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Post by Stanley »

Shambles sell paraffin....
I was cogitating last night and a different solution occurred to me. I have the piece of 10mm threaded rod which is long enough to go right through the pillar. I also have a long 16mm masonry drill. If I ignore the original bracket and simply drill a hole through the heavy hinge post I can use the long bolt with a backing pad at the other side. This means that it will reinforce the pillar and the top hinge will have the whole weight supporting it. The drill is 5" short of going right through (19") so I'll call in at B&D this morning and see what they have got. Alternatively I can weld an extension on the one I have. Even a new drill will be cheaper than my builder!

20" X 16mm masonry drill from B&D. Expensive and ridiculous that a bloke my age is still buying tools! However, it will solve the problem and be cheaper than getting somebody in to do it. If ever you need a bit this long, remember that I have one! No need to spend a fortune....
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Post by Whyperion »

Wouldn't two holes one from each side (measure and hope?) been cheaper?
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Post by Stanley »

I don't do measure and hope.


A good drill and a sharp bit, about twenty minutes drilling and Bob's your uncle!


It was surprising how much shed resource had to go into such a simple job. I had to use the lathe to shorten the 1/2" drill so I could get the gatepost under it to drill the new hole. The horizontal miller came in handy for cutting the 7/16" metal for the back plate and thanks to the big machine vice that Mick gave me no problems about holding it. The more savvy amongst the congregation will realise that one of the formers made by Newton for making a back plate for a loco boiler was sacrificed for the plate.
State of play when I knocked off was that all I have to do now is make two fancy washers for each end of the pillar bolt so they look finished and then it's simple, just bolt it all together and the top hinge has the whole weight of the pillar to go at and that is bound together between the back plate and the hinge post. I don't think it's going to give way again!
Surprising how enforced inactivity because of my eyes and winter has weakened my standing up muscles! One or two minor aches this morning but nothing to worry about. At my age you get so you expect these!
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Busy day yesterday on other matters but I got the washers made and gave the backing plate two coats of black paint. Gate hanging today I hope!
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Post by Stanley »

Ever noticed how the gremlins pile on more jobs while you are on with one already? I noticed this morning that the sensor operated outside 150w light had gone AWOL. No problem because I have a stock of bulbs. However, when I took the old blown bulb out something dropped out of the lamp. Closer inspection revealed that it was one of the terminal contacts. The lamp only cost £5 and has done about six years trouble-free service so I went on Amazon and ordered the identical lamp for £11. If it does as well as the last one it will do and the original fixings will fit this one I bet.

Later, 09:30.


First job was to get the backing plate on. I wanted to pad it to take up the inequalities in the stones and used Manganesite which will set firm and keep the rain out. I warmed it and got it a bit thin but the drips will soon weather.


Half an hour later the hanging post was rock solid against the pillar and I had re-hung and adjusted the gate. Job done and I'll take bets that it will not shift again in my lifetime. The top hinge is now restrained by the whole weight of the pillar. Now I deserve a rest and a pot of tea....
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Post by micktoon »

Hi Stanley , I have just checked in for the first time in a week or so. I am well impressed to see you posting again and getting the shed back in action, even if it was an outside project :grin: , looks like a good sturdy job to me Stanley , I hope you enjoyed that cup of tea after :grin:

Cheers Mick.
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Post by Stanley »

Better than the expert gate installers Mick. It will last me out.
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Post by Stanley »


Why has he taken the trouble to clean up these old cotters from the Bancroft engine?
One of the reasons why my house is full of strange objects is that I like to keep things that tell a story. These original cotters from the Bancroft engine are a case in point. I lost them in the scrap box and found them last week so I cleaned them up and oiled them. Question is, what's the story?
Bancroft engine had a thump in the LP side for many years and nobody could cure it. I was inspecting the engine one day and gave the LP cotter a tap with the lump hammer, it moved in about an eighth of an inch so I hit it again and got the same result. Not good so I called my mate Newton in and we decided that the cotter was faulty. We knocked the LP cotter out and found that it had been badly fitted, in effect the slot in the rod was too far forward and so the cotter couldn't bear on the slot in the crosshead and drive the rod firmly into its socket. Newton went away and made a spacer to extend the rod and a new cotter. While he was at it he made a new cotter for the HP side as well. We fitted them and lo and behold the thump in the LP side had gone! Neston was quite complimentary about it. This moved the LP piston back 25thou as well of course and we had to run it to make sure that we hadn't created another problem by the rings hitting the wear ledge in the cylinder. It was OK. Have a look at the article 'Christmas Day in the Engine House'.
If you look carefully at the closest cotter and focus on the side nearest to you and the part closes to the head you might be able to see that it is depressed about 25 thou. This was where it had worn and it was allowing the rod to move by that amount on each stroke. So, happy memories for me and the cotters get an honoured place in me collection!
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Post by Bodger »

A "depressed cotter at Christmas" how sad
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John, Newton's grandson, stopping the engine on the day we fitted the new cotters. He got fed up of waiting while Newton and I gassed and drank whisky. He complained and Newton told him if he wanted it stopped he'd better do it himself! And yes, I took pics of almost everything!
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Post by Stanley »

When I replaced the outside light yesterday the shed came in handy yet again. Easy to drill holes in the bracket to suit the existing plug holes and when I found that the bracket screws were completely rusted up (they had to come off to get at the holding screws into the lintel) the 36" Record bolt cutters came in handy, I just chopped the bracket off. Doesn't it save a lot of time when you have the right tools to hand!
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Post by micktoon »

Well at last some more progress on the lathe.
Its been slow as every small part needs a good go over now as everything looks rough compared to the lathe now so has to be fettled before it can go back on. I have got a print for the workshop wall too. Its of a Dame Laura Knight painting dipicting a lady operating a lathe in World War 2 called Ruby Loftus screwing a breech ring , real good detail on the lathe.


Right back to the lathe, its been electrics, lights , suds pump , Norton gear box , saddle , apron and lots of fiddly bits and bobs. A massive thanks to Bob KRV3000 for sorting out the Norton box and apron for me , Bob made new or fixed by sleeving most of the bronze bushes in box and apron as well as various other repairs that were needed after 60 years of use, as usual a superb job and they are sopt on now, so thanks again Bob.
I had already cleaned up the castings for the apron , and gearbox in prep for painting, this is them after Bob had run his magic touch over them.





The Norton box was primed and then test run to check all was well before painting, all correct and working much slicker and more quiet.


Time for more paint, primer first over the etch primer which is seen here.


Then grey topcoat, I was glad to see this lot grey at last I can tell you




Box back on


Chuck guard and LED lamps fitted




Then another big thanks to my mate Dave who managed to set the inverter up so I could use the switch gear as I wanted, the inverter works fine but is not easy to set up if you are not used to them.

The front panel is all marked up with decals and the rev counter in place and wired up, this is 12volt unit meant for cars and has a pick up sensor that works off magnets on a collar around the spindle.



So thats about it up to now, the coolant tank and pump are fitted too and I am now sorting through all the little things that need fettled before they go back on but the light is at the end of the tunnel now I think .

The samll things are bit such as the hand wheel and shaft where the taper pin would not come out , then drilled off center so will have to be repaired before fitting again , all time consuming stuff.


Anyway Stanley , its about time you were back in that shed doing a project is it not :grin: :grin: :grin:

Cheers Mick
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Post by Stanley »

My lathe looks more lived in every time I see yours.... Have you thought how you'll feel the first time you scratch it....
Quite right and I know what it will be! At the moment I'm busy reading up on the latest economic theories.....


Now then, we need to find a home for this Butbro gas set, everything is there including arrestors. Free of course to a good home. Any ideas?
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Post by David Whipp »

Hat off in admiration - love the typo: they are sopt on now...
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Post by Stanley »

And I thought it was an acronym.....
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Post by micktoon »

I had missed the Typo ha ha, it was getting late , so I will blame it on that :grin:

I thought scraping old paint and oil off was hard work Stanley but I think I would stick to that if faced with the choice of that or reading the latest economic theories :surprised: but I know you enjoy that type of thing so why not .
I have some gas welding gear Stanley but its old and would probably be condemmed if someone looked at , also no flashbacks fitted ,it so would give the welding gear a home but I would give you something for it or see if we could do a swap for something ?
Anyway you did not mention what you had been up to in that shed :grin:

Cheers Mick
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Post by Stanley »

Mick, you have forgotten the big machine vice! I owe you! So the set is free. I didn't mention the work in the shed because there isn't any. Stop making me feel guilty!
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Post by micktoon »

Hi Stanley , thats why I am mentioning the shed ha ha , to shame you into getting back in there :grin: I am sure you will find a new project soon enough and be back in there night and day until the project is complete.
Well you don't owe me for that machine vice Stanley, you were more than welcome to it and glad to see it has come in handy for you :grin: but in the same way if you have no use for the welding items I will give them a good home and be able to use them. and be greatful for them.
I am in no real hurry for them Stanley but will probably be going down to my mate Tom's at some point so will call in and see you and Jack for a brew and a natter anyway. I am back on with the lathe again tomorrow, so will take more photos. I have been to a steam rally beside Durham , it was good and quite busy but the ground was too soft from all the recent rain for the traction engines to parade around the ring which was a shame.

Cheers Mick.
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Post by Stanley »

No rush, the gas set is sat here waiting for you.....
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Post by micktoon »

Hi Stanley I will keep in touch and let you know when I am passing, so thanks for that :grin: I have been on with the lathe all day again and took some photos but not got them on the computer yet, each and every small part needs a tidy up , fixing or painting/ polishing so lots of elbow grease but not much to see really but the light is at the end of the tunnel now :laugh5: .
Cheers Mick.
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Post by Bodger »

Heres a guy who builds his own body shop equipment, English wheels, pleinshers, etc. no fancy paint but some fair lookink tackle. ... in-285237/
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Post by Stanley »


Had a little tidying up job that had been nattering me so I went in the shed for ten minutes. I remembered how to turn the lathe on..... (Well, it's a start!) Oh, and I put a new tablecloth on the surface plate after polishing it and re-oiling it.....
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Post by micktoon »

HI Stanley , I am glad to see your lathe has been dusted off and hope this is a sign there may be action in the shed very soon :grin: I have been busy again myself so here is the latest installment of the build.
Hi All , I have got a bit more done to the lathe and am on the home stretch now. I have tested the motor , gearbox etc and al seems well so far, coolant pump all fitted apart from the pipes for the coolant and the wiring all finished now.

This is the rear of the lathe, with the coolant pump back in position and the wiring all tied up.



I mentioned I had got another neater RPM sensor and display, this is it here I got it from this Ebay seller from Hong Kong but quality item that arrived well packed in a couple of weeks and for £10 inc postage its got to be the answer to putting a RPM display on any machine really ... EBIDX%3AIT . Here are a few photos of the one I have but not fitted to anything yet, the only other thing you need is a 12v DC supply and a bracket for the sensor. The actual display fits into a rectangle cut out in any panel or box and snaps into place.





BobKRV3000 kindly had the top of the crossslide ground for me ( cheers Bob ), it was rough and battered and the graduations were all but worn off anyway so I will just set it at 90 degrees and witness mark it then set it with potractor when needed. At least it looks smart now and I could not have read the graduations anyway before.


The chuck had already been overhauled ages ago so nice to just pick an item up , wipe it off and fit it , I think its the first thing I have done that too !


Change wheels looked tatty now so they got a go over and paint.


Tailstock had a few bits that needed fixing but all done and back together now, the morse taper inside the barrel is a bit rough but can be taken out to be done easy enough.


The saddle had new felt wipers fitted as well as a general good go over.


The apron was tested and the handwheel re drilled and tapped with larger thread on the wonky hole with the help of my mate Dave on his Emco FB2 mill ( cheers Dave ) My my mill is still sitting with the ram jammed in half way position so it can not be swiveled either way due to the wall at the moment ( the next job on the list )


The cabinet door has had a new Yale type lock fitted, I wondered what the hell the handle/catch looked like until I saw one for sale on Ebay and noticed the lock.



I am busy with the topslide now, it was rough around the edges so its been over to John Doubleboosts today to have the sides skimmed on his mill ( I am going to owe some favours out by the time this lathe is done ) But nice when people can help each other out with jobs, so thanks John. Once the topslide is on its just testing everything and setting everything up really and hopefully not finding any problems.

Cheers Mick.
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Post by Stanley »

Don't take too much out of the tailstock barrel when you clean it up, nowt worse than centres sinking in too deep.... Just pop a reamer in and take the rags off. I have the reamer if you want to borrow it, they are thin on the ground!
Really surprised you aren't engraving a new quadrant on the top slide...... :laugh5:
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Post by micktoon »

Hi Stanley
In a perfect world I would engrave the quadrant but thought the scale is for rough setting and normally checked by some other means anyway so I will get a cheap angle digital potractor or something and just set it with that when needed. I bought a new MT3 reamer but its a Chinese one and it did not seem to have any effect on the tailstock bore , I will try again and keep you posted on results, if I have no joyI could maybe bring the barrel down next time I am passing :grin: .
One thing I did notice Stanley on your lathe there is the large chrome screw/plug directly above the spindle in the headstock gearbox cover, mine does not have this , is it just a point to fill the oil of serve another purpose ?

Cheers Mick.

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