel Street. I had a strange feeling that this was something to do with the event but couldn’t be sure. It was cold on that corner but I felt compelled to do as I was told and waited to see what would happen. I looked at my watch and it was 10.45am when I arrived. Half an hour later I was even colder and I thought about maybe breaking into my rations but reason got the better of me and I decided to resist the temptation, after all I had no idea how long I was going to be there. The banana would have been an easy option but I resisted that as well. Another 5 to 10 minutes and then it happened….

One on his own, in the distance, it looked like one bloke who had been forced into red suit was trying to make a run for it! He was coming straight for me and just before he got to the corner I felt an uncontrollable urge to encourage him round the corner onto Chapel Street. “Well done” I said as he sped away into the distance. I felt fairly sure that the way he was going he would make it to freedom. No sooner had he passed I saw another and another and another, some in groups some out on their own. Mass breakout I thought as they were all sent the same way as the first. I had a bit of a compulsion to make a break for it myself but the hat was in control so all I could do was grin at the runaways and wave my arms about beckoning them on hoping that they too would make it. Still they kept coming, young ones, old ones, lads, lassies, teenagers, publicans and councillors. The Elves had done a proper job on quite a few of our locals and a lot of outsiders who had obviously been attracted on some pretence of a kindly deed. I could have been hallucinating but I could swear that I even saw a couple of blue ones pass me among the sea of red escapees.

After about half an hour the runaways became fewer and fewer, finally I saw a couple of elderly ladies who had been duped into the caper. Their case was particularly sad as they had a pushchair with them which had a facsimile of a child in it but in the guise of a blow up Santa Clause. Looks like those evil little Elves know no bounds and will sink to any depravity to further their cause. The bloke on the bike was following the two ladies and I got the impression that the ladies might not have made it to freedom. As the bloke passed me he told me to go to the Town Square. I noticed that there was another bloke with him who was taking down all the signs, (probably in league with the Elves) hoping to cover up evidence of the day’s events.

I made my way to the square as instructed to find it seething with the humanity that had passed me not long before. A mass of folk some more worse for wear than others. After running under a metal gateway which was erected between the two main emitters in the Town Square, they had each been given a metal disk on a ribbon which was hung around their necks. They also were clutching envelopes, possibly with further instructions in. Here was an opportunity to maybe find out more about what it was all about.

I seemed to recognise one of the afflicted lads through the dodgy white beard that they had all been forced to wear. I have to add that I even saw a small dog with one of these on during the morning! When I approached the young man it soon became apparent that this was actually my son, no wonder I thought I knew him! The paternal bond was obviously strong enough to break through the controlling influence of the hat at least enough to allow recognition. I have attached photographic evidence of our meeting. The image is somewhat distressing so I have only displayed it here as an attachment so as not to offend. It has not been altered in any way. Anyone with suitable foil protection may wish to view this in its enlarged version. Ultimately it may serve as an educational aid in the potential effects of Elven interference.
Anyone who knows me will be able to attest that I do not normally walk around with this particular facial expression. Effects of the influence are also visible with my lad.

I had noticed through my stupor that once people had passed beneath the gate they tended to start to show recovery signs from their earlier afflictions. So rather than walk around for the rest of my life with the inane grin of an idiot or other wayward person it was worth a try. With some trepidation I approached the gate. I thought I detected a slight hum as I passed underneath. I noticed also a very brief sensation of tinnitus. Thankfully the worst effects of the hat were gone although I did feel slightly disorientated.

Searching my pockets I found that I still had my emergency rations and was tempted to partake, however on closer inspection in addition to the original contents there was small slip of paper which according to the instructions on it I could go to Barlic Bites for a choice of any one of a popular range of favourite snacks. Never one to look a gift horse in the mouth I availed myself of said delight and I have to say I felt a whole lot better the right side of a bacon butty, I should mention that I still asked for red sauce and am wondering if this was latent effects of the hat. All I needed now was brew so we called in Yoghies which is where we saw Big Kev and his good lady. It looks like they were lucky in avoiding the worst effects of the morning’s mischief.

I did notice when leaving the square that more “helpers” were disassembling what turned out to be the deactivation gate, now I have my wits about me again I think this was inductively powered from the two emitters. It seems too much like coincidence that it was equidistant between the two, probably perfectly in phase and pulsed at the sinusoidal crossover point.

I feel a lot better now after resting at home for a while, the jury is still out with regard to the banana.
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Post by Big Kev »

It would appear the "Infestation and Mind Control" was strongest at 11 a.m. Have a look at the attached from an undercover agent ... =2&theater

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Post by Stanley »

Thanks Ian for the fullest account yet of the effects of mind control. I have made sure that my daughter is out of range of the missions in the final fortnight of the madness. She flies out to Oz this morning.... Not before time from the sound of it.
[On a more serious note, disregarding the mind control aspect, what a wonderful piece of evidence that Barlick remains a very special place....]
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Post by Moh »

According to Maz the effects are felt in OZ - nowhere is safe!!
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Post by Belle »

Sounds like a terrible ordeal Panbiker, but you don't say what has happened to the throng of escapees, are they headed towards us, are we in danger? I am getting increasingly nervous, the last time I ventured out someone in M&S tried to make me drink a dark red liquid, but I wasn't fooled by the "Port on offer" routine.
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Post by Wendyf »

Well avoided Belle. Here is a little song we can all learn to might help.

CLICK HERE (with great care)
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Post by LizG »

Oh dear, there's even a song now!!
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Post by Belle »

That song is just what the doctor ordered Wendy, but I must adjust my hat as I had originally designed it with ear flaps so as to thwart any side on attacks. This muffled the rendition so much I inadvertently removed said hat in order to hear better I feel quite over jolly, and I can't tell if it's the song or the effects of some sneaky mind controlling ray...the sun has got his hat on hip hip hip hooray!
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Post by Stanley »

I find I have to leave the room when the Bear and Hare advert comes on the TV. Have they no shame! Only 14 days of torture to go now.....
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Post by Julie in Norfolk »

Stanley wrote:I find I have to leave the room when the Bear and Hare advert comes on the TV. Have they no shame! Only 14 days of torture to go now.....
Have you seen the cover to "Private Eye"? Wonderfully drawn! The bear has been woken up and (sorry those who are of a tender disposition) "disposed of" all the hare's friends. The accompanying script: "I told you not to wake me up"
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Post by Stanley »

Yes Jules.... There will be complaints about it!

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Post by Belle »

I have watched it a couple of times now, and haven't got a clue what it is meant to be telling me, it makes no sense at all.
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Post by Stanley »

Used my bins to look at the craters on the moon. First time I have been able to see them for a long time....
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Post by Wendyf »

:confused: I'm getting overwhelmed by glitter, it's overriding the protection I get from my hat!
I wonder if Nolic went looking for Mrs Trellis....haven't had news for a while.

Exit left singing:

I've got my tin foil hat on,
Hip Hip Hip Hooray
I've got my tin foil hat on
to shield me from the rays...
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Post by PostmanPete »

The local surgeries are reporting a few cases of tinselitis coming in over the last few days....... :surprised:
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Post by Gloria »

Liverpool Christmas Market today, obviously I have been brain washed to mention the word Christmas, so the rest of my message will be in code which they cannot decipher---ggaa ggg a aa ggggaaa gagaga.
Now an Honorary Chief Engineer who'd be dangerous with a brain!!!
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Post by Stanley »

Deleterious effects of the emissions are affecting the addressing of Xmas cards. I am not Helen of 10 East Hill Street!
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Post by Gloria »

And just how sure are you Stanley of that???? How do we know you are not Helen masquerading as Stanley? Has Stanley been taken over in a bid to conquer Barlick???? Much more tin foil needed.
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Post by Cathy »

I was in one of our cathedrals of choice today with a multitude of shops, most shoppers were pushing a mesh type box on wheels, full of boxes in bright colours and appeared to be either in a hurry or totally 'out of it'. Lots of decorations - high and low - some emitting a jingling noise, a bit like 'jingle b***s, jingle b***s, couldn't quite work it out. Looked in my trolley and saw that I had no new supplies of tin-foil, felt quite anxious and thought it best to leave quickly.
I know I'm in my own little world, but it's OK... they know me here. :)
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Post by Gloria »

You did right Cathy, I think they are beginning to swarm, we must be vigilant.
Now an Honorary Chief Engineer who'd be dangerous with a brain!!!
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