Autumn 2016

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Re: Autumn 2016

Post by PanBiker »

Anything on the CCTV? it's covered there, a nice large fine for criminal damage and a police record might help.
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Re: Autumn 2016

Post by Stanley »

That thought often crosses my mind Ian but does anyone ever look at the footage? Indeed, is there any footage?
It was effectively dark last night before 16:00. A nasty wet gloomy day with a few bright intervals but always bitter cold. At 21:00 last night it wasn't windy, but overcast and cold. First thing this morning the overcast looked thin, there was moon glow in the sky but no stars and it felt cold and on the edge of rain. I've just looked out and it is almost calm and spotting with rain. The glass rose slightly yesterday but during the night it has fallen back to 980mb, not a good sign. The forecast is for an overcast day with a chance of a light shower at almost any time. The light NW wind will moderate slowly all day and back into the west for a time in the late afternoon and early evening but it will then swing back into the NW and begin to strengthen. The theoretical temperature is a high of 4C and a low of -1C tonight but the wind chill is severe, it feels like -4C during the early morning and never gets above 0C all day, tonight it will be back at -3C and tomorrow we will have a strong NW wind. Mutton stew weather!
Later at 06:30. The general weather forecast tells us that the wind and rain has already hit the SW. There are many flood warnings and it looks as though we are lucky, Tiz will I suspect not be having such quiet weather.
07:00. Well, nothing to complain about there! We had a pleasant walk on a dry morning. Jack had dry conditions underfoot and good scent conditions so he is a happy bunny. It was dead calm when we went out but by the time we were coming back home the breeze had strengthened slightly from the NE. The overcast is very thin, the half moon is clearly visible with a halo.
See THIS for a BBC report on storm Angus..... There is no doubt that we are having a far better ride......
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Re: Autumn 2016

Post by Stanley »

We got away comparatively lightly yesterday in Barlick, it was quite a pleasant day. At 21:00 last night it was dry, cold and a light NE wind, no sign of the forecast gale! This morning it is frosty, dry and a thin overcast veiling the moon but again, no sign of the wind. I've just looked and it is still the same. The glass is up at almost 990mb, still low but an improvement. The forecast is for a dry morning until about 10:00 when we will have a good chance of rain, sometimes heavy, for the rest of the day. The wind will be constant from the NE and will increase to a stiff breeze giving a significant wind chill. The theoretical high is 4C and a low tonight of 3C but it will feel more like -2C all day. No mention of snow on the hills which surprises me. With temperatures this low I would expect some later in the day..... A raw cold November day..... Deep Joy!

06:45. We are back after a relatively pleasant walk for the time of year. Tow things surprised me, it was almost calm, very little wind and the white frost from first thing this morning has almost completely gone, just a trace on wall tops and some sheltered paths but nothing to cause any problems. I'm not complaining, my morning walk is essential to my health and the kinder the conditions the better!
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Re: Autumn 2016

Post by Tizer »

It's very different here. The rain has been tippling down all night, all morning and it's still coming down as I write. The sky is dark grey and when I look out of our windows I can see the moors are flooding. That's no danger to us, the moors are a sump and take up much of the water that would otherwise flood Taunton and Bridgwater. As long as it stays on the moors or gets pumped into the rivers our houses will stay dry. We have more confidence in the new Somerset Rvers Authority than we did in the Environment Agency.

Where we do have problems is on the roads and in the urban areas and these are mainly caused by lack of maintenance of the road drains, ditches and culverts, and in some cases new infrastructure being badly planned. I had to drive to Taunton and back this morning and the roads are flooded in many places, not so deep that we couldn't drive through but enough to cause enormous showers of spray and cars dodging about trying to avoid hitting the water. At one stage I went around a large two-lane roundabout, turning right and therefore in the inside lane, and I had to stop until I could move over to the left because the inner part was flooded too deeply to risk driving through. Car parks are flooded - I had to wade through water to get into the supermarket and do my shopping and then make the journey home with soaking wet shoes and feet! On a route around one of the newly built housing estates the new road is flooded, so somebody must have got their drainage plans wrong. On country roads the most common problem is big pools of water all along the outside edges because the gaps through the verge haven't been maintained and the water can't get off the road and into the deep ditches. Then you end up with the road being effectively single track and vehicles having to take turns to pass along the crown of the road.
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Re: Autumn 2016

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What a horrible day - cold, windy & wet.
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Re: Autumn 2016

Post by Stanley »

Hard luck Tiz, I thought you would be getting it in the neck! As Moh said, the day deteriorated, none of the heavy rain that Tiz had but gloomy wet and a very cold wind. At 21:00 last night we had a stiff, cold breeze and it was damp but not raining. This morning it's the same but perhaps less wind and 100% overcast. The glass is down at 983mb. The forecast is for a chance of rain at any time after 06:00. The strong NE wind will moderate and be a constant brisk Northerly all day backing slowly towards the west. The theoretical high is 5C and a low of 3C tonight. Nothing really bad but November all day!
07:00. A relatively mild, dry and pleasant walk. The wind is cold but if you are sheltered it is quite mild. More flood warnings, some in Yorkshire.... it would appear we are very lucky!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: Autumn 2016

Post by Stanley »

Mixed day yesterday but dry spells. At 21:00 last night we had a light northerly breeze, broken cloud and light rain. The glass has shot up to 2012mb. The forecast is for a dry bright day with cloud clearing during the morning and staying clear. The wind will be a constant light N Easterly. The theoretical high is 7C and the low tonight 3C. The wind chill will mean that as it gets dark it will get colder and get down to 0C by late tonight. The outlook is clear and getting colder.
06:45. Back from a pleasant walk under a thin overcast with the crescent moon peeping through. The NE wind is light and once you are sheltered it's quite mild. Things could be worse!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: Autumn 2016

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Lovely sunny Autumn day. still quite chilly.
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Re: Autumn 2016

Post by Stanley »

Good day here as well Moh. Last night at 21:00 the cloud was breaking and we had an almost clear sky with a light cold east wind. This morning it is even more clear, the stars are blazing, cold. the glass is up to 1022mb and still rising. The forecast is for a good day with plenty of clear skies. The wind is a constant light easterly and the theoretical high is 6C and 3C tonight. The wind chill will make it feel much colder. The outlook is for a dry cold spell......
06:45. A very acceptable walk, cold but not frosty, very light wind and a crystal clear sky with a brilliant crescent moon. This and better will do nicely thank you.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: Autumn 2016

Post by Stanley »

It was a good day yesterday in Barlick. At 21:00 it was dry with a light East wind and almost 100% cloud cover. This morning first thing we had broken cloud with stars peeping through the gaps, dry and again a light east wind. I've had a look out and if anything there is more cloud. The glass is steady on 1022mb. The forecast is for a quiet day, bright overcast clearing later, dry and a constant light east wind which if anything abates later on. The theoretical high is 6C and a low of 1C tonight but with the wind chill will never feel warmer than 4C. The outlook is for the same cold bright weather.
06:45. Back from a very acceptable walk. Not too cold, a very light wind, dry underfoot and clearing skies because I could see the crescent moon. This is good for almost the end of November and the outlook is for more of the same. We are being very lucky!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: Autumn 2016

Post by Stanley »

Another very acceptable November day yesterday. Last night at 21:00 it was dry, calm and the cloud was breaking. This morning first thing and now it is calm, foggy and we have a frost. The glass is down a touch at 1018mb. The forecast doesn't mention the fog but gives a clear sky from 06:00 onwards until 20:00 tonight when some light cloud could come in. We should have long periods of full sun. The wind is a constant very light east or north easterly. The theoretical high is 4C and a low of 2C tonight. The light cold wind will chill this slightly, at the moment it's -2C, but overall it will get slightly warmer during the day. Another good day for the end of November.
06:45. Back from a cold walk. White frost and foggy although it's clearing slightly now. Some untreated pavements, like the ones in Valley Gardens, are very slippy. But on the whole I have seen much worse at this time of the year.....
10:20. Jack and I have had our short walk and the sun is out. However, I suspect the Met Office underrated our frost, it is still freezing in the shade and there are icy patches on pavements.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: Autumn 2016

Post by Stanley »

I am sure the Met Office underrated the frost, it was freezing in the shade all day until nightfall when cloud came in and the temperature rose. At 21:00 last night it was overcast, cold but not freezing and there was a very light east wind. Same this morning first thing, a light shower some time during the night, the flags are damp. I have just poked my head out, no change. The glass is very slightly higher at almost 1021mb. The forecast is for a dry bright day with sunny spells. The wind will be light and vary from NE to East all day. The forecast high is 7C and the low tonight 2C. Even with the wind chill it will be warmer than yesterday. Another quiet day and very welcome. We are almost into December!
07:00. Back home after an acceptable and uneventful walk. This and better will do. The only light entertainment was a Bubble Bus pulling into the bus stop on Skipton rad and disgorging what was evidently a party of party goers on their way home in high spirits. Nowt wrong with that but from the noises the bus was making when it passed me I'd say they were very lucky to get home. I'm a pretty good diagnostic mechanic and I'd be looking at the front wheels and suspension. It was a serious noise!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: Autumn 2016

Post by Stanley »

Much warmer yesterday and on the whole a good day. At 21:00 it was cold and dry with a light east wind, 100% overcast. Cold, dry, calm and overcast this morning first thing and now. The glass is up again at 1025mb. The forecast is for the overcast to clear giving us a dry bright day with plenty of sun. The wind is a constant light easterly and the theoretical high is 5C with -2C as a low tonight under the clear sky. The wind chill will keep us down to 3C at best even in the sunshine. Once again, as good as anyone can reasonably expect for the time of year. We are being very lucky!
07:00. Back from a very acceptable walk. Dry, calm and no frost. My only complaint is that it is dark! This and better will do.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: Autumn 2016

Post by Stanley »

Yesterday was bright and sunny. At 21:00 last night it was calm, dry, a clearing sky and a light east wins. Noticeably colder. This morning we have a clear sky, very little wind and a very hard frost. The glass is up slightly at 1028mb. The forecast is for a dry bright day. There will be a constant light W/SW wind which will chill the theoretical high of 2C to below freezing all day. The low tonight is forecast to be 0C. At the moment we probably have -4C. The outlook for the next week is for no severe weather, daytime highs of about 6C, dry and no severe frost. Just right for Janet and Ian and Sally in Derbyshire!
06:45. A good bracing walk on a dry, calm morning with a hard frost. Because it is so dry, the pavements are only slightly affected. This and better will do!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: Autumn 2016

Post by Stanley »

A cold bright day yesterday and the frost never went away in the shade. (Mick is wearing Jon Ls which a mate has given him!) This morning we have a frost again clear sky. The glass is steady on 1027mb. The forecast is for a more overcast day but still almost no chance of rain. There will be a moderate SW breeze and a theoretical high of 7C during the day and 6C as a low tonight. The wind chill will keep us below freezing at first but it will get warmer as the day progresses.
06:20. Jack and I have inspected the town. The moderate SW wind has blown the frost away apart from the top stones on the walls. The cloud is broken and on the whole it looks as though the forecast is going to be correct. A warmer day and the outlook is for more reasonably settled weather. This and better will do.....
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: Autumn 2016

Post by Tizer »

We had our first sub-zero morning on Tuesday with -1C and then this morning was -3C with frost and ice. Frost on the outside of the external pane of a north facing bathroom window showed the efficiency of modern double glazing - the inside of the room was at 20C.
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Re: Autumn 2016

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No frost here,more of a damp feel but cold. -2% down Burnley at 9.30am.
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Re: Autumn 2016

Post by Whyperion »

I dont normally like to put much heating on before end of November in London, but last few days have been cold, air chill and deepish frosts, supposedy about -4degC last night. If we have had worse in late Nov I cannot remember for a few years. Chill mornings, but the sun has had a bit of heat in it as the high pressure means little wind from any direction, which helps, but with the sun disappearing fast in the late afternoon tasks need to get done quickly, never easy when what should be a 30 min drive takes an hour thanks to roadworks (SGN the mains gas contractor round here deciding that most of south london needs new plastic pipes under the road )
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Re: Autumn 2016

Post by Stanley »

Tiz, you'll probably have frost this morning as well. Here in Barlick under a clear sky and a light NW wind we have no frost. The glass has fallen slightly to just below 1025mb. The forecast is for a mild overcast day with a slim chance of light rain at almost any time after 08:00. The wind is a constant light westerly and the theoretical high is 8C and a low of 5C tonight. There will be very little wind chill. December is coming in like a lamb!
06:45. We went to the butcher's a day early to free tomorrow up. It has clouded over and the west wind has picked up a bit but it's a mild morning. just a hint of rain in the air, the roads and pavements are damp. Not a bad morning, no complaints!
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Re: Autumn 2016

Post by Tizer »

You're right about the frost - freezing fog too, just for good measure. I ventured out to take these photos at about 11.00am when it was still 1C.




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Re: Autumn 2016

Post by David Whipp »

Nowt like a good frosty photo...
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Re: Autumn 2016

Post by Stanley »

Nice pics. We had a mild day, same this morning, calm, mild and dry. Glass is down slightly at 1022mb. Forecast is for a calm, dry overcast day. Very light wind starts in the west but by this evening is in the east. High will be 7C and low tonight 2C. A very quiet day, ideal for travelling......
06:15. Back from a very quiet and pleasant walk. Calm, dry, mild, what more could we desire in December?
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: Autumn 2016

Post by Stanley »

I had a good day down the country, an occasional hard shower round Manchester on the way back but good weather for December, just right for Janet. This morning it is calm, dry and overcast. The glass is down slightly at 1022mb. The forecast is for a dry cloudy day with sunny spells. The wind is a constant light easterly and the high will be 5C with a low tonight of 1C. Still very quiet weather for December!
06:45. A quiet, calm, mild and thoroughly pleasant walk for the time of year.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: Autumn 2016

Post by Stanley »

The weather yesterday was so quiet I didn't notice it.... This morning we have a light breeze, broken cloud and it is dry. The glass is steady on 1022mb, same as yesterday. The forecast is a re-run of yesterday but slightly cooler and brighter, no rain and we shall have clear skies and sun in the middle of the day. The theoretical high is 5C and a low of 0C tonight. There will be a constant light to moderate east wind all day and the wind chill will make it feel like freezing all day. This and better will do!
06:45. A nice walk, I am breathing well, stepping out with no pain and couldn't be better! The wind is cold and strong enough to blow the leaves round on the dry pavements. Some old memory stirred in my brain and I got the feeling of hard weather coming in.... Can't say why but it's there. Leaving that aside, it is a very acceptable December morning.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: Autumn 2016

Post by Stanley »

It was a bright cold day yesterday. This morning we have more wind from the East and broken cloud, it feels colder. The glass is down very slightly at just below 1020mb. Slow movement like this usually herald slow but sure deterioration in the weather. The forecast is for another dry, bright cold day. The constant moderate east wind will give us a significant wind chill. The theoretical high is 3C and the low tonight 1C but it will never feel better than freezing all day. The outlook is for it to get warmer.
06:50. Back in the warm. Not a lot of wind but it's cold out there. No real frost in the town but the paths in Valley Gardens were slippy. Cold enough to make your ears sting!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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